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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


soldat7 said:
After the awesomeness of the beta and HaloGAF's desire to have more of the same, I've come to the conclusion that HaloGAF as a whole is simply out of touch with what makes a good Halo game. My friends and everyone I work with absolutely loved the beta. We literally couldn't stop talking about it and had life allowed, would have played so much more. I guess that's why I was so shocked to hear people here complaining about movement, weapons, and well, just about everything. I simply and categorically disagree with just about every complaint leveled at Reach on this message board. Was the beta perfect? Nope. Was it the train-wreck that so many of you make it out to be? Absolutely not.

It really makes me wonder how much Reach will change, and whether these changes will be for the better or for the worse. I put my money on Bungie making the right decisions, but I have to wonder given some of the harsh reactions here on GAF. I really hope that a message board minority (let's face it, HaloGAF is a very small number of people) won't have much of an impact on a developer that's just trying to make a kick butt game. I'm very sorry and don't mean to offend, but HaloGAF, you're out of touch.

With Reach it really feels as if Bungie went back to what made the original Halo a "combat evolved" experience. I had the time of my life playing Halo 2 with my friends, and with Halo 3, it died out very quickly. Reach resparked that Halo fire for us, and it really felt like a natural evolution of the game. From my experience, it was successful in catering to both the hardcore like myself, and the casuals like many of my friends. It was balanced, fun, spontaneous, tactical, skillful, and well, Halo evolved.

Reach takes just what it needs from past Halo games and adds its own special sauce. I don't want mechanical parity with Halo 3. I don't want the weapons to behave the same from the targeting to the damage, to the grenades. I don't want to leap around like I've been leaping for years, and I don't even care to run as fast. I want Halo but I want it updated and fresh, and that's what Reach provided.

I'm really anxious to see if Bungie can sort through the feedback and introspectively look at what their goals are with Reach and head towards those ends. Come fall, I'm hoping that both camps will be pleasantly satisfied. And if not, perhaps we'll reunite around Bungie's new IP. :D

Edit: Wrong GT, my bad.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Domino Theory said:
For anyone who needs a shorter version: HaloGAF's opinion doesn't matter; only soldat's.

HAND GAFesmatterns?

What is these secret you're trying to give us!?


Is there anyone out there who was a general in Halo 3 and actually loves Reach? Just curious because I haven't met one yet. Seems like all of the people giving Reach rave reviews haven't played the game very much and are lower skilled players. That's not supposed to be mean either. It's just what I've noticed so far.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Trasher said:
Is there anyone out there who was a general in Halo 3 and actually loves Reach? Just curious because I haven't met one yet. Seems like all of the people giving Reach rave reviews haven't played the game very much and are lower skilled players. That's not supposed to be mean either. It's just what I've noticed so far.

I have a friend who is a 2 star general in Halo 3 and he likes Reach.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Nutter said:
Hey now, don't be using that as a merit to judge his opinions.


Edit: Ok so he played about 100 games, and has melee and grenades as his top tools. Yeah, NOICE!!!!!!!
Hey, don't hate on melee.


Ramirez said:
Man, Halo 3 feels completely foreign to me now, not sure I'll even bother going back to it much.
While having played 5k games of Halo 3 with very little variation in forged maps and plethora of mediocre gametypes has been wearing on my desire to play it before the beta began, the actual beta has had no effect on my desire to play it. Jumped into a few games last night while the girlfriend was playing and was immediately reminded both why I wanted Reach to come out already and why I was so disappointed with the beta. Reach didn't make Halo 3's gameplay feel archaic to me, in fact I still prefer much of its mechanics to Reach's. Graphics never bothered me in Halo 3 and Reach looked great but didn't make Halo 3 look dated.

I'm sick of AR+pistol starts and shitty maps like epitaph. One thing Reach does really well is start players in all gametypes with a legit weapon and nerf the shitty spray weapon. I'm not convinced Bungie knows what makes a good map as we're still seeing things like Swordbase slip in post Midship, Sanctuary, Lockout, Gaurdian, etc. but having played 200+ matches on each map in Halo 3 definitely makes me want something new.

I'll be up for Halo 3 quite regularly over the summer provided others are. Right now, a Halo break is in order.


