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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


big ander said:
I've also been disappointed by assassinations. Maybe I just didn't find the coolest ones, but I could rarely get them to work and when they did they did not end well. They're not necessarily uncool, but they're not as astounding as I thought they'd be.
I agree, I specially dislike the regular one with that upward back stab while the other player just stands there all confused, really no satisfaction to it and it just breaks the pace. The midair ones feel much better, but tapping melee and seeing them go face first into the dirt is still the best and most satisfying way to go for me.

VVV oh definitely
Letters said:
I agree, I specially dislike the regular one with that upward back stab while the other player just stands there all confused, really no satisfaction to it and it just breaks the pace. The midair ones feel much better, but tapping melee and seeing them go face first into the dirt is still the best and most satisfying way to go for me.

The Spartan assassinations are kinda eh, but the Elite ones are all spectacular. I spend alot of my games just waiting and trying to ambush people whenever I'm an Elite just so I can see them. :D


Thagomizer said:
The Spartan assassinations are kinda eh, but the Elite ones are all spectacular. I spend alot of my games just waiting and trying to ambush people whenever I'm an Elite just so I can see them. :D
ZayneH said:
I'm going to laugh if they're all just you shaking them to death.


*laughing* Nothing do all your strength, demon.

EDIT: Holy shit, I messed up possessive and contractile your/you're. I need to kill myself now.


Just wanted to thank everyone again for sending in clips. I am still accepting clips until the 19th so feel free to send them in til then. I wont be taking any clips after 10:30PM PST on the 19th. (Why 10:30PM? Well I work that night, and leave for work then, so I wont be able to get to your clips after then anyways.)

EazyB said:
Popped in Halo 3 to remember how it played. Jesus, guys, it's an arcaic mess compared to this finely tuned Reach videogame. Also tested out the BR, if you pull the trigger fast enough the bloom, which you can't even see in that POS videogame, gets so wide you shoot yourself in the foot.


Popped in Halo 3 to remember how it played. Jesus, guys, it's an arcaic mess compared to this finely tuned Reach videogame. Also tested out the BR, if you pull the trigger fast enough the bloom, which you can't even see in that POS videogame, gets so wide you shoot yourself in the foot.


EazyB said:
Popped in Halo 3 to remember how it played. Jesus, guys, it's an arcaic mess compared to this finely tuned Reach videogame. Also tested out the BR, if you pull the trigger fast enough the bloom, which you can't even see in that POS videogame, gets so wide you shoot yourself in the foot.

EazyB said:
Popped in Halo 3 to remember how it played. Jesus, guys, it's an arcaic mess compared to this finely tuned Reach videogame. Also tested out the BR, if you pull the trigger fast enough the bloom, which you can't even see in that POS videogame, gets so wide you shoot yourself in the foot.
How much money are they paying you for this post?


It's been kind of amusing watching Eazy morph into the new juices over the past few months. Someone's gotta fill that void, I guess. He's going to want his room back when he returns from vacation though, so don't mess his stuff up too much.


GhaleonEB said:
It's been kind of amusing watching Eazy morph into the new juices over the past few months. Someone's gotta fill that void, I guess. He's going to want his room back when he returns from vacation though, so don't mess his stuff up too much.

Someone does need to be the guy who trolls a game daily but yet plays thousands of matches.


GhaleonEB said:
It's been kind of amusing watching Eazy morph into the new juices over the past few months. Someone's gotta fill that void, I guess. He's going to want his room back when he returns from vacation though, so don't mess his stuff up too much.
You can't replace juices! If anything, easy is channeling kylej.


Well battle bros, we only have 2 full days left. Funny thing is, I am so burnt out from playing, I'll be surprised if I play again before its over. Red Dead Redemption isn't going to help either.


GhaleonEB said:
It's been kind of amusing watching Eazy morph into the new juices over the past few months. Someone's gotta fill that void, I guess. He's going to want his room back when he returns from vacation though, so don't mess his stuff up too much.
If you didn't find that funny then there's no hope for you, you're dead inside.


Kapura said:
You can't replace juices! If anything, easy is channeling kylej.

unrelated, dunno why I made this

I only used about half the pics I originally took, it was supposed to be slower/smoother, but the rest didn't appear on Bnet, and now are not in my ingame Local Files either, so I had to make do

and just after I badmouthed that animation, I pull it off against a hammer wielding dude, and it felt pretty good this time :lol

yeah, I blocked the swing with an Assault rifle, suck it haters


GhaleonEB said:
It's been kind of amusing watching Eazy morph into the new juices over the past few months. Someone's gotta fill that void, I guess. He's going to want his room back when he returns from vacation though, so don't mess his stuff up too much.
He's the new Pierce.


