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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

urk said:
Just a bit surprising (and kinda sad) that the discourse here was less mature and more vitriolic than it was in spaces that are known for their epic levels of shit slinging. As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.
When Bungie shakes the trees, the monkeys get angry (reticle bloom what is this shit).

and idk what you were expecting, but I thought halogaf delivered in spades both angry criticism and relentless slandor :p


Trasher said:
The thing with this game is that you have no fun when a match is actually close and competitive. That wasn't the case with Halo 3. In that game, if you won 50-49, it felt awesome and rewarding. In Reach, you would just feel pissed off and feel like your team played awful. Heck, even in games where we won 50-30 we still felt that way. Now we can argue all day about what it is that causes this game to be so un-fun (compared to the other Halos), whether it be the bloom, the grenades, the jump height, etc, etc, but in the end it just wasn't very rewarding for the player. The classic Halo recipe was changed a bit too much for most of our liking I think.

I don't think it says something about the game honestly because everyone I played with enjoyed the close and competitive games in Reach just as much as Halo 3, it must be a difference in opinion because I feel that Reach even with the issues I had with it was an amazing change to the Halo Format which made me even more excited for the full release.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Dani said:
We need some rose tinted Beta memories, stat!
The Beta, shall be remembered as the Great Divide. It provided Bungie, the statistics they required using countless nerd tears as fuel. Upsetting many Halo veterans, even diehard fans of the original game, Halo: Combat Evolved. While others, new to the series, or who never enjoyed it til' now, posted with delight at the new changes. While many enjoyed playing as elites and using plasma launchers. Or firing off pipes which are and shall should remain pro. There where those who complained at this bloom, I and another user confused, thinking this a graphical effect. Until clarification was received that it was the reticle or reticule (it could spelled either way) that was expanding and retracting, like a glorious anus, after ravenous poun- Wait, where was I?

Yes, the beta was pounded with feedback both, positive and negative. People cheered while others jeered, the change was a fickle bitch and those who could not stand it, mostly got there ass kicked. But others who did not, dominated with there four man team against randoms. People would cry out "more like Halo 2/3" and Bungie would look down from their e-tower and whisper "No."

The world seemed bleak, as this franchise seemed to had run to it's end, but that was not the case. As hope was replaced with faith, Bungie responded that change would be brought and it would be before the final product was to be released. The cries turned to relief, but it was only brief, because the next day, Spartans v.s. Elites was unleashed. The cycle continued, at this one known venue, people call The NeoGAF.

To lazy to finish, 3/14

I enjoyed the Beta, because I didn't want Halo 3.5 /halofansincethefirst


Dani said:
We need some rose tinted Beta memories, stat!



Mad defense 1

Mad defense 2

And a story: on the last night of the Beta, I'm playing FFA with my daughter. She's having fun with the jetpack, and just messing around while I play a bit more seriously. We agreed not to go after each other, since she's never played in a competitive environment before; her Halo experience is messing around on Forge with her dad and some campaign.

We ran into each other and didn't realize it. I missed her with the shotty, and she nails me with the hammer. So here's the recording of one of my daughter's very first MP kills (on her dad, no less).

Side note: I thought she was just messing around as I was playing; I didn't really pay attention to what she was doing. She only got a handful of kills in all the games. But going back through her films, she had clearly picked up little strategies from watching her dad, or developed her own. The way she'd go up high and take a few pot shots at someone, toss a grenade, then move over to a different vantage point when return fire came. Or how she'd bank grenades around corners when she saw someone coming on the radar. I'd never taught her stuff, she just was picking it up. My heart swelled with pride: she was learning to really play Halo.

That said, she fell in love with the grav lift on Sword Base, and spent the last game on there trying to get her corpse bobbing as long as possible. These are a few highlights from that endeavor: attempt #1, attempt #2 (which is kind of awesome).

And here's the rendered film of the first Reach game I played. Note the first thing I did was test the AR spread against a wall. Those early games of exploration and messing around were so fun.

EazyB said:
Did you guys use the invis a lot during the beta? Did you find it fun to use or fight against?
Two of the worst games in the Beta for me was playing against a party of four who all rocked Camo exclusively on Powerhouse, and another one (perhaps the same one?) a few days later on Sword Base. It brought the entire pace of the game to a crawl and became a game of trying to find the camping bastards.


