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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

lantus said:
How awesome it would be if it actually went through.

Well the order goes through no problem, but I see what you mean by them actually not doing anything about it for the people that pre-order at that price.


CrazedArabMan said:
I pre-ordered just to see what will happen, most likely it will get canceled or something but it is worth a shot.

LOLZ... ordered as well. There is no way in hell they will honor this, but maybe they will give out some credits to make up for it.


Raide said:
I just had the random thought of a Forge Gametype for Reach. It involves only Jetpacks and Plasma-swords (Air clashes in yes?). Its an objective game where 1 team has to board the other teams pirate ship and steal their booty and then escape.

Might need some work. :lol :lol
The ability to set up phases - ala Invasion - and couple them with unlocking load outs, vehicle and areas of the map is insane. Imagine if in Forge/custom games you have access to all those variables:

  • Placement of barriers to block off parts of the map until objectives are met
  • Add (and subtrac?) load outs for each team between phases
  • Set different objectives for each phase

Some brilliant gametypes are going to emerge from this.
GhaleonEB said:
The ability to set up phases - ala Invasion - and couple them with unlocking load outs, vehicle and areas of the map is insane. Imagine if in Forge/custom games you have access to all those variables:

  • Placement of barriers to block off parts of the map until objectives are met
  • Add (and subtrac?) load outs for each team between phases
  • Set different objectives for each phase

Some brilliant gametypes are going to emerge from this.
Too bad I can't find any Halo fiction to give weight to your speculation on this.:lol
Gah I tried to sign up for this and realized it would cost me 30 Dollers in shipping alone - You lucky Americans, take advantage of this offer!

If only Amazon.co.uk made this mistake!


GhaleonEB said:
The ability to set up phases - ala Invasion - and couple them with unlocking load outs, vehicle and areas of the map is insane. Imagine if in Forge/custom games you have access to all those variables:

  • Placement of barriers to block off parts of the map until objectives are met
  • Add (and subtrac?) load outs for each team between phases
  • Set different objectives for each phase

Some brilliant gametypes are going to emerge from this.

Awwww damn you! Now I am thinking of more stuff. :lol

If Forge gives you Invasion options, Reach will explode.
I went to check Amazon, and decided to search for Halo Reach Legendary Edition when I saw the price for it and immediately jumped on it and thought of GAF. Ok that last part is sucking up, but hey, those on the fence, nothing to lose if you want to give it a try.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
The GIFs reminded me of the new thing I liked throughout the ViDoc - the new free-fall / somersault animations - nice...

Man this Beta will consume me, thinking about the sheer amount of modes and options shown in that ViDoc...


I know this is a tad off topic, but did anyone here pick up the Halo Encyclopedia? Just noticed it on Amazon after placing my order and wondered how it turned out.


They have one way out of changing the price:


"Whenever you pre-order a book, CD, video, DVD, software, or video game, the price we charge when we ship it to you will be the lowest price offered by Amazon.com between the time you placed your order and the end of the day of the release date."

"If you use 1-Click ordering, pre-order price protection will be automatically applied. The order summary in Your Account will reflect the lowest price within 24 hours of the price change."

EDIT: I'm retarded, that doesn't mean anything.
JaggedSac said:
They have one way out of changing the price:


"Whenever you pre-order a book, CD, video, DVD, software, or video game, the price we charge when we ship it to you will be the lowest price offered by Amazon.com between the time you placed your order and the end of the day of the release date."

"If you use 1-Click ordering, pre-order price protection will be automatically applied. The order summary in Your Account will reflect the lowest price within 24 hours of the price change."

That means, that your account will show the new LOWER price for what you ordered it at within 24 hours, so that actually doesn't mean anything here.


Thagomizer said:
Wish this happened with the regular Limited. I don't buy action figures on principle, so I'm not getting the Legendary edition.
It's a statue lol.

And anyways, it comes with the same thing that is the Limited Edition. Just throw away the "action figure" statue if you don't want it.


Doh! I didnt even get through the checkout through Amazon.

"We're sorry. The quantity you requested is no longer available. The number to the right is the maximum quantity currently available. "


If they do change the price, they cannot charge your card for more than what you agreed to. They will likely just cancel all orders placed on the erroneous price, then invite you to pre-order at the new cost.

The pre-order price guarantee is only in regards to a product whose price lowers before release. It says nothing of guaranteeing a price if it is raised due to an initial pricing error.


n00b gun confirmed -



bobs99 ... said:
Agreed, it looked horrible in some scenes. Im going to hope this is just down to poor quality video footage or something.

Really? I thought the water looked insanely good. It seems to have even better physics than Halo 3's water had, and visually, it looks far more impressive now that light actually has a more naturally apparent shimmering effect on the surface of the water.
Najaf said:
If they do change the price, they cannot charge your card for more than what you agreed to. They will likely just cancel all orders placed on the erroneous price, then invite you to pre-order at the new cost.

The pre-order price guarantee is only in regards to a product whose price lowers before release. It says nothing of guaranteeing a price if it is raised due to an initial pricing error.

Yeah, but we can still have hope.


So yeah, I preordered it. That price is too good. I'm guessing Amazon will get wise within 48 hours and will cancel the orders but offer credit or something.

I'm working on a Bungie Podcast theme, but Lord knows if I'll be happy enough with it to finish it. I just scrapped the first direction I was going in, which I'd already spent a couple hours working on (well, only about 40 minutes actual work and hours on GAF and watching ESPN and Gilmore Girls lol). This new direction could be awesome. Or terrible. There's a lot of wiggle room.


It's times like these where I feel kinda bad for Amazon. They've done so much for me, but here I'm still taking another mile. :lol


FunkyMunkey said:
Okay, that just seems stupid.
Anyone in a jetpack gliding up slowly is a sitting duck. I'm guessing the DMR would drop him almost as fast, not to mention the sniper rifle. I think the correct course of action if you start taking fire while airborn is to drop like a rock, not glide slowly upward. :lol
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