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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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tagged by Blackace
Amazon has Luigi's Mansion at like $60. wtf. I tried Fire Emblem on GBA but didn't really enjoy it much.

Is KH3D like the PS2 games? Gameplay wise? Or is it like those garbage card games from GBA?
It's because Nintendo are dumbasses and undershipping retail copies. I can't really speak on KH because it was my first but people who liked the others seem to like KH3D. It's not a card game, it's an action title.

Oh yeah and I completely missed you not buying 3D Land. Buy it, it's one of the best Mario platformers ever. Breaks the game down to it's essence. Buy that before you buy anything else.
fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeee embleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem

I didn't enjoy the GBA version much. I wish 3DS had demos to try out. Hell, maybe it does. I haven't used the online shop since I got my payment games for being an early adopter. Does it have a demo?

Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, and Kid Icarus.

Same as above. Never played Kid Icarus though. I have no idea what that is. I'll look it up.

A man of business, your spot is saved. Some day you must revisit it though. You must.

lol and try Super Mario 3D Land

I am honored to continue to be on your friend's list, Funk-san.

SM3D has intrigued me though. It's still $40 though! It came out months ago!

Screw Nintendo and their never lowering prices ways. It's so frustrating.

If you're trying to profit $3 off of Ocarina of Time without playing it, video games are not your thing.

I didn't enjoy it and was not playing it though. Selling it back is paying for Pokemon X/Y later this year. That's enough for me.



I got stuck in the big tree thing at the beginning, looked up help on how to do it, tried to continue and just kept getting bored.

I should have probably tried it more, but Amazon was offering $25 + $20 Bonus for it, so I'm really profiting on the game by about $3.
If you're trying to profit $3 off of Ocarina of Time without playing it, video games are not your thing.
I still remember 4th grade, being 10, and getting an Xbox with Halo CE for Christmas. All my friends were so jelly.

I remember being 11, in 2007. Going to Gamestop and picking up Halo 3 because of all the hype. Mostly some fat guy told me at gamestop that day "DUDE PICK UP HALO 3 IT'S THE BEST GAME EVER."

Thank you random fat guy at Gamestop, you weren't wrong in the sightliest.


Since when is Ocarina of Time considered hard? I beat that game when I was like 10 or 11 without strategy guides, walkthroughs, gamefaqs etc. Probably one of my finest gaming experiences. I almost got 100% but I was missing one quarter heart piece and 1 bottle.
Since when is Ocarina of Time considered hard? I beat that game when I was like 10 or 11 without strategy guides, walkthroughs, gamefaqs etc. Probably one of my finest gaming experiences. I almost got 100% but I was missing one quarter heart piece and 1 bottle.

Ever since I suck at video games.

Just not my type of game I suppose. I don't mean to offend anybody that likes/loves it. Which seems to be about 90% of gamers over the age of 20.

EDIT: Halo needs Nathan Fillion back. Buck needs to be in Halo 5 as a Spartan leader. IT MUST BE DONE.


Ever since I suck at video games.

Just not my type of game I suppose. I don't mean to offend anybody that likes/loves it. Which seems to be about 90% of gamers over the age of 20.

EDIT: Halo needs Nathan Fillion back. Buck needs to be in Halo 5 as a Spartan leader. IT MUST BE DONE.

I am horrible at 3D Zeldas. I grew up on handheld games so I love Oracle of Seasons/Ages, A Link to the Past when it was rereleased... Link's Awakening is my favorite in the series. Just a different style.
Could have sworn when I registered there was a 18+ restriction

It's 14+.

I actually read Terms Of Services and such when I register for sites. My parents basically got it stuck in my head to always read them.

F. Registration to this forum is free of charge. We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed above. Also be aware that these terms are subject to change at any time without notification. Note: if you are 13 or under, you are prohibited from registering.
I still remember 4th grade, being 10, and getting an Xbox with Halo CE for Christmas. All my friends were so jelly.

Huh, I was 25 when CE dropped in 2001, by then I'd been programming text based games since 15+ years prior to CE on a monochromatic IBM desktop back when Sierra had it's first series of text based games even before Kings Quest and the like.

So how many here at HaloGAF were playing the original FPS games when they actually came out? e.g. Doom, Wolfenstein, Rise of the Triade, Quake, Duke, Marathon, Goldeneye on N64 etc.

More importantly who took their PC with Doom/Quake to friends houses for LAN parties, before CE made it simple on console/splitscreen?
Huh, I was 25 when CE dropped in 2001, by then I'd been programming text based games since 15+ years prior to CE on a monochromatic IBM desktop back when Sierra had it's first series of text based games even before Kings Quest and the like.

So how many here at HaloGAF were playing the original FPS games when they actually came out? e.g. Doom, Wolfenstein, Rise of the Triade, Quake, Duke, Marathon etc.

I was...8? When Halo: CE came out? My first FPS was Goldeneye, my second was Halo. I regret nothing.

Although, I was looking through my grandpa's computer room a few months back and found a stack of really old games. Doom and Doom II were in there IIRC. I think Duke was as well but I can't remember. It was pretty cool to see their original boxes and all that.
What's all this talk of "legally" being allowed to buy M-rated games? You babbies can buy them at any age. It's at the store's discretion.

There may be state laws in play here, but still. It's a self-regulating industry label guys.