Really glad they're taking another look at the movement speed and jumping. Really thought those types of things would be pretty set in stone this late in development with most of the campaign and MP levels' geometry built around them. Not expecting a lot but more than I did before the update.

GhaleonEB said:
To be fair, the commentary from HaloGAF was a served with a heaping pile of vitriol, profanity and general nastiness this time around. That's mostly died down now and some good wrap up thoughts are coming out. But what used to be a side dish was very much an entrée this time around.

The observations about discussion in the Halo 3 Beta thread being more civil are correct. It's perfectly fair for someone from Bungie to point that out, given their participation (and in Urk's case, origin) in this particular community.
Well Urk definitely didn't differentiate himself with the rest of the GAFers. Following this post with this and this post with this doesn't really set a great example. Personally I don't mind and I get a kick out of the more color discourse and cutting sarcasm. I just found it hypocritical that Urk's been complaining about it while he's never refrained from it :lol

Anyways, there was talk about what AA's we'd like to see in the final game and I just wanna hear what you guys think of the new/heavily modified Stealth AA I proposed in my Beta Impressions post:

  • I don’t think it’s overpowered I just think it’s annoying and isn’t fun to fight against. I personally don’t find it fun to use (definitely the AA I used the least) but I’m sure they are some that love it. I just can’t stand the movement-based visibility. I know it’s there to balance it and I agree, without that it’d be unbalanced, but it makes it not fun because it boils down to people camping with invis. Makes both me and the invis player slow down to a crawl while I slowly scan the area for him and he sits in his corner waiting to shotgun me. Here’s my suggestion for a invis type armor ability that I think would be more fun for both sides:
  • This stealth AA removes you from the radar no matter your movement. Puts you in a distance-based invisibility so when you’re close you’re about half-visible but from afar it’s much harder for the enemy to see you unless they scope in on you. It’d work kind of like an artificial LoD that players could control. Could make it so the reticule doesn’t turn red when placed on them, make the enemies see them as their own teammate’s color, and maybe keep the deafening effect. Just spit-balling suggestions now. I also think it players using this AA should have to anticipate when they really need it more so reduce its duration. It’d be great for avoiding snipers, and even closing the distance between a mid-range weapon user and a stealth shotgun user. Being off the radar (but still probably visible inside this radar range) would make it just as good or maybe even better for sneaking into an enemy area undetected (making sure you’re out of their line of sight).
  • Maybe I’m alone in thinking this would be a worthwhile alternative for a stealth class. But as it is, I think most players view the Invis class in the beta as largely worthless and it slows the pace of the game for everyone involved ultimately leading to a dull experience.

Did you guys use the invis a lot during the beta? Did you find it fun to use or fight against?


EazyB said:
Did you guys use the invis a lot during the beta? Did you find it fun to use or fight against?
Personally, no, no and no. I don't like the constant radar jamming (that doesn't affect their team), I'd rather the game tell me in some other way that someone was camoed nearby, so that way at least they would be forced to move very slowly. I know that when they run the get more visible, but most of the times unless you're not moving the camera, the ghosting doesn't really let you see them very well at a glance.

but enjoyed surprising this camoed guy with a sword to the mouth

VVV cry sum moar, what do you want, Reach.5?


343i Lead Esports Producer
More Halo 3 news. Beat up on Pistola
I avenged you Eazy lol
and Heinz just before. I thought they were fakes during the match, we 3-0'd them on Pit Flag. Columbus is in 2 weeks, they'd better get their shit together lol. I'm still not used to how floaty the game feels after playing Reach. It's really insane, I feel like I'm in the air forever.


Lothars said:
I don't think it says something about the game honestly because everyone I played with enjoyed the close and competitive games in Reach just as much as Halo 3, it must be a difference in opinion because I feel that Reach even with the issues I had with it was an amazing change to the Halo Format which made me even more excited for the full release.
Ok, but everyone I played with didn't enjoy those competitive games. But when we played those competitive games in Halo 3 we actually DID enjoy them. That means something changed in Reach, and it was a change for the worse in that regard (in our opinion anyway). So in the end I do believe this says something about the game if you can't enjoy a competitive game at our particular skill level.

Just curious, but what was your rank in Halo 3 and what was your division in Reach? All the people I play with are Onyx level in Reach and are 48+
48s beat up on the generals quite often by the way right Eazy?
in Halo 3. The reason I ask is because it seems like every person I've talked to who is of this particular skill level does not enjoy the competitive matches in Reach.

