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Halo |OT18| We're Back Baby!

Probably run out of steam? :eek:

I think it's more they have absolutely no idea how to continue the story without turning it into a mass effect shitshow, which probably wouldn't bring fans back now that the realization's setting in that halo 4 has like a daily 18k player peak less than a year after launch. It doesn't help that they completely blew their plot load with their first real standalone installments. Halo 4 may not have put a major dent in the story, but Silentium literally tied up a good 95% of any interesting plot lines, pre-established or otherwise. It's mind-boggling because they left practically nothing to expand upon in the future games without introducing more plot-wankery in the first place.

That chapter they released online (which was SO stupid reveals he ISO-Didact survived the rings firing.
I agree though, very stupid closing all those doors. I mean what the the threat now? Is the Didact dead? Could he alone be a threat to all humanity? 3 books to build up a villain and they cock it all up in one game.
you were saying?

Halo 2 had the better Brute Shot.
Missile Pod was fun but doesn't hold much weight compared to the other Halo sandboxes.
SMG + Halo 2 vs Banshee = GG. Also, ODST.
Spike Grenade was cool but holds no weight.
Spikers were better in Reach.
Flamethrower caused even more lag.
Hmm, tough call on the Beam Rifle but I'll give that one to ya.

oh hey fixed

Don't you also think Brawl is the best Smash?


Halo 2 had the better Brute Shot.
Missile Pod was fun but doesn't hold much weight compared to the other Halo sandboxes.
SMG + Halo 2 vs Banshee = GG. Also, ODST.
Spike Grenade was cool but holds no weight.
Spikers were better in Reach.
Flamethrower caused even more lag.
Hmm, tough call on the Beam Rifle but I'll give that one to ya.

Don't you also think Brawl is the best Smash?

In terms of couch co-op then yes. I have no opinion either way on the competitive nature of it, as I don't play in that manner. Most opinions seem to favor Melee as the more competitive game, so I can concede that.
In terms of couch co-op then yes. I have no opinion either way on the competitive nature of it, as I don't play in that manner. Most opinions seem to favor Melee as the more competitive game, so I can concede that.

Honestly, as long as they have functional online this time around with a decent option/feature set, I'll be good for years. Smash is my shitttttt.

Worst case scenario I can still play 64/Melee online B]

never got to try it.how is it compared to melee?

Teams in 64 are unlike anything you'll see in Melee/Brawl. The hitstun is more so the combo potential is insane.

Check out some high level play on YouTube or my stream in like 10 mins. I'll be playing some teams.

  • Halo 1 = Smash 64/Melee
  • Halo 2/3 = Brawl
  • Halo CE2 = Project M
These games are in my avatar, I think I can love/hate them as much as I want!

Uhhhhhhh you mean how does everything compare to the original? I have no idea. The original was amazingly simple and clean.

Simple. Clean. Accessible with so much depth. Smash 64 and Halo 1.


For some reason I could not log into this site after I changed my password.I can not wait until I play halo 3 tommorrow.
You guys know what Halo 3 had? THE FUCKING CHOPPER!

Halo 2 had the spectre,best vehicle ever.

The vehicle combat in Halo 2 and 3 was pretty damn fun.

I turn it on the second you turn it off.

I turn it on/off to refresh the names. Laggy people ruin everything but these'll be fun friendlies.

EDITS: That Samus was for you Duji.

I am so much better with ness than whoever they are.

lmfao laggy sandbagging my friend, my Ness is disgusting.

Despite the rather occasional lag, Kaillera is leagues better than Brawl's online. I'll never understand how Nintendo messed that up so bad.

One down smash and you think i'm supposed to be impressed?

Down smash? Sir, that was a down air. Thought I was talking to a Smash Brother here!


Halo 2 had the better Brute Shot.
Missile Pod was fun but doesn't hold much weight compared to the other Halo sandboxes.
SMG + Halo 2 vs Banshee = GG. Also, ODST.
Spike Grenade was cool but holds no weight.
Spikers were better in Reach.
Flamethrower caused even more lag.
Hmm, tough call on the Beam Rifle but I'll give that one to ya.

Don't you also think Brawl is the best Smash?
There were spikers in Reach?


I dunno, getting actual Blood Gulch (not Hemorrhage) with SMG starts just because or Valhalla ARs because the first option was Shotty Snipers on Snowbound was pretty bad. I always play with a party anyway, so we generally can swing the vote most of the time.

The system itself is sound. It's just that whoever was in charge of the playlists made some... questionable decisions.

In the end I'd prefer to see the veto system return than Reach's or 4's. That said though, hopefully there is a server browser in Halo x.


Voted legendary and now it's 2 votes in the lead; 49 to 47 against quickochet. So happy to see Waypoint/343i using polls and direct community feedback to decide vote variants or playlists. Well played and the iterative approach is getting better all the time.

Long post warning:
A few cloud speculations off the top of my head:
(anything to add?)

Campaign Co-Op, Customs, and Firefight to be all hosted on dedis in addition to all matchmaking games.
Anyone else finally break down and buy Mythic 2? I never bought it because I had ODST. I bought it two days ago so I could have the full Halo 3 mp suite on my harddrive.


I played some H3 the other night and did awful. I clearly need to re-train my brain for Halo 3. I used to be decent at least.

