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Halo Reach Forge |OT| - Create, Share & Kill


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i decided to do something different with forge today... to make the invasion maps into separate, cool, 4v4 or free-for-all maps. first up, spire.

i started with the rock outcropping area to create Spire Rocky Ridge. sadly, forge is incredibly limited on spire (all the maps but forge world?), so its really not visually much different from the original. i did however block off the half leading to the actual spire, added a ramp and barricades near the waterfall, some hogs and weapons for what should be a pretty fun slayer and teamslayer map, especially in light of this sort of thing missing from bungie's default map offerings :(



each team (for team games) spawns near a hog (one at the top of the first pic by the waterfall, the other at the bottom of the pic at the top of the hill), with a third hog roughly equally away from both teams (seen in shot 2). also midway between the two is a rocketlauncher and a covie concussion rifle for hog control, and an invis pickup.

please download
and leave me feedback. enjoy!
Are they are any guides to spawns out there? I'm sort of finished with my map's geometry for the time being and I'm going to move onto the difficult part.

As far as I can work out from looking at the other maps in the game, I need 8x Initial Spawns for red and blue teams, clustered. Then (16?) Initial Spawns for FFA. Then clusters of 4x Initial Spawns for Multi-Team. And then a shitload of regular spawns wherever I can put them.

Not even going to try and work out how spawn 'zones' work.

Is this roughly right?

Also, what the hell is a Soft 'Safe' Boundary and do I need one?
Shake Appeal said:
Are they are any guides to spawns out there? I'm sort of finished with my map's geometry for the time being and I'm going to move onto the difficult part.

As far as I can work out from looking at the other maps in the game, I need 8x Initial Spawns for red and blue teams, clustered. Then (16?) Initial Spawns for FFA. Then clusters of 4x Initial Spawns for Multi-Team. And then a shitload of regular spawns wherever I can put them.

Not even going to try and work out how spawn 'zones' work.

Is this roughly right?

Also, what the hell is a Soft 'Safe' Boundary and do I need one?
No guides to Reach spawns that I've seen so far.

What you've got sounds about right (you'll probably only need as many neutral initial spawns as the max player limit of your map). I never set up spawn zones for slayer in H3, but the system might be radically different now (I'm betting they're just showing us more of what was previously working in the background).

As for a Safe Boundary, it's what you'll need to surround your map's playable space. anyone that steps outside of it will be greeted with the "Return to Battlefield" message. It does a similar job to the Soft Kill, but I'm fuzzy on the details as to why you'd need one over the other. Safe bet is to use a safe boundary on the playable portion, and soft/hard kill boundaries on spots you don't want players to go.
op_ivy said:
really cool idea, but the implementation needs some work. in its current state, its far to easy to hit the target. i played a full match and went 3 for 3. i'd love to see more of this type though, even this exact "map" could likely be improved by widening the ramp so there is more opportunity to fuck up the descent and angle of launch.

dont want to sound overly negative though, i could see this being a fucking awesome mode with a variety of "maps". please continue with it
Thanks will do, maybe I'll try some different things. I think the main issue is the physics, even with low gravity, don't really allow you to make a jump like that without the vehicle cannon, and the vehicle cannon pretty much automatically puts you on the right path no matter what angle you hit it from or how fast.
squidhands said:
As for a Safe Boundary, it's what you'll need to surround your map's playable space. anyone that steps outside of it will be greeted with the "Return to Battlefield" message. It does a similar job to the Soft Kill, but I'm fuzzy on the details as to why you'd need one over the other. Safe bet is to use a safe boundary on the playable portion, and soft/hard kill boundaries on spots you don't want players to go.
Do I need it, or is it just an easier way to set up Return to Battlefield on a large regular space? My map is in the hangar bay place, with a little protrusion outside. But I put huge soft kills above and hard kills below that protrusion, so I think it's covered.

Anyway, I'll post some screens soon.
Shake Appeal said:
Do I need it, or is it just an easier way to set up Return to Battlefield on a large regular space? My map is in the hangar bay place, with a little protrusion outside. But I put huge soft kills above and hard kills below that protrusion, so I think it's covered.

Anyway, I'll post some screens soon.
I think it's just for an easier way to set up boundaries on large open spaces. Sounds like you have what you need.