Tashi0106 said:
More Halo 3 news. Beat up on Pistola
I avenged you Eazy lol
and Heinz just before. I thought they were fakes during the match, we 3-0'd them on Pit Flag. Columbus is in 2 weeks, they'd better get their shit together lol. I'm still not used to how floaty the game feels after playing Reach. It's really insane, I feel like I'm in the air forever.
You avenged me too! Except the TJs had a few previous games where we got to beat up on him. :)
My biggest fear involving the Reach Beta is people who just want to dissolve the new direction Bungie has taken back into regular Halo 3. Creatively for Bungie it is boring to make and players will actually see that nothing has evolved then get pissy at Bungie/Microsoft/the 360 for it. Then everyone gets on the Halo 3.5 bandwagon and it becomes a horrid forum meme for another 3 years.

For me the beta showed a real step towards bending the Halo formula towards a more tactical team based shooter less based on speed and melee and more on strategy. Those are the sorts of FPS games I enjoy the most. In a way I'd have preferred the beta not coming out and Bungie doing their best at realizing the game they want to make and using their instincts. However, if they just look at the stats of who used what and what game modes were often played then I can see it being really useful more then, more so than the confusing white noise of forum murmur.


Warm Machine said:
My biggest fear involving the Reach Beta is people who just want to dissolve the new direction Bungie has taken back into regular Halo 3. Creatively for Bungie it is boring to make and players will actually see that nothing has evolved then get pissy at Bungie/Microsoft/the 360 for it. Then everyone gets on the Halo 3.5 bandwagon and it becomes a horrid forum meme for another 3 years.

For me the beta showed a real step towards bending the Halo formula towards a more tactical team based shooter less based on speed and melee and more on strategy. Those are the sorts of FPS games I enjoy the most. In a way I'd have preferred the beta not coming out and Bungie doing their best at realizing the game they want to make and using their instincts. However, if they just look at the stats of who used what and what game modes were often played then I can see it being really useful more then, more so than the confusing white noise of forum murmur.
Are you serious?

Sprint + Melee [hammer, sword, gun] was one of the reasons I did not like the beta, and here you are saying the beta had less of this? :lol

Also Creativity should not mean that you regress on what progress you have made before.
The Health System, jumping, shooting, vehicles, grenades... all changed for the worse.


Halo 3 is and was stale. The movement, shooting, and pace needed change. My opinion. While others may disagree and others fall between, that's what makes it neat.

I'm certainly anticipating the final. No sense in throwing a fit they didn't design the game the same way they created Halo 3, or Halo 2 for that matter, as both were closely the same game, in terms of movement, primary weapons, and jumping. Biggest difference between those two would be hit-scan and MP maps. The Halo 1 loyalists were pissed off, and felt betrayed by Halo 2's release. For some, they're in that same boat. At least now you'll still have an option to go back to Halo 3 where Social BTB, Social Skirmish, and Team Slayer will welcome in open arms. I got tired of 3 because of the maps, playlists, and gameplay felt stale as months went on. I'm ready for something different, but at the same time, the direction Bungie decides to go in their final Halo release.


Nutter said:
Are you serious?

Sprint + Melee [hammer, sword, gun] was one of the reasons I did not like the beta, and here you are saying the beta had less of this? :lol

Also Creativity should not mean that you regress on what progress you have made before.
The Health System, jumping, shooting, vehicles, grenades... all changed for the worse.
This. Bungie learned to walk with Halo: CE, sped up a bit with Halo 2, and was at a near full stride with Halo 3. What I wanted them to do was cross that finish line with a strong finish in Reach, but instead they kinda turned away from the final stretch here and went down a different road. I mean this is the LAST Halo game we get from them, and to be honest I think it could very well have the shortest lifespan concerning multiplayer when comparing it to 2 and 3. I don't see it having the legs of those two games. I really hope I'm wrong, and I'm not giving up on the game yet, but it worries me. They may have tried to change too much of the core gameplay that most of us have learned to love from their previous titles.


I'm curious as to how they plan on fixing the sprinting double melee. I know that the vast majority of the time, when someone was close enough that they could sprint to me fairly quickly, they would always do that+melee over shooting their gun. I'd personally love to see melee become a finishing move only, say 2 whacks to break shields, but only one if the shields are already down.

