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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Especially with all those HGS bugs nerds.

Are people seriously already in the 40's?

I don't remember it too clearly but I'm pretty sure it took way longer to rank up in halo 3.

Isn't CSR just great...


Reach did start the downward spiral of Halo. Just too many changes towards what made halo great, all for the casual crowd. Then 343i just completely killed everything considered competitive in H4.


me. im not sure if you can have a full party of 8 though

You can. Just boosted with 6 guests and a friend.

Edit: It actually were 4 normal players and 4 guests. We planned to boost that way, but then friends of my friend joined, too.

But still, full party.
Yes Madden should really add loadouts to stay relevant. Get outta here.

All we are saying is Halo wouldnt be this unpopular if it still catered to what Halo fans regarded as Halo.

Staying the same is a goldmine. I hate change, if I wanted my games to change I would just go play real life where I cant have any control.

You realize Madden has been adding new gameplay tweaks and features with pretty much every update this generation right?

I mean, you DO know it's not just a prettier version of Madden 98 or whatever, right?

And like I said, releasing the same game over and over worked so well for Unreal Tournament and Quake after Halo had come out and captured the zeitgeist.

Who even fucking PLAYED Quake 4 or Unreal Tournament 3?

New games with fresh ideas replace old games resting on their laurels and brand value. Look for it to happen again this generation with COD.


So I finally read the OP, and I find it funny that people point to Reach as the defining moment where Halo went from popular to unpopular.

Halo 3 and COD4 launched holiday season 2007 - one with the strength of the biggest FPS brand on the planet behind it (and 50 kajillion dollars in advertising), the other with a new take a moderately successful PC brand, a moderate advertising budget, and some interesting new ideas about how to structure multiplayer and keep the experience 'sticky'.

By mid-2008, less than a year. The two were on even footing, trading the first-place spots back and forth as DLC or promotions came out. By holiday 2008, it wasn't close. COD4 was going on longer and longer stretches at number one, and even with World at War coming out and ostensibly splitting the userbase, it continued to dominate. By 2009, when Modern Warfare 2 came out, Halo 3 wasn't even a factor. Classic Halo was the old guard and it had fallen by the wayside to a new challenger with new ideas and a fresh feeling.

The notion that 'Oh, if only Halo: Reach had been more like the older Halo games.... like that one that got crushed by COD4 and MW2, then Halo would still be strong and popular' is hilarious. Delusional even. Bungie and 343i HAD to experiment with new ideas to try and shake up the formula. I'm not saying they were executed as well as they were conceptualized (especially Halo 4), but the notion that a prettier Halo 3 would have done better than Halo: Reach or Halo 4 is such a stretch of logic.

Everybody here, myself included, loves a franchise that's on the downward swing of it's life. It happens. Within a few years, hell, maybe by the next generation, Halo may not even be a game launch that registers on people's radars.

Raise your hand if you felt terrible for fans of games like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament when Halo came out and rewrote the rules for the genre and totally overshadowed those games going forward?

It happens. The overtakes new the old, and the old fades into irrelevance. The notion that staying as much the same as possible is the key to success is silly delusion and tons of nostalgic rose-colored glasses.


I'd argue that day one sales for Halo are not even related to the factors involving multiplayer. Day one sales seem to always be increasing because the sheer number of gamers out there are always increasing.

People stopped playing Halo because Halo stopped playing like Halo.

Instant respawn, Ordnance Drops, and Custom Loadouts aren't keeping anyone around. The original Halo formula, the one borrowed from Arena Shooters like Quake and UT, are what keeps people playing Halo.

In this current FPS "meta," to borrow from League of Legends, CoD has Halo beat. It's like coke in the 80s, it doesn't matter what you think of it, you're gonna do it.

Halo is never gonna steal CoD's audience by trying to be CoD. Halo should hold its ground and be Halo. It's not the number one FPS anymore when it comes to multiplayer, but that's okay. This isn't Halo 2 and the original Xbox, Halo is fighting a losing battle simply because there's more options.

Oh, if only Halo: Reach had been more like the older Halo games, it would have at least held on to the dignity it once had as a console shooter.

Halo sold out.

