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Halo Reach Forge |OT| - Create, Share & Kill


Deluge: Without the Hammer in everyone's face every 5 seconds, the map played really well. I might not like AR starts, but they worked for this map. Honestly, I don't have any problems with this map at all. I think after one more test on it, it might be good enough to be submitted to the cartographer's, but that's just me.

Moonpool: Ugh. I still love the map, but CTF just does not work on it. The defending team could easily grab the sword faster than the attacking team, and just camp the base for the entire game. The only time the flag was grabbed and taken out of the base was the third round. The structure for Red base isn't good for team games, especially CTF and Bomb, with two covered tunnels to it that can be camped, and two side ways that can also be camped. There needs to be a way for people to sneak into the base and grab the flag. I'd like to see a lift up to the flag stand, with the window covers to be lowered (or removed and replaced with other types of cover) so a guy with the flag can grab it and leave. In addition to that, there's way too many grenades at each base, the position of the health pack up there promotes camping, and some way to remove the sword in objective games would be good.

Though, I'm sure Nokyard can and will explain a better way to make the defense base.

Rigged: Amazing forging that really makes me want to stop forging maps because I doubt I could ever get that good. Other than that, I thought it was a great map for SWAT, but due to the spawns, I think regular Slayer and possibly CTF and Bomb gametypes would be great on it. Of course due to the size of the map, it'd need 5 captures/detonations to win.

Also, because of it being SWAT, I have no idea what's in the middle and what other weapons are on the map. Hopefully any rockets or shotgun on the map isn't too overpowered.

Minerva: AR starts weren't too bad, but the way bomb is set up is. There's still too much open space for the defending team to shoot the attackers at in the bottom, and there's only really two ways for the attackers to get the bomb into the base...but that's saying a team could arm or capture the objective due to the shotgun and grenade launcher that's near the defending base. You said something about moving the teleporters inside the base, so I think that could work. Other than that, I still think the top grassy area needs to be blocked off, or with a better way for the attackers to get up there.

Trapped: I don't know why the game settings switched default vehicles to mongooses only (or there were only mongooses on the map), but whatever the reason, there needs to be vehicles on this map. And cover in the middle so it's not open...and a reason for teams to leave their base in Team Slayer. I don't think AR starts would've helped, since a team could still use the focus rifles or their magnums, or picked up and DMRs in the map, and just dominate the other team.

The map was great last week for CTF, but Slayer isn't it's strong suit. Rockets in the middle would be good, maybe even a ghost on beach side, but the map needs more cover (and healthpacks at the bases).

Sploosh: Surprisingly, even having the Blood Gulch bases, the map was good. I never moved from the base (mostly due to it being CTF), but it played well for the size of it, and it was a great CTF map. There's kill barriers that need to be placed, and the bases need to be finished (especially the hole people kept on falling into), but other than that, I have no complaints.

I do wish the area with the water could be a tunnel filled with water, but I think you said that the flags couldn't be moved down there, so I guess that'll never be a tunnel from side to side.

Skydocks: I already said my suggestions in the game lobby, but repeating them here hopefully won't be bad. Basically, the middle needs less objects around it so that the slowdown isn't there. Other than that, the sniper seemed to have the right amount of bullets (8), and the concussion rifle has 12 shots so enough to kill 2 people or so (and it's a great alternative to the rockets). Shotgun should really only have 6 shots in it since it's such a small map. Also: on the "lobby" side (or now looking in forge, the docks, with the really well made sabre), by the door ways to each base there's a ramp of sorts where people could camp or hang out at that slows down gameplay. It makes sense when thinking about taking cover and that sort of thing, but being scared to go through there due to the possibility of assassination or shotgun to the face isn't good (but that could be applied to any camping situation).

I also loved the chutes down to each team's "lobby", really reminded me of A New Hope and the trash compactor scene.

Truss: Like I said before, focusing on one version of Truss/Trestle was the right move. Truss played really well in CTF, but there are still a few problems. First of all, I kept on noticing and hearing people falling off the map, so there will probably need to be places with barriers preventing that. Next off, spawning was atrocious some of the time, and it cost both teams chances to capture, or prevent a flag from being captured. I think before you said something like "spawns that promote switching sides for movement" or something above those lines, but in CTF and Bomb, that's not good. There should be Flag/Bomb At Home and Flag/Bomb away spawn zones so stuff like that doesn't happen.