I would say just go back to the Halo 3 method, but the AR+Beatdown combo was one thing about the beta I was very pleased to see gone.


Ramirez said:
I'm curious as to how they plan on fixing the sprinting double melee. I know that the vast majority of the time, when someone was close enough that they could sprint to me fairly quickly, they would always do that+melee over shooting their gun. I'd personally love to see melee become a finishing move only, say 2 whacks to break shields, but only one if the shields are already down.
The double melee will be gone in its entirety. But I'd also like to see a delay after sprinting similar to how long it takes to resume firing added to sword, hammer and melee combat.

I say that despite this being one of my favorite moments of the Beta.


GhaleonEB said:
The double melee will be gone in its entirety. But I'd also like to see a delay after sprinting similar to how long it takes to resume firing added to sword, hammer and melee combat.

I say that despite this being one of my favorite moments of the Beta.
The hammer always seemed to have the longest delay for me. I would stop sprinting and jam on the button to swing, but it would literally take like two or three seconds. And yet at other times it would swing right away. Something was not right in either case.

Why is this one of your favorite moments of the beta? I don't see what's special about it. =/

GhaleonEB said:
See the video I linked to above. With the sword and hammer, if you stopped sprinting you'd have to pull the weapon out again. But you could attack directly from a full sprint with either, no delay.
Ah ok, didn't know that. Yeah, it shouldn't work like that IMO. :lol

Holy shit I wish I would have known this. And to think all this time I have been only using sprint. I coulda been abusing the shit outta that! :lol


Trasher said:
The hammer always seemed to have the longest delay for me. I would stop sprinting and jam on the button to swing, but it would literally take like two or three seconds. And yet at other times it would swing right away. Something was not right in either case.
See the video I linked to above. With the sword and hammer, if you stopped sprinting you'd have to pull the weapon out again. But you could attack directly from a full sprint with either, no delay.

This video has several first person examples as well.
Trasher said:
Why is this one of your favorite moments of the beta? I don't see what's special about it. =/
Because it felt awesome. First person showed it better, but the sensation of the big leap over the gap and descending on a guy while poising the hammer just felt wicked. Also, I'd been trying for the sprint/leap/smash combo all through the beta and finally pulled it off there.


Ramirez said:
Hammer Lunge was insane, no way that will remain the same. The sword needs a buff, take the blocking out! >_<
I literally stopped using the sword once people caught on with the melee block. It became pretty much worthless. =/


343i Lead Esports Producer
Trasher said:
I literally stopped using the sword once people caught on with the melee block. It became pretty much worthless. =/

Maybe the melee block should still be in but doesn't put them on equal footing afterwards. Maybe it should just buy the guy who blocked the sword a second to get saved. What if the player moved really slowly like when he gets jacked out of a vehicle when he blocks a sword.

I also think that if the sword from Halo 3 were in Swordbase, it might be a tad over powered. But that map has too many power weapons anyway. Sword, shotty, sniper, and the godly plasma launcher.
Moving is 'fun' as always.

Looking forward to jumping back to the trusty aul dog tonight.
Good BWU:
The plan is to produce a podcast or two on the subject (no promises), to crank out an official postmortem with tons of sweet post Beta stats,
Please. This (or a suitably lengthy and designer-filled article) is what I've really wanted when it comes to hearing how both Bungie's data and the communities feedback are evaluated.
EazyB said:
Did you guys use the invis a lot during the beta? Did you find it fun to use or fight against?
Running Riot.

I loved Invis in the beta, and I loved using it. I don't remember me getting frustrated when fighting against it.
GhaleonEB said:
And here's the rendered film of the first Reach game I played. Note the first thing I did was test the AR spread against a wall. Those early games of exploration and messing around were so fun.

I like how Ghal and I were the last two to get a kill. The rest of you are killing bastards!:lol


Zeouterlimits said:
Good BWU:

Please. This (or a suitably lengthy and designer-filled article) is what I've really wanted when it comes to hearing how both Bungie's data and the communities feedback are evaluated.
Urk feed us that joyous nerdgasm beta info!

Thanks everyone for your submissions for the montage. I will be working on it for the next few weeks, hopefully getting it done sooner than later. I am realistic though, I have a full time job and still want to play RDR here and there, so I am looking at 2 weeks as a good time frame.

