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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


butthole fishhooking yes
Ramirez said:
You didn't take the criticism very well in the beta, don't be mad at me. :)

Any complaining I did was out of love for the franchise, I want this game to be nothing but the best when it's released.

I'm not mad at anybody. Happy as a clam up in this bitch. I had a blast playing the beta when I could squeeze games in and we've gotten a ton of great data and feedback from the community. Just a bit surprising (and kinda sad) that the discourse here was less mature and more vitriolic than it was in spaces that are known for their epic levels of shit slinging. As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.


urk said:
As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.
So did some of HaloGaf.... sorry >.< Could not resist.

I think it goes to show how Halo has affected us. A beta that open... millions of playtesters... I only ever studied those kinda things in one module in university (even then, it was a case of perhaps 50 testers at most :p). I didn't major in psychology but I know when something so big is shown to so many people, emotions will get flared up at one point or another. It started off fine and has since finished fine, but Bungie threw us the meat, and like the pack of dawgs HaloGaf is... :p


Willeth said:
Overshield, more grenades, a quick sidestep similar to Evade. Just off the top of my head.

EDIT: Magnetism. Activate to repel metal objects - grenades would veer away from you, bullets would do less damage. Very short period of deployment.

All of these (minus more grenades, obviously), please.

I dunno, I'm probably not thinking straight (crappy week), but something like anti-gravity or teleportation. Since I doubt Bungie has anti-gravity in Reach's (Aerospace's?) engine, something like a hookshot (would be awesome for a weapon) or sticky boots (though, Armor Lock covers this, with the running speed, quite well).

Teleportation could be something like you press the ability button once, and if you press it again you teleport to that location. Obviously might be too overpowered in team games like flag, but there could be areas that it would not be able to be used in.

Anyway, I have a long list of complaints, but they've been covered in much more detail (and they're obviously better) than mine. Don't know where to even post it anyway.


ZayneH said:
All of these (minus more grenades, obviously), please.

I dunno, I'm probably not thinking straight (crappy week), but something like anti-gravity or teleportation. Since I doubt Bungie has anti-gravity in Reach's (Aerospace's?) engine, something like a hookshot (would be awesome for a weapon) or sticky boots (though, Armor Lock covers this, with the running speed, quite well).

Teleportation could be something like you press the ability button once, and if you press it again you teleport to that location. Obviously might be too overpowered in team games like flag, but there could be areas that it would not be able to be used in.

Anyway, I have a long list of complaints, but they've been covered in much more detail (and they're obviously better) than mine. Don't know where to even post it anyway.
Sticky boots. I like that: briefly let you walk up walls and on ceilings.


GhaleonEB said:
Sticky boots. I like that: briefly let you walk up walls and on ceilings.

Pretty much. Magnetized boots like Zelda seem like they could work in the Halo universe (minus the CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLAN-).


urk said:
I'm not mad at anybody. Happy as a clam up in this bitch. I had a blast playing the beta when I could squeeze games in and we've gotten a ton of great data and feedback from the community. Just a bit surprising (and kinda sad) that the discourse here was less mature and more vitriolic than it was in spaces that are known for their epic levels of shit slinging. As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.


QUOTE]I recognize this as I am at fault. I've come out and made somewhat hostile posts without the need for them. I will make a level-headed impressions post soon though. (I keep putting it off.)


ZayneH said:
Pretty much. Magnetized boots like Zelda seem like they could work in the Halo universe (minus the CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLAN-).
I now wish to headshot someone who is standing on the ceiling and watch him land on his head before crumpling to the ground.

Please, Bungie. It's important.
GhaleonEB said:
I now wish to headshot someone who is standing on the ceiling and watch him land on his head before crumpling to the ground.

Please, Bungie. It's important.

Bungle R total n00bs if they dont do this, I actually will boycott Reach AND hold an internet petition if they suck so much they cant impliment it, suck it Bungie.

Im really excited to see what else they have in store for us AA wise, I dont quite have the imagination to think of anything, but I cant wait to see how that Holographic AA works out (Morello's leak has held up in every other aspect). A crazy AA (which would suck) would be the ability to make forge stuff in normal gameplay, imagine that - you see an ememy freeze on the spot leaving him vulnerable then next thing you know he spawns a tank next to him. :lol

P.S. Updates up

If you did go ballistic, don’t worry about it. We know you only turn into a prepubescent monster incapable of reason and mature discussion because you care so much about your Halos. It’s cool. We get it. We care, too. We care a lot.