GhaleonEB said:
It's been kind of amusing watching Eazy morph into the new juices over the past few months. Someone's gotta fill that void, I guess. He's going to want his room back when he returns from vacation though, so don't mess his stuff up too much.

We can't all be the deepthroater.


Phase 3 of Invasion is just so unfair as an Elite, for so many different reasons :_(

Unless the Spartans are totally clueless, you're not escaping with the core.


Letters said:
Phase 3 of Invasion is just so unfair as an Elite, for so many different reasons :_(

Unless the Spartans are totally clueless, you're not escaping with the core.
It could use maybe a minute extension to the time limit, countless times my team has gotten the core about half way outside then time runs out. The other phases feel pretty good in terms of time limit, but that last phase just feels a little too short in my opinion.


Phase 3 could use some sort of change. I would prefer the Elites planting a bomb in the structure and exploding the hell out of the building, but I doubt we would get that.

After Phase 2, the area doesn't change except load-outs really, and vehicles get more frantic. After you get through Phase 1, you're basically using half the map. Kind of eh, at least in my mind. Still hoping big for the classic Big Team Spartan vs. Spartan for the large team battle fix. :p


Striker said:
Phase 3 could use some sort of change. I would prefer the Elites planting a bomb in the structure and exploding the hell out of the building, but I doubt we would get that.

After Phase 2, the area doesn't change except load-outs really, and vehicles get more frantic. After you get through Phase 1, you're basically using half the map. Kind of eh, at least in my mind. Still hoping big for the classic Big Team Spartan vs. Spartan for the large team battle fix. :p
Aye. I want to see the kind of games that the Falcon gets in on.


Gg's Therm, Ram, Voltron, Tashi, and Eazy. Pretty sure we caused quite the amount of bans tonight. :lol (Ha, it only shows a win streak of 25. It's really at 32.)


Have I ever mentioned that the shotgun is amazing?



343i Lead Esports Producer
LOL jeez

Good games tonight Eazy, Trash and Voltron. I was having a lot of fun until except for the last few games. I'm glad I got on though, I lost almost every ranked Street Fighter match I played. I was trying so hard not to rage lol.

Also played some Arena tonight. I had some fun actually. Got matched with some guys I play MLG with in Halo 3. I think I ended with a 1615 or something like that.


Striker said:
Still hoping big for the classic Big Team Spartan vs. Spartan for the large team battle fix. :p
Oh hell yeah, looking forward to BTB the most adversarial mp wise. Shishka better not be having funny ideas about this, old style BTB needs to have its dedicated permanent playlist. Playing 8v8 in something that looks like Overlook... *drools*

Trasher said:
Have I ever mentioned that the shotgun is amazing?

It looks, animates and sounds so gooooood!! Has some sweet range too, I love wielding it.


Thank you Urk, or whoever it was that recommended me and got a screen shot of mine on the Bungie.net page. Made me feel speshull.
Letters said:
Phase 3 of Invasion is just so unfair as an Elite, for so many different reasons :_(

Unless the Spartans are totally clueless, you're not escaping with the core.

All things considered, getting the core out was never a problem in any of my outings.

It was either a combination of the following: Scorpion / Warthog / Snipers / Rocket Launchers that made getting the core to the goal completely ridiculous.

I think I've won 1 out of 3 attempts as an Elite. Playing as a Spartan is seriously so much better.


Cold-Steel said:
All things considered, getting the core out was never a problem in any of my outings.

It was either a combination of the following: Scorpion / Warthog / Snipers / Rocket Launchers that made getting the core to the goal completely ridiculous.

I think I've won 1 out of 3 attempts as an Elite. Playing as a Spartan is seriously so much better.

Outside is kind of absurdly exposed, that's for sure. But once it's out there, I generally don't have a problem getting near the core. Jetpacking really high up and dropping straight down on to the core seems the best method, and taking out the Scorpion is a breeze most of the time. Snipers are problematic though.

But there's no reason it should ever go outside. The Spartans can completely block that room with armour lock and shotgun.

The best elite play I witnessed was a manoeuvre where as soon as phase 2 was over, the core was already being moved out of the room. They must have sent an elite into the core room at the start of phase 2, and he must have been waiting there all through the phase.