I also wanted to thank everyone that rendered clips for others, for the montage or otherwise. If you would like credit in the montage for your service to the community, please send Gui_PT a PM with your info. He is compiling a list of those that donated their minutes.

big ander

Dax01 said:
Running Riot.

I loved Invis in the beta, and I loved using it. I don't remember me getting frustrated when fighting against it.


I like how Ghal and I were the last two to get a kill. The rest of you are killing bastards!:lol
I was provoked! Sai kun started it :D
EazyB said:
Did you guys use the invis a lot during the beta? Did you find it fun to use or fight against?
The only time I used it was during the first stage of Invasion, and that was mainly to just get out of the line of fire. It can be fun to fight against, but only if you can get the upper hand. ;-)


Dax01 said:
Running Riot.

I loved Invis in the beta, and I loved using it. I don't remember me getting frustrated when fighting against it.

I like how Ghal and I were the last two to get a kill. The rest of you are killing bastards!:lol
Pre-game lobby: "Let's just mess around and not kill each other!"

Three minutes into the game: *teabagging*

That's HaloGAF for ya. Every "let's mess around" game turned into a competition within minutes. Its in their blood.


Ok guys completely off topic here, but how many of you have played against someone called R0BBY H00D? He is my friend and doesn't know what Neogaf is and every other day he mentions one of you guys being someone he plays against either in Reach of Bad Company 2.


wwm0nkey said:
Ok guys completely off topic here, but how many of you have played against someone called R0BBY H00D? He is my friend and doesn't know what Neogaf is and every other day he mentions one of you guys being someone he plays against either in Reach of Bad Company 2.

He's on my friends list. Could've sworn he was from HaloGAF.


ZayneH said:
He's on my friends list. Could've sworn he was from HaloGAF.
Nah, he is awesome and would be a good member of gaf, but he hates using his PC :lol

Its just every time he plays he always seems to play against a member of HaloGaf :lol
Dani said:
We need some rose tinted Beta memories, stat!
I would upload this video I have onto youtube right now, but it is blocked at work...

I recorded the last 2% of the download for the beta and then me launching it for the first time, etc... Nothing special a lot of "oh wow..." "oh..." "wow" "oh mannnn" from me mainly.

But here is a picture I took of the Main Menu before I played my first game!

Here is the setup I had for when I was playing

And my first mini-lan when my friend came over the next night to play

Edit: My first rendered video (file id 570!)

I've never been able to re create this glitch, but it was fun to watch an entire film which didn't seem to track my movement properly at all... Seemed like it never knew when I used the right thumb stick, I am not sure... Weird though.


wwm0nkey said:
Nah, he is awesome and would be a good member of gaf, but he hates using his PC :lol

Its just every time he plays he always seems to play against a member of HaloGaf :lol

Heh. Yeah. :lol


Ramirez said:
Man, Halo 3 feels completely foreign to me now, not sure I'll even bother going back to it much.
And the circle is complete.

After the Halo 3 Beta ended:

Ramirez said:
OMG :lol

Well, I got Halo 2 working again, and wow, first game was like goin in a time machine about 4 years ago :p

Lighting is so dark, the weapons look like ass (BR/Sniper specifically), damnit quit hitting RB, my FOV seems alot smaller, etc.

Sept. come to me. :(

Sept. come to me. Again.


Tashi0106 said:
Maybe the melee block should still be in but doesn't put them on equal footing afterwards. Maybe it should just buy the guy who blocked the sword a second to get saved. What if the player moved really slowly like when he gets jacked out of a vehicle when he blocks a sword.
That actually would work better I think. Make it so the Sword guy doesn't lose his shields, but keep it so the other player does.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Dax01 said:
I like how Ghal and I were the last two to get a kill. The rest of you are killing bastards!:lol

LOL I remember this. I downloaded the beta and then waited like a half hour for everyone else to download it so we can get a group of 8 going. I hadn't even played a single game yet in all that time. I just wanted to kill shit.
Tashi0106 said:
LOL I remember this. I downloaded the beta and then waited like a half hour for everyone else to download it so we can get a group of 8 going. I hadn't even played a single game yet in all that time. I just wanted to kill shit.

