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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Alienshogun said:
Yeah, between this Killzone 3, Gears 3, and Ghost Recon Future soldier I think my head my explode.
Speaking of hoping for better Controls... Sketch, you think we'll here anything about more control options? Fully customizable controls would be nice, sure, but at very least, I am really really hoping for this.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Spasm said:
Speaking of hoping for better Controls... Sketch, you think we'll here anything about more control options? Fully customizable controls would be nice, sure, but at very least, I am really really hoping for this.


:lol Nice.

Definitely one of the biggest flaws of that game. It's still a good time though.


I like how urk just nonchalantly talked about brutes like we'd known for a fact they'd been revealed. Made me feel stupid for a second.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
ZayneH said:
Too bad they weren't like this in ODST. Chieftains were, but not the regular Brutes.

Hopefully Brutes are more like Hunters in Reach, with the Chieftains in to make people crap in their pants.

Then what the hell do you want the hunters to be? Scarabs?!? :lol


Kapura said:
I like how urk just nonchalantly talked about brutes like we'd known for a fact they'd been revealed. Made me feel stupid for a second.

Brutes were confirmed in the "Once More Unto the Breach" VIDOC which came out three months ago. There was a lot of chatter at the time, seemed like common knowledge. :D


343i Lead Esports Producer
Domino Theory said:
Is that the link for the GTTV stream?

Yea that's the one. I'm just eating real quick and then I'll set up the stream. I'll post the link again when it's up.


That Elite armor is pretty awesome. It's nice to see Brutes are officially confirmed for Reach. I just hope they look less like power ranger villains this time around.


Alienshogun said:
Then what the hell do you want the hunters to be? Scarabs?!? :lol

Around what they were in ODST. Just want the Brutes to be more specialized and actually "hard" to fight in Reach than what they have been before. If you know what I mean.

yes. In fact I want everything to be scarabs. My dream level is a planet sized Scarab with scarabs on top of it. :p

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
ZayneH said:
Around what they were in ODST. Just want the Brutes to be more specialized and actually "hard" to fight in Reach than what they have been before. If you know what I mean.

yes. In fact I want everything to be scarabs. My dream level is a planet sized Scarab with scarabs on top of it. :p

Yeah, I understood ya. I was just funnin'.

Little late to the party, but Flood models in Infection would instantly make Reach my GoTY.

I'm not exaggerating.

Zombie models being just a pallet swap in Halo 3 was one of the biggest disappointments for me

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Pretty much a waste of time. The Killzone 3 footage was ok, the rest of it was just a "taste" not that I expected different.

I really get annoyed at video game based shows bringing in chicks that know jack shit about games, but act like they do.


Alienshogun said:
Pretty much a waste of time. The Killzone 3 footage was ok, the rest of it was just a "taste" not that I expected different.

I really get annoyed at video game based shows bringing in chicks that know jack shit about games, but act like they do.
Amanda Mckay was the best thing on GTTV tonight. KZ3 looked cool but then I remembered playing through KZ2. :p


Tashi0106 said:
I'll probably stream the MTV Natal Event.

That was fun even though the show sucked
Like I was trying to say on the jtv chat (but it moved way too fast), I believe the Natal event won't actually air on Sunday, from the sticky thread:

Natal/Cirque du Soleil - Performed Sunday. Airing Tuesday June 15th, 3:30pm PDT on MTV, 9:00pm PDT on Nick@Nite; 4:00pm PDT at GameTrailers.

Just so you're not all confused on Sunday.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Letters said:
Like I was trying to say on the jtv chat (but it moved way too fast), I believe the Natal event won't actually air on Sunday, from the sticky thread:

Just so you're not all confused on Sunday.

Oh thats stupid. I was looking forward to streaming it. Oh well, thanks for the heads up. I probably wont stream the press conferences, there will probably be others doing that.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thagomizer said:
Anyone see this XCOM game?


I really hope that's sarcasm.