Halo got botched plastic surgery.

The Halo we have is a laboratory experiment that failed. The problem the old guard of Halo has with that, is because these warning signs have been there since Halo 3, and the hardcore multiplayer community has been vocal about them since the beginning.

This seems to be a developer that either does not listen, listens to the wrong crowd, or hears the wrong complaints.

Look at ranks.

We now have ranks, something we've been asking for, but their online only and you cannot view the ranks of your opponents until after the match has been played.

Look at Red X's.

They're not even red, the X is visible for a split second, and it follows the corpse of the deceased player as opposed to holding in one position.

Halo either needs to change the name of it's franchise and stop associating with something it no longer is, or it needs to go back to what it was because this "experimental phase" is usually reserved for college freshman and it only lasts a semester.


Oh I thought I heard a while back that it was going to be an XBLA game? Mannnn.. it's easily one of the better games on there and hopefully Microsoft promotes it. BBT just released, is amazing and had one little box for advertisement for a couple days.. ;\

Microsoft needs to seriously step their shit up.

I don't know whats going on with XBLA and I hope Murder Miners gets on there because it deserves it and right now they are trying to go on Steam.

Seriously for $1 I got a really fun game I have spent more time on than most other XBLA games.
So I keep all my games in a CD case because I move my 360 around a lot and I left my case at my friend's apartment. Now all I have is my Netflixbox and Lincoln on DVD for the next three days. Beautiful.

This would be no problem if there weren't maps I'm interested in playing.
You realize Madden has been adding new gameplay tweaks and features with pretty much every update this generation right?

I mean, you DO know it's not just a prettier version of Madden 98 or whatever, right?

And like I said, releasing the same game over and over worked so well for Unreal Tournament and Quake after Halo had come out and captured the zeitgeist.

Who even fucking PLAYED Quake 4 or Unreal Tournament 3?

Yup, but the core game stayed the same, Halos core changed. It changed hard.

You cant state takeover really as long as 343i is still busting out things like "Oh we are congratulating ourselves all the time cause we are so good" "12M players played our game!"

Thats actually a lot of people. Unfortunately after playing it they are all like "Man I need to rethink my choices in life"
Reach did start the downward spiral of Halo. Just too many changes towards what made halo great, all for the casual crowd. Then 343i just completely killed everything considered competitive in H4.

You can argue that it started the downward spiral qualitatively if you want. Game quality is a pretty subjective argument, but as a long-time Halo fan I understand the complaints people had with the game even if I enjoyed it regardless and appreciated some of the concepts/promise despite flawed execution.

But looking at the timeline of Halo's popularity, I don't think you can argue that Halo Reach is where the downward spiral for Halo's POPULARITY started, because Halo 3 was already getting crushed by TWO Call of Duty games by the time Halo Reach had come out. It was getting crushed by the new kid on the block COD4, within a calendar year of it's release.

Halo 3 - classic Halo - wasn't pulling as strong as we like to think it was looking back as Halo purists.


Halo 3 - classic Halo - wasn't pulling as strong as we like to think it was looking back as Halo purists.


Halo 3 wasn't necessarily even "classic Halo," as they added equipment to the mix.

It changed gameplay slightly, nothing to the degree Reach/4 did though.
Who even fucking PLAYED Quake 4 or Unreal Tournament 3?

I did. They were pieces of shit. Not because they stayed with the old formula, but rather because they were broken/stupid-as-fuck pieces of shit.

Meanwhile, UT:GOTY is still amazing and so is Quake. Strange, that.

Are you seriously asking which high speed, twitch based, arena shooters don't work as nearly as well on controllers as they do on keyboard and mouse?

To be fair, they sucked on KB+M too. They were what is known as "shitty games" irrespective of their controls.


I did. They were pieces of shit. Not because they stayed with the old formula, but rather because they were broken/stupid-as-fuck pieces of shit.

Meanwhile, UT:GOTY is still amazing and so is Quake. Strange, that.


Source material: ESL Classics: Rapha vs. Cooller

To be fair, they sucked on KB+M too. They were what is known as "shitty games" irrespective of their controls.