I was watching from jtv the whole time, with about 1,000 other people, and we all wanted to see some shit get killed :lol


343i Lead Esports Producer
BladedExpert said:
I was watching from jtv the whole time, with about 1,000 other people, and we all wanted to see some shit get killed :lol

:lol :lol Yea, people were getting angry and restless in there. I almost bailed on the party to go in alone. lol
Too much of Halo's core gameplay has changed? Bullshit!

Games/books/paintings/poems/music etc. are art forms. Art! Media in general takes on many of these attributes. Halo is no different. Pick any band, or any artist you like. In the span of their career have they ever changed what they have done? You'd swear Bungie were after releasing a beta for their synchronous, cel-shaded, 4-player puzzle game or something. Did you cry when vehicles blew up in Halo 2? Surely that changed the core gameplay way too much. Dual wielding weapons?!?!! Say whaaaa? But alas, it was a great game regardless. Halo 3 and it's changes (ie. playable elites, equipment, blah blah blah) shook the community.... as any change does. The challenge is to deal with it responsibly.

You can always play any of Bungie's games but don't cry when they, as a company, want to mature and expand on their horizons. Picasso never painted the same thing again and again. Shakespeare didn't copy and paste his plays.

There is critiquing art... but there is also being rooted to what you liked about some artist (which I believe sparked all the gripe).
Tashi0106 said:
:lol :lol Yea, people were getting angry and restless in there. I almost bailed on the party to go in alone. lol

There was alot of "WHATS HE WAITING FOR????" and the like. I was more annoyed at every new person who came into the chat asking "How does he have it already??!??!?". That shit got old fast.
BladedExpert said:
There was alot of "WHATS HE WAITING FOR????" and the like. I was more annoyed at every new person who came into the chat asking "How does he have it already??!??!?". That shit got old fast.
I managed to convince a few lads one time that I thought he was playing Halo 2... or was it 3. Was it you or vhfive that was there for that? lol. Fun times on that stream :p
Hydranockz said:
I managed to convince a few lads one time that I thought he was playing Halo 2... or was it 3. Was it you or vhfive that was there for that? lol. Fun times on that stream :p

Plenty of shenanigans in the chat that day :p


Hydranockz said:
Too much of Halo's core gameplay has changed? Bullshit!

Games/books/paintings/poems/music etc. are art forms. Art! Media in general takes on many of these attributes. Halo is no different. Pick any band, or any artist you like. In the span of their career have they ever changed what they have done? You'd swear Bungie were after releasing a beta for their synchronous, cel-shaded, 4-player puzzle game or something. Did you cry when vehicles blew up in Halo 2? Surely that changed the core gameplay way too much. Dual wielding weapons?!?!! Say whaaaa? But alas, it was a great game regardless. Halo 3 and it's changes (ie. playable elites, equipment, blah blah blah) shook the community.... as any change does. The challenge is to deal with it responsibly.

You can always play any of Bungie's games but don't cry when they, as a company, want to mature and expand on their horizons. Picasso never painted the same thing again and again. Shakespeare didn't copy and paste his plays.

There is critiquing art... but there is also being rooted to what you liked about some artist (which I believe sparked all the gripe).
Thanks for posting in such a nice manner. I forgot that we can't discuss and state our opinions here in a non-hostile way without them being ridiculed...

Also, I am not crying. Like I said, I still have faith in Bungie to fix and tweak a few things that could change the overall experience for the better. But as of right now, IN MY OPINION, this is the least fun Halo multiplayer game.
Trasher said:
Thanks for posting in such a nice manner. I forgot that we can't discuss and state our opinions here in a non-hostile way without them being ridiculed...

Also, I am not crying. Like I said, I still have faith in Bungie to fix and tweak a few things that could change the overall experience for the better. But as of right now, IN MY OPINION, this is the least fun Halo multiplayer game.
My point being is that artists it should be their opinion that matters. They are pouring themselves into this project. It is up to you and I to appreciate what they drop us in the fall. If they didn't change a thing and they were pleased with the standard of what they released, who are we to say "it needed more X" or "that had way too much Y"?

My problem is that Bungie cares too much about their fans and we are mostly too ungrateful for it. I think the next time you post, you should realise that not all games studios disclose information so freely about their project. They are inviting us in to their game and, as valued as your opinions are, you feel as though you should have any say in how the game plays in the fall??