More stuff from me, my H3 forge map Crown of Flies, embiggened for 4v4 play:


Raide said:
Ok, a few initial things. The ramp leading up the tower closest to the Red spawn needs dropping a bit. There is a lip that gives you an annoying stop when moving.

Jump pad near the above location, might want to change it to player only. You can get vehicles stuck in an annoying grav-loop. :lol

For multi-team. Green and Yellow need some more cover. Red team has one of the highest vantage points and close access to the sniper, it could get mess for those poor guys. :lol

Mongoose = Yes. Ghost = No. I get the feeling the Ghost will dominate people, especially during objective stuff. Not sure the map really needs vehicles but at least the Mongoose will lead to some funny stuff.

The respawn points might be better being team linked. If you get a good stand-off between Red Vs Blue, there are some respawn that could either lead to people easily sneaking behind the enemy or spawning and getting insta-killed.

Just a few bits. Need to do some HaloGAF plays and get a good feel of the weapon layout etc.

Thank you for the feedback!

- Yeah, that lip was frustrating me as well, main problem is that everything else connects so well, so I didn't want to go about lowering everything else that it's connected to! But I guess I may as well, or at least add a tiny ramp at that bridge to remove the lip.

- I was wondering how people would react to the Ghost. I was pretty torn on it - I actually had a pair of Mongooses (Mongeese) per side, but switched one out for the Ghost at one point. I think you're right that they may be too overpowered for the map though.

- I think you missed the sniper near where green spawns as well :) There's one on the rock formation near the blue base, right behind where green spawns. I hear you on giving them a bit more cover, especially yellow.

- Possibly useful tip! As far as the respawn points being team linked, I saw a post by a Bungie member on the bnet forums that said that best practice was to make all of the respawn points neutral, and then put a respawn zone for red or blue around the respawn points where you want red and blue to spawn. The reason for this is that it makes all of your respawn points available for FFA matches, but still maintains red and blue spawn areas when in team battles. So that was what I did for this map.

- I didn't even realize you could make the jump lifts player-only, I'll definitely do that.

- Hoping I can get a good HaloGAF match on it in the coming days to check weapon spawns and placement.

loaded this up solo to run around it and it looks to be a terrific map! great job.



op_ivy said:
Spire Rocky Ridge

Nice. I'm thinking about doing something similar (to get me re-situated with forge) with Spire by closing off everything but the Invasion Phase 2/3 area (might be something like Burial Mounds), and make two (maybe 3) maps like that with Boneyard with one being the Invasion Phase 1 area only for 1 sided game types, and another where it's Inv. Phase 2/3 where it's another 1 sided map.

Also fool around with Zealot and see if I can make it more like something along the lines of Midship (and close off the space section).

now watch someone do this but better than I ever could've done :lol


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ZayneH said:
Nice. I'm thinking about doing something similar (to get me re-situated with forge) with Spire by closing off everything but the Invasion Phase 2/3 area (might be something like Burial Mounds), and make two (maybe 3) maps like that with Boneyard with one being the Invasion Phase 1 area only for 1 sided game types, and another where it's Inv. Phase 2/3 where it's another 1 sided map.

Also fool around with Zealot and see if I can make it more like something along the lines of Midship (and close off the space section).

now watch someone do this but better than I ever could've done :lol

yeah, thats my thoughts too for forging the HUUUUGE invasion maps. the problem is, there is very little objects you can place for spire at least. nothing but shield doors, shield barriers, and covenant barricades. very disappointing. thankfully, the invasion map areas are already loaded with great stuff and by themselves are fun to play in once sectioned off.
So here's a picture of my very unfinished map. This is just a small portion of what's to come:


I'm imagining a really great asymmetrical map made for one-sided objective games. I'm basically just winging the design without much planning, so I hope it turns out.

The part shown will be the very top of the map and somewhere on that structure will be where the objective spawns for the defending team.

EDIT: Sorry, forgot the link to the pic. :lol

NH Apache

cazosozey said:
I was bored with my other map so I made this today
the Millennium Falcon




[URL="http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2374178&player=combatcarl2"]Link to file share[/URL]

If you download the map, there are teleporters to get you around the ship for better viewing.[/QUOTE]

Dude. Wow.

That looks amazing.

I'm working on something that doesn't really have a name yet (Temp 01) but I'm kinda going for Narrows feel with a little more verticality. I just took some screens, but they haven't updated to Bungie.net yet.

