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Halo |OT5| Believe, Again

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Look guys, I can tell you this. A year from now, the majority of the people worshipping 343 and foaming at the mouths for Halo 4 will be bitching about it, saying it sucks. They'll say it was disappointing and that they expected more.

Last time I got hyped for a Halo game, I got burned bad. This time around, I'm only expecting the worst. At best, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

There's nothing wrong with being excited for a game, but Kyle occasionally makes some valid points. Don't go crucifying him because it's not what you want to hear.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I don't troll, it's called being a realist. Separate yourself from your bizarre emotional attachment to a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation and look at the actual game you will spending money on this fall. If everything perfectly matches up with your expectations, congratulations. They don't mine, and wanting all different enemies in campaign after a decade, or a substantially better map editor, or more maps than previous releases are not what I would could outrageous expectations.

I can fully understand this, it's not your wants or expectations I take issue with it's the way you express it by sarcastic jabs at 343 over and over. It's funny for a while, but we get it now, we understand what your expectations are. I just don't think there's a need to sarcastically post "believe" and "trust us" every 3 posts just for impact.

I think you've got some great opinions on the game itself, and I agree with a few of them, you just seem to undermine those opinions each time by stooping to petty jabs at 343 and everyone else.

Just my two cents. I really don't hate anyone here, some just get on my nerves more than others. :)


Look guys, I can tell you this. A year from now, the majority of the people worshipping 343 and foaming at the mouths for Halo 4 will be bitching about it, saying it sucks. They'll say it was disappointing and that they expected more.

Last time I got hyped for a Halo game, I got burned bad. This time around, I'm only expecting the worst. At best, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

There's nothing wrong with being excited for a game, but Kyle occasionally makes some valid points. Don't go crucifying him because it's not what you want to hear.

Once everyone get past the "honeymoon phase".
I don't troll, it's called being a realist. Separate yourself from your bizarre emotional attachment to a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation and look at the actual game you will spending money on this fall. If everything perfectly matches up with your expectations, congratulations. They don't mine, and wanting all different enemies in campaign after a decade, or a substantially better map editor, or more maps than previous releases are not what I would could outrageous expectations.

We have all different enemies.

What have you heard about Forge that even hints it won't be substancially better?

All talk, none of it 'realistic' when you take it into account.

I personally love your obsession with Trials... Yeah,.you know, the game is the map editor. That's all they used to make all of the tracks. Tweaked physics from the first game. Brake, accelerate AND bail? So much to program! That is exactly why it is an arcade game and not a AAA title.

They spent an awful lot of dev time on that one feature as it was the basis for their game. Halo? Not so much.

What realist uses that as a basis for expectation?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Look guys, I can tell you this. A year from now, the majority of the people worshipping 343 and foaming at the mouths for Halo 4 will be bitching about it, saying it sucks. They'll say it was disappointing and that they expected more.

Last time I got hyped for a Halo game, I got burned bad. This time around, I'm only expecting the worst. At best, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

There's nothing wrong with being excited for a game, but Kyle occasionally makes some valid points. Don't go crucifying him because it's not what you want to hear.

Not sure I will be in that boat. I still enjoy Reach for what it is. Yeah, it has some broken mechanics (armor lock, bloom) but it's still a blast to play when you get a group together. I have yet to hate a Halo game. I have gripes with them (Halo 2 SMG, wtf) but most of them I can find the fun for me.
Well, if past behavior is any indicator he's right. Halo 3 and Reach had the same reaction he's talking about. It's the thing I spoke about about a month ago where people get the idea "everything old is better than anything new" syndrome.

Well it's obviously going to happen, thats what I meant with my post.

Also I don't think what Kyle says is unreasonable most of the time. We're getting a multiplayer sequel to Reach, and not Halo 3. The logical evolution is an evolution of Reach, with similar movement speed and jump height to Halo 3.
I don't troll, it's called being a realist. Separate yourself from your bizarre emotional attachment to a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation and look at the actual game you will spending money on this fall. If everything perfectly matches up with your expectations, congratulations. They don't mine, and wanting all different enemies in campaign after a decade, or a substantially better map editor, or more maps than previous releases are not what I would could outrageous expectations.