Back in the day, I used to play games as they were. I was a kid, but even then I knew that the game was not mine. Someone had made it for me and I think Gaf/the internet lost sight of that. Bungie spoiled us guys.


urk said:
I'm not mad at anybody. Happy as a clam up in this bitch. I had a blast playing the beta when I could squeeze games in and we've gotten a ton of great data and feedback from the community. Just a bit surprising (and kinda sad) that the discourse here was less mature and more vitriolic than it was in spaces that are known for their epic levels of shit slinging. As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.

After the awesomeness of the beta and HaloGAF's desire to have more of the same, I've come to the conclusion that HaloGAF as a whole is simply out of touch with what makes a good Halo game. My friends and everyone I work with absolutely loved the beta. We literally couldn't stop talking about it and had life allowed, would have played so much more. I guess that's why I was so shocked to hear people here complaining about movement, weapons, and well, just about everything. I simply and categorically disagree with just about every complaint leveled at Reach on this message board. Was the beta perfect? Nope. Was it the train-wreck that so many of you make it out to be? Absolutely not.

It really makes me wonder how much Reach will change, and whether these changes will be for the better or for the worse. I put my money on Bungie making the right decisions, but I have to wonder given some of the harsh reactions here on GAF. I really hope that a message board minority (let's face it, HaloGAF is a very small number of people) won't have much of an impact on a developer that's just trying to make a kick butt game. I'm very sorry and don't mean to offend, but HaloGAF, you're out of touch.

With Reach it really feels as if Bungie went back to what made the original Halo a "combat evolved" experience. I had the time of my life playing Halo 2 with my friends, and with Halo 3, it died out very quickly. Reach resparked that Halo fire for us, and it really felt like a natural evolution of the game. From my experience, it was successful in catering to both the hardcore like myself, and the casuals like many of my friends. It was balanced, fun, spontaneous, tactical, skillful, and well, Halo evolved.

Reach takes just what it needs from past Halo games and adds its own special sauce. I don't want mechanical parity with Halo 3. I don't want the weapons to behave the same from the targeting to the damage, to the grenades. I don't want to leap around like I've been leaping for years, and I don't even care to run as fast. I want Halo but I want it updated and fresh, and that's what Reach provided.

I'm really anxious to see if Bungie can sort through the feedback and introspectively look at what their goals are with Reach and head towards those ends. Come fall, I'm hoping that both camps will be pleasantly satisfied. And if not, perhaps we'll reunite around Bungie's new IP. :D


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
soldat7 said:
After the awesomeness of the beta and HaloGAF's desire to have more of the same, I've come to the conclusion that HaloGAF as a whole is simply out of touch with what makes a good Halo game. My friends and everyone I work with absolutely loved the beta. We literally couldn't stop talking about it and had life allowed, would have played so much more. I guess that's why I was so shocked to hear people here complaining about movement, weapons, and well, just about everything. I simply and categorically disagree with just about every complaint leveled at Reach on this message board. Was the beta perfect? Nope. Was it the train-wreck that so many of you make it out to be? Absolutely not.

For anyone who needs a shorter version: HaloGAF's opinion doesn't matter; only soldat's.


Hydranockz said:
My point being is that artists it should be their opinion that matters. They are pouring themselves into this project. It is up to you and I to appreciate what they drop us in the fall. If they didn't change a thing and they were pleased with the standard of what they released, who are we to say "it needed more X" or "that had way too much Y"?

My problem is that Bungie cares too much about their fans and we are mostly too ungrateful for it. I think the next time you post, you should realise that not all games studios disclose information so freely about their project. They are inviting us in to their game and, as valued as your opinions are, you feel as though you should have any say in how the game plays in the fall??

Back in the day, I used to play games as they were. I was a kid, but even then I knew that the game was not mine. Someone had made it for me and I think Gaf/the internet lost sight of that. Bungie spoiled us guys.
First of all, they are creating this game to make money. They aren't creating it to be artistic. They want to make a good game that will be popular and sell lots of copies. Bottom line: they want to make something that people will enjoy playing.

Secondly, I know my opinion ultimately doesn't matter to them. They are going to do what they feel is best. But this was a BETA. Apparently you don't understand that they want to know our opinions on their game. We were helping them test it, and that's what betas are for.

And lastly, the game is yours if you decide to purchase it. But what you purchase is what you get.
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