I really don't understand why they didn't just remake Xcom and have it play like valkyria chronicles, since it's basically a newer version of Xcom gameplay.
Alienshogun said:
I really hope that's sarcasm.

I really don't understand why they didn't just remake Xcom and have it play like valkyria chronicles, since it's basically a newer version of Xcom gameplay.

Never heard of XCOM before this. Saw the video, and ALL OVER MY FACE


Some people on Twitter are excited about Reach, apparently.



big ander said:
Let's hope it blows our minds.
If there's a crowd they're going to have a hard time impressing it's the American gaming press. Halo is such a known quantity that nothing really catches these people's attention for more than a handful of minutes, hours or days. They at least have our undivided attention and whether they blow our minds or not there will be happy Halo fans come Monday/Tuesday.

Ramirez said:
I'm not hip to Twitter, I recognize Dyckoff, but who are the other people?
Ken Taya - Environment artist at Bungie

_mantis_ - Derek Caroll - Multiplayer Designer at Bungie

Josh Hamrick - Sandbox designer for Halo: Reach. Nice guy. He's engaged me in conversation about the Beta before.

adgtinman - Andrew G. Davis - UI/Graphic Designer at Bungie

Edit: Added _mantis_


Kinda feel the same. I'm sure it will please us Halo fans, with a great Marty score and all, but I just don't imagine it blowing people's minds in general. Hoping to be very wrong of course.


Hamrick was the dude talking about the sandbox on the most recent podcast. He's also the Hamrick in the previously mentioned Josh Hamrick Death Machine. He is the padawan, and Sage is the master.
Carol was in several of the most recent publicity vids (he was bald and talked about gametypes).
Ken Taya aka Enfu was on the podcast to talk about Longshore. He created Fronk. He was also an artist on the firefight map Windward, and IIRC his name in Japanese is on one of the buildings on the map.
Dyckhoff is an AI designer; he's been working since Halo 3. If the Elite AI goes rampant in Reach, we blame him and then stosh.
Andrew G. Davis submitted the two crotch-related bugs. They were his. The grenade-crotch might be "won't fix."
I also know that one of those people has an almost unused NeoGAF account.


The Brutes won't look like that. They showed some of the art for them in that first gameplay reveal video and they look exactly like the Halo 3 guys just with more detail.


UltimaPooh said:
Blue and Orange.
Curse you high contrasting colors!!!

Its bad since I'm going on vacation, I really can't wait to get there, but I'm disappointed I'm missing E3 and the World Cup.

Too much awesome in one week. Can't find time for it all.


Really excited to see how brutes play in Reach, we know that one of their two awesome pieces of the sandbox (the chopper) is gone but I really hope the brute shot returns. The brute shot definitely has a place in the sandbox as unlike the grenade launchers it's not a power weapon and the mechanics are totally different. Really hope they don't just give them spiker rifles that do more damage.

I had no doubt that he was just talking about the elite's evade but Urk's post here has me doubting that. The only other logical substitute would be flood but I can't think of any other flood forms that tumble. Though this is obviously not what he was talking about but I just had the idea for a playable flood infection type whose AA would be a fucking super-long hurdle. Maybe lock onto a player like the sword and hold to trigger to determine jump height, then have them fly across the map like they do in campaign.

And now that I think about it, I seem to recall Marty saying he was done using his now famous chorus of manly monks. Not that I’m complaining. From the instant the score I nefariously absconded with began pouring through my headphones, the hairs on the back of my next stood straight up. The full majesty of Marty’s music struck a powerful, resonant chord that reminded me just how ingrained his Halo themes have become. For my money, it’s just not Halo until Marty weighs in.
I'm a tad confused by this paragraph. Is he saying that Marty used the monks for part of Reach's soundtrack or that Marty said he wasn't but Urk's fine with that? I thought I remember Marty saying no monks but I think I'm confusing ODST with Reach. Anyways, Urk says there's some classic Halo themes in the soundtrack which has me pumped (and thinking the monks are back). His ODST was great and all but I just love me the classics.
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