Halo |OT4| Trust's a Tough Thing to Come by These Days



hoping its a mix of Reach and Halo 2. Please some kind of visual rank.



Oh good, looks like credits will be based on game completion, winning, score, and objectives. Hopefully this promotes people to actually go for objectives.


I'm digging a lot of the sounds... the AR sounds good in and of itself... but it seems like that's the sound of a belt fed or heavy machine gun, not an assault rifle. I'm a nerd - but I shoot a lot in real life... makes it feel wonky to me.

Heavy machine guns chug... assault rifles crack.
Still hate the text in the middle, but I'll deal I guess.
You can always beg for them to change it, remember how "they're 343 and are all for the fans" but I guess it's good enough[/b] ;)


Anyway, the game looks and sounds fantastic, playing the vids with my headphones feels SO GOOD!
I really can't imagine there being a control scheme that I like. I mean, crouch jumping is pretty important...
Reach's Bumper Jumper controls were fine, all they needed to do was give Jetpack a specialty case where you could activate it through jumping. I think 4 can work under the same premise.

Edit: Oh wait I forgot, sprint is a regular ability now. Yeah, I dunno how you'd jam this all in comfortably.
Wonder what that shield is? Overshield?
Considering the other two choices, I doubt it. My assumption is more to the hardlight shield we've seen.

On that note, have we heard anything about OS and Camo pickups returning? I don't want a case of Reach where they have to hamfistedly patch them back in awkwardly.


I personally have no problem with the Ordinance, because in 75%+ of my matches, I'll be benefiting from it greatly. :p

BK's are the only ones that should be worried about Ordinance, I could see it becoming a real nightmare when going against better players.


Hardlight shield looks like it has a limited duration as well; going to blue to red before winking off, like the jackal shields.

Can't hide behind it forever, thankfully.

Keep current bumper jumper controls, but with these changes:
X = Sprint
A = Armor Ability
Up on D-Pad = Switch Grenades.

Everything fits!

I would use it.


Unconfirmed Member
Reach's Bumper Jumper controls were fine, all they needed to do was give Jetpack a specialty case where you could activate it through jumping. I think 4 can work under the same premise.

Edit: Oh wait I forgot, sprint is a regular ability now. Yeah, I dunno how you'd jam this all in comfortably.
Keep current bumper jumper controls, but with these changes:
X = Sprint
A = Armor Ability
Up on D-Pad = Switch Grenades.

Everything fits!
Keep current bumper jumper controls, but with these changes:
X = Sprint
A = Armor Ability
Up on D-Pad = Switch Grenades.

Everything fits!
I can dig it. Though seriously, let me activate Jetpack with jump. I will never not jump before using it, so just give Jetpack that exception. Don't disappoint me 343.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
so much new media and info to take in! holy shit, it all looks phenomenal. that hardlight shield! i dunno if it will be gamebreaking, but wow was it cool.


Unconfirmed Member
I can dig it. Though seriously, let me activate Jetpack with jump. I will never not jump before using it, so just give Jetpack that exception. Don't disappoint me 343.
Yeah, I thinking pressing jump in mid-air to active jetpack is genius.

Scattershot looks like also disables vehicles.
I'm still confused about this! It looks like it takes more than one shot, maybe? Or has a delayed EMP effect?

This. I've been posting this scheme since sprint was announced as a default feature.
Yeah, I stole the idea from you. :p
CoD Elite

Battlefield Premium

Hopefully waypoint gets some sweet extra integration.

Did you/are you getting Premium?



Right: Ellis wasn't a bullshit liar, not everything is a weapon in a drop.

Pistol's 8 shot clip. If they give it 5 shot kills again it's being sent to die.

It has been sent to die. It was sent to die many years ago sadly.

LOL. The one clip of a DMR firing more than two shots is given with no HUD. I wonder why?

There was first person with HUD of the DMR in yesterday's B-roll. The bloom never expanded outside the outside circle and what very quick. It's clearly just a visual indicator on when you can fire again.
That Pistol Nade gun looks like its going to be abusable, am I right in thinking that once you lay down a trip mine with it, that the screen alerts you when someone is near it? People could easily potentially camp and set traps with that thing, then again the Reach Pro-Pipe had similar functionality and didnt really lead to camping, so I hope they get the balance right.

It will be awesome sticking an enemy spartan with it and then holding on and not exploding them until they run into a teammate or something lol.


Sword is still ass it looks like.

But on the bright side, everything else was amazing. The Spartans stand up a little rigidly but who cares? this game is hype.
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