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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Tashi0106 said:
Real men play Recon in Reach
Real men play Default in Halo 3
Reach default was perfect, then again I have switched control schemes about 5 times in my halo carreer.

CE: started as southpaw default, since that was closest to goldeneye/turok. switched to default default because of other games that didn't have the option. Tried boxer but it broke tank/banshee so I went back.

2: moved to boxer once melee was beefed in 2.1

3 beta: back to default

3 final: bj all he way.

Reach: default
2 Minutes Turkish said:

I set to Recon STRAIGHT AWAY.

Recon all the way. Default is terrible.
This is so true. I was in my element in Halo 3 and switching grenades was about the only thing I had to get used to :p
Halo: CE - Green Thumb.
Halo 2 - Green Thumb.
Halo 3 - Green Thumb.
Halo 3: ODST - Green Thumb.
Reach - Green Thumb.

Green Thumb for the win, folks. Especially in Reach.


Dax01 said:
Halo: CE - Green Thumb.
Halo 2 - Green Thumb.
Halo 3 - Green Thumb.
Halo 3: ODST - Green Thumb.
Reach - Green Thumb.

Green Thumb for the win, folks. Especially in Reach.
Real men play with Default, and wannabe girls play with Green Thumb?

You learn so much from this thread. :p


The lack of a good jump height in Reach pretty much nullified the need for BJ, IMO. I could see default being a lot better than Recon too, but I'm just too stubborn to learn a new control scheme.
I've played default throughout the entire series, only switching to Bumper Jumper just to try it out after so much praise from GAF. Then straight back to default. Reach's default is by far the best.


Ramirez said:
The lack of a good jump height in Reach pretty much nullified the need for BJ, IMO. I could see default being a lot better than Recon too, but I'm just too stubborn to learn a new control scheme.
Yup, I swear by BJ in Halo 3 but Reach removed the importance of jumping in both maneuvering through the geometry and its effectiveness in combat that I switched to default. Playing Sword Base 50% also meant using the jetpack occasionally which I don't know how anyone could use all that well using the face buttons.

Hopefully the final game will have more emphasis on jumping and I'll be able to veto the shit out of Sword base for a plethora of other maps. If not I'mma miss BJ.


I would've liked to have written out my beta impressions this weekend like I had planned but something came up. Buy I've seen other posters share my opinions so I'm happy.
Blueblur1 said:
I would've liked to have written out my beta impressions this weekend like I had planned but something came up. Buy I've seen other posters share my opinions so I'm happy.
Hope everything is sorted out in the morning as planned.

I'm in the middle of writing up my impressions for Reach so far. I have to say... it's much more morbid than I would have hoped.
MS needs to have a live demo during their E3 conference where someone from Bungie comes on stage just to confirm jump height and player speed have been increased.
AwesomeSyrup said:
MS needs to have a live demo during their E3 conference where someone from Bungie comes on stage just to confirm jump height and player speed have been increased.

or they could introduce jet packs and sprint... And continue letting elites and Spartans play differently for more variation in online modes...


AwesomeSyrup said:
MS needs to have a live demo during their E3 conference where someone from Bungie comes on stage just to confirm jump height and player speed have been increased.
Just have Staten walk out there, pick up the sticks, have the spartan moon jump clearly up from pool to grenade launcher, drop the controller down and walk away to a standing ovation.

Greatest E3 ever.


I have to give major props to the networking people for Reach, it's made Halo 3 pretty much unplayable. The difference in lag seems like the jump from 2>3, it's crazy how poor 3 seems after playing Reach. My 2nd foray back into Halo 3 ended after 2 games tonight. :lol I think I might just let her ride off into the sunset for good. :p


Ramirez said:
I have to give major props to the networking people for Reach, it's made Halo 3 pretty much unplayable. The difference in lag seems like the jump from 2>3, it's crazy how poor 3 seems after playing Reach. My 2nd foray back into Halo 3 ended after 2 games tonight. :lol I think I might just let her ride off into the sunset for good. :p
Its time to let her go.

Too bad, the one that is going to replace the old hag needs a bit of plastic surgery though. :p
Played Halo 3 again makes me realize why I really didnt enjoy those new nades, the Halo 3 nades are less powerful but you can bounce em anywhere then move in for the kill, the Reach nades probably got theyre 'bounce' nerfed due to theyre power? If the nades were more like the Halo 3 nades you could use them to flush out the people camping in gold lift on Swordbase, currently they behave like plasma nades and just fall straight to the floor after they hit a wall?