Shamefaced, sorry!
GhaleonEB said:
I now wish to headshot someone who is standing on the ceiling and watch him land on his head before crumpling to the ground.

Please, Bungie. It's important.
This is now on my list of things to do before I die... Help me Bungie, you're my only hope!


urk said:
Just a bit surprising (and kinda sad) that the discourse here was less mature and more vitriolic than it was in spaces that are known for their epic levels of shit slinging. As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.
We just want Urk 3.5

AwesomeSyrup said:
Glad to hear that jump height and speed may get changed.


Sai-kun said:
What. That was the best part!!

The best part of the game was the Gorons. You know why.

GhaleonEB said:
I now wish to headshot someone who is standing on the ceiling and watch him land on his head before crumpling to the ground.

Please, Bungie. It's important.

Haven't read the update, probably discusses a few things I put in my own list of complaints for Halo: Reach. Hopefully they're not hostile (well, I did edit a few from my CAPS LOCK RAGE!?!!)

My Impressions

(and now this gets buried due to update)
AwesomeSyrup said:
Glad to hear that jump height and speed may get changed.
Did I miss something?

Oh. The update's up. Good update, Urk.

Also, when I was going into the beta, I was (wrongfully) expecting Halo 3-level polish. I guess that added to my disappointment a bit.
GhaleonEB said:
I now wish to headshot someone who is standing on the ceiling and watch him land on his head before crumpling to the ground.

Please, Bungie. It's important.
imagine how that would look with Halo 3's headshot-backflip body physics
Damn... I knew something was up with the shield. I could never tell what it was but it felt off the few times i actually looked at it in comparison to shots I'm hit by. Now i know why.

Thanks Bungie.


GhaleonEB said:
Same. I take a small bit of pride in not being an asshole, but still remaining constructively critical. I didn't quite thread that needle this time around, to put it mildly.
Maybe this says something about the game though. People were clearly not having very much fun with it. I think there was such a negative outcry because people felt like they were being letdown. The whole point of playing a video game (especially an online multiplayer game) is to have FUN. For a lot of people here that was clearly not happening. As for me, I was up and down a LOT concerning my thoughts on the game. And really the only time I was having a decent amount of fun was when I was in a full party with my friends trying to hit a triple digit win streak. :lol

The thing with this game is that you have no fun when a match is actually close and competitive. That wasn't the case with Halo 3. In that game, if you won 50-49, it felt awesome and rewarding. In Reach, you would just feel pissed off and feel like your team played awful. Heck, even in games where we won 50-30 we still felt that way. Now we can argue all day about what it is that causes this game to be so un-fun (compared to the other Halos), whether it be the bloom, the grenades, the jump height, etc, etc, but in the end it just wasn't very rewarding for the player. The classic Halo recipe was changed a bit too much for most of our liking I think.

I'm not giving up on this game yet though. I still have faith that Bungie can make some necessary tweaks to bring the fun back to this game. It's still ridiculous thinking about how hyped most of my friends were for this beta, and then watching as they all began to disappear and play other games, even on the last day of the beta. That was probably the worst part. :(
GhaleonEB said:
Same. I take a small bit of pride in not being an asshole, but still remaining constructively critical.

We've had many good constructive posts, but we've also had a lot of what comes off as whining.

Whenever I criticize things I try to still be positive about it, and I also try to make sure I posit my opinions as MY OPINIONS. Something I've noticed about GAF/The Internet though, and this may have some impact on the way this thread has turned out, is that most people only really pay attention to what a poster in a big thread says if they are either a well-known poster or an asshole. Either seems to work fine, and we have plenty of members on GAF that fall into both categories. Occasionally in threads I'll try to make logical arguments for/against things, and it's like I'm on everyone's ignore list. I've even jokingly been told to "GTFO with your logical arguments, nobody wants to hear that shit" or something similar. Whereas the guy who spouts his opinion as fact and denigrates others as just plain wrong gets to control the discussion. I'm glad I'm not that guy even if I get ignored, but my point is that as GAF has grown and aged this kind of behavior is more common, and even good people get into the habit as it just becomes the way you communicate.

