Sony Conference about to start for those who want to weep at the start of gaming with me.
ALready on, till now it's only Vita but interesting stuff
edit: lol the GC conference of Sony is already better than their E3's.
Sony Conference about to start for those who want to weep at the start of gaming with me.
ALready on, till now it's only Vita but interesting stuff
edit: lol the GC conference of Sony is already better than their E3's.
A ranking system reveal is the trump card for me. I'm not even that much of a competitive player anymore, but the atmosphere and types of games a ranking system provides (visual 1-50's or something similar) is something I'm dying to get back into.
Really miss those intense games from the Halo 3 era where every little thing you did (or didn't do) could make or break the game and ultimately, your rank.
Then again, a proper map creator (landscape editing, skins, color palette, etc...) to me would be equally as welcome. I know we're not getting anything on this level yet, but I've got to believe they have some more secrets on this front to share.
Depends who you ask on that one. Bungie said that the achievements in Reach were made to encourage players to try all the different features and game modes in the game.I would like it if they actually made MP achieve's hard, after all, that's what achievements are supposed to be. Not like the ones in Halo 3 like 'Get 2 double kills on a legendary map' But something fairly difficult like 'Get an overkill with a sniper in a ranked playlist (or whatever is the equivilent to the ranked playlist in H4). Every shot must be a headshot' So if you miss a single headshot while getting the overkill, you don't get the achievement.
No it hasn't, but based on the little that 343 has said, some people (including myself) are interpreting that 343 doesn't think a ranking system is as important as fostering a cheating and cheese free MM experience. Frank did comment at one point that they were playing with a ranking system that showed you a rank, but it was invisible to everyone else, although he emphasized that it wasn't necessarily going to be in the final game.So has a skill based ranking system on 4 been confirmed out? All this negative talk has me worried...
SLRPThere will be a visual representation of your skill in Halo 4, and it will not repeat the mistakes of The Arena. Calling it now.
I'm going to wait a month to see if I can do it online, then I'll decide what to do then. The card expires in March of 2013 anyway, so I may hold off until I get the new card.You should be able to call back now and remove the card. I know in the past (read: 3+ years ago) it was a total pain to get a card disassociated from your account, but I believe they've loosened the requirements quite a bit. I would bet there was some simple "glitch" that they couldn't remove an inactive or out of date card (or some other BS). If they give you the run around just politely ask to talk to a supervisor. You can most likely go 3-5 levels up the chain always asking for a supervisor until you get someone who actually has the authority to remove the card.
Remember to be polite with customer service. Their job most likely sucks the life right out of them every day and you'll always catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
That sucks. Is FIFA one of those games where you have to set up a separate online subscription for it or something like that? I hate that.Yeah it's bullshit they can't just outright remove a card even if you have automatic renewal turned off.
I'm literally nervous every time I boot up Fifa because I know that I have a card on file, but thank goodness it's one that has 100% coverage liability insurance for purchases I can prove I didn't make.
I liked that idea of having ranks but not having a top rank. and maybe having the rank slowly decrease if you don't keep playing ranked playlists
For the competitive Halo fans, Arena Gaming Columbus Duel 2012 is October 5th-7th.
That sucks. Is FIFA one of those games where you have to set up a separate online subscription for it or something like that? I hate that.
SSX for 15 bucks used from Gamefly, guys.
People complain about the small text in the center of the screen in Halo 4, but look at Blops 2. Shit everywhere on screen.
Although the game still looks good.
Yeah on paper Arena makes sense and should create the same atmosphere previous ranking systems created but it doesn't. My reason for not caring enough to play it is the fact there isn't a "highest rank achieved" that sticks on your "resume"... Yeah it's a stupid reason. I'll agree it is... But that's a big part of it.That's actually a big reason I started playing Arena again in the past few days. Although it can be a very frustrating experience (randoms vs full teams, camping bottom room in Sword Base... or Sword Base at all) it boils down to a system which enforces winning. It's one of the few gametypes in Reach that gets my adrenaline flowing like all of the ranked playlists in 3 used to do.
Yes, worth it. As long as you are aware that it has a terrible online pass system.
Arena rankings are fine, as long as they're visible and spread over more than one playlist, but I don't really like the idea of them resetting totally. I'd rather have something that just degraded over timeSSX for 15 bucks used from Gamefly, guys.
Or just be Arena except more immediate. Reset ranks every month/season and have a dual layered ranking system that shows either an aggregate of all your prior rankings or your last ranking, all alongside your current ranking.
its your first time seeing COD I suppose ?
I liked that idea of having ranks but not having a top rank. and maybe having the rank slowly decrease if you don't keep playing ranked playlists
Glad the competition is heating up. So many games competing for my already small amount of free gaming time.
Want to see 343 bring their A-Game when it comes to keeping me interested.
If we ACTUALLY get decent news tomorrow, I will give Pixel a lion-cut.
Welp. As promised.[img][/QUOTE]
Where's this decent news you speak of?
Where's this decent news you speak of?
Welp. As promised.[img][/QUOTE]
Dear lord
That cat will murder you in your sleep.
Hahahahaha fucked up man!
You lost the bet, not the cat! Should've shaved YOUR head!
Yes, worth it. As long as you are aware that it has a terrible online pass system.
Looks like TheOddOne on a bad hair day
A ranking system reveal is the trump card for me. I'm not even that much of a competitive player anymore, but the atmosphere and types of games a ranking system provides (visual 1-50's or something similar) is something I'm dying to get back into.
Really miss those intense games from the Halo 3 era where every little thing you did (or didn't do) could make or break the game and ultimately, your rank.
Then again, a proper map creator (landscape editing, skins, color palette, etc...) to me would be equally as welcome. I know we're not getting anything on this level yet, but I've got to believe they have some more secrets on this front to share.
Welp. As promised.
Ooh. That's even worse.No, it's just that there is a ton of hacking going on with EA (specifically FIFA 12) that are stealing people's accounts.
Anyway, get on H3 people.
Last I remember about SSX's online pass system is that you don't get any credits for online shit. You can participate in everything, and get the bragging rights through time competition, but you just don't get the payout.
Obviously you would rather have that than not, but it ain't so bad. Unless things have changed.
I don't see how that's true; I don't have a card attached to my account, haven't for like 3 years now. On the Xbox dashboard in account settings there's "remove payment option" somewhere. It's also somewhere on but when I tried that it started sending emails to an email address I don't have anymore (like what happened to you.)Yes they did. The guy I spoke to said that I couldn't remove the card until I canceled the account or updated it with another card. So I thought to myself, "Well, if it has to be that way, might as well be an up-to-date card." I was told the other card was removed.
I don't like MS having that credit card attached to my account if I don't plan on using that credit card to purchase anything. Feels like a liability of sorts a mistake waiting to happen. I remember clearly turning off automatic renewal before.
But it also comes down to the fact that I don't like giving corporations information about myself I don't think they need.
Anyway, get on H3 people.
I'm not sure, but it's worth a try? Right.
wish my H3 mythic disk wasn't broke, or i had Mythic II dlc. would installing the mythic disk fix the maps not loading problem?
Remember that when he uses your balls as a scratching post.I think he likes it lol
I mean, you're just straight-up lying at this point. I can't count the number of times the explanation has been reposted.Wed still don't know why they removed Squad Slayer.
Remember than when he uses your balls as a scratching post.
I mean, you're just straight-up lying at this point. I can't count the number of times the explanation has been reposted.
I'm not sure, but it's worth a try? Right.
Likewise. I can't ever recall it being explained.
Also, Gary Whitta is at 343.
Not trolling, do you mind reposting it? I honestly have no idea why they removed it.