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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Confession: I loved the hell out of Heavies Cragmire. Might not be purist Halo, but I don't really want purist Halo when jumping into BTB. I just love the crazy shit that happens and Heavies is the best outlet for that.

Now I wanna play Reach.

But yeah, Halo 4's base competitive settings are better than Arena. Arena had a lot more potential, though. Could have been done so much better. I think a combined permanent number rank and constantly shifting monthly tiers would have worked for Arena.
lol Cragmire is/was awesome. I completely understand what it's lacking and why it gets so much hate, but if you're in the mood it is the finest shenanigans around. Makes me wish there was a BTB Action Sack.


Well, at least I have Volume 2 to wake up to tomorrow and have it jamming in the car while I drive tomorrow. GET HYPE!

Also, Bravo has had some pretty rad haircuts in the past.



Fresh from the oven.

I dont get it

Ssshhhh, let me bask in the glory of my creation for time being.

Juices was supposedly after the job before its conception, happy?

willow ve

Every time i try to check my CSR:


My Xbox went a full five weeks asking me to activate a text message code they would send to my phone. Even after I did it the first two times it asked it kept popping up every single time I turned it on.


Neo Member
Just read the facebook post about CSR. Every single post was either talking shit about how they've dropped the game completely or how this should have been in game all along. 343 may not be in a very enviable position at the moment but regardless of where they look online they have to see the community is negative as all hell.

I'm curious what the right thing to tell the community is. It's not like they could ever be expected to just say "We dun fucked up on some Halo 4." But how do you convince people that the future titles will be better? I almost feel bad for them.


How do I get good at Halo 4.

It'd honestly be easier to help you in the older halo games. Halo 4's random ordnance removes map and weapon control out of your hands, so the only tip I can give you is every 2 minutes on the game clock expect a weapon somewhere. Good luck.

Some maps have static ordnance but they have weird differences in the spawn times, some being 3 minutes some being 2. Learn those maps I guess.

But one of the biggest helps is watching actual good people play. Watch some streams of gameplays of pros. Look at how they move, how they shoot, how the play. It helped me out.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Is there any Game of Thrones book reader here? I'm going to quote something, can you read it and tell me, if it's most likely true, and whether or not anyone who watched yesterday's episode could have come up with it, if they never read the books? I believe some book readers try and troll the no book spoiler thread and write what happens but try and pass it off as a simple guess.

The rack Theon's torturers use does not seem so by accident. Bolton's bastard has him. Which means Bolton's men torched Winterfell and killed everyone. I can only deduce one thing. The Boltons, at least, are in Tywin's pocket. Rob better watch his back.

Once again, just please confirm if this seems like he's read the book. And for fans of the show, don't click this spoiler then I guess.
I don't want to throw the guy under a bus because it could just be a well reasoned deduction:

In S2:
Bolton tells Robb after news of Theon's betrayal that he will send his bastard to Winterfell. Sure enough his bastard arrives and a horn is constantly being blown to remind Theon he is surrounded. Theon resolves to make a last stand and is knocked out by Dagmer.

In regards to S3:
There are some visual reminders of the rack for those looking such as during Bolton's appearance for example, his sigil(the flayed man) which is worn across his chest. Now the news that Bolton tells Robb is not directly spoken, what we do know is what Robb tells Catelyn which is: "By the time Bolton's bastard got to Winterfell the Ironborn were gone. They massacred everyone and put the castle to the torch." Note this is a lie. Bolton's bastard was right outside the gates, his men were constantly blowing the horn in Season 2 to remind Theon that Winterfell was surrounded and furthermore the Ironborn could not have burned Winterfell without burning themselves(since they were inside of it). Adding to that during Theon's 2nd scene there are Ironborn men in the background showing that Dagmer and the rest of Theon's men likely betrayed Theon. Right after his torture a man tells Theon that Yara had sent him, so it stands to reason that Bolton has not allied with the Greyjoy's if Yara is trying to rescue him. So in short, just ask yourself this: Why would Bolton lie to Robb?
Just read the facebook post about CSR. Every single post was either talking shit about how they've dropped the game completely or how this should have been in game all along. 343 may not be in a very enviable position at the moment but regardless of where they look online they have to see the community is negative as all hell.