I just finished adding basic team spawns, now I have to go add neutral ones as well, and respawn zones and weapons and etc. I think I'm going to add one more third level.

I love forge though. I am finally used to the coordinate system and it is so freaking useful.

Yeti-I think you forgot something (the link for the pic?)

Edit: My pics are up





Kibbles said:

Downloaded that and a few other maps from there. They (mostly) always have awesome maps.

op_ivy said:
yeah, thats my thoughts too for forging the HUUUUGE invasion maps. the problem is, there is very little objects you can place for spire at least. nothing but shield doors, shield barriers, and covenant barricades. very disappointing. thankfully, the invasion map areas are already loaded with great stuff and by themselves are fun to play in once sectioned off.

Can you place death barriers or soft kill zones on the other maps? Or is it really just shield barriers?


Thanks to everyone who helped test Cistern tonight in the GAF Customs. I'll have to make a few changes; I saw a lot of floating weapons, there were passages too low for Elites and some spawning issues... plus there's no need for armor abilities on the map, as it turns out.

The map is obviously too small for 8 players too because there was some craziness going on down there. It may just be an issue with the spawning points, but it seemed like everybody was dropping in with three or four people around them.

Thanks again for taking the time to set it up, I'll post when I've made the changes and improvements. Also, I'm 75% or so done with my Moonpool map and it's looking pretty good. More on that soon.
Jeep Wars

This is a game that a friend and I used to play in Halo:CE.

The goal of Jeep Wars is to splatter the other player. You must battle in Warthogs to flip the other player over and attempt to run em down before they get back into the Warthog.

Points are only given for splatters. First to five points wins.

Still a work in progress, but it's pretty fun so far.






The new Forge kicks some serious ass!

My latest offering (not Grifball, i promise) is structurally complete and will be ready for game play items after we check out some LoS issues.

This flythrough, and i mean fly, shows the phase one area in and invasion variant.

Watch the film, then re-read the above sentence.

NH Apache

The new Forge kicks some serious ass!

My latest offering (not Grifball, i promise) is structurally complete and will be ready for game play items after we check out some LoS issues.

This flythrough, and i mean fly, shows the phase one area in and invasion variant.

Watch the film, then re-read the above sentence.

Dude, I was going to reply to your other posting, but definitely much more appropriate here. Very amazing job. Is it supposed to be a building right? Fantastic and I like the way you "decorated" the lobby.

Gonna be huge btw. Hows your budget?


The new Forge kicks some serious ass!

My latest offering (not Grifball, i promise) is structurally complete and will be ready for game play items after we check out some LoS issues.

This flythrough, and i mean fly, shows the phase one area in and invasion variant.

Watch the film, then re-read the above sentence.
O_O Awesome, can't wait to try it out, hopefully in GAF customs? I love the aesthetics so far, the invasion should be epic with those covenant turrets sitting there. :lol

[edit] Ah, saw your other post. Customs it is! They are Saturday right? Hopefully I can make it.


Works for Bungie
Just wanted to poke in and say this thread puts a comically huge grin on my face every time I browse it. That is all. =)


Shishka said:
Just wanted to poke in and say this thread puts a comically huge grin on my face every time I browse it. That is all. =)

Thank you man, thank you so very much for this.

NH Apache said:
Gonna be huge btw. Hows your budget?
$1400 remaining.

All budget items are in place and gameplay items are free, I typically spend the entire Budget on a map so the rest is for decoration and cover.

Is it supposed to be a building right? Fantastic and I like the way you "decorated" the lobby.
It's an Air to Space transfer station called Alaranjado Terminal.

Every terminal has a large sculpture. This sculpture can be found in Gardermoen Airport's terminal building.


My sculpture is much more, um, um, representative of how i feel about the new forge.


The new Forge kicks some serious ass!

My latest offering (not Grifball, i promise) is structurally complete and will be ready for game play items after we check out some LoS issues.

This flythrough, and i mean fly, shows the phase one area in and invasion variant.

Watch the film, then re-read the above sentence.
That looks really great, I can't wait to see the full map.

Also squidhands, I remember playing your old H3 map, I think, how's the progress on the remake?