Other than that, the middle hills/pyramids don't really need the turrets up there since it seems redundant, and would only promote staying up there during slayer games even more.

Truss is coming along really nicely, and just a few more tweaks and it should play really well. It really reminded me and other people of Narrows.

Reliance: We played this with AR starts, but for such a big map, that wasn't good. There are plenty of DMRs around the map, but they're mostly in the middle and to the sides, without any at the offense base as far as I could tell. The map could really benefit from the removal of either both the sniper and the focus rifle, or just the removal of the sniper at the attacking base.

A Warthog could work at the offense base, and the defender's ghost could even it out. That's basically it for what I noticed. It has nice paths into the defense base, but no way to get the flag out of there easily.

Requiem: I can see the influence Wizard had on this, but it had more cover than this did. The entire map has basically no cover, and when trying to move from side to side that's not good. In addition to that, two, three times in a row I'd get down to just three bars of health when trying to lift up to the middle ring. Which, itself, isn't a good platform due to being too dominating and too high up.

As for films, I'll have them up shortly, and I think I'll try to start next week off with BTB and Invasion since we didn't have enough people for Odyssey and Aurora.


Well, I did add a Warthog to the offensive base. Still not sure how it will play with such an area. I do forsee a grenade planting on the front wheel of the 'Hog and it flipping off the cliff, lol. Can try it out next time. Would be cool to try Slayer there as well. Maybe more map movement would proceed. As for the Snipers, what if I just make the human Sniper four shots? I think right now it is at eight, if not it should be. Personally I think the Focus Rifle is fine, especially if you're feeling it is better for a DMR start.


Striker said:
Well, I did add a Warthog to the offensive base. Still not sure how it will play with such an area. I do forsee a grenade planting on the front wheel of the 'Hog and it flipping off the cliff, lol. Can try it out next time. Would be cool to try Slayer there as well. Maybe more map movement would proceed. As for the Snipers, what if I just make the human Sniper four shots? I think right now it is at eight, if not it should be. Personally I think the Focus Rifle is fine, especially if you're feeling it is better for a DMR start.

We've played Bomb and CTF on it now so Slayer should be up next. 4 shots for Sniper could work so we can test it out and hope neoism doesn't use those 4 shots for some crazy Killionaire.
There really is something funny going on with the Gravlifts. They'll work fine one time, but refuse to take people up the other. The platform is quite literally an extension of the one found on Tombstone/Derelict, which always worked pretty well.

Anyways, it's just a WIP, so it still needs a lot of work. Thanks for the feedback, and thanks 'bout the feedback for Deluge too. I submitted it to Petetheduck and FyreWulff's contest at HBO, see how it does.

Hey You

Is Trapped the one with the two bases and whoever controls the Focus rifle,controls the game?

That map needs some serious work on it. Waaay too open.

That map wasn't fun at all.


Blue Ninja said:
There really is something funny going on with the Gravlifts. They'll work fine one time, but refuse to take people up the other.

Anyways, it's just a WIP, so it still needs a lot of work. Thanks for the feedback, and thanks 'bout the feedback for Deluge too. I submitted it to Petetheduck and FyreWulff's contest at HBO, see how it does.
What's that? Link?

Whenever possible, try to use one way shields in conjunction with or in place of grav lifts.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ZayneH said:
Truss: Like I said before, focusing on one version of Truss/Trestle was the right move. Truss played really well in CTF, but there are still a few problems. First of all, I kept on noticing and hearing people falling off the map, so there will probably need to be places with barriers preventing that. Next off, spawning was atrocious some of the time, and it cost both teams chances to capture, or prevent a flag from being captured. I think before you said something like "spawns that promote switching sides for movement" or something above those lines, but in CTF and Bomb, that's not good. There should be Flag/Bomb At Home and Flag/Bomb away spawn zones so stuff like that doesn't happen.

Other than that, the middle hills/pyramids don't really need the turrets up there since it seems redundant, and would only promote staying up there during slayer games even more.

