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Halo Reach Forge |OT| - Create, Share & Kill

Crown of Flies is (mostly) done and ready for a 'release candidate' to ForgeGAF to get some more input/feedback. it's an asymmetric 4v4 map set up for Slayer, Headhunter, Stockpile, Oddball, KoTH, One Flag, and 3 Plots. As of yet, I've only been able to run games with Slayer and Headhunter, and things have gone rather smoothly. If anyone checks it out, I'd love to hear some feedback.

Overview/Blue Spawn


Yellow (Red Team spawns here for One Flag, with the Flag spawning under the bridge)

Basement/Red Spawn (Snipe spawns near yellow lift)

Central Room (Rockets spawn on raised platform)

The Cave (Shotgun spawns on rock pillar)

Gametypes and spawns will most likely need some tweaking, so any and all comments would be wonderful. :D


I mentioned this in the REACH OT a couple weeks back, but didn't realize we had a forge thread. I have yet to actually play test my map and would love to get some feedback/advice from some more forge savy folks. I've never made a map in forge and while it looks simple at first the spawn points, locations and objective settings make it out to be much more complex then appears on the outside. I would really like to get involved more with the forge community by helping play test and learn from others. Forge in Halo 3 was very attractive, but the time spent trying to place objects and align them was more time then I had free to spend.

I have ideas for more projects, ones that don't steam from 're-makes', but would really like to solidfy my first map before I start playing with others.

Here is a couple pictures of my map, along with a link to a video walkthrough & links to the map on my fileshare along with a gametype. I just have the map setup for Multi CTF at the moment, but I assume it would also work for Team Slayer, but being new to forge not exactly sure if or what needs to be changed for Team Slayer.




WALKTHROUGH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hOb92Q_s5k

Map -http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=5772001&player=StUnNeR H2K
Gametype -http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=5772029&player=StUnNeR H2K


I still haven't gotten to play my Turkey Burger map that I created the first week reach was out. However some friends of mine have and said it works really well! If anyone could give more input I'd love it. It's meant to be team slayer or team ctf 2 flag only. No more than 4 per team. Here is the link for the CTF map which also works for TS. Symmetric mix of pit/wizard

Turkey Burger
Just finished my monster of a level Fort gemini. Named after a favorite N64 title of mine.

Fort Gemini

It's a massive FFA slayer map I could set it up for teams as well. Plenty of areas for sniping, and close combat, grav lifts, man cannon and vehicles. The map is a huge battlefield. With open area's towers and close quarters.

I hope you enjoy and check it out.





I just finished my second map. I decided to make a slayer map, but it turned into another CTF. BTW, did anyone put any solid playtime into CTF-Sierra?

Here's an isometric view of the map. It's quite large and I appropriated the top of the rock spire for the mid-field. There's a rock structure in the middle of the map allowing for combat inside or on top of it.

This is from inside the base, above the flag.

A view from the pinnacle. The ramp leads to the top of the cave.

This is the sneaky way into the base. You can see the other teleporter beneath the base. It's a low risk way into the base (via an angled grav lift), but you have to go in completely blind.

This is the top section of the map. The left cannon will launch you over the cover on the other side. The cannons on the sides will launch you far into the air onto a rock platform holding a jetpack and rockets (see first pic). If you're up there and don't have a jet pack, you can jump on the decline of the cannon and will only lose a bit of your shields.

Map: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6217820&player=Doub1e Down

Gametype (mostly just removed equipment from loadouts):
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6216657&player=Doub1e Down
HenryGale said:
Just finished my monster of a level Fort gemini. Named after a favorite N64 title of mine.

Fort Gemini

It's a massive FFA slayer map I could set it up for teams as well. Plenty of areas for sniping, and close combat, grav lifts, man cannon and vehicles. The map is a huge battlefield. With open area's towers and close quarters.

I hope you enjoy and check it out.




Seems a bit too big for slayer.
Just wanted to comment that I'm sorry I wasn't around to set up the ForgeGAF customs last weekend. Things got a little crazy and my family came down for a surprise visit. Should have time this weekend for some good playtesting though. Some great-looking maps coming along here!
So, I'm almost done with my map 'Yeti Bay', and I would like to know if anyone would wanna help me test it out. It's a BTB style map, so I would at least want 8 people. I really wanna test out CTF, if anything.

Anyway, it would be cool to have some testers!

If you wanna check out it's current state, it's on my File Share.

EDIT: Oh! And my Gamertag is RebornYeti.


