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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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All the beer talk in this thread is making me jealous.

I swear in 5 years, I'm going to get so drunk on my 21st Birthday. Unless I go to Tennessee on my 18th birthday, cause I think the drinking age there (or some state near it) is 18.


All the beer talk in this thread is making me jealous.

I swear in 5 years, I'm going to get so drunk on my 21st Birthday. Unless I go to Tennessee on my 18th birthday, cause I think the drinking age there (or some state near it) is 18.
Getting really drunk is not a good thing.


It's dead for me.
Welp, I've reuploaded it a few times. Re-encoded it with a few different apps. Apparently I fucked it. *shrug* Here's the pic lol
All the beer talk in this thread is making me jealous.

I swear in 5 years, I'm going to get so drunk on my 21st Birthday. Unless I go to Tennessee on my 18th birthday, cause I think the drinking age there (or some state near it) is 18.

Heh Springbreak for US, where fuck it, take your beer.

But Yeah, Im glad read you being responsible.


All the beer talk in this thread is making me jealous.

I swear in 5 years, I'm going to get so drunk on my 21st Birthday. Unless I go to Tennessee on my 18th birthday, cause I think the drinking age there (or some state near it) is 18.

It's not.

Good luck waiting 5 years. Your overbearing parents would be proud.

A beer in the hand is worth two in the fridge.


Dude, this Zima is kicking my ass!


This Zima did kick my ass.


We got like 3 feet of snow! The entire city shut down!
All the beer talk in this thread is making me jealous.

I swear in 5 years, I'm going to get so drunk on my 21st Birthday. Unless I go to Tennessee on my 18th birthday, cause I think the drinking age there (or some state near it) is 18.

Unless I was severely misinformed while in college, the drinking age anywhere in the states is 21.
Listen to this man. Especially if you don't drink or drink often.
Yeah, I'm over-exaggerating, I'll probably drink one to get a taste for it and stop.

It's not.

Good luck waiting 5 years. Your overbearing parents would be proud.

My parents drink, not often, like 3 times a year. But they drink. Everyone drinks but me, even my 19 year old sister drinks (I tell her she shouldn't but whatever, she wants to)

Unless I was severely misinformed while in college, the drinking age anywhere in the states is 21.

Just googled it, my US History teacher lied to me. :(



File size an issue or something?
I don't think so. It's weird. It's exactly 100x120, png format, tried it both interlaced and not, and it's only 21 kb. Maybe if I yell at it...

It may be an unsupported image host.
Uploading to the neogaf servers, not an external host

Edit: Tried using imgur instead - didn't work. Everything is running choppy for me right now. Maybe neogaf just isn't in a 'Gordon' mood today lol


So is this page loading for a longer time than usual for everybody because of my avatar? I can't figure it out. I tried re-encoding it with paint.NET because I was concerned that the filesize was giving it issues. Got it down to ~5kb, but still no luck :(


Getting really drunk once in a while is fun. The consequences are not.

The consequences are the best part. You never know who or what you'll wake up to.


Getting drunk is not bad if you know what to drink, getting "wasted" well thats another history.

Getting blackout drunk only sucks because then you can't retell any stories to people about your night :(

I got so fucked up on Friday I threw up for the first time in years. I was so shocked lol.

throwing up is the worst. always gotta find and balance on that line between super fucked up kinda drunk and throwing up kinda drunk

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry to interrupt beer talk halogaf, but does anyone else have rotten lag issues with halo4 lately?

Since 1 week I've been havin fuuuuuucked up lag. Like recall half the level, shoot guys 12 times then they kill you when you turn around, all kinds of weird shit. I've got a 120/10Mb connection and its always been butter smooth.

Drivin me nuts. Speed tests/ping tests show great connections, no router issues, no torrents/ downloads running.

Don't get it.

It tens to lag likeshit for about 30 seconds a match then runs ok again, doing it at least twice a game for a week now. Grrrrrrr


Sorry to interrupt beer talk halogaf, but does anyone else have rotten lag issues with halo4 lately?

Dat low population/host pool

So is this page loading for a longer time than usual for everybody because of my avatar? I can't figure it out. I tried re-encoding it with paint.NET because I was concerned that the filesize was giving it issues. Got it down to ~5kb, but still no luck :(

Yeah I think it's effecting my load times.
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