Truss is coming along really nicely, and just a few more tweaks and it should play really well. It really reminded me and other people of Narrows.

thanks for the spawn suggestions, thats something that was overlooked (flag home and away zones). flag at home zones at the bases, away on the bridges? i dont have a lot of experience using spawning zones, so suggestions would help.

is someone posting vids again?
Looks like Deluge went well. I'm glad. I might adjust some of the spawns a bit (I noticed Zane spawning in a few odd directions a couple of times), but it looks like it's pretty much done.

I'd like to avoid stuff like what happened when somebody (I forget who) spawned right in front of Zayne, but there's not a lot I can do about that. If the game deemed that to be the safest location to spawn, I can't really help it.

As for Requiem, the fact it turned into what it became is again more a fault of the gametype than it is of the map (I enjoy Team DMR's, but I never make a map with the gametype in mind). I'm redesigning the catwalks, the central structure and the gravity lift, and making the catwalks more covered up (so they'll function more as alternate passages than map-dominating vantage points). I'm also adding in more cover on the main battleground. I have no idea what caused the Gravlifts to behave so erratically: I'd fixed them twice before already. I'll see what I can do about them.


Blue Ninja said:
Looks like Deluge went well. I'm glad. I might adjust some of the spawns a bit (I noticed Zane spawning in a few odd directions a couple of times), but it looks like it's pretty much done.

I'd like to avoid stuff like what happened when somebody (I forget who) spawned right in front of Zayne, but there's not a lot I can do about that. If the game deemed that to be the safest location to spawn, I can't really help it.

As for Requiem, the fact it turned into what it became is again more a fault of the gametype than it is of the map (I enjoy Team DMR's, but I never make a map with the gametype in mind). I'm redesigning the catwalks, the central structure and the gravity lift, and making the catwalks more covered up (so they'll function more as alternate passages than map-dominating vantage points). I'm also adding in more cover on the main battleground. I have no idea what caused the Gravlifts to behave so erratically: I'd fixed them twice before already. I'll see what I can do about them.
Respawn zones extend the area that the game checks to see for hazards of the spawns inside them.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ZayneH said:

5v5 with a final score of 3-2, close match!

it was really interesting to see the variety in flag routes. as i expected, the first runs were taken via the under bridges where there is more cover. NOKYARD tried a few times to take the man cannon to the top center of the bridge for a quick escape and pulled that off for a capture, and Mr Kwatz scored the winning flag by surprising the defenders and taking it out the front of the base walkway system where he could chose which bridge to run it across.

i had planned and anticipated each and it was truly cool to see each strategy was both tried and successful. it will be interesting to see if there is a preferred route with more play testing.


also, how was the number of players? it seemed about right with 10, which is a bit surprising because that definitely would be too small for slayer. would 4v4 work? how about bigger teams upwards of 8v8? again, would like to test that in the future.


as far as falling off the map goes, i didnt see anywhere that i felt needed to be addressed, other then possibly the diagonals outside each base lacking railing. most of the falls appeared to me to be caused by people trying jumps that shouldnt be possible in the first place and being unfamiliar with the layout. i DO want falling to be a danger in certain areas of the map though. EDIT: did see some issues where the rockets are placed with people jumping into the dish and falling. will fix

thanks GAF


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
fixes, in addition to spawns

- moving around some weapon placement. rather then having both the shotguns and grenade launchers on the lower bridges, i moved the grenade launcher on the small connecting bridges in front of the map, and moved the shotguns to the central position on the lower bridge.

- the rocket platform has been lowered to be flush with the walkways, and increased in size so even if you do hit your head jumping into the dish, you wont fall to your death.

- rails have been added to the lower front entrances to the bases.

- budget is basically zero now, anyone playing split screen notice any framerate issues?

Bregmann Roche said:
No kidding. I had a lot of fun that game. I hate hate HATE The Narrows but really like this map.

there is one point i really should take a screen of with one flag being run in one direction on the top bridge, with the other teams flag being run exactly underneath in the opposite direction on the lower bridge. it was pretty cool to see as i watched the game unfold from a stationary, birds-eye-view from above


op_ivy said:
- budget is basically zero now, anyone playing split screen notice any framerate issues?
Budget isn't really indicative of that since some things cost a lot more. But you map is almost entirely densely packed forge objects. There will most likely be issues. Only way to know is to try.