IN OTHER NEWS: After successfully avoiding all spoilers for a full day (seriously hard), watched last night's episode. I legitimately loved Dani's stuff. Like, gave me a chubby. And that other thing? Holy shit. Not to mention that one scheme. Hnnnnnngggg


What the hell?

Well 13+ has been the requirement since... well, forever on websites. Hence the "ask your parents before logging onto whatever sugary cereal's contest website" notifications, et al. No idea what the actual law is, though it must be federal.
damn blue dude, do you have tiger parents or what?

You know those dumb TV ads about sending texts to some number to get a free game/ringtone? That charge you money per text and what not, even though it claims it's free on TV?

Yeah, when I was like 7/8, gullible me fell for one of those. Texted it, and it texted me back and charged me. Charged my parents an extra $100 on my part of the cell phone bill. My Mother and Father punished me by teaching me to start reading the fine print and Terms Of Conditions on everything I ever consider. They forced me to sit down and read the fine print for something for like 30 minutes over and over again. Think it was some magazine ad they forced me to read.
I learned my lesson after that.

I also never got my free ringtone from that. :(


IN OTHER NEWS: After successfully avoiding all spoilers for a full day (seriously hard), watched last night's episode. I legitimately loved Dani's stuff. Like, gave me a chubby. And that other thing? Holy shit. Not to mention that one scheme. Hnnnnnngggg

That was so good.


Huh, I was 25 when CE dropped in 2001, by then I'd been programming text based games since 15+ years prior to CE on a monochromatic IBM desktop.

So how many here at HaloGAF were playing the original FPS games when they actually came out? e.g. Doom, Wolfenstein, Rise of the Triade, Quake, Duke, Marathon etc.

I was 6 when I first played Doom. I remember it vividly because the last level of Knee Deep in the Dead, I could never beat or something. Every time, no matter what, I'd get put in a room with a shitload of monsters and get killed. Bugged the hell out of me. Only now do I realize that was intentional.

I also got Wolfenstein and I think it came on several floppy disks or something. I never got to play the original Duke, but I played Duke Nukem II a lot. I think I was 9 for Quake and I later got the n64 version which was almost as good as the pc version. I got Goldeneye for my 10th birthday etc. I never got to try Marathon because it was for the Macintosh.
Why does this game have more blackscreens than Reach and H3? This match has literally gone on for 20 minutes.

CSR has some cheaters out and about these days, a little more than the usual standby and host booting scene of 4/Reach.

I was...8? When Halo: CE came out? My first FPS was Goldeneye, my second was Halo. I regret nothing.

Although, I was looking through my grandpa's computer room a few months back and found a stack of really old games. Doom and Doom II were in there IIRC. I think Duke was as well but I can't remember. It was pretty cool to see their original boxes and all that.

Do yourself a favour and play Doom in dark-ish conditions on "Ultra-Violence" hardness with a friend taking alternating turns when you die. Oh and put the volume up too. Great fun, as is Doom II.

I also got Wolfenstein and I think it came on several floppy disks or something. I never got to play the original Duke, but I played Duke Nukem II a lot. I think I was 9 for Quake and I later got the n64 version which was almost as good as the pc version. I got Goldeneye for my 10th birthday etc. I never got to try Marathon because it was for the Macintosh.

At least you got in at the "ground floor". IMHO that time in gaming proceeded by CE and then Halo 2 online is the golden era of gaming across all platforms and won't ever be repeated.


You know those dumb TV ads about sending texts to some number to get a free game/ringtone? That charge you money per text and what not, even though it claims it's free on TV?

Yeah, when I was like 7/8, gullible me fell for one of those. Texted it, and it texted me back and charged me. Charged my parents an extra $100 on my part of the cell phone bill. My Mother and Father punished me by teaching me to start reading the fine print and Terms Of Conditions on everything I ever consider. They forced me to sit down and read the fine print for something for like 30 minutes over and over again. Think it was some magazine ad they forced me to read.
I learned my lesson after that.

I also never got my free ringtone from that. :(

reminds me of the time I first "won my first xbox 360"for being the 1000th visitor...
Do yourself a favour and play Doom in dark-ish conditions on "Ultra-Violence" hardness with a friend taking alternating turns when you die. Oh and put the volume up too. Great fun, as is Doom II.

I got Doom XBLA version a few years back. I completed the first one or two acts and haven't gone back to it since.

I should probably do so.

Speaking of cheaters, Funk and I ran into a weird grifball game today that really reminded me of Halo 2-style standby. It was kind of hilarious in an odd way.
That was so good.


ugh. Wish I could change the element alignment properties. Alas, no HTML fanciness for me. Suffer with my creativity as is.


Aren't you 17? I'm almost your age bro. >:|

Also, sweet, ODST Stream, haven't seen one of those in a long time.

EDIT: Nevermind it's a Youtube video. :( You should consider streaming Tunavi.

Nevermind the video was like 6 hours ago XD
I intend to start streaming after I start my full-time job so I can get better internet and a capture card/gaming PC . It's one of my goals at the moment.


Rev3rb and me playing ODST LAN. most fun I've had with halo in years

At HBOHIO the host organized a Firefight challenge that was tons of fun. Crater (Night), three teams of four, 15 minutes to score the most points. There's no doubt that ODST Firefight is the best cooperative experience Halo has ever offered. Pairing off to control the stairs, providing covering fire while your ally gets close enough to disable engineers, managing weapon caches and health packs... it's a thing of beauty. Overall quality as enemies aside, nothing makes people scatter in Halo like Chieftan Brutes with Hammers.
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