I'm curious what the right thing to tell the community is. It's not like they could ever be expected to just say "We dun fucked up on some Halo 4." But how do you convince people that the future titles will be better? I almost feel bad for them.
Moving in a direction that seemed indicative of earnest changes for the better would help. Providing a clear table of projected changes that appealed to the majority of fans would also help. But every solution and alteration they have provided has been half-baked, half-hearted, or both. You want Boltshot to be balanced? We're nerfing its OHK range! You want a ranking system? You got it! Just log on to Waypoint and look at your performance there!

I know there's only so much they can do, but damn. They've pretty much put their plans for Halo 4 on autopilot since launch with little deviation taken into account to fix the present issues. No doubt they're funneling the majority of their efforts into Halo 5.

Hopefully they learn something about project management before Halo 5 gets too far into development.
So I just realized, I can't load up Outcast, unless it's Forge mode....

Trying to load the match in Custom Games or Matchmaking sends me in the lobby sometimes. It sometimes works though... :/
Just read the facebook post about CSR. Every single post was either talking shit about how they've dropped the game completely or how this should have been in game all along. 343 may not be in a very enviable position at the moment but regardless of where they look online they have to see the community is negative as all hell.

I'm curious what the right thing to tell the community is. It's not like they could ever be expected to just say "We dun fucked up on some Halo 4." But how do you convince people that the future titles will be better? I almost feel bad for them.

343 will gain a lot of approval from just acknowledging that their ideas may not have been the best. I respect people who try new things, but also realize when they don't work and find alternatives. If we continue down this path gameplay wise, less core fans may be inclined to stick around.

By the way, I hope they don't call Halo 5 "Halo 5". It just doesn't sound right.

So I just realized, I can't load up Outcast, unless it's Forge mode....

Trying to load the match in Custom Games or Matchmaking sends me in the lobby sometimes. It sometimes works though... :/

You're not missing anything.

Moving in a direction that seemed indicative of earnest changes for the better would help. Providing a clear table of projected changes that appealed to the majority of fans would also help. But every solution and alteration they have provided has been half-baked, half-hearted, or both. You want Boltshot to be balanced? We're nerfing its OHK range! You want a ranking system? You got it! Just log on to Waypoint and look at your performance there!

I know there's only so much they can do, but damn. They've pretty much put their plans for Halo 4 on autopilot since launch with little deviation taken into account to fix the present issues. No doubt they're funneling the majority of their efforts into Halo 5.

Hopefully they learn something about project management before Halo 5 gets too far into development.

This is a good point. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but it does feel like things are being done halfway.
Moving in a direction that seemed indicative of earnest changes for the better would help. Providing a clear table of projected changes that appealed to the majority of fans would also help. But every solution and alteration they have provided has been half-baked, half-hearted, or both. You want Boltshot to be balanced? We're nerfing its OHK range! You want a ranking system? You got it! Just log on to Waypoint and look at your performance there!

I know there's only so much they can do, but damn. They've pretty much put their plans for Halo 4 on autopilot since launch with little deviation taken into account to fix the present issues. No doubt they're funneling the majority of their efforts into Halo 5.

Hopefully they learn something about project management before Halo 5 gets too far into development.

For me they can start with "Ok, maybe Camo and Jetpacks are not the best idea going forward."


So its easy to get to 50?

And you can't see ranks in game?

I'd rather not play Halo 4 to find out the answer to these questions so If anybody knows it would be greatly appreciated.


Damn plywood, thanks for that I guess. That went over my head. I'd never have guessed that. I'm amazed people could get that from the few scenes in the episode.
So its easy to get to 50?

And you can't see ranks in game?

I'd rather not play Halo 4 to find out the answer to these questions so If anybody knows it would be greatly appreciated.
Apparently, and no, you can't.

Which sort of defeats quite a bit of the purpose. This sort of disconnected "go somewhere else to experience it" set-up also really hurt the Terminals in Halo 4. It's a wonder they implemented CSR like that when they've already been burned by disjointed implementation in the past.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Damn plywood, thanks for that I guess. That went over my head. I'd never have guessed that. I'm amazed people could get that from the few scenes in the episode.
Which is why I'm saying it could be a good deduction. In any event, if you are concerned just notify the mods cause getting spoiled sucks.
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