EazyB said:
While having played 5k games of Halo 3 with very little variation in forged maps and plethora of mediocre gametypes has been wearing on my desire to play it before the beta began, the actual beta has had no effect on my desire to play it. Jumped into a few games last night while the girlfriend was playing and was immediately reminded both why I wanted Reach to come out already and why I was so disappointed with the beta. Reach didn't make Halo 3's gameplay feel archaic to me, in fact I still prefer much of its mechanics to Reach's. Graphics never bothered me in Halo 3 and Reach looked great but didn't make Halo 3 look dated.

I'm sick of AR+pistol starts and shitty maps like epitaph. One thing Reach does really well is start players in all gametypes with a legit weapon and nerf the shitty spray weapon. I'm not convinced Bungie knows what makes a good map as we're still seeing things like Swordbase slip in post Midship, Sanctuary, Lockout, Gaurdian, etc. but having played 200+ matches on each map in Halo 3 definitely makes me want something new.

I'll be up for Halo 3 quite regularly over the summer provided others are. Right now, a Halo break is in order.
I would have no problem playing 3 right now if it had the netcode that Reach has.
Trasher said:
First of all, they are creating this game to make money. They aren't creating it to be artistic. They want to make a good game that will be popular and sell lots of copies. Bottom line: they want to make something that people will enjoy playing.
Games are art forms though. They are going to be artistic regardless. Microsoft still has their contract with Bungie I believe so of course Bungie has to appease those gods... but you of little faith seem to think that Bungie has learned nothing in the past decade that will tell them what will and will not work?
Trasher said:
Secondly, I know my opinion ultimately doesn't matter to them. They are going to do what they feel is best. But this was a BETA. Apparently you don't understand that they want to know our opinions on their game. We were helping them test it, and that's what betas are for.
Have a bit of tact man. They wanted your opinion sure, but where was that amongst all the needless bitching? Emotions play a big part of the beta experience and I am interested to hear how Bungie filtered all of that incessant complaining (not saying you, I mean in general) into valuable, usable information. Especially the part people skip over: The people that are not commenting. Sure bnet and here could be filled to the brim of people complaining but what is that number compared to the people that have played it and not said anything? Does Bungie assume they pleased them or do they have some method of tackling that crucial number of gamers?
Trasher said:
And lastly, the game is yours if you decide to purchase it. But what you purchase is what you get.
So true, and if Halo Reach isn't what you want I am sure there will be some game to facilitate your opinions. Oh... you want Reach to be what you want? Well that's another kettle of fish.


Hydranockz said:
Games are art forms though. They are going to be artistic regardless. Microsoft still has their contract with Bungie I believe so of course Bungie has to appease those gods... but you of little faith seem to think that Bungie has learned nothing in the past decade that will tell them what will and will not work?

So true, and if Halo Reach isn't what you want I am sure there will be some game to facilitate your opinions. Oh... you want Reach to be what you want? Well that's another kettle of fish.
My main point was that Bungie isn't making a painting here. Their main goal is to create something fun that will sell copies. Yes, art is part of a video game, but that's not the main focus. No one is gonna hang this thing on a wall in their living room. They are going to want to play it and enjoy it.

I want Reach to be what everyone else wants it to be: Fun. And it isn't very fun for me in its current state. That's fine if you think it's perfect and awesome, but it's not for me. All I'm trying to do here is explain why the game is not fun for me. If you have a problem with that then sorry.


Trasher said:
Is there anyone out there who was a general in Halo 3 and actually loves Reach? Just curious because I haven't met one yet. Seems like all of the people giving Reach rave reviews haven't played the game very much and are lower skilled players. That's not supposed to be mean either. It's just what I've noticed so far.
What's general? Level 50? I was only level 45, but I really loved the beta.


Trasher said:
I want Reach to be what everyone else wants it to be: Fun

I was talking to my friend today, and he was kinda "depressed" about going back to Halo 3 now that the beta is finished because we had a lot of fun with it (Didn't have time to play as much as him though). Me too, but then we are both relatively casual older gamers, maybe that's why? I don't know..

Disclaimer: Love Halo 3 too, just saying..


Major Williams said:
It's better than another bloom argument.

