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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


ManCannon said:
Covie Slayer games are available as of day one assuming it comes up and people vote for it.

Edit: Yeah there are some classic gametypes in the mix including CTF. (again, assuming people vote for them)
Sweet. :D


ManCannon said:
We have the formula. It's rather intense. I literally had just asked Urk "Hey when are you posting that formula?" He's going to put it out next week, Tyson is helping to write up some context and insights to accompany it. It'll happen though and it should delight math nerds everywhere.
Nice I'm really curious to this "formula". I love it when developers open the curtains and let us see what they're doing on their side
JaggedSac said:
I am not liking this whole roll-out of modes thing.

I am taking off of work for May 3rd and am only going to be playing a couple game modes. I guess I will be trolling the Arena all day then :)
Taking off work for a beta is risky. Remember the 12 or so hour delay for the Halo 3 beta?


Pappasman said:
Is there a list of loadouts yet? I want to know if there is an active camo-DMR loadout.
Bungie changes the loadouts for every gametype. There isn't necessarily a set in stone list of loadouts.


The Lamonster said:
Taking off work for a beta is risky. Remember the 12 or so hour delay for the Halo 3 beta?

Yeah, I am starting to think maybe a couple days later would be a better choice.

Yeah, I just don't see how I'll be able to entertain myself for 4 days without all of the game modes available. Matter of fact I probably won't bother downloading the beta until the 7th when there'll finally be something new and fresh to experience.

No need to bust balls :D I only have so many discretionary days and I need to use them wisely.


JaggedSac said:
I am not liking this whole roll-out of modes thing.

I am taking off of work for May 3rd and am only going to be playing a couple game modes. I guess I will be trolling the Arena all day then :)
Yeah, I just don't see how I'll be able to entertain myself for 4 days without all of the game modes available. Matter of fact I probably won't bother downloading the beta until the 7th when there'll finally be something new and fresh to experience.


JaggedSac said:
I am not liking this whole roll-out of modes thing.

I am taking off of work for May 3rd and am only going to be playing a couple game modes. I guess I will be trolling the Arena all day then :)

We are staggering the playlist activation specifically to focus the population and our testing efforts. There will be a point where everything is up though.

We haven't committed to the final duration yet but we'll draw a line in the sand next week so people have some kind of expectation. For now I'm just saying it'll be at least two weeks but shouldn't exceed a month. We will see how the release goes, see how we're tracking for our testing goals and be flexible as the beta progresses. Ultimately though we don't want to run it any longer than we have to. (sorry)
The Lamonster said:
Taking off work for a beta is risky. Remember the 12 or so hour delay for the Halo 3 beta?

There is almost always a delay, plan for it. Only a few times has there actually been content released the minute they said it would for most Halo things since Halo 3 came out. (Most Halo 2 maps were released on time if I recall correctly)

Just sad I'm gonna miss the first week of the beta for my honeymoon (starts literally May 3), but I hope everyone else has a blast!

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
I love the idea of rolling out Invasion on the 7th. Gives players time to really get adjusted to the changes in the game and figure out what fits their play style.

Hopefully the extra time before Invasion will make the Invasion matches much more competitive and fun, instead of a bunch of chickens running with their heads cut off. :D
JaggedSac said:
I am not liking this whole roll-out of modes thing.

I am taking off of work for May 3rd and am only going to be playing a couple game modes. I guess I will be trolling the Arena all day then :)

Bungie probably just wants people to get warmed up with simpler gametypes so they aren't overloaded with new stuff. My guess, anyway.

Edit: beat again! Second time today.




ManCannon said:
We have the formula. It's rather intense. I literally had just asked Urk "Hey when are you posting that formula?" He's going to put it out next week, Tyson is helping to write up some context and insights to accompany it. It'll happen though and it should delight math nerds everywhere.

As a maths university student, I'm looking forward to this. I'm intrigued why, according to the podcast, it involves an arctan... :D


ManCannon said:
We are staggering the playlist activation specifically to focus the population and our testing efforts. There will be a point where everything is up though.

We haven't committed to the final duration yet but we'll draw a line in the sand next week so people have some kind of expectation. For now I'm just saying it'll be at least two weeks but shouldn't exceed a month. We will see how the release goes, see how we're tracking for our testing goals and be flexible as the beta progresses. Ultimately though we don't want to run it any longer than we have to. (sorry)

Yeah, I know you guys have very good reasons. I am just being selfish\greedy\impatient.
Major Williams said:
Just sad I'm gonna miss the first week of the beta for my honeymoon (starts literally May 3), but I hope everyone else has a blast!
Don't be sad. A honeymoon is way cooler than video games, period.


Is the evade armor ability only for Elites? Is it possible to jump on someone who has a jetpack and have them transport you somewhere slowly like players could with the banshee in previous games?
Oozer3993 said:
I hate to add to the deluge of questions, but do you have any idea when the Arena rating formula might be detailed? The math nerd in me would love to peruse it and the computer science nerd in me would love to implement it in Java.

:lol :lol :lol

Its so true.

P.S. Congrats Major Williams - A marriage/ honeymoon is a lot more important than Reach anyway!