Sploosh is now Watershed:

The area ended up being split almost perfectly between two callout zones for each base, Lagoon and Coastline. A kill ball flies from that structure on the left into the cave on the right. You can be hit by it by going on the red mancanons. There's no hazard I could think that would actually work for the other side. If someone could think of one it would be appreciated.


Decided to stick with those bases, I liked how they ended up working. You can jump from the center structure to the base, but not from the base to the center. Would be too easy to cap flags. ~3 ways into the base. A window allows you to see across the middle from the mancanon landing platform that each base leads to, so that you can't just go up there and then start peppering the other teams spawns.



Inside the center structure, where the lifts to the side of the middle bridges take you.


Grid under the water as a walking surface. Partially submerged shield door that gives a nice light bridge effect and indicates that you can walk across that area, but not the rest of the water to the right.


Mancanons from the base to the other side. Don't fall in the lava!

Download: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=13907385&player=Mr Kwatz

What do I need to do to submit this to cartographers?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
sploosh felt a little lopsided in favor of blue in our playtesting. (maybe due to not properly knowing the layout of the map... if so, ignore)


blue had easier access to the mancannon platform in the lower left, which seemed to be one of the more effective routes in capturing flags. blue only needed to run up the ramp to it, whereas in order to access that area on red you HAD to approach from the man cannon at the top of the red base.

also, the route shown at the top of the pic also had an advantage for blue, being that their portion was elevated (upper right) making it easier to defend and harder to attack.

again, my comments may be way off, as a single objective game usually doesnt lend itself well to exploring a map properly.

EDIT: don't know if you addressed my issues with watershed, or looking at the overhead is giving me a better idea of the layout, but they look fairly well mirrored. so ignore my post :)


op_ivy said:
EDIT: don't know if you addressed my issues with watershed, or looking at the overhead is giving me a better idea of the layout, but they look fairly well mirrored. so ignore my post :)

Everything on the map is perfectly symmetrical now. I just threw in that pyramid on blue side for testing since I didn't have the platforms in or time to set up the mancanons correctly.


op_ivy said:
anyone playing split screen notice any framerate issues?

Move the Health Pack away from the flag room. I would suggest on the outside wall by the central upper walkway…

Health here. by NOKYARD, on Flickr

… and here's why. While reviewing the film i noticed that your map is a 4-way symmetrical map. You should complete this symmetry by placing the weapons to match.

Single item power weapons like the RL at center (done).

Two item power weapons (Grenade Launcher, Shottie, Concussion etc.) should be placed somewhere on a (North/South, or East/West) center line so they are equally accessible from each of the 4 segments.

All other weapons (DMR, Pistol, Plasmas etc) should have 4 of each, placed in the same place in each of the 4 segments. Weapons with clips should be placed off to the side of the normal path to prevent players from absorbing their clips. Alternately, place matching weapons (DMR/Nerffle, or AR/Repeater) 2 of each on opposite segments to save budget.

Doing this would make the map perfect for 3-Ball and other Multi Team variants (assuming your spawns are set up correctly). If you need help with this please let me know.


op_ivy said:
also, how was the number of players? it seemed about right with 10, which is a bit surprising because that definitely would be too small for slayer. would 4v4 work? how about bigger teams upwards of 8v8? again, would like to test that in the future.

I think the best player size would be either 8-12 or 8-14. I think 16 might work, but would be really pushing it.

Blue Ninja said:



My weekend schedule generally doesn't allow me to make ForgeGAF customs, so if you guys are getting any of these maps into the kind of state where the group agrees they're ready for the Cartographer's group, just post them as such or shoot Dani or I a note. I've been following the thread and it seems like maps are getting polished and tweaked, but none are quite there yet. We'll make sure they get pulled into some customs we play and then go from there.

MrBig said:
I'd like you guys to try out Watershed. Minerva's got problems and won't be able to make this deadline for testing. Pretty much everyone in the party thought watershed was good and the whole left corner of the overhead pic was only representatively there. I liked the pacing and flow of it all. I'm really happy with how it looks now but I doubt I'd get another playtest in before this deadline (Wednesday right?)
Will do.

And yeah, the 15th is the March deadline.