I know, discussing the game mechanics is absurd and should never be done. Everyone should just...



bj00rn_ said:
I was talking to my friend today, and he was kinda "depressed" about going back to Halo 3 now that the beta is finished because we had a lot of fun with it (Didn't have time to play as much as him though). Me too, but then we are both relatively casual older gamers, maybe that's why? I don't know..
It seems like most of the casual players are happy with it, but the more hardcore types aren't. Most of my friends have logged over 400 games, and they weren't having much fun with it.


Trasher said:
It seems like most of the casual players are happy with it, but the more hardcore types aren't. Most of my friends have logged over 400 games, and they weren't having much fun with it.

One could argue to play so many games, we had to have had some type of enjoyment with it. :lol
More of the armour variations found the in the Beta?
Neat, Elites are god damn awesome and we shall dong on the Human Pigs while the Gods watch our glorious sexiness.
Trasher said:
It seems like most of the casual players are happy with it, but the more hardcore types aren't. Most of my friends have logged over 400 games, and they weren't having much fun with it.
My original point was that some people can't handle the change. The core gameplay? Remember?

Would I be right in saying that you and those of similar levels think that it has changed perhaps too much going to Reach? Because if that is the case I would have to say that perhaps you were too rooted to Halo 3's gameplay, might you agree?


Hey guys, can anyone recommend me a free video editor for mac that I could use to make a mess around montage, I'm enjoy some free time and I wanna use all these clips I rendered. I tried using Imovie but It's made for 3 year olds and seems like it works better for pictures. Any suggestions would help thanks.


Hydranockz said:
My original point was that some people can't handle the change. The core gameplay? Remember?

Would I be right in saying that you and those of similar levels think that it has changed perhaps too much going to Reach? Because if that is the case I would have to say that perhaps you were too rooted to Halo 3's gameplay, might you agree?
I was ready for change. But change for the change's sake isn't enough. It needed to play better. I played over 400 games and really wanted to make sure I cleansed my palette of Halo 3 so that it wouldn't taint my view of Reach. Thing is, the more I played Reach, the more I disliked it. The big gameplay highlights from previous games just weren't there, it didn't feel as free-form and dynamic, it just didn't deliver.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Trasher said:
Is there anyone out there who was a general in Halo 3 and actually loves Reach? Just curious because I haven't met one yet. Seems like all of the people giving Reach rave reviews haven't played the game very much and are lower skilled players. That's not supposed to be mean either. It's just what I've noticed so far.

I love it.

I think though, that I could love it a lot more. The competitive side of me loves the DMR and the Magnum(I don't think they're perfect though) but hates the weapon layout, the maps, and things that can and are being changed like headshot detection, grenades and melee system. I think if you give me the MLG v8 maps in Halo 3 with DMR primary and Magnum secondary, I would have so much fucking fun. Or even just the best Halo maps from the series. Obviously we've only seen the beta maps. 5 shotting someone with the DMR is very satisfying and doing it with the magnum is even more satisfying. I love having a fucking noob run up to me trying to melee me and I pump magnum into his face only to kill him when we trade melees. GET SHIT ON! lol . Simultaneous gun kills though make me to want to break down and cry. :'(

The casual side of me is cool with the game. I liked Invasion, I liked NT1 as a gametype. The AA's are cool besides Armor Lock. It's just frustrating watching someone armor lock when I'm about to kill them. Stockpile is cool, although it does need some tweaking.

I have faith that Bungie will fix what needs to be fixed to deliver the SOLID Halo experience that I've loved for years. I think it's almost there but just a little off and unpolished and it needs some tightening
especially on the graphics on level 3
EazyB said:
I was ready for change. But change for the change's sake isn't enough. It needed to play better. I played over 400 games and really wanted to make sure I cleansed my palette of Halo 3 so that it wouldn't taint my view of Reach. Thing is, the more I played Reach, the more I disliked it. The big gameplay highlights from previous games just weren't there, it didn't feel as free-form and dynamic, it just didn't deliver.
Are you sure you didn't overplay it? C'mon like. 400 games of the best game in the world is bound to get stale and seem dull at some point :p


Ramirez said:
One could argue to play so many games, we had to have had some type of enjoyment with it. :lol
Well I mean we obviously were having some fun with it. It still is the Halo we have all come to know. Yet none of us wanted to play on the last day of the beta which is sad. On a given day during the beta most of us would stop playing because we were just too pissed off at the game. Not having fun is what cut our play sessions short. You logged like 500 games right? Yet with Halo 3 didn't you log over 1000? :lol The game is just less rewarding than Halo 3 was. You get too frustrated with it, and especially in competitive games. That was not the case before.

