The spawn set up I used will achieve the same thing - is there a best practices reason neutral spawns and hard spawn zones operate better?MrBig said:I didn't go into forge with your map and see how you did it but you should have all your spawns neutral. Make a respawn zone for blue team and an anti respawn zone for red team in blue base and do the same for red base.
Then you can just put in a couple initial spawns for each team and the rest of the team members will spawn next to them at the start.
That way teams aren't locked down to certain spawns.
I had started out using neutral ones, because I was going to have a few neutral spawn zones along the center, but late in the spawn placement design decided to eliminate the overlap between the team spawns for several reasons, the main one being the size of the map. I essentially designed the spawns in layers: base and surrounding spawns, a set of locations somewhat further out from base, and a set much further away for when the base is getting stormed/pounded. But the center of the map is open enough that I don't want anyone spawning out there, so all spawns are along each team's own side of the map, wrapping from the outside approach (with the pyramid on the side), to the base, under it, and over to the quarry. There's no overlap. This should also help with player orientation as they will always spawn on one side, since I didn't have any budget for lights to marks the sides of the map.
I could do the same thing using neutral spawns and the spawn influencer zones if there's a reason it would work better, I'm a bit ignorant on that space atm.