So you like all videogame dubstep? lol
I skipped through that and some of it is really good, might search for some of those individual tracks.
So you like all videogame dubstep? lol
Overdoz1z, Elzar, Bobs, and everyone else who did customs on Tuesday: here is the video of me winning.
I won that game. Thanks to munky for capturing the clip for me.
Reposting this again because i don't think anyone saw it...
If you go to the video at 0:58 you see a guy no scope with the sniper and he gets a new medal and the +10 snapshot text.
Maybe a no scope medal?
Credit goes to this forum post on waypoint.
So you like all videogame dubstep? lol
I skipped through that and some of it is really good, might search for some of those individual tracks.
You won't even notice that in game, text in the middle of the screen is subliminal. Have you ever played COD or ODST? Probably have and those two both have text in the middle of the screen.
While it does feature a slight amount of bloom to balance it at extreme distances
The recoil makes it a bit harder to line up again between shots but we have adjusted the accuracy and aim assist to help compensate.
I think the text there confirms any kill, regardless of method. IIRC, there's also a vanilla "Kill - 10 Points". So naturally there's going to be weapon specific variations.Maybe they do it bacause you'll be able to assign different point values to kills with different weapons, so they want that to be visible? That's my best guess, but it does seem a bit pointless. It's not like you won't know what kind of kill you've just gotten.
Quite a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
I heard the same crap about bloom. There must've been 20 people in the Reach beta thread arguing with me about how bloom is a natural evolution of Halo gunplay and it'll only add a subliminal layer of skill to the game and saying I was crazy for worrying about it.
I'm glad you posted that, I got really into it by the end and now I'm listening to the entire thing from the beginning on a background tab.kind of, I like really long sets that flow together like the one I linked but I can't stand individual tracks for some reason. I am really weird with dubstep and its not really my preferred genre lol
Comparing bloom to in-game text? Scraping the barrel a little bit aren't we Kyle?
Also, not to nitpick but why does the snipe still look like Wall-E? I wouldn't call the Halo snipe iconic, but it's recognizable and has carried the same look for over a decade. Some shit doesn't have to be changed just for the sake of change. It's a Halo game, make the snipe look like Halo not a cheap looking steampunk weapon.
Snipe -
gonna need some crispy video of this bloom and recoil action. Making the snipe harder to use through arbitrary recoil and not a reduction in auto aim is garb.
All of my smhsGameplay-wise, weve tried to extend the range on the AR a bit from what its traditionally been and made it a tad more accurate.
I still maintain that bloom as a mechanic works in theory. 85% bloom simply confirms that the implementation needed tweaking, not the mechanic itself.
*shrug* Oh sorry, I must be slurping 343's dick or else I'm riding Kyle's :lol
And as for auto-aim on the sniper, do we live in a world where different weapons have different levels of aim assist?
but 85% bloom still sucks.
All of my smhs
but 85% bloom still sucks.
I think the AR has a place in halo, not really at an uber competitive level but in a more social environment sure.
I really dont understand why people are complaining about this, is it because its spray and pray based? because while that's a solid argument i feel it only goes so far.
If you keep getting beat by an AR when using a BR/DMR you know what you can do.
I agree with the majority of your post's but LOLWUT the sniper has changed in pretty much every halo game. 343 is a bit more drastic but hell the pretty much every weapon the showed has had some kind of visual re-imagining.
Tweaking the sniper until Frankie could get a kill with it was not their brightest moment either.
I think the AR has a place in halo, not really at an uber competitive level but in a more social environment sure.
I really dont understand why people are complaining about this, is it because its spray and pray based? because while that's a solid argument i feel it only goes so far.
If you keep getting beat by an AR when using a BR/DMR you know what you can do.
Comparing the responses the community had to each not their effect in game. This is extraordinarily obvious. Thanks.
For a starting weapon the skill-gap is too small.I think the AR has a place in halo, not really at an uber competitive level but in a more social environment sure.
I really dont understand why people are complaining about this, is it because its spray and pray based? because while that's a solid argument i feel it only goes so far.
If you keep getting beat by an AR when using a BR/DMR you know what you can do.
I may be late on this as I just saw the Weapon Sounds video for the first time a few minutes ago... But did you guys notice this weapon around 0:48? Seems like a new Forerunner weapon to me.
The SAW also took me by surprise. Was this the first time it was shown? I honestly didn't expect this many new weapons anymore after that one press release ("10 new weapons" or something).
Nevermind if this was talked about already. Can't keep up with this thread at the moment.
All of the previous snipers maintained the rectangle scope with either a small green or translucent screen embedded within. 343's design breaks from this by adding a redundant circular scope in addition to the rectangle one. It is a major change from the very similar designs of all of the previous games.
For a starting weapon the skill-gap is too small.
So?BRs are starting weapons now.
Reach Sniper is still best Sniper.
Halo 4's design is growing on me, though.
For a starting weapon the skill-gap is too small.
Fo'runner pistol, my boy.I may be late on this as I just saw the Weapon Sounds video for the first time a few minutes ago... But did you guys notice this weapon around 0:48? Seems like a new Forerunner weapon to me.
yeah same for me, I already paid my tickets in April, because I thought it is a no brainer that Halo 4 is there... maybe we'll see us? hopefully in the line to play HaloI'm going anyway so I'll see if it's there or not. If it is there, I think I could understand why we don't have a direct answer. But if it's not there, I really don't get it.
But 85% still expands past the outer reticule. When that version of TU comes out I will be happy.I simply don't agreeI find it to be very enjoyable. ZB gametypes are fun in a different way. The really fast RoF is disorienting (disorientating?) and definitely shows you what the DMR wasn't supposed to be.
That's a point that's up for a lot of debate, should a starting weapon put players on equal footing?
The point is negated somewhat in Halo 4 because of loadouts but im fine with an AR for a social environments its fun to just throw bullets at people. Switching to something like the BR is always an option.
But 85% still expands past the outer reticule. When that version of TU comes out I will be happy.
This, this right here, is exactly how I feel. It sums up why I enjoy playing AR gametypes occasionally. Haters gonna hate.
Question to the staunch Anti-AR crew: What would you do to change the weapon to increase the skill gap?
Yeah, talked about it fairly extensively. My personal theory is that it's going to function a lot like the mauler.
And yeah, SAW came out of left field.
Fo'runner pistol, my boy.
Eh, I don't want to get into the entire AR discussion again. I'll drop it.
You mean there is a discussion past how the AR should win at close range and DMR/BR should win at longer ranges?