Hydranockz said:
My original point was that some people can't handle the change. The core gameplay? Remember?

Would I be right in saying that you and those of similar levels think that it has changed perhaps too much going to Reach? Because if that is the case I would have to say that perhaps you were too rooted to Halo 3's gameplay, might you agree?
A lot of the changes in Reach I really do like. But for whatever reason this game doesn't capture that feeling of satisfaction like Halo 3 did after you won a competitive game. So yes, there are some aspects of Halo 3's gameplay that are still superior to Reach IMO.

Hydranockz said:
Are you sure you didn't overplay it? C'mon like. 400 games of the best game in the world is bound to get stale and seem dull at some point :p
Eazy's played nearly 6000 games of Halo 3. I don't know if he will play that many games of Reach. =/


Hydranockz said:
Are you sure you didn't overplay it? C'mon like. 400 games of the best game in the world is bound to get stale and seem dull at some point :p
400 games is a lot but that's across 4 brand new maps, several new gametypes, new weapons, and a huge list of gameplay changes. I've played Halo 3 at a similar rate when just 3 new DLC maps would come out.
Hydranockz said:
Are you sure you didn't overplay it? C'mon like. 400 games of the best game in the world is bound to get stale and seem dull at some point :p
Joke post? I can guarantee you that I played a shitload of games for the Halo 3 beta, and I loved every single minute of it. Also, by 400 games of Halo 3, I was loving it.

I was not loving Reach.


Tashi0106 said:
I love it.

I think though, that I could love it a lot more. The competitive side of me loves the DMR and the Magnum(I don't think they're perfect though) but hates the weapon layout, the maps, and things that can and are being changed like headshot detection, grenades and melee system. I think if you give me the MLG v8 maps in Halo 3 with DMR primary and Magnum secondary, I would have so much fucking fun. Or even just the best Halo maps from the series. Obviously we've only seen the beta maps. 5 shotting someone with the DMR is very satisfying and doing it with the magnum is even more satisfying. I love having a fucking noob run up to me trying to melee me and I pump magnum into his face only to kill him when we trade melees. GET SHIT ON! lol . Simultaneous gun kills though make me to want to break down and cry. :'(

The casual side of me is cool with the game. I liked Invasion, I liked NT1 as a gametype. The AA's are cool besides Armor Lock. It's just frustrating watching someone armor lock when I'm about to kill them. Stockpile is cool, although it does need some tweaking.

I have faith that Bungie will fix what needs to be fixed to deliver the SOLID Halo experience that I've loved for years. I think it's almost there but just a little off and unpolished and it needs some tightening
especially on the graphics on level 3
It sounds like you love the possibility of what Reach could be. Perhaps you will love what MLG comes up with. Yet I know you didn't love Arena which was supposed to be for competitive gamers like yourself. You are telling me that you loved the map/gametype combos that were picked for the beta? I thought some were decent, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that I "loved" them.

Things I loved about Reach were few, but here are some:

Dax01 said:
Joke post? I can guarantee you that I played a shitload of games for the Halo 3 beta, and I loved every single minute of it. Also, by 400 games of Halo 3, I was loving it.

I was not loving Reach.
Wow. I'm actually agreeing with Dax here. NeoGAF first for me I think!


Dax01 said:
I probably won't be on. Got to play this amazing game called Alan Wake.

Everyone in HaloGAF should buy Alan Wake. Yes, Ghal, that means you too.
you mean Red Dead Redemption :p....


Dax01 said:
I probably won't be on. Got to play this amazing game called Alan Wake.

Everyone in HaloGAF should buy Alan Wake. Yes, Ghal, that means you too.
YES! Everyone buy that game. It's an amazing experience, can't wait to replay it eventually.

^^^ RDR was incredible at first, but then got repetitive and boring fast for me. And I love westerns... :(

VV SMG2 really doesn't need to be recommended, you should give up your gamer card if you're not buying that.
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