Or as Captain Kirk once said: “That’s simply the way they talk here. No one notices you unless you curse every other word.”


Good update, even if it's obvious, it's so nice reading that all the feedback, polite or not, is being taken under consideration to make the final game much better. Pretty pictures too.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger

Urkdate said:
Yup, the meaty mix being fed into the crazy sausage grinder is still being taste-tested for spice and flavor. Base player traits like speed and jump height, the aforementioned melee and grenade mechanics, HUD and reticle display, weapon mechanics and balancing, vehicles, Armor Abilities, and more are all on the table and in most cases, have already seen some significant changes that range in scope and size from lil’ smoky to jumbo foot long.

There is hope! Didn't think base player traits were even up for consideration.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Fantastic update, good to know they're taking everything to heart.

And Rex read through every thread from start to finish? Good Lord, give that guy anything he fucking wants. :lol


Dr. Zoidberg said:
Occasionally in threads I'll try to make logical arguments for/against things, and it's like I'm on everyone's ignore list. I've even jokingly been told to "GTFO with your logical arguments, nobody wants to hear that shit" or something similar. Whereas the guy who spouts his opinion as fact and denigrates others as just plain wrong gets to control the discussion. I'm glad I'm not that guy even if I get ignored, but my point is that as GAF has grown and aged this kind of behavior is more common, and even good people get into the habit as it just becomes the way you communicate.
I agree. That's basically what is referenced when I view back on the Halo 3 beta thread. It has nothing to do with the game, because the Halo 3 beta had its own share of problems, but how those on HaloGAF reacted and behaved. It was far more civilized, mature, and fun to talk about the good times, and even the frustrating times; even in those bad moments, people weren't getting personal and implying certain posters' opinion isn't valid enough because of how many posts he has in the Halo thread, how many games he plays daily, or what is kill-death ratio is in the game. I mean, really?

The beta itself was a great time for me. It was something new, something fresh, and something Bungie will build upon for Fall. They didn't have a ton of gameplay changes from Halo 2 (for Halo 3 beta) whereas this beta was something fairly new, and there will be bumps in the road until its final release. I don't get how some view it as an universally disappointment; a handful of posters on HaloGAF or B.net does not consume this product.


ZayneH said:
Jee, sure is nice to be kicked when I'm down. Even if it is a small kick.

I actually read it and agreed with most of it. 'Twas a good read

Please get rid of the Banshee’s button switch to switch from the Plasma Bolts to the Plasma Bombs. Or at least have the Left Trigger be held down to see the Bomb’s reticule.

Vehicle damage needs to be increased. A Scorpion shouldn’t take out a Wraith in one shot. A Tank shouldn’t be taken out with two rockets. Two sticks anywhere on a Warthog/Ghost should kill them, besides the Warthog’s Engine and the Ghost’s fuel tank, where that should be one grenade=death. Not saying they should be indestructible, but they shouldn’t be cardboard boxes on wheels. Also, why can I constantly pound on a Scorpion/Wraith’s driver but they’re still alive?

So, why do the Humans have such an unfair advantage here? Even after taking out the Marksman Loadout, Phase One is tough due to how far away you spawn. Add more spawns in, or spawn Elites closer after the initial spawn. This goes for every map too. More spawns.

Talking about Social Settings, if you select Good Time as your motivation, the description text gets cut off due to the current players map.
This didn't happen to me though

Sorry if I was rude though. Not my intention <3


Cannot wait to see the armory and dress up my spartan. I hope that Bungie goes all out and that the final product will have a ridiculous amount of armor permutations.