Drop your sensitivity about 2 or 3 notches where it was from. I instantly improved (8 -> 5 sens for me). I think it's due to Reach and 4's weightier aim acceleration, so I was always overaiming targets.

Anyone else finally break down and by Mythic 2? I never bought it because I had ODST. I bought it two days ago so I could have the full Halo 3 mp suite on my harddrive.

I did. I was planning on getting it when it went on sale next though anyway, and I have to since my remaining MSP will expire and I don't think there's going to be enough expiring Rock Band songs to spend it all. Will be nice to have the entire suite from now one without putting in a disc.

I waited two years for MS to drop the price on Halo Wars' gametype DLC before I bought it :V


I've always played at 6 or 7 sensitivity. Probably why I suck so badly.

And Reach will always get props to me for making the plasma pistol and Spikers feel awesome. I was sad that compared to most weapons improving in 4 the plasma pistol was a regression.
I've always played at 6 or 7 sensitivity. Probably why I suck so badly.

And Reach will always get props to me for making the plasma pistol and Spikers feel awesome. I was sad that compared to most weapons improving in 4 the plasma pistol was a regression.

I play right around 4-5 and that seems to be the sweet spot for me. I can't seem to aim fast enough to hit targets on lower sensitivities.



What in the fuck. Waypoint community you are the WORST.

Legendary Ricochet is the best option but Shotgun ricochet is awesome too because it will emphasize teamwork and actually passing and moving the ball up field a lot more. But quickochet is leading?

This is why for the next Halo they should continue these polls, but MAKE THEM IN GAME. That way you get a vastly bigger population voting, not like 200 waypoint scrubs.


To be fair, quickochet would emphasize passing more because of the hot potato aspect.

I'd rather have it as a voting slot but I feel like Legendary should already have been the default anyhow.


I thought there was nothing I could care less about than the Smash documentary, but it turns out this conversation takes the cake.
Down air is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's always down smash.
This is extremely ignorant and offensive.
Halo 3 has a great feel to the melee. Its quick and predictable. Halo 4 melee is fucking awful.
This is extremely ignorant and offensive. The game shipped with whoever melee'd first doesn't necessarily win, then it got updated to both players dying. Halo 3 had the worst melee in Halo, but Halo 2 was pretty close.
Halo 2 had the best maps tho
This is true.
It's only down smash if you're on the ground, if you're in the air everyone calls it a d-air.
This is true.
I thought there was nothing I could care less about than the Smash documentary, but it turns out this conversation takes the cake.
This is extremely ignorant and offensive. heckfu please, I know you'd appreciate such a video if you actually WATCHED it. It's amazingly well done, no lie. I turned it off when watching the first few mins of the first part, but wow that was foolish of me. Watched the entire thing and left wanting much more of these for other games.
Oh dear, the "Halo 3 looks like Halo 2" people still exist
This is extremely ignorant and offensive. You're walking on a fine line lately Fyre! It's good we only require your backend expertise for the PoH though so your membership is safe ;]


To be fair, quickochet would emphasize passing more because of the hot potato aspect.

I'd rather have it as a voting slot but I feel like Legendary should already have been the default anyhow.

Nope. The ball in hot potato timer never resets I think its just random. meaning I could hold it for like 20 seconds and pass it to someone and it will play up in 5 seconds in their possesion. The randomness of it is annoying.

If they were to modify it WITH A BUILT IN HUD TIMER, where you have 20 or so seconds of possession before it blows and it resets with every pass, I'd be fine with it.
Nope. The ball in hot potato timer never resets I think its just random. meaning I could hold it for like 20 seconds and pass it to someone and it will play up in 5 seconds in their possesion. The randomness of it is annoying.

If they were to modify it WITH A BUILT IN HUD TIMER, where you have 20 or so seconds of possession before it blows and it resets with every pass, I'd be fine with it.

Unnecessary randomness in a Halo game is crap, has always been crap and will always be crap. 343 still not learning.


Why not put all 3 Ricochet variants into the playlist, see where the voting data goes, and then remove the unpopular one later, instead of "Hey look how awesome we are, letting you vote on things"?


Why not put all 3 Ricochet variants into the playlist, see where the voting data goes, and then remove the unpopular one later, instead of "Hey look how awesome we are, letting you vote on things"?

That's how halo has always been. It's a tradition of stupidity and time wasted.
Why not put all 3 Ricochet variants into the playlist, see where the voting data goes, and then remove the unpopular one later, instead of "Hey look how awesome we are, letting you vote on things"?
Mind games.
All I know is that I played 50 hours of smash a week and never called it d-air. I ain't no babby. This is old head/old school.
This is a common mentality amongst unexposed Smashers; they think they're really good within their own circle of friends but once they step into the bigger scene, they quickly realize how wrong they were.

It mostly has to do with Smash never having that mainstream access to online functionality. People can't possibly know what they're never heard or experienced before. It's also why I'm disappointed with Halo 1 never having XBL.
All I know is that I played 50 hours of smash a week and never called it d-air. I ain't no babby. This is old head/old school.

As an idiot savant who was raised by wolves smash players I can safely say d-air / f-air / b-air / u-air are all things and are really important to know what the fuck you're doing

That's like saying "hurr hurr i felt mew2king's hair once and i never called it an ftilt, i just called it a 'babbysmash,' yes sir"
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