That sniper is for babbys.
ODST <3 4 lef... I love the baby neddler.. so cute. lol
That sniper is for babbys.
This was UNSC Weapons. Does this mean there will be a Covanant and Promethean/Forerunner variant as well? Maybe that's why they cut the footage of that pistol.
And yes, we will be doing the same thing with Covenant and Promethean weapons soon-ish, and we may even show them off on a different level.
Oh god.........OH GOD.Angel literally said there will be word-for-word.
I am thinking the same. I enjoyed the track. Especially this part here. I hope 343i had considered(if they have done such a remix album) to take different artist from different genres to make those remixes. And M83.
loldamnYouTube commenter said:who gives a shit, give me a god damn ranking system.
jesus fuck the FOVs are worlds apart :/
Do you like to hurt yourself?I can't believe they got Muse to debut their new song for that trailer.
I can hope right?
There is nothing in the way of the barrel.
your blind then
Yep. M83 and i'll be satisfied.
While we're on the subject of remix albums, Tron: R3C0NF1GUR3D was a really great example of taking a lot of different electronic artists and letting them loose on a soundtrack.
We get a video from 343i including a brand new UNSC weapon, alongside a ton of new information, and we're focusing on the weapon that has a total of seven frames.
I'll give u4ix, you, and THC credit, though. You guys are on top of everything. Infinitely (Enfinitly?) better than Greenskull/RUL or that bum Halo4Follohurr. HC hasn't been around and isn't as established as other Halo communities, however it's the premier source of information and breaking news. For me, anyways.
I can imagine Frankie sitting there going "Those goddamn GAF losers nabbed the Promethean Pistol clip before we pulled it. FUCK."
Highly likely
That was a great album. A lot of diversity and talent went into that remix collection. And it was great to see Daft Punk in a new light.
Personally, the Tron soundtrack isn't Daft's best, but it was certainly awesome to hear a new sound from them.
The Prommy pistol in that .gif looks a like like it would function like a mauler.
The human weapons all sound fairly similar, as if they all contain the same base sound effect. They have a higher-pitched thwap sound, if that makes any sense at all.
The Prommy pistol in that .gif looks a like like it would function like a mauler.
It's garbage. All popular music is garbage. Anyone who likes today's popular "musicians" is wrong.
Now, give me Halo 4 immediately so I can use the railgun.
yeah I dunno why the FOV is so crappy. it looks like someone changed their monitor resolution to 640x480. bring it back to ODST style that was glorious. no reason to have the sniper take up half the screen.
You have no idea how rage inducing and crappy Halo 3 matchmaking is when you throw in playing by yourself, ranks, and the most idiotic gametype choices conceived.You could be playing Oddball on Swordbase. Or Hot Potato on ANYTHING.
Halo 4 can't come fast enough.
Halo 3 Ranked MM is terrible, I'm raging over how shitty the gametypes are while playing this.
I want Halo 4 Classic Ranked to start with BRs. AND NO FFA ODDBALL
Edit: And the new footage is nice I guess
It's official I can't make up my mind if halo 4 is going to be a good game or bad game. (Video has got me hyped) 343 just tell me there is a skill based rank system and take my money already..
The Prommy pistol in that .gif looks a like like it would function like a mauler.
You mean that bar that is WAY behind the barrel?
Do we know what that song was?
Making the weapons take up a whole bunch of space is how Halo reaches its silky smooth 24 fps.
Bad game? Plz. Halo in all its iterations has never EVER been a bad game. Sure, theres been things here and there that havn't lived up to expectations, but every Halo is loaded with features that satisfy.
I was kinda leaning towards that guess as well, but there are quite a lot of rounds for it to be a mini shotty.
Do we know what that song was?
We get a video from 343i including a brand new UNSC weapon, alongside a ton of new information, and we're focusing on the weapon that has a total of seven frames.
I'll give u4ix, you, and THC credit, though. You guys are on top of everything. Infinitely (Enfinitly?) better than Greenskull/RUL or that bum Halo4Follohurr. HC hasn't been around and isn't as established as other Halo communities, however it's the premier source of information and breaking news. For me, anyways.
I can imagine Frankie sitting there going "Those goddamn GAF losers nabbed the Promethean Pistol clip before we pulled it. FUCK."
That bar is behind the barrel. Is your depth perception okay man?
and no, contrary to popular belief, Reach is not a good video game, and an even worse Halo
This is true. I have sticked with GameInformer to be a trusted, unbiased video magazine for all my reviews. And Every Halo game has gotten good to great ratings.Bad game? Plz. Halo in all its iterations has never EVER been a bad game. Sure, theres been things here and there that havn't lived up to expectations, but every Halo is loaded with features that satisfy.
Reach is not a good game at all.
No, you can't be worse than a game in which everything it tries to do is shit, and fails at all of them.Is it worse than MW3?
Apparently the tip of the gun is the middle no one reads my posts I guess my problem is the bar covers th TIP of the gun not the barrel... it was in 3 I hated it then... Reach's sniper 4 lef.
It's official I can't make up my mind if halo 4 is going to be a good game or bad game. (Video has got me hyped) 343 just tell me there is a skill based rank system and take my money already..
Wat.I have sticked with GameInformer to be a trusted, unbiased video magazine for all my reviews.