Plywood said:
I just want this complaint to be statistically the highest on HaloGAF.
hell naw
No Shishka.
Bloom sucks.
Latency window sucks.
Microwave gun nerf from beta.
Increased rocket damage = ridiculous.
Arena ranking system.
Arena doubles settings.
Removing DMRs from all playlists because of terrible weightings.
Reduced jumping.
Armor abilities.
A healthpack system that is a complete waste of time. Seriously, stop and think about it for a second.
Random ass FFA spawns in every single playlist ruining the beautiful chess-like gameplay of previous Halos in favor of dinosaur rolling BK bonanzas.
Every map. Specifically the lack of symmetrical and BTB maps. I weep for Valhalla & The Pit.
Forge 1.01(a) aka Forge 2.0 blows. No, giving us different blocks to play with after 3 years of dev time isn't OK.
Theater 1.03(a) with Not Enough Resources to make auto Youtube uploading so Bungie can keep bilking their most hardcore fans out of cash to... show how much fun they're having with a Bungie game. Love, Bungie.
Campaign writing. Horrendous. See: Kat getting blained in some random 5 second scene and nobody caring about ol' robo croaking.
Terrible Challenge system and an overall credit system that lacks any of the satisfaction of other games. You mean I have to play 200 games of Reach just so this little icon can have a bar underneath it? *random kid buys COD*
Replacing real maps with cobbled together Forge World maps, then certain employees coming to NeoGAF and having the gall to say it's a suitable replacement (insert :lol smiley here)
Grenade damage.
Lack of callouts on maps.
And the worst thing of all? Almost nobody from my friends list who I enjoy playing Halo with still likes the game enough to play.