One good thing about the beta being so close is the pressure it finally puts me on working, this close to the beta I wanna get my work done so I can enjoy Reach in peace :lol


Kuroyume said:
Is the evade armor ability only for Elites? Is it possible to jump on someone who has a jetpack and have them transport you somewhere slowly like players could with the banshee in previous games?

Yup, Evade is an Elite-only ability (though I have no idea if that is something that you could eventually customize in your own load-outs for customs in the final game).

I haven't ever tried it but I don't see why you couldn't balance on your friend's head and let him fly you around if you really wanted to. Sounds like amazing grenade/plasma launcher double-kill fodder to me. :D


MagniHarvald said:
:lol :lol :lol The only decent Equipment IMO was the Power Drain (and the Beta Tripmine, RIP). All the others slowed down gameplay or were worthless IMO.
Can't wait to see what they nurf from the beta.....remembers the H3 beta Carbine <3
neoism said:
Can't wait to see what they nurf from the beta.....remembers the H3 beta Carbine <3

Fyrewulff actually made a really interesting point on HBO - he said something along the lines of this giving Bungie a chance to power up some weapons and see how it works. Im butchering his post, but it was a really good point. Im looking forward to seeing the "Deathstar" weapons in full glory before Bungie tone them down.


ZayneH said:
:lol :lol :lol

I wonder if this ViDoc has created the most GIF worthy content/discussion ever. Just the parts with the Lukes are probably 2x the size of other ViDoc stuff. :lol
Your avatar need more Ravi drums, I think. :D


So only 2 maps are going to be available when the beta drops?? Might have to move my vacation days to the end of the week when everything is unlocked.
Slighty off-topic here, but does anyone have the respawn "beeps" from Halo saved as an audio file somewhere? I'm getting kinda desperate!


Genesis Knight said:
I think we're good on that 59.99 legendary via Amazon. Still in Account History, hasn't been cancelled.

Maj0r Winrar.
I'll remain skeptical until it's been shipped and I've been charged.


reetva said:
Your avatar need more Ravi drums, I think. :D

Don't know if you intended this for Major Williams (whose avatar is even awesomer than mine :lol ), but yeah. Wish I could make GIF's though (and be something other than "just another commenter")
My plan is to wait in line and get a Standard edition at a Gamestop midnight release party, then undercut the MSRP and sell off the Legendary edition on eBay when it arrives = free copy of Halo Reach, since I don't care about the flaming Spartan helmet. :lol
Gui_PT said:
For those of you who are buying the LE, do you actually plan on using the flaming helmet?

Im not getting the Legendary, but I guess outside of 'ranked/ Arena' it would be pretty sweet to use.

Im guessing it will be pretty rare, so it might attract some crazy play from people trying theyre best to kill you. It would make the game in those situations a little easier, thats for sure - well until you want to turn invisible or hide :lol
ManCannon said:
Obligatory Urk update spoiler:
the Invasion playlist will be turned on starting May 7th.
ManCannon said:
Negative. There's a staged roll-out but once something is on, it'll stay on. Urk will drop the current target release dates in the update. I probably shouldn't steal ALL of that thunder.
Bah! I guess that leaves just Grab Bag and the Arena available up from the start. Not to worry, though! With Invasion and NT1 out of the picture, I won't have any excuse not to play the two new gamtypes - Stockpile and Headhunter - so I guess it's good news.:D


Gui_PT said:
For those of you who are buying the LE, do you actually plan on using the flaming helmet?

Depends on it being a helmet you can't customize on/switch (doubt that'll happen), or if you can unlock this stuff by playing the regular version of the game, or my mood.

So, maybe?
I wouldn't. All it means is that you spent a bit more money than other people, and you're setting yourself up for griefing every time you get killed - just like with Recon before it became more common. Besides, it's more fun to wear stuff you worked to unlock.


Genesis Knight said:
I think we're good on that 59.99 legendary via Amazon. Still in Account History, hasn't been cancelled.

Maj0r Winrar.

Gui_PT said:
For those of you who are buying the LE, do you actually plan on using the flaming helmet?
no, ok maybe occasionally for giggles. Also could make singleplayer cutscenes hilarious for that 5th playthrough.


Well it kinda looks nice but as one of you said, you're just letting everyone know you spent 150 dollars on the game.

That and you'll probably be asking for trouble once you use it. Either kids being jerks or getting messages from the dumb ones saying "OMG u from bungie u so lame lurn how to play noob"


Gui_PT said:
That and you'll probably be asking for trouble once you use it. Either kids being jerks or getting messages from the dumb ones saying "OMG u from bungie u so lame lurn how to play noob"

Well, since I already suck at Halo, there's no other option than for me to use the flaming helmet then. :lol


Gui_PT said:
Well it kinda looks nice but as one of you said, you're just letting everyone know you spent 150 dollars on the game.

That and you'll probably be asking for trouble once you use it. Either kids being jerks or getting messages from the dumb ones saying "OMG u from bungie u so lame lurn how to play noob"
-Lol, you paid 150$ for legendary Halo reach lolololol
-bitch, I'm rich, I bought 10 of those...

I'm only getting it if amazon honors the 60 dollars preorders, if not, I'm totally going with limited, 150 is way too much for me
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