How is it a hyperbole? It all looks like stuff you find on Deviant Art or something.
I put just as much effort into a color/pattern overlay as I do a full fledged illustration guys. It's totally necessary.
Renders probably would be received better.
How is it a hyperbole? It all looks like stuff you find on Deviant Art or something.
daft punk skin or bust
Good thinking, let's hope
Also, I agree with Over. All of these skins look terrible. Charmander skin is our only hope.
Well Misrah Armory has a new competitor called Acheron Security. Some diversity in design would make sense.The new armor appearance has a very athletic feel to it. Which makes a whole lot of sense with the Infinity lore being thrown in. It truly is team vs. team, and the ridiculous almost commercial looking armor holds a lot of meaning to it. If this were real world combat it wouldn't make much sense. I honestly don't know if this was the intention behind the armor skins or not, but it is very fucking cool to consider.
The new armor appearance has a very athletic feel to it. Which makes a whole lot of sense with the Infinity lore being thrown in. It truly is team vs. team, and the ridiculous almost commercial looking armor holds a lot of meaning to it. If this were real world combat it wouldn't make much sense. I honestly don't know if this was the intention behind the armor skins or not, but it is very fucking cool to consider.
I'd personally like a combination of both, but with full control over everything. I hated how in Reach they just gave you a bunch of presets like each helmet only having 3 choices or the robot arm only for a few chest plates and grenade belts on certain chest attachments whether you like them or not.Would you guys be for a return to Halo 3's style of armor customization, where you get limited categories (say, helmet/chest/arms/waist/legs/boots compared to reach's 10 or so) and mostly "complete" sets of armor (as opposed to, say, Reach's EVA set only having helmet, shoulders, etc. but nothing else) but it literally changes the armor rather than just adding pieces on?
Halo evolved.
What I liked about the Halo 3 armor permutations is they were recognizably Spartans, just iterations of them. Reach festooned them with accessories and knick knacks, and Halo 4 - from these armor sets - are a step further in that direction. Very busy, chunky armor of varying styles (though a bit less so than Reach), but they're looking less and less like Spartans.
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It'd be interesting if it turned out all these crazy space rugby suits turned out to be the absolute weakest stuff the UNSC's manufacturing, and then come the campaign endgame they bust out their genuine military suits and just start outright destroying some of the forerunner enemies or whatever.
How about this, by Mike Jensen?
The Railgun does not do as much vehicle damage as the Laser, but strategically placed shots are able to change a vehicles force and direction. When its projectile hits a vehicle, it has the potential to send it flying, rolling, or perhaps even off a cliff because of the kinetic energy (similar to repeatedly hitting a Warthog with a Brute Shot).
Railgun info:
Countdown King? Don't know how I feel about that.Cyren, thanks to Tashi's stealth shout out to THC, I visited for the first time in a while and saw the v8 testing. Those would be an awesome 11 gametypes if it were to happen. I really liked the A9 setup, and BY THE GODS an actually good Sanctuary!
Cyren, thanks to Tashi's stealth shout out to THC, I visited for the first time in a while and saw the v8 testing. Those would be an awesome 11 gametypes if it were to happen. I really liked the A9 setup, and BY THE GODS an actually good Sanctuary!
Countdown King? Don't know how I feel about that.
Anchor 9 has to be drastically changes to work.
Countdown King? Don't know how I feel about that.
Anchor 9 has to be drastically changes to work.
They are still figuring out stuff, I heard Countdown King doesn't work too well. I think aPK will be on this weekend if you guys want to run through some gametypes, I'm hearing colorful things about Sanctuary.
I remember the whole development process behind this thing; didn't some band use the suit on one of their album covers?Jenzentron3000.png
I'm okay with weapon skins and armor skins. Increasing customization without affecting gameplay is fine by me.
