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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Hey You

Gui_PT said:
Aw man, I thought that was the update! =(


Fantasic update, Urk. Lots of good stuff in there, the flavor from Committee especially. And a new gametype reveal is always welcome:

“’Safe Havens’ is a new mode for Infection that takes your classic Zombie-killin’ experience and gives it a King of the Hill-esque twist. In Havens, survivors are fragile and prone to being eaten. Survivors do little damage and can be killed in one hit. Unless, that is, they are standing in the Safe Haven. Once inside the Haven, Survivors turn immortal, and can kill zombies with one shot.

The catch? Once a Survivor steps into a Haven, a fifteen second timer is triggered and cannot be stopped. When the timer is up, the Haven moves to a random location, leaving everyone inside it mortal and vulnerable. As survivors, your goal is to move from Haven to Haven while avoiding the ever-increasing Zombie Horde, and scoring as many kills as you can along the way. It’s worth pointing out that the zombies aren’t your Romero-style knuckle draggers, either. Reach zombies are undead acrobats and all that tumbling has worked up a hunger for brains. Expect to be sprinting a lot.”

Tumbling, eh? I think we’ll just leave it at that. And I’m walking away

Zombies are Elites, the Survivors Spartans, maybe? Tantalizing either way.

Three. More Sleeps. :D


That Elite model is so hot.

electricpirate said:
Tumbling Zombies you say?

Do flood roll?
Always start as Spartan then auto-switch to Elite when infected is what I got from that.

edit- ah, beaten

edit2- ah, denied V

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
The little details are impressive. Like confirming a possible wide variety of wildlife, methane gas escaping as you mow down Grunts and so much more.

For an update that we were told not to expect much from, that was quite densely packed.


Not an amazing update but packed with tiny of little details and finally shined some light on the Elite situation. Also, is it wrong that I want to read about more bugs? I'd kill to be an intern and at least get a peek at how they work. And read about crazy bugs, too.


Why are Brutes in Reach, and why can't Bungie let them go?

They better be damn good in Reach. I just find them completely uninteresting.

Appropriate models for Infection sounds awesome, looking forward to seeing that if that's how it comes out. Player controlled and AI controlled versions maybe?


So I always wondered how come Zombie matches in Halo 3 never used the Flood models... Are we finally getting them in Reach?

Edit: And yeah, severely beaten.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Kibbles said:
Why the hell are Brutes in Reach, and why can't Bungie let them go?

They better be damn good in Reach. I just find them completely uninteresting.

At least they look better, I guess. Wonder how they play out in-game. The widely touted "brute pack" AI in Halo 3 wasn't as interesting it was it made out to be.

And crap, I hope Flood models aren't used in Infection. Keep the Flood, in any form, out of this game. I don't want them in Campaign if possible. Just highlight the game data they take up and hit that big delete button. :lol

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Dani said:
At least they look better, I guess. Wonder how they play out in-game. The widely touted "brute pack" AI in Halo 3 wasn't as interesting it was it made out to be.


Get's old after the first time. :lol


Kibbles said:
Why are Brutes in Reach, and why can't Bungie let them go?

They better be damn good in Reach. I just find them completely uninteresting.

Disagree. fighting a Chieftan with hammer was the cat's pajamas'
And then there's this little thing called variety.


Alienshogun said:
Don't feel sorry for him, they fed him to the needle rifle. :D

Nah. They fed him to the squirrel.

Squirrels are apparently mean, nasty creatures that have black holes for hearts and portals to hell for eyes.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
ZayneH said:
Nah. They fed him to the squirrel.

Squirrels are apparently mean, nasty creatures that have black holes for hearts and portals to hell for eyes.

It's true, if I catch one more of those over sized rats in my garden I'm going to napalm the damn tree they live in!


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Dani said:

How could this play out? If you get to play your preffered species often, won't that be unbalanced?

Ohh, that Elite looks awesome. I would love to see what the ultimate epic elite model looks like.


Alienshogun said:
It's true, if I catch one more of those over sized rats in my garden I'm going to napalm the damn tree they live in!

Actually worthwhile to use Flamethrower in Reach: Confirmed.


(And by Flamethrower I mean Focus Rifle!)

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Dirtbag said:
And then there's this little thing called variety.

I was hopping the addition of Skirmishers and all of the new varieties of existing Covenant units would have been more than "variety". Although if the Brutes are used well and with care, much like the Hunters, then maybe these new Brute encounters can be showpieces in and of themselves.

A big battle, surrounded by a wave of Grunts, Skirmishers flocking all around, whilst Jackals nestle high above perched and aiming down at you, fighting off a charging Brute Chieftan and a few additional apes whilst cloaked Elites lie in wait...

.. I hope my expectations for Reach's big battles aren't too far-fetched.


I'm hoping we encounter something new akin to something like a scarab battle... maybe something that flys this time, like a giant phantom. Something big and plodding like a covie zepplin with lots of outward facing turrets and banshee bay.
godhandiscen said:
How could this play out? If you get to play your preffered species often, won't that be unbalanced?

Ohh, that Elite looks awesome. I would love to see what the ultimate epic elite model looks like.

Yeah, I'm wondering why you can prefer a species too. Maybe it has to do with custom games. Who knows.


Church RvB said:
Yeah, I'm wondering why you can prefer a species too. Maybe it has to do with custom games. Who knows.
Or the model that is displayed when players are viewing your profile, such as in the Active Roster. If you want to show off your hawt new Elite armor, that could be where you toggle how.


Instead of piece-by-piece customization like the Spartans, Elite customization is a full model swap with models selected from the various Elite classes appearing throughout the Campaign.​
So that means eight Elite classes in Campaign assuming that's an all inclusive list and you can't scroll down. The wording "selected from" makes it sound like there's more than eight classes, though.

Hearing about new Elite, Brute (the first time Bungie has talked about them other than the glimpse in the vidoc, IIRC), Hunter and Grunt varieties got me kind of excited. Bring on the campaign reveal.

We’ve also got a couple of other customization options that we’re keeping under wraps for a little while longer, so don’t go thinking this is the full slate. There’s more. You should get used to an over abundance of awesome.​
Any idea what that could be about? We've covered armor and emblems.


The Brutes are pretty hot, make no mistake. Of course you'll also still have plenty of Elites to contend with and let me tell you, Skirmishers are REAL assholes. Those bastards are wiley and tenacious and FAST.

Edited for spelling justice.
Just finished the BWU. Poor Porky. :(

So Brutes are in the game. Good to hear. I hope they act as kind of a third party and are dropped in during the middle of a battle to vary the gameplay up a little.

The new infection mode, Safe Havens, sounds really, really fun. Tumbling? Don't Grunts tumble?

Also, Blame Stosh was just::lol


Yea, that artwork sums up perfectly how I would like to see Brutes added in, they never felt like a real threat in 2/3, but that picture just makes them look insanely intimidating.


Ramirez said:
Yea, that artwork sums up perfectly how I would like to see Brutes added in, they never felt like a real threat in 2/3, but that picture just makes them look insanely intimidating.

Thinking about the incorporation of AA's probably allows bungie to beef up the enemies a bit more since we've got new escape / defend methods.
I'm definitely pulling for Epic brutes. Hoping the elites are more cover inclined, and brutes are more close the gap.
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