I've been working on a small 4v4 map recently - it's here on my File Share. I'm not looking for people to play it properly just yet, but I'd really appreciate it if a few of you would have a wander around and tell me what you think? I'm looking for as much criticism or advice as possible, as this is my first attempt! :D

At the moment it's just set up for Slayer, although I'm also looking at adding One Bomb and One Flag as well
Hello ForgeGAF! I was wondering if you guys could help me puzzle out a map design issue. Due to my own shortsightedness and distaste for "floating" maps, I've been building a bridge map over the gulch. However, as Ghaleon lamented in his blog, a lot of that geometry is... complex, to say the least. So now I've got a half-built map that has a huge chunk of playable land next to it on one side that I want to cordon off somehow.


[click for biggerer]


[click for biggerer]

[File Share]

The problem is next to blue base - you can see it in the background of the overview shot, in the upper left. The way I see it I have 3 choices - vastly expand the base area on the blue side and build it on coliseum walls on the red side, build some sort of non-accessible structure on the plateau to signify "this isn't playable", or just putting a soft/hard kill over the plateau, which seems like a pretty huge cop-out.

Ideas? I'd hate to see this map idea fizzle, since I've already shelved my first idea due to lack of viability in controlling player movement.

How do you guys design maps so that players move around in a "fun" way? I try to sort of envision playing a round of ___ gametype in my head to rough it out, but I always lose sight of something or forgot to take into account something.

Any help is appreciated!


Ya, just put a railing along the edges of the map and a soft kill zone along it.
timetokill said:
Very cool! Very similar to something I have been working on, also a halloween-themed map :lol
Forgegaf Haloween contest go. Winner gets pumpkin pie nothing!


oddworld18 said:
Hello ForgeGAF! I was wondering if you guys could help me puzzle out a map design issue. Due to my own shortsightedness and distaste for "floating" maps, I've been building a bridge map over the gulch. However, as Ghaleon lamented in his blog, a lot of that geometry is... complex, to say the least. So now I've got a half-built map that has a huge chunk of playable land next to it on one side that I want to cordon off somehow.


[click for biggerer]


[click for biggerer]

[File Share]

The problem is next to blue base - you can see it in the background of the overview shot, in the upper left. The way I see it I have 3 choices - vastly expand the base area on the blue side and build it on coliseum walls on the red side, build some sort of non-accessible structure on the plateau to signify "this isn't playable", or just putting a soft/hard kill over the plateau, which seems like a pretty huge cop-out.

Ideas? I'd hate to see this map idea fizzle, since I've already shelved my first idea due to lack of viability in controlling player movement.

How do you guys design maps so that players move around in a "fun" way? I try to sort of envision playing a round of ___ gametype in my head to rough it out, but I always lose sight of something or forgot to take into account something.

Any help is appreciated!
Downloaded this (and all the other maps just posted, wow guys), I'll take a look tonight.


Some feedback on a couple of maps -
HenryGale said:
Just finished my monster of a level Fort gemini. Named after a favorite N64 title of mine.

Fort Gemini

It's a massive FFA slayer map I could set it up for teams as well. Plenty of areas for sniping, and close combat, grav lifts, man cannon and vehicles. The map is a huge battlefield. With open area's towers and close quarters.

I hope you enjoy and check it out.
--I suggest taking a "less is more" approach to power weapons and vehicles. The map is a good sized Slayer map, but there's not really room for the two snipers, two rocket launchers, concussion rifles, swords, two Banshees, two Revenants, Rocket Hog, Gauss Hog and Ghost. That's a lot of firepower for a very large, heavies-type BTB map, much less a close quarters Slayer map.

--The man cannons need a bit of tweaking - you take quite a bit of fall damage from all of them, and a couple sent me and some of the group I was in flying into walls. Man cannons can be unpredictable if you don't ensure players enter them the same direction, I had a heck of a time getting mine to be consistent.

--The core layout looked like a very fun Slayer variant, lots of cover, a few open areas, and the layout was immediately recognizable and easy to navigate.

--There are a couple areas on the ground that lead to some dead ends, around the rocks and up a ramp or two. Might want to close those off.

oddworld18 -

I suggest swinging the entire map around so it runs the length of the Gulch, or moving to a more open location. I couldn't find a good way to block off the area without placing some very large Colosseum walls down, which didn't fit in well. It will take you a half hour or so, but it will work out for the best. Also, just a tip, I suggest not placing very many spawns or weapons until you've finalized your geometry. It's a real time saver if you decide to make changes to the layout. Look forward to seeing the final map.
cazosozey said:

Its that creepy ass moon from Majora's Mask.
Holy crap. :lol


squidhands said:
an absolute gem of a map.