I'm not happy about retailer exclusives though. I'd feel better if it just let you unlock something early.![]()
In your face haters! Aka Robbert, Krow and Xand. : )
Looking at the new Sanctuary right now. Still has some issues. Z-fighting all over the place, inefficient forging in a few places, no bon indents. (even though the thread said it had) and the minor elevation differences in the sniper hut are really pointless. It costs more budget, more objects, looks worse, doesn't add anything to how the map plays and adds an annoying bump.They are still figuring out stuff, I heard Countdown King doesn't work too well. I think aPK will be on this weekend if you guys want to run through some gametypes, I'm hearing colorful things about Sanctuary.
This is my opinion. I do however think the armors look UGLY as hell. Goddamn. I remember being in awe of the Halo 3 armors. I remember being amazed at how detailed the Reach armor was.
But goddamn this shit is ugly. My favorite part is:
343: We've chosen to redesign the armor so it feels more 'practical' and nothing says practicality, like little to no visors.
Spartans, you better hope those external cameras don't break, or you're FUCKED.
The gems keep coming!First Halo 4 reviews are up 4&lp=1&cp=1#BVRRWidgetID
IAN LEMOIGNE!I just want to make this short and sweet. People just need to give it a chance, yes it is under "independent" 343i that are making the game, who are responsible for a lot of the side stories and lore outside of the game (ex. books, cartoons, etc.). What people do not realize is that several Bungie employees that were responsible with Halo and all of its success transfered over to 343i including Franchise Director Ian Lemoigne. So for everyone who says "it's not Bungie", you are only half telling the truth. Give the game a chance, Reach was not their best because of the release dates, look at the COD franchise and tell me that isn't copy paste. Now with the new face and bigger budgets, the game has had time to evolve into something amazing. I am looking forward to it, so should you!
You don't nearly enough call me out like the others.
Finished MP eh? Gonna do it on the hardest difficulty next?
The gems keep coming!
Looking at the new Sanctuary right now. Still has some issues. Z-fighting all over the place, inefficient forging in a few places, no bon indents. (even though the thread said it had) and the minor elevation differences in the sniper hut are really pointless. It costs more budget, more objects, looks worse, doesn't add anything to how the map plays and adds an annoying bump.
Also, I'm probably one of the few people who actually prefers the clean look of the current Sanctuary.
You scared me! I thought it was Wednesday for a minute and everyone in the office was lying to me.
Holy shit Halo 2 is so good.
The gems keep coming!
Elzar was spot on. Wow.
thebulletin said:Super Jackpot Weekend
If Warthogs aren’t your thing but Multi Team is, then you also have a shot at bumping your total number of credits to the next level because starting today and ending on Sunday, hopping into the Multi Team playlist will present you with the chance of receiving a 34,300-credit bonus.
PsychoRaven said:Oh without a doubt she cracks me up. I think a lot of people are too hard on her.
Are you trying to troll me BS Angel?
Other than that I liked this bulletin. I think she frames the non-info quite well and I quite enjoy her silly prose.
The railgun sounds interesting. Prizing alternative functionality from the right trigger ala the grenade launcher is always more satisfying and rewarding than a durp explosions weapon like the Concussion Rifle. The aim magnetism had better be low on it to compensate for that one shot kill.
Ian Lemoigne said:I am such a hipster that I was at E3 before it was even E3. Thats literally true. I distinctly remember hassling Brad Dourif about the Dune movie outside the Nintendo booth at the Vegas CES where what became E3 used to be off in a tent in the corner.
That's amazing, where the fuck did he fetch that name from.. :lol :lolThe gems keep coming!
This is where you started to lose me. Being killed by rolling off of Standoff's cliff in a Hog with no ability to correct yourself once the first shot hit because of the insane flipping was fun to watch, but not fun to play unless you were the one with the Brute Shot.The Railgun does not do as much vehicle damage as the Laser, but strategically placed shots are able to change a vehicle’s force and direction. When its projectile hits a vehicle, it has the potential to send it flying, rolling, or perhaps even off a cliff because of the kinetic energy (similar to repeatedly hitting a Warthog with a Brute Shot).
Ian Lemoigne makes me laugh.