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Halo |OT6| I will not allow you to leave this thread!

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Yep, something like that would be great provided it doesn't take up too much space.
I imagine it taking up about as much space if not less than what we have right now.
I really would like it because it allows you to see what's going on much easier. You can easily see if a teammate or an enemy got killed and by what weapon. I never understood why Halo games never showed the player's name in the color of his team.


Unconfirmed Member
I imagine it taking up about as much space if not less than what we have right now.
I really would like it because it allows you to see what's going on much easier. You can easily see if a teammate or an enemy got killed and by what weapon. I never understood why Halo games never showed the player's name in the color of his team.
Yeah, that'd be amazing.


I imagine it taking up about as much space if not less than what we have right now.
I really would like it because it allows you to see what's going on much easier. You can easily see if a teammate or an enemy got killed and by what weapon. I never understood why Halo games never showed the player's name in the color of his team.

Because it's gaudy looking.

COD's interface looks like a kindergardener scribbled all over the screen with crayons.

I don't mind the weapon thing though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Random question David, did you guys ever consider adding something like this:

Now that would be logical evolution if I ever saw it.
why is it reversed?


My avatar wears the Halo 4 Chief armor now. Looks nice.
This is the third real change i've made to my avatar.
First one (after creation) was to wear the full ODST suit. The second one was to wear Mark V from Halo Anniversary.


Random question David, did you guys ever consider adding something like this:

Now that would be logical evolution if I ever saw it.

The reason they don't have it is because the graphic they would need to describe what I do to scrubs would require an ESRB AO rating.
King Joffrey is the rightful heir to the throne.
This post should be a banable offense.
Of course.
Meh. 10 episodes a year is too few... should have waited till the series is fully filmed.
Hmm. Of course there's a good probability of GRRM doing Jordan and never finishing the series... I think. So, the TV series can't be finished either... though i've heard GRRM told the GOTs creators the ending.
10 episodes a season is a production constraint. The production is so ambitious that it takes David Benioff and D.B. Weiss about 11 and a half months to make a season from writing, pre-production, production/filming, and editing/post production. If they added more episodes to the season, each new season would have to start like 14 months after the previous one did. Casting for season 3 looks awesome, it can't come soon enough.
They're going to need to recast all the kids in a couple years (Bran, Joffrey, Arya, etc.).
They'll never do that, they will just be a bit older than in the books, which GRRM himself has said he wishes he made the kids older at the start of the series. There is one probable exception to this, but only those that have read all the books would know that.
why is it reversed?
Shots fired.


Dear god, I posted a long impression post on the waypoint forums and......they.....they like it!

Hell has frozen over and I have brought about the end of days.


Dear god, I posted a long impression post on the waypoint forums and......they.....they like it!

Hell has frozen over and I have brought about the end of days.

For the lazy

Gameplay: Fast, fluid and fun. Feels like Halo and plays amazingly sprint works well and strafing works effectively and the lack of aim acceleration is a god send.

Armor Abilities: Many of you were worried about this and I can safely say, don't worry, unlike Reach the armor abilities in Halo 4 do not mess up the flow of the map or act as super powers, they compliment the gameplay of Halo 4. You actually don't even have to use them to win at all, I went 23/3 on Infinity Slayer on Adrift without using any AA once.

Promethean Vision- Only good if you are blind to the radar, completely useless otherwise.

Thruster pack- My personal favorite, this is a good get out of near death AA but you can EASILY be followed so don't expect it to get you fully out of danger.

Hardlight Shield- Good for getting you out of long range single sided attacks but if someone is on your sides or behind you, you are screwed.

Hologram- Hologram

Graphics: 720p+FXAA=Awesome

User Interface: Functions very well even though pictures would make you think other wise.

Game Modes:

Regicide- Finally something that makes FFA enjoyable again! Great point based game mode.

Infinity Slayer- Not much to say, its slayer and its fun


Longbow- Great map for 6v6 and the flow is pretty constant and overall feels nice.

Adrift- Nice and tight close quarters map with a good center arena, can be confusing at first though

Haven- Great map with amazing flow, fans of Midship or competitive maps should love this

Overall Impressions: Over the 8 games I have played I lost 2 but every single game has been fun. I am not going into these matches with a biased or "IM PLAYING IT EARLY" mind set, I am giving it as fair of judgement as I can. My last game I went 23/3 and let me tell you no game has ever gotten by blood pumping like that since Halo 2, getting an over kill with a BR just felt so right and getting a running riot felt amazing as well. I know some of you guys have a lot of worries about the game but trust me when I say wait until you pick up a controller and play it, because then you will understand what I am saying.


Very happy to hear multiple people report a significant lack of aim acceleration.

I am too, at this point if it's so low why not cut it unless it's so infused their game system? (aka this is me talking out of my ass I have no idea how to make a game)


343i Lead Esports Producer
I've enjoyed the aiming in every Halo game. I don't know how it turned into a big deal. My adaption is so far off the charts, I don't even notice changes in the game.


I've enjoyed the aiming in every Halo game. I don't know how it turned into a big deal. My adaption is so far off the charts, I don't even notice changes in the game.

Having played both Reach and Halo 3 today, there's quite a big difference in their aiming. Of course whether one feels that difference depends a bit on muscle memory probably.

Will play the last mission on legendary prior Halo 4 lol

Good idea.
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