Also movement speed and jump height being "on the table" is very good news.:D


343i Lead Esports Producer
Trasher said:
Maybe this says something about the game though. People were clearly not having very much fun with it. I think there was such a negative outcry because people felt like they were being letdown. The whole point of playing a video game (especially an online multiplayer game) is to have FUN. For a lot of people here that was clearly not happening. As for me, I was up and down a LOT concerning my thoughts on the game. And really the only time I was having a decent amount of fun was when I was in a full party with my friends trying to hit a triple digit win streak. :lol

The thing with this game is that you have no fun when a match is actually close and competitive. That wasn't the case with Halo 3. In that game, if you won 50-49, it felt awesome and rewarding. In Reach, you would just feel pissed off and feel like your team played awful. Heck, even in games where we won 50-30 we still felt that way. Now we can argue all day about what it is that causes this game to be so un-fun (compared to the other Halos), whether it be the bloom, the grenades, the jump height, etc, etc, but in the end it just wasn't very rewarding for the player. The classic Halo recipe was changed a bit too much for most of our liking I think.

This was the same thing with me. However, I wasn't having fun in the hyper competitive matches not because of the way the weapons work, the player movement, and other truly fundamental parts of the game. It was because, A the maps aren't to my liking, the radar(which I never liked in the first place) is insanely accurate now, and because the weapon layouts and loadouts. There are definitely problems with the melee system(addressed), grenades(addressed) headshot collision detection(addressed) some elements of the HUD(addressed). I know that all of these little changes will make huge differences in the final game.

I think there's some SERIOUS tweaking that needs to be done to the gameypes, weapon layouts, loadouts and things of that nature. I know all of that stuff is relatively easy to change for the better though so I'm not too worried. I could do that shit myself with Forge. I'm still really excited for the final release of the game.

The thing I'm really worried about for final release is the maps. I am hoping and actually expecting Forge to be more robust than in Halo 3 and I'm hoping for better methods of promoting the good community maps. Getting them in popular playlists right away, using the Veto 2.0 data effectively. I'm PRAYING for a Foundry/Sandbox type map right at launch, if not launch, not far down the road as DLC. If not, I could totally see Swordbase being a decent map with maybe some floors closed off if Forge allows.

However, now that the Beta is over and myself and many others are back to Halo 3, can we get a Playlist update to MLG with the v8 settings? :p
DeadFalling said:
Glad to see customizable cod pieces are still making their way into Reach :lol

The funniest thing is cod pieces are entirely possible.

But what else?

Grieves, gauntlets, arms(didn't one dead spartan have Cat's prosthetic limb?), legs, maybe some things like the katana.
i definitely enjoyed the beta and will be eagerly awaiting the final product. that said, my take away at the moment is that most of the time moving around simply wasn't as fun as in previous games. hopefully that is being addressed based upon the BWU.

also, the beta warthog sound effect was not good. it felt way too much like driving a toy car.

Ssparks said:
Well now that the Beta is over, heres looking forward to an ARG. Believe.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
Ssparks said:
Well now that the Beta is over, heres looking forward to an ARG. Believe.
Fuck ARG's, they provide nothing to the front end of the story. :|

But if you're into that w/e.


urk said:
I'm not mad at anybody. Happy as a clam up in this bitch. I had a blast playing the beta when I could squeeze games in and we've gotten a ton of great data and feedback from the community. Just a bit surprising (and kinda sad) that the discourse here was less mature and more vitriolic than it was in spaces that are known for their epic levels of shit slinging. As lame as it sounds, I guess I simply expected more.



Well I can fully admit that a lot of my worst posts about the game came during stretches of me playing by myself and having moments of nerd rage. The game was so much more fun to me with a group of 3 friends, so the later days of the beta were actually quite enjoyable for me, I was actually quite bummed the last night when I logged on and there was simply no one playing, hence my posts that night.

I just didn't know why you singled me out with a post, that's all. Maybe because I'm awesome?


Ramirez said:
Well I can fully admit that a lot of my worst posts about the game came during stretches of me playing by myself and having moments of nerd rage. The game was so much more fun to me with a group of 3 friends, so the later days of the beta were actually quite enjoyable for me, I was actually quite bummed the last night when I logged on and there was simply no one playing, hence my posts that night.

I just didn't know why you singled me out with a post, that's all. Maybe because I'm awesome?
I'm still wondering why he singled me out and called me a bitch when he went on his first rant about vitriolic criticism to the beta, I think I wasn't even close to being one of the biggest offenders, but whatevs!

dammit it hurt :(


Dani said:
We need some rose tinted Beta memories, stat!

Well, when I turned it on, the intro movie was kinda cool...


Using Sprint for the first time? Other than that I was yelling at my tv, so..
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