  • There ARE new enemies in the Campaign
  • There WILL be more maps shipped than Halo Reach and Halo 3
  • Forge WILL be substantially better


People divide opinions to much in one either being an pessimist or optimist. I’m in the middle myself, some things I’m super exited and other things worry me about the game. The problem however, some steer so much in one direction that is really tiring when they bring the same point over and over again.

Every little bit of news that comes is looked at from such a negative point of view, often masked by ridiculous hyperbole. It’s not that their opinion is invalid, it’s just the repeating is annoying and unnecessarily created this divide in the community. Actually discuss and rationalize your point instead of flinging it like poop at the wall and see who is going to complain about it.
People divide opinions to much in one either being an pessimist or optimist. I’m in the middle myself, some things I’m super exited and other things worry me about the game. The problem however, some steer so much in one direction that is really tiring when they bring the same point over and over again.

Every little bit of news that comes is looked at from such a negative point of view, often masked by ridiculous hyperbole. It’s not that their opinion is invalid, it’s just the repeating is annoying and unnecessarily created this divide in the community. Actually discuss and rationalize your point instead of flinging it like poop at the wall and see who is going to complain about it.

I thought Halo 3 shipped with 11 or 12?
  1. Construct
  2. Epitaph
  3. Guardian
  4. High Ground
  5. Isolation
  6. Last Resort
  7. Narrows
  8. Sandtrap
  9. Snowbound
  10. The Pit
  11. Valhalla

Halo 4 will probably ship with 12-13.
Pok3R Fac3D said:
And we don't know forge will be better after what bsangel said in the update last night.
Directly from the bulletin:
Halo 4 Forge, like all aspects of the game, will have significant improvements, changes and/or overhauls




Really wish Frankie hadn't said a thing about Forge. He could've just said that Forge will be in Halo 4 and they won't say anything about it until they reveal it. Instead he continues 343's trend of only half explaining what he's talking about which is frustrating at times.


I thought Halo 3 shipped with 11 or 12? And we don't know forge will be better after what bsangel said in the update last night.
No, shipped at 11 maps. Only one more than Halo 4.

Getting that feeling because of the DLC afterwards. Ten launch maps, fine, but the 9 announced DLC maps after just puts the count at 19. Awfully lower than previous Halo's before it.

Quantity isn't my beef with the launch maps. It'll be quality, so if those maps are fairly good it won't be a problem and players won't complain. Gotta hope the DLC is incorporated nicely in MM also otherwise, we'll probably be seeing those forged environments as your extra variety.
So Robbert passed his exams? Congrats babe or what we in northern England would sometimes say, back of the net son!

(something holland is unfamiliar with, I see).


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
At the very least for Forge I expect them to give us a better color palate, or even textures for objects. I think that alone would go a long way to prevent the Reach syndrome of Forge maps.

A Far Cry style editor would be awesome, but I don't think it's that 343 can't do that kind of editor, it's that Halo doesn't lend itself well to a full map editor, and who knows how the engine works on the back end.

If we get an expanded Forge with more interesting pieces and different colors/themes I'd be happy.
You are feeding him. Feeding him fuel
It's more akin to messing with a bad tooth. Just can't stop in spite of the uncomfortableness.

What would a full blown map creator bring in functional map design that Forge doesn't in a practical sense? The main arguments I've seen are that it looks boring/ugly, and the geometry doesn't play nice with the grenade physics.

I have never played Trials or Far Cry 2, so I'm not familiar with the comparisons.
The biggest difference between the two would be creating a unique space that has it's own style and can be used for the long haul of matchmaking, assuming the design is well thought out. Having the ability to make a play-space that resembles the visual quality of the developer made maps can go a tremendously long way in someone's consideration of whether the map is worthwhile or not.

Aesthetics are not the only reason. With the current iteration of Forge, you're taking pieces and forcing them to make some sort of a whole, and it's been proven that doing that WILL cause problems with a map's framerate. Having a true map editor would allow amateur designers free reign to actually create their ideas from scratch and can really focus on making changes to the design solely for gameplay purposes rather than constantly having to worry about performance (this assumes that a performance meter would be built into the editor).

