Yep. Especially since it is open to edit for everyone. Great idea still.I'm not sure if some of the questions are intentional trolling.
I don't see this working out.
Yep. Especially since it is open to edit for everyone. Great idea still.I'm not sure if some of the questions are intentional trolling.
I don't see this working out.
Iv put together a google document with the sole purpose of creating a streamlined easy to read and simple way of asking 343i your halo related questions, This is Obviously not a guaranteed way to get the question answered but i feel that if 343 have a simple way to view the questions that people have a greater likelihood exists of getting an actual answer.
Please spread this around the community, it should be open for anyone to edit.
Deserves to be fully quoted again.You hated Armor Lock because it's fucking bullshit.
That's what you were screaming, admit it. You'd have meticulously dropped someone's shields, or waltzed around a corner with the rocket (read: portable nuke) launcher, and just as you let that killing round fly... bzzzap. Nope. And what flew from your mouth?
"Fucking bullshit."
The problem with Armor Lock was complicated; a lot of factors were at play. People labelled it a "pause button" for combat, a get out of jail card for bad play, and so on and so forth, and I don't really want to get into all the reasons it sucked. But an important part of the frustration it induced was that the pause button it hammered down was suddenly and disturbingly unexpected.
There is a narrative in your head in the kinds of situations described above, drilled into you by hundreds if not thousands of hours of play (hint: it's "I'm winning this fight"), and Armor Lock just rips up the script. You knew what should have happened, and yet something outside of your control, something barely inside the other player's control ("press button to not die"), cancelled it in an instant. No fair. Bullshit.
Sure, we want games to be unpredictable to a certain extent. But we want that unpredictability to be introduced by human action. We want someone to strafe a way we didn't expect, and then pull out a perfect four-shot with their shield already down while we fumbled for the headshot. We want them to skip a grenade so sweetly into our teeth that we shake our head in admiration, not rage. We want them to take off our head with a no-scope when we so nearly had them, damn it ... so why are we smiling? Because those deaths were our fault, and theirs. That's what we tell ourselves -- that if we could do it again we could do something better, crouch that little bit sooner, pull up our reticle that little bit faster... next time, next time. Respawn, fail again, fail better.
Armor Lock is from that dark hell of gameplay where it seems like there wasn't anything to be done. Sure, we could have found out from our teammates that our enemy had Armor Lock at the press of his thumb, but we still have to play along, still have to shoot him knowing that... bzzzap. Nope. We did everything right, and we still didn't get the appropriate result, because there was a joker in the pack, and we got trumped.
Now I want to paint a nightmare scenario. This is scaremongering, of course, but... Halo 4 potentially has one hundred jokers in its pack. One hundred little Armor Locks hidden away in some frightful combination of weapon and armor and loadout and circumstances and whatever else. One hundred little moments of unconquerable frustration -- none of them nearly as extreme or blatantly 'bullshit' as Armor Lock, obviously, but still irritating in aggregate -- when someone does something you couldn't predict unless you treat every encounter as open and unknowable. Unless you go into every fight with your shoulders shrugged, expecting anything. Meanwhile, you don't know how many rounds are in his gun, how many grenades he can throw, how long it takes his shields to recharge, how he's even going to move. Often you won't know what rabbit he can pull out of the hat next, because it didn't come from the field of play; it came from the start menu. You'll do your best, but quite often you will lose your life, your streak, your game when the die your opponent rolls comes up with seven pips.
Unpredictable opponents are fun; unpredictable systems are not. There's a reason chess is regarded as the purest game of skill: all the pieces are showing. In Halo, you should be able, ideally, to approach a situation with your eyes open and your wits about you and your thumbs twitching, and be confident you'll be beaten only by a better player, and not trumped by some shark repellent spray from their unknowable utility belt. Figuratively speaking.
I want so desperately to be wrong.
This is a great post. An amazing post. And I agree about the fear. But the specialization we heard about gave me not the impression of completely dominance in specific situation or the unknown factor, you spoke about. The reason is that the specialization does not give you any big special abilities like they did in CoD. The specialization/tactical package gives you a advantage, you'd have had in a normal Halo game too. A second primary weapon? Yeah. This advantage could happen in a normal game too. The guy has still a grenade? Yeah. Can happen, he hasn't thrown his grenade away at the beginning. He has more ammo? etc. Those stuff have no big impact of the fight between two players. Or at least I have this impression. (I can be totally wrong when I played the game for a month. And I fear I am totally wrong) The only concern is the Shield package. It gives you a significant advantage in a 1vs1.
And then we have still the unknown stuff...
lol this thing is a shit show already.
I can easily see myself flipping back and forth between BLOPS2 and Halo 4, however in the long run I know i'm going to be playing Halo more, unless Ranked BLOPS2 is well balanced and fairly competitive.
Honestly Ranked matchmaking is a pretty big deal believe it or not. A motivator for a lot of people, and starts some weird bonds and intense rivalries. Those who say that they can live without a ranking system are mad.
If there isn't a competent one for 4, no one will hope back on the game to strive to be better. Then, the game will be on comatose, like Reach.
Montain Dew Incoming marketplace
I don't get all the dubstep hate.![]()
Hopefully won't be plagued by cookiecutter builds. -_-
I don't get all the dubstep hate.![]()
hahahahaha who wrote the poop master?
Hilarious!Holy shit that Suddoth pic. Lol.
I agree, but just because there are bands that suck within a genre does not mean the entire genre is devoid of all quality. If this was the case I wouldn't listen to Melodic Death Metal.There's good dubstep, and bad dubstep. There's more bad dubstep than good, and the bad seems to be more prevalent, which gives artists like Nero, Flux Pavillion, Knife Party, SubFocus, et. al bad names.
Anyways, just my 2¢.
Dubstep sounds so awful, take that cacophony away.
How much Dubstep have you listened to? Have you given any of the bands darthbob mentioned a listen to?
This shit is getting trolled so hard. I can't stop watching.
Well that public editing thing turned out to be a whopping success.
It's funny, lol.
I agree, but just because there are bands that suck within a genre does not mean the entire genre is devoid of all quality. If this was the case I wouldn't listen to Melodic Death Metal.
How much Dubstep have you listened to? Have you given any of the bands darthbob mentioned a listen to?
I tried to post a serious question, but some anonymous user was deleting stuff and posting youtube links.
The internet is not a good place for non-gated collaborative editing.
All I wanted to know if the Mammoth will be in multiplayer. ;-;I tried to post a serious question, but some anonymous user was deleting stuff and posting youtube links.
The internet is not a good place for non-gated collaborative editing.
This is terrible. We should take turns writing an open letter or something.
I wonder what would happen if GAF wrote a novel, each chapter by a different member.
lol font 96 JETPACK
Its bullshit, iv got a back up of like 6 decent questions.
Just here.How are there 48 viewers? Where else did you post this?
How are there 48 viewers? Where else did you post this?
Its bullshit, iv got a back up of like 6 decent questions.
Can you not make it so people can only post and not delete other peoples shit?
Can you not make it so people can only post and not delete other peoples shit?
It is not HaloGAF only. He planned it for every community. Everyone should post their questions there, so 343i can pick them out.Stalker, link a new doc only viewable to members.
Send questions to Stalker's PM box.
It is not HaloGAF only. He planned it for every community. Everyone should post their questions there, so 343i can pick them out.
Sigh...Did you see what happened?
Yep. Especially since it is open to edit for everyone. Great idea still.
Oddball on foundry was a jokeOddball with indestructible bubbleshields.
does your Gamestop a midnight release? Mine said, they were thinking about it.
Didn't expect this in Germany