They really seem to be more brute force - throw and let them destroy anything in sight. I still prefer the Halo 3 nades, it almost feels like theres more of an art to using them. Its more satisfying landing a perfect nade at the feed of an enemy and finishing them off than it is to just blow that enemy up in one go.

Halo 3 feels very weird though, im not sure what it is but Reach just 'feels' nicer when looking around - maybe its due to the better visuals? I notice a lot of rough edges that I never noticed on Halo 3 before unless using a huge TV.


bobs99 ... said:
Played Halo 3 again makes me realize why I really didnt enjoy those new nades, the Halo 3 nades are less powerful but you can bounce em anywhere then move in for the kill, the Reach nades probably got theyre 'bounce' nerfed due to theyre power? If the nades were more like the Halo 3 nades you could use them to flush out the people camping in gold lift on Swordbase, currently they behave like plasma nades and just fall straight to the floor after they hit a wall?

They really seem to be more brute force - throw and let them destroy anything in sight. I still prefer the Halo 3 nades, it almost feels like theres more of an art to using them. Its more satisfying landing a perfect nade at the feed of an enemy and finishing them off than it is to just blow that enemy up in one go.

Halo 3 feels very weird though, im not sure what it is but Reach just 'feels' nicer when looking around - maybe its due to the better visuals? I notice a lot of rough edges that I never noticed on Halo 3 before unless using a huge TV.

I still think a grenade + BR shot to the head almost instantly is one of the most satisfying things you can do in Halo. It rarely happened for me in the Beta though :(


WJD said:
I still think a grenade + BR shot to the head almost instantly is one of the most satisfying things you can do in Halo. It rarely happened for me in the Beta though :(
Being shot from behind, ducking around a corner, timing a nade so your pursuer steps right on top of it, and making them sit down with a shot to the face is the single best thing in the world.

Ramirez said:
I have to give major props to the networking people for Reach, it's made Halo 3 pretty much unplayable. The difference in lag seems like the jump from 2>3, it's crazy how poor 3 seems after playing Reach. My 2nd foray back into Halo 3 ended after 2 games tonight. :lol I think I might just let her ride off into the sunset for good. :p
You're a fool if you don't think we'll be back to playing Halo 3 in a few week's time. Everyone's playing newer games at the moment and I'm pretty busy. But we'll come back, we always do.


I hate pressing sticks, I don't know how you guys can appreciate Green Thumb.

I played Default in every Halo, then after Reach i switched to Walkie Talkie in Halo 3 and kept Default in Reach.
Dax said:
Halo: CE - Green Thumb.
Halo 2 - Green Thumb.
Halo 3 - Green Thumb.
Halo 3: ODST - Green Thumb.
Reach - Green Thumb.

Green Thumb for the win, folks. Especially in Reach.

Yeah, Green Thumb is pretty much essential for Modern Warfare players. Click to melee is too hard to unlearn.
Genesis Knight said:
Yeah, Green Thumb is pretty much essential for Modern Warfare players. Click to melee is too hard to unlearn.

See, I use Boxer because I'd rather zoom into someone's crotch than accidentally toss a grenade while subconsciously trying to ADS. Boxer is the only control scheme where I won't do something horrible by accident. If I could get Boxer with zoom and melee swapped, I would be completely happy.
Now with the default controls putting nades on a shoulder button, boxer controls lose the only disadvantage it ever had. :D Any other Boxer players?


Yay. Now I know what day to take off work....
electricpirate said:
I was kind of hoping they were shooting for November, given that the beta was a lot more Raw than H3's beta.

Good luck Bungie Cruncher's, I look forward to what you bring us.
Bear in mind that the build we played was over a month old by the time we got our hands on it; by the end of the Beta, it was about two months old.

Edit: From HBO:

For the number fanatics among you, this release date means that there are exactly 117 days between the end of the beta and the launch of the full game...
I was kind of hoping they were shooting for November, given that the beta was a lot more Raw than H3's beta.

Good luck Bungie Cruncher's, I look forward to what you bring us.
I thought I read somewhere it was coming out in August? Strange.

And I must say, control arguments make me laugh. Just use what you want to use while the most of us stick with default game controls. Who cares. No matter what you're used to you will always adapt and be just as good after a bit.
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