Arguments can be made as to why a lego-block style of map creator is still relevant (less tools can make you think more abstractly about how to achieve your goal), but I really think it's time for Halo to let go of the kid's toys and allow the adults to step up and show what we've got to offer (virtual resume, bitches!)
The biggest difference between the two would be creating a unique space that has it's own style and can be used for the long haul of matchmaking, assuming the design is well thought out. Having the ability to make a play-space that resembles the visual quality of the developer made maps can go a tremendously long way in someone's consideration of whether the map is worthwhile or not.

Aesthetics are not the only reason. With the current iteration of Forge, you're taking pieces and forcing them to make some sort of a whole, and it's been proven that doing that WILL cause problems with a map's framerate. Having a true map editor would allow amateur designers free reign to actually create their ideas from scratch and can really focus on making changes to the design solely for gameplay purposes rather than constantly having to worry about performance (this assumes that a performance meter would be built into the editor).

Arguments can be made as to why a lego-block style of map creator is still relevant (less tools can make you think more abstractly about how to achieve your goal), but I really think it's time for Halo to let go of the kid's toys and allow the adults to step up and show what we've got to offer (virtual resume, bitches!)

Yup. Colour palette and performance issues in regard to the framerate and number of players on the map at once are the two priorities for Forge this time around.

Another thing - I don't want good community made maps to be locked out of MM because they can't support a 12 year old and his three buddies four way split screening. Guests should be limited to one, Team Training style list and then the rest of MM can be prioritised for paying customers of i) an Xbox ii) Halo 4 and iii) a Gold account.


Do you remember 343's reasoning against bloom?

It essentially came down to,

It was good on paper, but in practice it ended up in very sloppy gameplay. What ended up happening is spammers win at close range. Pacers win from afar, but in the middle its a COMPLETE gamble, which leads to very frustrating encounters.

85 percent bloom rewards pacing from afar, but it reduces max bloom and makes the pacing faster. I know I'm not the only one that thinks 100% was painfully slow and only worsened the ability of people escaping from firefights, and slowed kill times to a crawl.

85 was the perfect compromise. An AR will beat a DMR at super close range given good aim. It's a lot harder to aim a DMR at such a range. It's got a good balance between the Easy to use/tons of aim assist/auto aim AR vs. the more skill based, but higher potential for damage DMR.

For TU AR starts, the pistol was brought up a nudge, and rewards players for good aim rather than spraying their AR. But they're more or less evenly matched. DMR pickups become more valuable.

In DMR Starts... well its precision weapon starts, so automatic weapons are irrelevant anyway, so why cry about the sandbox here?

Aside from AA's and player mobility, 85% Reach is really, really nice.

All of their design talk was mooted when they failed to RoF lock the DMR along with the bloom changes. The sandbox is now harmed, but they might as well own up to it by throwing the switch.


Are we having a meta discussion in here today?

Also, I think forge is a lego style system because amateur map makers likely don't realize how incredibly complicated map making can be with all the tech we have built into those editors now-a-days. Especially trying to do this building with a controller and not a mouse/keyboard.

If you want to build maps, download Unreal Editor, load up a map, and have fun having your mind blown.

Also 100% bloom/bloom in general is awful. I would have much preferred they just changed the DMR to zero-bloom and locked the firing rate, however that may have been out of the scope of their changes.
Thank you.

Also, there are no "killstreaks." I can't call in a stealth bomber to take out the entire other team at a whim, I can call in a needler. Yeah, I like the Needler, but unless the other team is horrible I'm not going to take out more than 2/3 people with it. I'm sorry, but there is really nothing similar in CoD's "Killstreaks" and Halo 4's Ordinance.
The most basic definition, I think, of kill-streaks is this: Any reward given to the player for his/her performance (kills or otherwise) during a match. So, yes, in that way ordninance drops in Infinity Slayer are kill-streaks. Players then use this reward to get more kills. They're very, very similar, though kill-streaks in CoD like the stealth bomber are more on the nose. You also have more passive kill-streaks in CoD too.


Are we having a meta discussion in here today?