Shishka said:
Just wanted to poke in and say this thread puts a comically huge grin on my face every time I browse it. That is all. =)

I will sell multiple souls in order to get the number of Man-cannons doubled in Forge. :lol I need to actually finish maps this time around. :D


TheVisualizer said:
theres a bunch of good ones out there, just search for the tag "Hang Em High" in the File Browser - > Map Variants
Two of the better ones I've seen are called Casket and Silverado. May be able to search tag them and find out yourself! :p


The new Forge kicks some serious ass!

My latest offering (not Grifball, i promise) is structurally complete and will be ready for game play items after we check out some LoS issues.

This flythrough, and i mean fly, shows the phase one area in and invasion variant.

Watch the film, then re-read the above sentence.
Hey, that looks pretty awesome. I was also using the cover glass as walls, though not as many as you did, I think:



As you can see though, I'm not finished with this thing :p
Shishka said:
Just wanted to poke in and say this thread puts a comically huge grin on my face every time I browse it. That is all. =)
Every time I look at a piece and wonder "Hmm, is this the right length..", it is. And when I ponder "Okay, but will it line up to..", it inevitably does.

(It's a shame everything is more or less an ugly grey-blue, but those Forerunners weren't exactly frivolous in their design.)

This flythrough, and i mean fly, shows the phase one area in and invasion variant.
Bungle, hire.


Shake Appeal said:
Every time I look at a piece and wonder "Hmm, is this the right length..", it is. And when I ponder "Okay, but will it line up to..", it inevitably does.

(It's a shame everything is more or less an ugly grey-blue, but those Forerunners weren't exactly frivolous in their design.)
Soooo... true. I hope we get some nice assets pack DLC soon. I would definitely pay for it :/ Make it human buildings like Boardwalk and I will pay even more.
I have a problem...

I accidently dropped a mongoose off my map, now it keeps spawning before falling into the ocean.

the problem is I can't see it!
I can hear it crashing, but I don't know where... is there a way I can stop it spawning?

I need it to finish my map too, i'm one mongoose down

cheers forgegaf
SEASHELL UPDATE! http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2485831&player=BEARCANO

- Added in additional ramp to fix the slight hiccup issue on the ramp to red base
- Placed additional ramp area to center of map, connecting the cove area to the walkways above.
- Also added a bit more cover
- Installed more railings around areas of the map
- Added new kill zone to exploitable area I found underwater
- Improved weapon placement and added additional grenade spawns
- Colored red base red, blue base blue
- Removed ghosts in favor of additional Mongeese

As before, the map is set up well for Slayer, CTF, Assault, Headhunter and Stockpile.
Territories-based modes have issues due to problems with the spawn order that I'm still trying to fix, though I may remove them altogether.

View from the red base

View from the blue base

Birds-eye view

Link to updated map: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2485831&player=BEARCANO

I'd love to get a game going in the map, do we have a time when ForgeGAF spends maybe an hour or so playing each others' maps and offering feedback? I think that would be awesome.
jizzlobber said:
I have a problem...

I accidently dropped a mongoose off my map, now it keeps spawning before falling into the ocean.

the problem is I can't see it!
I can hear it crashing, but I don't know where... is there a way I can stop it spawning?

I need it to finish my map too, i'm one mongoose down

cheers forgegaf
Easiest way I can think of is to Delete All of Type on another Mongoose and then replace each of them. :(


timetokill said:
SEASHELL UPDATE! http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2485831&player=BEARCANO

- Added in additional ramp to fix the slight hiccup issue on the ramp to red base
- Placed additional ramp area to center of map, connecting the cove area to the walkways above.
- Also added a bit more cover
- Installed more railings around areas of the map
- Added new kill zone to exploitable area I found underwater
- Improved weapon placement and added additional grenade spawns
- Colored red base red, blue base blue
- Removed ghosts in favor of additional Mongeese

As before, the map is set up well for Slayer, CTF, Assault, Headhunter and Stockpile.
Territories-based modes have issues due to problems with the spawn order that I'm still trying to fix, though I may remove them altogether.

I'd love to get a game going in the map, do we have a time when ForgeGAF spends maybe an hour or so playing each others' maps and offering feedback? I think that would be awesome.

Looking good. Maybe we can get a few maps running over the weekend HaloGAF customs. Will be good to try out some maps so the Forgers can get some in-game feedback.


Retro said:
Thanks to everyone who helped test Cistern tonight in the GAF Customs. I'll have to make a few changes; I saw a lot of floating weapons, there were passages too low for Elites and some spawning issues... plus there's no need for armor abilities on the map, as it turns out.