I lumped them in with their earlier titles, but yeah. <3

Thank you! I keep on saying that I distinctly remember see over one million players online but no one believed me. Now all I need is proof that I had 76 friends online and all were playing Halo 3 on the afternoon of launch day (not even one was on the dashboard).

Halo was like nothing else in it's prime.


So I finally read the OP, and I find it funny that people point to Reach as the defining moment where Halo went from popular to unpopular.

Halo 3 and COD4 launched holiday season 2007 - one with the strength of the biggest FPS brand on the planet behind it (and 50 kajillion dollars in advertising), the other with a new take a moderately successful PC brand, a moderate advertising budget, and some interesting new ideas about how to structure multiplayer and keep the experience 'sticky'.

By mid-2008, less than a year. The two were on even footing, trading the first-place spots back and forth as DLC or promotions came out. By holiday 2008, it wasn't close. COD4 was going on longer and longer stretches at number one, and even with World at War coming out and ostensibly splitting the userbase, it continued to dominate. By 2009, when Modern Warfare 2 came out, Halo 3 wasn't even a factor. Classic Halo was the old guard and it had fallen by the wayside to a new challenger with new ideas and a fresh feeling.

The notion that 'Oh, if only Halo: Reach had been more like the older Halo games.... like that one that got crushed by COD4 and MW2, then Halo would still be strong and popular' is hilarious. Delusional even. Bungie and 343i HAD to experiment with new ideas to try and shake up the formula. I'm not saying they were executed as well as they were conceptualized (especially Halo 4), but the notion that a prettier Halo 3 would have done better than Halo: Reach or Halo 4 is such a stretch of logic.

Everybody here, myself included, loves a franchise that's on the downward swing of it's life. It happens. Within a few years, hell, maybe by the next generation, Halo may not even be a game launch that registers on people's radars.

Raise your hand if you felt terrible for fans of games like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament when Halo came out and rewrote the rules for the genre and totally overshadowed those games going forward?

It happens. The overtakes new the old, and the old fades into irrelevance. The notion that staying as much the same as possible is the key to success is silly delusion and tons of nostalgic rose-colored glasses.

Lemme just point out a few things.

CoD's formula was super addicting, super easy to pick up and play, with the nature of the snappy controls, 60 FPS, and the ease of killing people it was naturally going to become something big.

But I seriously do think a more refined Halo 3 would have done better than Halo Reach, especially in terms of keeping its population.

The thing is, CoD was on a yearly release. CoD4 exploded and when CoD:WaW came out I almost saw it as an expansion of CoD4, granted it costed 60 bucks. It was literally CoD4 in a World War 2 skin and a kickass zombie mode that everyone loved. MW2 comes out only a year later. The formula remains largely the same, they just add more to it, refine some things. This has been the case with every CoD release. They just refined the formula, adding some minor things. But the core pillars of CoD had largely been the same since CoD4 and even more so since MW2.

Halo's decline was twofold, on one side the CoD juggernaut was rising, but on the other Halo 3 was an old game with only map packs adding to its longevity. We had to wait 3 years before another Halo (multiplayer shooter) game came out. I'll be honest, by the end of Halo 3 I was getting bored of it. I had been playing the same game constantly for 3 years. I wanted something that would fix Halo 3's problems.

Reach promised a better netcode, a refining of the weapon sandbox, the pistol was back to make AR starts bearable, we were getting a consistent, hitscan single shot weapon... All this had me hyped. And then we saw bloom on the precision weapons... then we saw Armor Abilities which I'll admit seemed cool at first until I realized how annoying they were gonna be to deal with.

Had Reach not had bloom, had a hitscan weapon (that maybe couldn't ping as far as the DMR did) and had an evolution of equipment that didn't sacrifice player equality (like make AA's pick ups and be able to pick them up off of dead players) I think Reach would have done a LOT better.
Yup, but the core game stayed the same, Halos core changed. It changed hard.

You cant state takeover really as long as 343i is still busting out things like "Oh we are congratulating ourselves all the time cause we are so good" "12M players played our game!"

Thats actually a lot of people. Unfortunately after playing it they are all like "Man I need to rethink my choices in life"

I think you're overstating how much the core of Halo changed in Halo: Reach.