A varied, unique and interesting structure. You understand the layout and flow of the map within the first 10 seconds of a game (forgers take note, this is rare). I was never once disoriented at re-spawn. Everything is exactly where you would expect it to be. I knew there would be an opening in the upper back hallway to drop down to the Cave the very first time i was back there.

Impeccable. You almost feel like you are floating because it looks as though it would be bumpy, yet the floor is smooth as glass. Wonderful use of colour and surfaces. Every space has a distinctive look and feel. Structural elements blend exceptionally well with the natural. Adding ramps to the sides of ramps was a nice touch.

Gameplay. (we played 3v3v2 team slayer)
Wonderful sight lines. The layout promotes movement and there did not seem to be any area which could be locked down. You managed to capture that elusive 'fun factor', when the game was over we immediately wanted to play another.


I didn't like having to jump to get the Rocket Launcher. If the balcony above it had a slight lip you could simply walk off and land on the Rocket table.


This step seemed to be out of place on such a smooth map.


In the back corner there is a ledge which catches your helmet. If you take the intended path you are fine, but if you hug the side wall you get stuck. I suggest adding a rock to the left side of the path to direct the player to the correct route. You have a couple of low ceilings so remember to also test your map with the taller Elites.

Hiding spots.



This one is tough but a skilled Jetpack user would have just enough juice to get under the structure.
Wow, thank you for such a wonderful review! I'm so happy to hear that you guys enjoyed yourselves. I'll address the problems that you mentioned in the updated version.

I'm not sure how to fix the rocket table problem; even adding steep ramps would really make that space seem cramped and tight. I may just loose it all together, and make a smaller raised section that doesn't require a jump to get to. One of the main reasons I had it was to prevent blue team from sprinting right to it and having the upper hand on red, but because Red can get to the Sniper first I may just ditch it and go for something else. However, I do like the jump you can make from the table to the yellow sniper nest. I'm sure I can come up with a viable solution.

I'll definitely fix the helmet bump, I was aware of it but kind of turned a blind eye to it. As for the porch to the cave, I'll fix that as well. It does stick out on a relatively smooth map.

Thanks so much for looking for hiding spots; I'm terrible at finding them. I can definitely add an insta-kill volume to the underside and easily fix the other two issues.

I really appreciate the feedback, NOKYARD. It helps tremendously.
MrBig said:
Ya, just put a railing along the edges of the map and a soft kill zone along it.

Forgegaf Haloween contest go. Winner gets pumpkin pie nothing!

A railing on the edges of the map? Not sure what you mean?

I've never had pumpkin pie...


squidhands said:
I'm not sure how to fix the rocket table problem
Platform XL on it's side makes a small ramp on 2 sides and is the same pattern as the table (although, you could position it better than i did for the pic).


I just noticed your map is not on the 90° axis. Other than the height you placed most items by hand!
Platform XL on it's side makes a small ramp on 2 sides and is the same pattern as the table (although, you could position it better than i did for the pic).

I just noticed your map is not on the 90° axis. Other than the height you placed most items by hand!
Ooh, that could work. I'll try it when I get home (in 6 hours, bleh).

Yep, height was the only rotational value that I was able to consistently work with. Yaw was at different values depending on the object, so it was a lot of placing things manually. All because of that damned cave. :lol


Got a new map for y'all. It's called Restoration. It's kinda like Desolate + Derelict + AWESOME, so it's not really any one of those completely.

Set up for Slayer and CTF Variants. And oddball.
So, I'm insanely close to finishing my map Yeti Bay

I have Slayer, Assault, Capture the Flag, and Headhunter set up on it so far. I'm pretty satisfied with that, but I would eventually like to get every [logical] gametype to be supported.

Anyway, here's a little teaser pic:


If you would like to see more, just head over to my Bnet Account.

If anyone is going to download it, I would appreciate it if you guys also gave me any sort of criticism. I thrive on that sort of stuff. Makes me better. :D

EDIT: Also, I would LOVE to test this out in HaloGAF Customs or something.
Bungie are doing a Forgetacular contest - with actual prizes! :D

Exciting stuff. Head on over to B.net (It's blocked at work hence the lack of a shortcut)

Just found out it's US-Residents only.