The map is obviously too small for 8 players too because there was some craziness going on down there. It may just be an issue with the spawning points, but it seemed like everybody was dropping in with three or four people around them.

Thanks again for taking the time to set it up, I'll post when I've made the changes and improvements. Also, I'm 75% or so done with my Moonpool map and it's looking pretty good. More on that soon.

Update: New Elite-friendly version of Cistern is here; http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=2432070&player=Retrogames. We had a pretty frenetic 8-player FFA in it last night, so give it a shot.


Raide said:
Like it. Nice and tight and also interesting layout. Good use of the rocks makes it actually look less like most of the other maps. The blue lighting is also really nice.

Thanks for taking a look at it. I tend to make fairly tight maps since I'm A) a shotgun whore and B) think there's enough wide open maps already. My next map (hopefully pics today) is a bit more open but also has a lot of claustrophobic passages. It might have a bit of a learning curve (one area has three levels nearly stacked on top of each other), but I think it'll end up a bit less confined and supportive of play styles other than mid-to-close range.

And yeah, I blew through my Natural piece list quick on Cistern.
Hugbot said:
That looks really great, I can't wait to see the full map.

Also squidhands, I remember playing your old H3 map, I think, how's the progress on the remake?
Quite nicely. The geometry is finished, just need to lay out spawns and set up gametypes. I should start doing testing this weekend.

And NOKYARD...holy shit, man. I bow down to you.
Striker said:
Two of the better ones I've seen are called Casket and Silverado. May be able to search tag them and find out yourself! :p
Casket was done by the same guy who did the fantastic Remake-Hybrid of Hang Em high/tombstone in Halo 3 called Unforgiven, his GT is CenturionOmegai. I just checked out his Reach variant of HeH/Tombstone and it's just as amazing and the attention to detail is great. I'll DL it and tweak it for GAF once he put out a final version of the map. :)

It's set up for all major gametypes already which is nice.
Here is a map tour.
Map Overview:
jizzlobber said:
I have a problem...

I accidently dropped a mongoose off my map, now it keeps spawning before falling into the ocean.

the problem is I can't see it!
I can hear it crashing, but I don't know where... is there a way I can stop it spawning?

I need it to finish my map too, i'm one mongoose down

cheers forgegaf

You can put in another one, select it and then delete all objects of that type no?

Edit: nvm... someone already said that ;)

Though its contents have long been lost, this Forerunner exhibition hall remains a remarkable curiosity. (6-10 players)




Haven't done spawns/objectives yet, but I'm working on those, and I want to give it a few playtests before I start tweaking geometry or putting in needless decorative stuff I'll later have to (re)move. So this is basically what it will look like.

Weapon count: 4x DMR, 2x Plasma Pistol, 2x Magnum, 2x Needle Rifle, 1x Shotgun, 1x Sniper Rifle, 2x Grenade Launcher.

Basic idea is a symmetrical Team Slayer/CTF map, ideally for 4v4. Teams spawn facing each other behind glass.


Shake Appeal said:
Forerunner exhibition hall
Gorgeous! Must play.

Mik2121 said:
Hey, that looks pretty awesome. I was also using the cover glass as walls, though not as many as you did, I think:

http://imgur.com/LRPNO.jpg[/ IMG][/QUOTE]
The glass items are expensive, but worth every penny. It would have been nice if there were pieces which are made of [B]only[/B] glass so you could make your own windows.

[QUOTE=Littleberu]You know what is the biggest thing I want in an update? The ability to forge Firefight. That would be awesome.[/QUOTE]
Will never happen. The AI must be taught how to navigate a map.

[QUOTE=squidhands]Quite nicely. The geometry is finished, just need to lay out spawns and set up gametypes. I should start doing testing this weekend.[/QUOTE]
I love how you interweave the structural elements with the natural elements. Sadly i can't be there for testing since i will not have access to the game for a week.

[QUOTE=squidhands]And NOKYARD...holy shit, man. I bow down to you.[/QUOTE]
Now, now. I am but a man.

Wait, said that wrong. I am a butt man. :D


Do you guys know what the deal is with kill boundaries? I set them in my map, yet they never seem to kill me once I test my Race map in a custom game. I know they're set to gametype neutral, spawn at the beginning etc. because I haven't tweaked any of their basic settings other than size. Do they just break when you make them too big, or something?
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