Trasher said:
Gg's Therm, Ram, Voltron, Tashi, and Eazy. Pretty sure we caused quite the amount of bans tonight. :lol (Ha, it only shows a win streak of 25. It's really at 32.)
Triple digit streak and then I've beaten grab bag. Maybe all the kids left to play arena but the grab-baggers are terrib.e. Only had one close match this evening and it wasn't even that great itself.

But yeah, Trash, Bnet isn't currently able to reflect the ownage that's been occuring over the past few days. Here's an updated Bnet revision proposal:



I really hope there will be an ARG in the coming months ahead, hopefully written by Frank with some waypoint integration. I wasn't really aware ILoveBees in 2004 but Iris was amazing, it definitely softened the hurt after the H3 Beta. With 343i in full swing, the chances of an alternate reality game are pretty high after the success of Iris.

The Evidence Exists :


Just checked, guess I finished Onyx top 30%

Checked a few others:
Penguins: 20%
Thermite: 30%
BladedExpert: 30%
Blood: 40%
Ram: 40%
Tashi: 40%
Devin Olsen: 40%
Trasher: 60%
Omlet: 80%
Sai: 80%

Tashi0106 said:
Eazy I'll buy that account off of you.
I'll swap you a H3 50 for a Reach scrub killing spree.
All I see is last season I was gold 4, but no given percentage.

tbh I am happy with gold, and not bad at all since I not touched arena since about a week ago too.
EazyB said:
Popped in Halo 3 to remember how it played. Jesus, guys, it's an arcaic mess compared to this finely tuned Reach videogame. Also tested out the BR, if you pull the trigger fast enough the bloom, which you can't even see in that POS videogame, gets so wide you shoot yourself in the foot.

Wait?, So thats why I keep dieing in that game?

I actually did pop in Halo 3 the other day, jumping up getting that slow mo feeling and sniping someone at the peak of the jump = heaven.

Ah I still didnt get my daily ratings in the arena, last 2 days I played I had a aweful teammate who kept convincing me to play with him, once I got 2 bad daily ratings for the day I gave up, I only had the time to play maybe 3 games a day, arena favours those with more time. =(


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
The beta is now over right? I put 200+ games, and around 30 hrs, I know this might be nothing compared to whatever amount you guys put into the game, but its enough for me to give a verdict.

I have mixed feelings.

I don't know who I am annoyed with. Maybe its Bungie for not delivering the game I wanted, maybe its my friends because all of them will play Reach without looking at other shooters, or maybe its me because I can't bring myself to enjoy the game. I just know I didn't enjoy the beta as I hoped I would, then again, I envisioned these two weeks being as magical as the time I had with the H3 beta, and looking back at it that was a lot to live up to. After the first days I just kept playing because my friends were playing it, and I really wanted to "love" the game, but it never clicked with me.
I know I am going to buy the Legendary edition, and I will play the game a lot with my friends, but if this mixed feeling doesn't change in the final version of the game, I will move on. The last few days I played with my friends it felt like a chore. I used to be the guy who would call everybody to play Halo, now I was practially being dragged to play Halo. It was a pretty fucking weird feeling. However, I imagine that if I was forced to play Isolation 24/7 I would end up hating Halo 3, therefore, I want to blame the maps and gametypes at this point. I am still hoping that the final game contains that maginal formula that will give me hundreds of hours of gameplay, and if it doesn't happen, its still ok, 10 years was a good ride.
EazyB said:
Just checked, guess I finished Onyx top 30%

Checked a few others:
Penguins: 20%
Thermite: 30%
BladedExpert: 30%
Blood: 40%
Ram: 40%
Tashi: 40%
Devin Olsen: 40%
Trasher: 60%
Omlet: 80%
Sai: 80%

I'll swap you a H3 50 for a Reach scrub killing spree.
That's pretty cool that it shows what % you were in the Season.

I haven't had a chance to play Arena since the first or second day it came out, but the few games I did play I really enjoyed.

Hopefully when the game releases this fall I will be working back in town again, and I will have more time to play with you guys. I will say I had a lot of fun playing with most of you guys during the first week or so of the beta, good games.

Edit: After a bit of digging the best I could find was top 6%
http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/careerstats.aspx?player=A Rock Hard Keg&vc=2
Louis Wu said:
Steel, baby! Tempered, hardened steel. The breakfast of champions!

...yeah, I got nothin'.
Hell's yeah, Steel all the way!

Story Time:

10 seconds to go, and I spawned on my bro and swiped the Core.

Oh, sh-

Whew, no headshot, so maybe I can ma-

Timer runs out, Spartans win. Story of my Reach life :-\
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