Frankly, that's just bollocks. Bungie, if you want to take over the world, you might need to acknowledge we exist.

I know in reality, it's probably some licenscing/publishing BS reason, but it still seriously fucks me off.
Don't have any pics or a file right now (I'm at work), but me and my buddy just created our first forge map and want to see how it plays with 3v3 or 4v4. Map isn't much to look at, but it should be really fun nonetheless...We'll be on tonight at around 8 pm eastern and would find it absolutely excellentagous if some folk would like to join us in our playtesting. If nothin else, you can tell us how much our map blows.

Send friend request to gamertag "EsotericDaemon" and we'll invite you right away!


I ran into the item limit last night when making support pillars on my map. It's currently just floating over the ocean oh god what if it falls. I managed to eke out enough to cover the "gameplay relevant" pillars (those that block LOS to the other side of the map), but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for pillars that fit under the various "Platforms"(I have large, XL, and XXL on my map) that do not come from the Building Blocks category. I think tall 2x2 is what I'm using atm for the large platforms, but I may use wall objects to extend them.

Right now I have it covered from a gameplay perspective and with some creative finagling and replacing of pieces with those of another category I can extend the current pillars to the sea, but it leaves some others looking really odd. It's just aesthetics at this point so if a solution can't be found it's no big.


This is a noobish question that I'm sure has been asked and answered several times, but how does one make small height adjustments to make sure pieces line up? The bumper buttons don't offer near the precision needed.
Besides making the coordinate adjustments when hitting the B button, a click-and-hold on the left thumbstick will make small adjustments to whatever direction you want.


Flyguy said:
This is a noobish question that I'm sure has been asked and answered several times, but how does one make small height adjustments to make sure pieces line up? The bumper buttons don't offer near the precision needed.
While holding the item hit 'B' and go into edit coordinates. This snaps it onto a grid, and you can change XYZ coordinates and angles from there. It's a god damn lifesaver.


I wish you could actually implement a day-night cycle. I've been wanting that since Halo 1.
I've played on an Invasion map where the different lighting filters were set to each stage; the first was a morning (orange glow), the second during the day, and the third at night (purple filter). It was surprisingly effective. :lol
GhaleonEB said:
I've played on an Invasion map where the different lighting filters were set to each stage; the first was a morning (orange glow), the second during the day, and the third at night (purple filter). It was surprisingly effective. :lol
That's brilliant, wow.
GhaleonEB said:
I've played on an Invasion map where the different lighting filters were set to each stage; the first was a morning (orange glow), the second during the day, and the third at night (purple filter). It was surprisingly effective. :lol
Do you remember the name? I'd like to check it out.


GhaleonEB said:
I've played on an Invasion map where the different lighting filters were set to each stage; the first was a morning (orange glow), the second during the day, and the third at night (purple filter). It was surprisingly effective. :lol

I had a play with that idea as well. Just setting the SFX on spawn timers. Works well but the sudden snap into light can be a little odd. :D Would be nice if you could transition between SFX.
NOKYARD isn't eligible? You just shot yourself in the foot, Bungle!!!

Also, I just lost progress in a Forge map for the first time, and I don't even know why. Went into my latest Sanguine save, started blocking out the second base roughly, but couldn't remember what pieces I'd used inside part of the structure, and so had to pull apart the old base to check. Saved it first, thinking I could just load up the save afterwards and have the rough blocks still there but the base intact. Base was fine, rough blocks were gone. Half an hour's work. :(


Shake Appeal said:
NOKYARD isn't eligible? You just shot yourself in the foot, Bungle!!!

Also, I just lost progress in a Forge map for the first time, and I don't even know why. Went into my latest Sanguine save, started blocking out the second base roughly, but couldn't remember what pieces I'd used inside part of the structure, and so had to pull apart the old base to check. Saved it first, thinking I could just load up the save afterwards and have the rough blocks still there but the base intact. Base was fine, rough blocks were gone. Half an hour's work. :(
See, they should have talked to me first. :lol

I would have suggested they include a default "Autosave" file slot in the map list and leave our files alone. The new system severely penalizes people who are organized. In Halo 3 i knew EXACTLY what was in each version of a map, i could invite people in to look around without having a panic attack, and i could mess around with a design change knowing fully well that i could quit without saving to erase the experimental changes. Now, i never know exactly what is going to be in a map file when go back to it.

Shall i coin a new term? Forge Roulette.
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