GhaleonEB said:
My weekend schedule generally doesn't allow me to make ForgeGAF customs, so if you guys are getting any of these maps into the kind of state where the group agrees they're ready for the Cartographer's group, just post them as such or shoot Dani or I a note. I've been following the thread and it seems like maps are getting polished and tweaked, but none are quite there yet. We'll make sure they get pulled into some customs we play and then go from there.
I'd like you guys to try out Watershed. Minerva's got problems and won't be able to make this deadline for testing. Pretty much everyone in the party thought watershed was good and the whole left corner of the overhead pic was only representatively there. I liked the pacing and flow of it all. I'm really happy with how it looks now but I doubt I'd get another playtest in before this deadline (Wednesday right?)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

Move the Health Pack away from the flag room. I would suggest on the outside wall by the central upper walkway…

… and here's why. While reviewing the film i noticed that your map is a 4-way symmetrical map. You should complete this symmetry by placing the weapons to match.

Single item power weapons like the RL at center (done).

Two item power weapons (Grenade Launcher, Shottie, Concussion etc.) should be placed somewhere on a (North/South, or East/West) center line so they are equally accessible from each of the 4 segments.

All other weapons (DMR, Pistol, Plasmas etc) should have 4 of each, placed in the same place in each of the 4 segments. Weapons with clips should be placed off to the side of the normal path to prevent players from absorbing their clips. Alternately, place matching weapons (DMR/Nerffle, or AR/Repeater) 2 of each on opposite segments to save budget.

Doing this would make the map perfect for 3-Ball and other Multi Team variants (assuming your spawns are set up correctly). If you need help with this please let me know.

- here is the current weapon layout: (L) indicates item is in the lower level of the base/bridge


grenade launcher x 2
shotgun x 2
dmr x 4
needle rifle x4
pistol x 4
AR x 2
plasma repeater x 2
plasma pistol x 2

- there are also 4 health packs, 2 near the shotguns (not labeled in the map picture), and 2 moved to the front of the bases.

- neutral flag assault spawns the bombs underneath where the rockets were.

- i have 4 teams of 3 setup for multiteam as indicated in the picture, but i'm not sure on placement. currently, each base has them at the corners, staggered between upper and lower level to avoid spawning site lines of opposing teams.

- lastly, can someone give me some info on how to use the spawns, or point me in the right direction? should spawn zones be set for all game modes, or only objective? are neutral spawns preferred to team respawns? also, how do i separate multi-team spawns from the standard red vs. blue spawns (which are currently spawning near the flag/bomb points)?


op_ivy said:
- lastly, can someone give me some info on how to use the spawns, or point me in the right direction? should spawn zones be set for all game modes, or only objective? are neutral spawns preferred to team respawns? also, how do i separate multi-team spawns from the standard red vs. blue spawns (which are currently spawning near the flag/bomb points)?
Can you be on around 6 est tomorrow? I'll help you out.
Again, I really like all the changes you've made and it plays much better now.


Wow @ op_ivy!

You wouldn't believe how fast i went from hating, to loving this map.

One last thing is bugging me. If you can spare $10, the central dish could use a mate to make the map absolutely symmetrical. I can't get on Forge till Monday night but if you still have unanswered questions at that time please XBL msg me and i will give you a hand.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Wow @ op_ivy!

You wouldn't believe how fast i went from hating, to loving this map.

One last thing is bugging me. If you can spare $10, the central dish could use a mate to make the map absolutely symmetrical. I can't get on Forge till Monday night but if you still have unanswered questions at that time please XBL msg me and i will give you a hand.

hate is such a strong word.

i do have a bit of a budget after switching weapons up a bit and removing the turrets. what do you mean by a "mate" for the dish? and how does that weapon and multiteam layout look?

