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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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So has Bungie explained how the new skill system will work re: quitting? Cause with DIDO implemented this time around, I can tell you, I have quit a FUCK TON of matches....

Check the last update - they've modified it so it's more of a Drop In / Leniency / Drop Out system for ranked; DILDO, if you will.

For a bubbling cauldron of shit forged by mentally-handicapped drooling mouthbreathers you sure do play a lot of Halo 4.
Ugh. This again. Yes, disappearing weapons are a problem and fucking stupid. No, there is nothing anywhere near a shortage of useful weapons or ammo in the campaign as people imply, even on Legendary. E X P L O R E...
At the bolded, wat?
Midnight, Halo 4, the final transition (button press) scene before the endgame on Legendary. I had a Suppressor and a Bolt Shot and realized I wasn't equipped to properly handle the Knights after the last man-cannon jump. So I go back and E X P L O R E.

The entire platform I came off was D E V O I D of weapons. Even weapons on racks were gone. I imagine it was because of the transition scene more than anything else, but it made the entire following engagement A N N O Y I N G. And that wasn't even the first time in the game that it happened. To be fair, for the most part they did hide some weapons around to use, but not nearly enough to compensate in the face of how the traditional sandbox works.

Yeah, I got by. But it wasn't fun. And that's the key there. Fifteen seconds of fun was too often stretched into four minutes of annoyance and maybe fifteen seconds of fun when I managed to find some ammo. This isn't a problem during setpiece battles, but that's because for some reason the game likes to jizz weapons down your throat during those. Weapon placement + despawning made Halo 4's already mediocre campaign incredibly wonky.
Loved the OP.

I think it would be mean and unfair to say H4 was a flop, and unworthy of the 9.8. It really is a phenomenal game, they just missed the boat on Multiplayer audiences wants.
Check the last update - they've modified it so it's more of a Drop In / Leniency / Drop Out system for ranked; DILDO, if you will.

For a bubbling cauldron of shit forged by mentally-handicapped drooling mouthbreathers you sure do play a lot of Halo 4.


Check the last update - they've modified it so it's more of a Drop In / Leniency / Drop Out system for ranked; DILDO, if you will.

For a bubbling cauldron of shit forged by mentally-handicapped drooling mouthbreathers you sure do play a lot of Halo 4.

Check the last update - they've modified it so it's more of a Drop In / Leniency / Drop Out system for ranked; DILDO, if you will.

For a bubbling cauldron of shit forged by mentally-handicapped drooling mouthbreathers you sure do play a lot of Halo 4.

Which still makes it 10 times better than COD.

Though I have gone back to Team Fortress 2 on PC a lot more frequently these days.


Because I love sticky grenades in all Halo games. Yes, I may be overpowered starting with them though, but that's because I'm awesome. I do miss the more-skilled days of plasma grenade launching though. It truly is an art. I may suck at shooting, but I'll bank a grenade off 3 walls and get you, or drive you to the base like no one else can!

I love plasma grenades too, but only when they are on map pickups. This way, they are saved for last ditch efforts on to potentially deal with problems far away such as someone on a turret or a Warthog wrecking everything.

They required skill to be able to stick someone from far away and their splash damage wasn't as high.

Now everyone starts with two and I think 90% of the kills are martyrdom kills by someone outplayed who stickies before he's dead, or people who suicide and stick warthogs. The 10% of kills I see are skillful throws at a banshee, off walls, hail mary etc.

I don't know, the more I see it, loadouts have really fucked the multiplayer more than anything else.
Which still makes it 10 times better than COD.

Though I have gone back to Team Fortress 2 on PC a lot more frequently these days.

Dear god, you are the worst. A rabid Halo fanboy with a Master Chief avatar stating Halo 4 sucks but is still ten times better than CoD...how do you sleep at night?

Merciful truth.

Ughh no, while the isometric Fallouts are superior to both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the newer games are still better than Halo 4 undeniably.
So I put in Halo 4 and no mention of CSR, but there's a message telling me to download the Castle Map Pack. How are people supposed to know and care about these ranks if no one is told in the actual game? I don't understand man..

So new MurderMiners update should be hitting by Thursday at the earliest and Friday at the latest and they are now adding this in the update as well


So 4v4 CTF anyone?

I really hope this game gets advertised once it's fully released and has a healthy population. Murder Miners certainly deserves it.

I'm sure 343 will do better with Halo 5, just give them a chance.

Will you be appearing in Halo 5? plsayes
Dear god, you are the worst. A rabid Halo fanboy with a Master Chief avatar stating Halo 4 sucks but is still ten times better than CoD...how do you sleep at night?

Comfortably and deeply.

I don't think I'm a rabid Halo fanboy.

I loved Halo CE, liked Halo 2, loved Halo 3, liked Halo: Reach, ambivalent to Halo 4. There are some things the game does very well. There are other things that I loathe about it.
I'm playing doubles with my buddy and if the other team doesn't get what they vote for, they just back out. This is so dumb lol.

4 times in a row they've backed out.


Straight talk whomever did the UX/UI and typography for Halo 4 did not do a good job.

I'll give you 5 space allards if you can tell me what defines the difference between a 'D' and an 'O' aside from context.

Except that he's probably not that far from the truth. Changing the UI would probably require some serious work (not that that's an excuse for it not being done).

I'm under the impression that there is no one at 343i that know how to do UI work. Remember during 343i's handling of Reach, they never included their Megalo hooks in the UI like Bungie did(flaming feet). They also stated that they were incapable of adding shots to a clip because the UI work to do so was too much. Also according to Halo 4's credits, the UI was mostly outsourced. Even the Waypoint UI was done by Cynergy.


v UI Mock-up most likely
I'll give you 5 space allards if you can tell me what defines the difference between a 'D' and an 'O' aside from context.