Also, I think forge is a lego style system because amateur map makers likely don't realize how incredibly complicated map making can be with all the tech we have built into those editors now-a-days. Especially trying to do this building with a controller and not a mouse/keyboard.

If you want to build maps, download Unreal Editor, load up a map, and have fun having your mind blown.
There can always be a light and pro version of the editor similar to how Trials does it.


Also, I think forge is a lego style system because amateur map makers likely don't realize how incredibly complicated map making can be with all the tech we have built into those editors now-a-days.
Sure, but Forge is still too complex for most people to bother with (trying to finagle spawn zones is beyond the ability of 90% of the people who just go in there to screw around) but not complex enough for people who could make something truly great if they were given the tools to do so. That leaves us at this weird junction where nothing great can be created due to the restrictions of the system, but instead we end up with a bunch of middling efforts, some of which have a seed of brilliance that wasn't able to break through. I also would never underestimate the hardcore mapmakers. If they had a way to play their creations in the game, they'd learn whatever they needed to make that happen.


Are we having a meta discussion in here today?

Also, I think forge is a lego style system because amateur map makers likely don't realize how incredibly complicated map making can be with all the tech we have built into those editors now-a-days. Especially trying to do this building with a controller and not a mouse/keyboard.

If you want to build maps, download Unreal Editor, load up a map, and have fun having your mind blown.

They just need to give us their new versions of Sapien and Guerrilla and let us do the work for them.


Sure, but Forge is still too complex for most people to bother with (trying to finagle spawn zones is beyond the ability of 90% of the people who just go in there to screw around) but not complex enough for people who could make something truly great if they were given the tools to do so. That leaves us at this weird junction where nothing great can be created due to the restrictions of the system, but instead we end up with a bunch of middling efforts, some of which have a seed of brilliance that wasn't able to break through. I also would never underestimate the hardcore mapmakers. If they had a way to play their creations in the game, they'd learn whatever they needed to make that happen.

I agree, but if this is going to happen, its not going to happen on the xbox with a controller either. If they built a forge app of some sort you could download to your PC, then sure.

A light and pro version could work, you'd just need a capable computer to run the pro version. Also not sure how they would handle custom stuff; going to allow full custom textures and geometry? Trying to build custom geometry with a controller is lol-worthy.


  1. Construct
  2. Epitaph
  3. Guardian
  4. High Ground
  5. Isolation
  6. Last Resort
  7. Narrows
  8. Sandtrap
  9. Snowbound
  10. The Pit
  11. Valhalla

Halo 4 will probably ship with 12-13.

Directly from the bulletin:

There's being cynical like Kyle, and then there's being hopelessly optimistic like this. Don't think Halo 4 will do anything more than it said it was going to do. You put too much faith in them, considering they themselves said its shipping with 10 maps. Whether one of those is a Forge World type thing is yet to be revealed. No one knows how that works yet, but keep your expectations in line, be surprised during the reveal or satisfied with 10.

That's not to say 343 is lazy or anything, I can only imagine a ton of effort has been going in to Spartan Ops.

All of their design talk was mooted when they failed to RoF lock the DMR along with the bloom changes. The sandbox is now harmed, but they might as well own up to it by throwing the switch.

ROF locking the DMR would help balance the sandbox under Zero Bloom settings. Zero Bloom with default settings, namely default movement speed, is garbage.

To me, 85 creates a very comfortable firing rate. Even before the TU, when I pick up a DMR, I fire it the way I think it should be fired. And when I do I max out bloom. In order to pace I need to fire at a pace I think is unnaturally slow. It doesn't feel right. With 85, the pacing lines up with my expected ROF.

But whatever, to each their own. Some people prefer the rock paper scissors style of Halo gameplay where every weapon is used. I have no problems with that. It creates a level of variety, no matter how shallow I think it is. I just think there's far more depth to the game at precision weapon starts.

To me, they could completely axe the AR and its equivalents and I would be perfectly ok with that. I feel they add nothing to the sandbox other than being user friendly, easy guns to start out with. And I find them terribly boring to use.


To me, 85 creates a very comfortable firing rate. Even before the TU, when I pick up a DMR, I fire it the way I think it should be fired. And when I do I max out bloom. In order to pace I need to fire at a pace I think is unnaturally slow. It doesn't feel right. With 85, the pacing lines up with my expected ROF.

