Why is my NAT moderate? I put my Xbox IP in the DMZ zone. Always worked in the past...
Are you in the Dashboard Preview? It changes pretty frequently with me.
Why is my NAT moderate? I put my Xbox IP in the DMZ zone. Always worked in the past...
Why is my NAT moderate? I put my Xbox IP in the DMZ zone. Always worked in the past...
So...Kiki was approved a couple weeks ago already
You're not crazy. Numbers are gone.
Are you in the Dashboard Preview? It changes pretty frequently with me.
Nope regular dashboard.
Yes I'll be back on I'm really trying to get this NAT Open though as I get such better games with it open.
Nope regular dashboard.
Yes I'll be back on I'm really trying to get this NAT Open though as I get such better games with it open.
Have you tried resetting your router/modem?
I'll be hopping on in a sec. GT = kittens dx.I suck, but been surfing here instead of playing DS2. If there are some Halo matches tonight I could jump on..
Yea just did that.
And I just put it in the DMZ. What ports do I forward?
Yea just did that.
And I just put it in the DMZ. What ports do I forward?
Open now.
Got room for one more.
I was thinking about it, but Best Buy had a preorder deal during E3 to save $10 so I'm getting the standard edition fpr $50 instead. Maybe if they had included FUD on Blu-ray.
Yeah, it was awesome. I hardly ever saw anyone else with the Savage Grenadier skin, but it's moot now because they released all the preorder skins in the latest DLC, albeit slightly altered.
You mean Unicorn helmet. Clearly based on the Unicorn Gundam.
Bad-ass is what it is. I think it should be unlockable at some point. Make it the Halo 4 equivalent of the Haunted helmet or something, max rank plus all Specializations maxed.
Yea just did that.
And I just put it in the DMZ. What ports do I forward?
Open now.
Got room for one more.
The one Duncan got. I kept meaning to order it earlier, but I forgot. I'd go through the GAF store if it was there.Which HaloGAF shirt? The new one? the one Poison made with the Eagle and shit? I don't think that particular one is on the GAF store atm.
Nope, just RedBubble.Read the OP
All armor should eventually be unlocked. Recon being unlocked for everyone is exactly what I want to happen to Johnson/Grunt Funeral/Reach's Limited and Legendary armors/effects down the road.
When the commercial reasons have long since passed, it doesn't make sense to continue holding those back. Reward the people still paying 10$ a month to play your out-of-cycle game with a little bit of extra content to play with.
Ohaoho..so if I DMZ my XBOX I don't need to forward any ports?
Ohaoho..so if I DMZ my XBOX I don't need to forward any ports?
And then the people who already had the content will get angry and write online petitions and sue 343 for how unfairly they are being treated.
I pretty much always have open NAT, so any point with this DMZ tomfoolery?
Those people can STFU. They'll probably be playing the newest Halo anyway :lol
They've already done it with the "Day At the Beach" and the Halo 2 LE DVD making-of. (thanks to people at MS/343 that approved that, by the way). I'm not saying only like 2 years after the game comes out, but after a certain amount of time the community benefits more from having the content available to everyone openly.
Hopefully they'll eventually approve the Halo 3 Legendary content videos for openly public consumption. I'd say the 4 1/2 year period for Day At The Beach's release feels about right. Recon was unlocked for everyone in Halo 3 at about the same time-frame.
edit: And for the record, I got the Gamestop armor and bought Reach's Legendary edition.
Verizon's Actiontec FIOS routers have always produced a moderate NAT eventually when using DMZ, in my experience. If you can, replace it with something that can run dd-wrt, otherwise just stick to UPnP.
I pretty much always have open NAT, so any point with this DMZ tomfoolery?
Didnt even know I could replace Verizons router thought I needed it to get internet access, er I thought it was my modem/router. Anything that would get me better performance?
Juices your stream sucks. Why do you even have one.
Juices your stream sucks. Why do you even have one.
Ya'll can join forces for a better stream.
Juicy Booties
Much better than the alternative: Booty Juices...
You can also bypass the router, effectively reducing it to a MoCA bridge. This was a setup I ran for years, but I also didn't have any STBs at the time. Should still be workable.You can use your own equipment if you're using ethernet from the ONT (white box likely setup in garage or outside), but you would need to call customer service for them to do a couple things on their end.
All armor should eventually be unlocked. Recon being unlocked for everyone is exactly what I want to happen to Johnson/Grunt Funeral/Reach's Limited and Legendary armors/effects down the road.
When the commercial reasons have long since passed, it doesn't make sense to continue holding those back. Reward the people still paying 10$ a month to play your out-of-cycle game with a little bit of extra content to play with.
A special day in the Ryaaan14 household.
Tashi eat your heart out.
Actually Recon with the third attachment is still exclusive.
good games everyone
and did someone say "love you?"
jesus tap dancing christ would you look at this motherfucker. Flawless hair, shirt that has both daww and pun, beautiful lips, defined neck lines, some sort of cord in his bathroom, not too tanned, team iphone. 10/10 would definitely bang.A special day in the Ryaaan14 household.
Just got the tshirt I saw Kiki wearing on Conan and have been wanting desperately for months.
Tashi eat your heart out.
jesus tap dancing christ would you look at this motherfucker. Flawless hair, shirt that has both daww and pun, beautiful lips, defined neck lines, some sort of cord in his bathroom, not too tanned, team iphone. 10/10 would definitely bang.
jesus tap dancing christ would you look at this motherfucker. Flawless hair, shirt that has both daww and pun, beautiful lips, defined neck lines, some sort of cord in his bathroom, not too tanned, team iphone. 10/10 would definitely bang.
love you too heckfumaybe...