They added armor ability and bloom. Ok.

You still had shields, you still had uniform starting weapons, you still had shoot/grenade/melee as the core of the combat, you still had weapon spawns, etc.

Were bloom and armor abilities implemented perfectly? Nope. But they were additions to the Halo forumla, not overhauls of the core gameplay experience. Had they been executed as well as abilities and bloom were in ShadowRun, it would have been a non-issue. But execution hurt the game, no doubt.

Halo 4, by comparison ripped out of the core of Halo and tried to make it a sci-fi COD lite. Weapon unlocks, random weapon spawning, etc. That completely changes the nature of Halo. Dropping armor lock, while annoying, doesn't change the fact that both you and the other dude has to run for the rockets if you want them, doesn't change the fact that your position on the map relative to the weapon spawns matters, etc. Halo 4 changed that, nothing about the maps really matters, just find the best choke-point, equip your unlocked weapon of choice and who cares about K/D?


I think you're overstating how much the core of Halo changed in Halo: Reach.

They added armor ability and bloom. Ok.

You still had shields, you still had uniform starting weapons, you still had shoot/grenade/melee as the core of the combat, you still had weapon spawns, and hell, you had one of the more balanced Halo games weapon-wise in the series.

Were bloom and armor abilities implemented perfectly? Nope. But they were additions to the Halo forumla, not overhauls of the core gameplay experience.

Halo 4, by comparison ripped out of the core of Halo and tried to make it a sci-fi COD lite. Weapon unlocks, random weapon spawning, etc. That completely changes the nature of Halo. Dropping armor lock, while annoying, doesn't change the fact that both you and the other dude has to run for the rockets if you want them, doesn't change the fact that your position on the map relative to the weapon spawns matters, etc. Halo 4 changed that, nothing about the maps really matters, just find the best choke-point, equip your unlocked weapon of choice and who cares about K/D?

Tap out, son.
I think you're overstating how much the core of Halo changed in Halo: Reach.

They added armor ability and bloom. Ok.

You still had shields, you still had uniform starting weapons, you still had shoot/grenade/melee as the core of the combat, you still had weapon spawns, etc.

Were bloom and armor abilities implemented perfectly? Nope. But they were additions to the Halo forumla, not overhauls of the core gameplay experience. Had they been executed as well as abilities and bloom were in ShadowRun, it would have been a non-issue. But execution hurt the game, no doubt.

Halo 4, by comparison ripped out of the core of Halo and tried to make it a sci-fi COD lite. Weapon unlocks, random weapon spawning, etc. That completely changes the nature of Halo. Dropping armor lock, while annoying, doesn't change the fact that both you and the other dude has to run for the rockets if you want them, doesn't change the fact that your position on the map relative to the weapon spawns matters, etc. Halo 4 changed that, nothing about the maps really matters, just find the best choke-point, equip your unlocked weapon of choice and who cares about K/D?

You need to leave.


You realize Madden has been adding new gameplay tweaks and features with pretty much every update this generation right?

I mean, you DO know it's not just a prettier version of Madden 98 or whatever, right?

Your argument doesn't work because you credit Halo's decline because of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. And that's just not the case.

Call of Duty didn't come out of nowhere, it was highly anticipated. Especially after Call of Duty 2, the best game to have launched with the xbox 360 and a game people played well until the launch of Gears of War.

Call of Duty 3 was a pretty crappy and made by Treyarch, and when Call of Duty 4 was announced and the fact it would take place in modern times people were hyped.

It was the strength of CoD4 that allowed it to shine. It was the best selling game of 2007, on numerous platforms, won several GOTY awards including best shooter.

So the popularity was expected. What wasn't expected however, was for Halo's quality to decline and for it to completely go against what made the game fun to play especially multiplayer. There is a reason decades long fans of the series have abandoned the franchise and it's not to go and play CoD it's because they don't want to play this Halo.

No one has ever said Halo would best CoD again. I doubt any exclusive game will be able to rival a multiplatform again. It's the nature of the industry, an industry where more kids today know what skyrim is and not skyward sword.

Simple fact is most longtime Halo fans have been disappointed with the series especially the last two games, to the point where less than 35,000 people are playing and Halo 4 is now beat by a game over 1.5 years old and several other games.