It could have been, except for the fact that crouching with an 85DMR makes it zero bloom.

The only answer was RoF locking. Sorry, pacing under 100 wasn't that hard to learn. But if they're going to change it, change it in a way that doesn't throw the rest of the sandbox under the bus. As it is, might as well own up to it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Why anyone would be bothered by anything Kyle says is beyond me.
Kyle isn't trolling 343, he is trolling you guys. He is repeating the same things, literally hundreds of times, or moving the goalposts to invent new criticism. This is his hobby. When his criticism is valid, its not new, but you're letting him dominate conversation with endless repetition or absurd straw men. After realizing he was literally just here to remind everyone how bad everything is - including things that never existed, I put him on ignore - but that barely works because of the frequency he does his hobby and the frequency at which his repetition is quoted.

His post history is amazing.
Sure, but Forge is still too complex for most people to bother with (trying to finagle spawn zones is beyond the ability of 90% of the people who just go in there to screw around) but not complex enough for people who could make something truly great if they were given the tools to do so. That leaves us at this weird junction where nothing great can be created due to the restrictions of the system, but instead we end up with a bunch of middling efforts, some of which have a seed of brilliance that wasn't able to break through. I also would never underestimate the hardcore mapmakers. If they had a way to play their creations in the game, they'd learn whatever they needed to make that happen.
Yep. If you look at what happened with Halo 3, people took something that wasn't intended to create a new play space and did just that before Foundry even came out. Reach's Forge only solved a couple of issues that people had with Foundry/Sandbox, and really only showed what Halo 3's Forge should have been to begin with. I was really hoping for something drastically improved upon with Halo 4 and, despite the wording of the update, I remain cautiously optimistic.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i think kyle IS trolling 343, frankie specifically. successfully too. he gets more responses out of frankie then anyone else can here.
Kyle isn't trolling 343, he is trolling you guys. He is repeating the same things, literally hundreds of times, or moving the goalposts to invent new criticism. This is his hobby. When his criticism is valid, its not new, but you're letting him dominate conversation with endless repetition or absurd straw men. After realizing he was literally just here to remind everyone how bad everything is - including things that never existed, I put him on ignore - but that barely works because of the frequency he does his hobby and the frequency at which his repetition is quoted.

His post history is amazing.

I just don't see how intelligent users like Deadly and Hydra have to constantly feed into it, though. I mean, holy shit guys. The kid says the same shit every time, and you get upset about it every time. How you do not learn from that? Why do you have to respond every single time?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I just don't see how intelligent users like Deadly and Hydra have to constantly feed into it, though. I mean, holy shit guys. The kid says the same shit every time, and you get upset about it every time. How you do not learn from that? Why do you have to respond every single time?

Hey, I don't respond every time. It builds up a bit. :p

Just seems every time I refresh HaloGaf there are 2 new kylej posts talking about how Halo 4 is doomed. He is like that dude holding the sign that says "The World is Ending!"

I'll just ignore it from now on, didn't mean to create a scene.

Trying to raise the level of discussion.

Also this. I know Kyle has some actual talking points that would make good discussion, I just can't pick them out between the "believe!" and "trust us" comments.


I just don't see how intelligent users like Deadly and Hydra have to constantly feed into it, though. I mean, holy shit guys. The kid says the same shit every time, and you get upset about it every time. How you do not learn from that? Why do you have to respond every single time?

Trying to raise the level of discussion.


I agree, but if this is going to happen, its not going to happen on the xbox with a controller either. If they built a forge app of some sort you could download to your PC, then sure.

A light and pro version could work, you'd just need a capable computer to run the pro version. Also not sure how they would handle custom stuff; going to allow full custom textures and geometry? Trying to build custom geometry with a controller is lol-worthy.
Something similar to what Far Cry has would be amazing and it works well with a controller too. Best option would be a combination of Forge and what Far Cry has. So people who like to screw around in Forge can still do that while other people can focus on making maps that don't look like a bunch of grey blocks on a pile with the same blue and green colors in the background.
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