Well, that's good to hear, although you're not saying there aren't frame drops during gameplay either.
All I can do is make deductions based on what I'm seeing and what we know to have happened before. What I saw didn't seem like a 20fps stream as much as a frame rate that was bouncing around during gameplay. Then, like I said before (kind of like with other things) we've heard 'this song and dance' before (about more things than just this).
At this point it's better to expect frame drops, and some pretty severe ones while hoping that we are wrong.
Of course, if you could say "there are no severe frame drops" that would fix everything, but I doubt you would say that, nor could you.
Also, there's first hand experience from HaloGAF that Spartan ops has frame drops, so from that we can most definitely assume campaign will be rife with them .
Still getting the game day 1 mind you, I love me some Halo. I just really am not a fan of frame drops (especially "glacier" type drops).