If Halo games cannot be made to the quality or type of play they were in the past, then you stop making them. Bungie realized this, and it's why they wanted to stop with Halo 3.

I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore.
Are you seriously asking which high speed, twitch based, arena shooters don't work as nearly as well on controllers as they do on keyboard and mouse?

No, I was speaking as it regards to PC gamers as well. Quake and UT continued the same forumla, while the Battlefield games and other class-based shooters (Counter-Strike, anyone), started cleaning up with new, fresh ideas right around the time Halo hit the market (Counter-Strike was a little bit ahead of the curve in that regard).

The old gave way to the new.

Fascinating out of context shot there. How about a date, and a comparative number from COD4 or MW2 on the same date?

And then compare that number, to the game at it's peak, vs Halo 2 at it's peak, vs COD4, or MW2, or MW3, or BO, or BO2 at it's peak.


Fascinating out of context shot there. How about a date, and a comparative number from COD4 or MW2 on the same date?

And then compare that number, to the game at it's peak, vs Halo 2 at it's peak, vs COD4, or MW2, or MW3, or BO, or BO2 at it's peak.

If you don't know the numbers then just stop already.


No, I was speaking as it regards to PC gamers as well. Quake and UT continued the same forumla, while the Battlefield games and other class-based shooters (Counter-Strike, anyone), started cleaning up with new, fresh ideas right around the time Halo hit the market (Counter-Strike was a little bit ahead of the curve in that regard).

The old gave way to the new.

Fascinating out of context shot there. How about a date, and a comparative number from COD4 or MW2 on the same date?

And then compare that number, to the game at it's peak, vs Halo 2 at it's peak, vs COD4, or MW2, or MW3, or BO, or BO2 at it's peak.

What the heck is the argument you are trying to make? Simple fact is, most Halo fans do not like Halo 4 or Reach. Has nothing to do with call of Duty a game that is sold on multiple platforms.
If you don't know the numbers then just stop already.

I don't know the numbers, but I'm not the one posting meaningless, contextless screenshots of populations.

I would think if you're going to post some information, you'd have the pride to ensure it meant dick-all to the discussion.

willow ve

Has anyone tried to do the achievements on a local game? The Air Assassination one from the previous pack was the only one from Majestic that could be done local.


I don't know the numbers, but I'm not the one posting meaningless, contextless screenshots of populations.

I would think if you're going to post some information, you'd have the pride to ensure it meant dick-all to the discussion.

Why do you think, that so many people played Halo 3? Please explain, what you are even trying to say, because I just don't get it.
I remember freshman year in high school when Halo 3 came out. Midnight release, played until school started the next day. There wasn't a friend of mine who wasn't talking about that game. Everyone was playing it, everyone was loving it. Then ODST came out, my friends kinda were confused. Some returned when they learned it was just Halo 3 MP. Then Reach came out, I was in college, I had no friends.
What the heck is the argument you are trying to make? Simple fact is, most Halo fans do not like Halo 4 or Reach. Has nothing to do with call of Duty a game that is sold on multiple platforms.

The numbers of COD on Xbox 360 alone were enough to beat Halo 3. I don't understand what being multiplatform has to do with it in the case of Xbox Live playlist population numbers?

I agree that most Halo fans did not like Halo: Reach and Halo 4.

My point is that if Bungie made a game like Halo 3 AGAIN, and Halo fans luuuuuuuurved it, it would have still got shit-kicked on the Xbox 360 alone, because a lot of Halo fans were just fans of the latest, greatest shooter fad. They moved on to new, more popular ideas in the COD games.

So Bungie and 343i could choose to insulate and keep an audience of, let's say, 200,000 die-hard Halo fans happy on the same formula, or they could try and experiment with new ideas in hopes of winning people back. I'm sure they knew the risk that they could piss off some of those 200,000 people. And 200,000 users would still be impotent in the face of COD.

I enjoyed Bungie's attempt more than 343i's attempt to bring people back with new ideas, but that's just my take. I think Halo 4 is pretty terrible multiplayer-wise, much worse than Reach was.
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