I'm under the impression that there is no one at 343i that know how to do UI work. Remember during 343i's handling of Reach, they never included their Megalo hooks in the UI like Bungie did(flaming feet). They also stated that they were incapable of adding shots to a clip because the UI work to do so was too much. Also according to Halo 4's credits, the UI was mostly outsourced. Even the Waypoint UI was done by Cynergy.


The difference is that she doesn't want the O, darling.
So I finally read the OP, and I find it funny that people point to Reach as the defining moment where Halo went from popular to unpopular.

Halo 3 and COD4 launched holiday season 2007 - one with the strength of the biggest FPS brand on the planet behind it (and 50 kajillion dollars in advertising), the other with a new take a moderately successful PC brand, a moderate advertising budget, and some interesting new ideas about how to structure multiplayer and keep the experience 'sticky'.

By mid-2008, less than a year. The two were on even footing, trading the first-place spots back and forth as DLC or promotions came out. By holiday 2008, it wasn't close. COD4 was going on longer and longer stretches at number one, and even with World at War coming out and ostensibly splitting the userbase, it continued to dominate. By 2009, when Modern Warfare 2 came out, Halo 3 wasn't even a factor. Classic Halo was the old guard and it had fallen by the wayside to a new challenger with new ideas and a fresh feeling.

The notion that 'Oh, if only Halo: Reach had been more like the older Halo games.... like that one that got crushed by COD4 and MW2, then Halo would still be strong and popular' is hilarious. Delusional even. Bungie and 343i HAD to experiment with new ideas to try and shake up the formula. I'm not saying they were executed as well as they were conceptualized (especially Halo 4), but the notion that a prettier Halo 3 would have done better than Halo: Reach or Halo 4 is such a stretch of logic.

Everybody here, myself included, loves a franchise that's on the downward swing of it's life. It happens. Within a few years, hell, maybe by the next generation, Halo may not even be a game launch that registers on people's radars.

Raise your hand if you felt terrible for fans of games like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament when Halo came out and rewrote the rules for the genre and totally overshadowed those games going forward?

It happens. The overtakes new the old, and the old fades into irrelevance. The notion that staying as much the same as possible is the key to success is silly delusion and tons of nostalgic rose-colored glasses.



I really hope this game gets advertised once it's fully released and has a healthy population. Murder Miners certainly deserves it.

I mean for an Indie game its doing really really well, no idea why Microsoft has not put it as the advertised Indie game of the month. Really I would like to see these guys contact Microsoft when the game gets closer to a final version and see if they could move it to XBLA.

Oh also I made a video about Player Feedback and new HUD for Murder Miners that the devs seem to like a lot.


This thread is quiiiiiite the circle jerk lately. Time of the month again?
Especially with all those HGS bugs nerds.

Are people seriously already in the 40's?

I don't remember it too clearly but I'm pretty sure it took way longer to rank up in halo 3.
I mean for an Indie game its doing really really well, no idea why Microsoft has not put it as the advertised Indie game of the month. Really I would like to see these guys contact Microsoft when the game gets closer to a final version and see if they could move it to XBLA.

Oh also I made a video about Player Feedback and new HUD for Murder Miners that the devs seem to like a lot.

Oh I thought I heard a while back that it was going to be an XBLA game? Mannnn.. it's easily one of the better games on there and hopefully Microsoft promotes it. BBT just released, is amazing and had one little box for advertisement for a couple days.. ;\

Microsoft needs to seriously step their shit up.
So I finally read the OP, and I find it funny that people point to Reach as the defining moment where Halo went from popular to unpopular.

Halo 3 and COD4 launched holiday season 2007 - one with the strength of the biggest FPS brand on the planet behind it (and 50 kajillion dollars in advertising), the other with a new take a moderately successful PC brand, a moderate advertising budget, and some interesting new ideas about how to structure multiplayer and keep the experience 'sticky'.

By mid-2008, less than a year. The two were on even footing, trading the first-place spots back and forth as DLC or promotions came out. By holiday 2008, it wasn't close. COD4 was going on longer and longer stretches at number one, and even with World at War coming out and ostensibly splitting the userbase, it continued to dominate. By 2009, when Modern Warfare 2 came out, Halo 3 wasn't even a factor. Classic Halo was the old guard and it had fallen by the wayside to a new challenger with new ideas and a fresh feeling.

The notion that 'Oh, if only Halo: Reach had been more like the older Halo games.... like that one that got crushed by COD4 and MW2, then Halo would still be strong and popular' is hilarious. Delusional even. Bungie and 343i HAD to experiment with new ideas to try and shake up the formula. I'm not saying they were executed as well as they were conceptualized (especially Halo 4), but the notion that a prettier Halo 3 would have done better than Halo: Reach or Halo 4 is such a stretch of logic.

Everybody here, myself included, loves a franchise that's on the downward swing of it's life. It happens. Within a few years, hell, maybe by the next generation, Halo may not even be a game launch that registers on people's radars.

Raise your hand if you felt terrible for fans of games like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament when Halo came out and rewrote the rules for the genre and totally overshadowed those games going forward?

It happens. The overtakes new the old, and the old fades into irrelevance. The notion that staying as much the same as possible is the key to success is silly delusion and tons of nostalgic rose-colored glasses.


Yes Madden should really add loadouts to stay relevant. Get outta here.

All we are saying is Halo wouldnt be this unpopular if it still catered to what Halo fans regarded as Halo.

Staying the same is a goldmine. I hate change, if I wanted my games to change I would just go play real life where I cant have any control.
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