MrBig said:
Can you be on around 6 est tomorrow? I'll help you out.
Again, I really like all the changes you've made and it plays much better now.

i should be able to be on about then. i'll shoot you a message if i see you.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
MrBig said:
Can you be on around 6 est tomorrow? I'll help you out.
Again, I really like all the changes you've made and it plays much better now.

hopping on now


MrBig said:
Respect this man. He made a 4-way symmetrical map at a 30 degree angle, forcing him to place everything manually without the use of coordinates.
Other than the 4-way part Crown of Flies also fits that description.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
MrBig said:
Respect this man. He made a 4-way symmetrical map at a 30 degree angle, forcing him to place everything manually without the use of coordinates.

never again. its half the reason parts of the map look a tad janky. IF this goes to the cartographers, i may rebuild it at a 90 degree angle and actually use the coordinate increments rather then manual adjustments. may be nice to build it over open water. shit, thats a lot of work maybe not!

thanks again MrBig for the spawn help. how did the weapons look? (check out the pic above if you havent)

Truss now supports CTF, assault, multiteam, territories, headhunter, stockpile, and king of the hill. whew.


op_ivy said:
never again. its half the reason parts of the map look a tad janky. IF this goes to the cartographers, i may rebuild it at a 90 degree angle and actually use the coordinate increments rather then manual adjustments. may be nice to build it over open water. shit, thats a lot of work maybe not!

thanks again MrBig for the spawn help. how did the weapons look? (check out the pic above if you havent)

Truss now supports CTF, assault, multiteam, territories, headhunter, stockpile, and king of the hill. whew.
Well now that you know exactly where everything should go you could just move pieces and do it in a couple hours. You want to do it near a cliff so that one side will have definable scenery that will help with orientation. maybe even in the cave that I bult watershed in so that half could be in shadow.

You've got all your standard weapons in convenient places and a rocket to fight over. Looks good to me. I upped the ammo in the grenade launchers to 4 and dropped the shotguns to 1 spare clip each while I was messing around

I even have my kill barriers and objectives aligned symmetrically, I'd go crazy without the use of the coordinates :lol
After many months of not having an Xbox, I am finally making a return to Xbox Live, and in addition, Halo Reach. With that said, be sure to look out for the new version of Yeti Dome.

But before I go ahead and tweak it, are there any major problems that should be addressed (aside from spawns)?
MrBig said:
Respect this man. He made a 4-way symmetrical map at a 30 degree angle, forcing him to place everything manually without the use of coordinates.

That was how my Great Bear Lodge map was made as well, except I don't think it was even at 30 degrees, it was like 25. Totally stupid of me to do, but it still turned out pretty well.


MrBig I have a copyright on Spider-Man around these here parts. WTF, dude?


-Yeti said:
But before I go ahead and tweak it, are there any major problems that should be addressed (aside from spawns)?

Personally, I can't think of any.


-Yeti said:
But before I go ahead and tweak it, are there any major problems that should be addressed (aside from spawns)?
There are 2 spots where players (me) thought they could go but ended getting caught against a tree or rock. If you run around the edge hugging the glass in each direction you will find them. If you can't open up the path to allow passage (don't forget about elites as well) at least place a rock to make it obvious you can't get through.


I'm (slowly) making updates to my beach map, which I've re-named Crossfire. It only got one game in the weekend before last, but it was enough for me to find two big areas to tweak, in addition to rehinking many of the spawn locations. (high ground should be earned, not granted, so no spawns on the towers; towers are getting lowered a touch as well).

I should have an updated, more polished iteration for this coming weekend. Going to spend some time working on the soft kill zones as well. I found one of them was actually a normal spawn zone, which explains why people were able to hide there. Whoops!


MrBig said:
That's Spider-Ball bro, I don't know what you're talking about.


I was thinking of having ForgeGAF go full on Spiderman, but that'd be silly

GhaleonEB said:
I'm (slowly) making updates to my beach map, which I've re-named Crossfire. It only got one game in the weekend before last, but it was enough for me to find two big areas to tweak, in addition to rehinking many of the spawn locations. (high ground should be earned, not granted, so no spawns on the towers; towers are getting lowered a touch as well).

I should have an updated, more polished iteration for this coming weekend. Going to spend some time working on the soft kill zones as well. I found one of them was actually a normal spawn zone, which explains why people were able to hide there. Whoops!





It's more descriptive of how the map plays given the spaces between areas and the central hub, and thematically establishes it as the follow up to Crossroads. :p
Other than the 4-way part Crown of Flies also fits that description.
And I'd do it again if the need ever arises. It was a fun/masochistic little meta-game to figure out all the angles, but after a while I had all the major ones committed to memory. The current map I'm working on is in the Coliseum, so it's been a breeze so far.
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