Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Gui_PT said:How do I do that? I no good wit compiter
Yeah, he was trying to flank me and got hit with his own grenade. (lol)
Nice Gui, I wonder if it was a cinnamon grenade!
Gui_PT said:How do I do that? I no good wit compiter
Yeah, he was trying to flank me and got hit with his own grenade. (lol)
Alienshogun said:Nice Gui, I wonder if it was a cinnamon grenade!
Gui_PT said:Oh, I get it. It's because I did that super awesome thing with cinnamon. U just jealous of my cinnamon skills.
The gaiety derived from your gamertag exceeded my self-control tolerances, good sir! You are to be applauded for your efforts!xxjuicesxx said:Just had two rough arena games and a super rough MLG game, I thought I was bad for a second. Then this happened:
crisis averted.
WowGui_PT said:
SolidEyeSystem said:The gaiety derived from your gamertag exceeded my self-control tolerances, good sir! You are to be applauded for your efforts!
xxjuicesxx said:Haha WTF I saw this in some other thread? What is this new thing you speak of?
Dani said::lol
Shogun pissed off Evilore and made him remove smilies from GAF. That new expression is Evilore's suggested replacement.
Dani said::lol
Shogun pissed off Evilore and made him remove smilies from GAF. That new expression is Evilore's suggested replacement.
Something in my mind wants to see what happens if you post your address.Alienshogun said:To be fair Evillore went a bit overboard, and I doubt my specific post was the reason for the removal, he just doesn't like how they are used period.
Still, it's funny as hell. Especially OT going nuts about it.
Don't cry little boy. Your map will be always played by us if you want itsquidhands said:*checks bnet messages*
squidhands said:Holdout has two turrets; one right in the middle of the map (I've actually seen Grunts and Elites use it on me), and another one off to the right where the trees are. The one on Courtyard is near the ramp that goes down to the outer door where you grab the Target Locater in the campaign. It's actually pointed towards that door, so you pretty much have to rip it off to use it. And there's three of them on Glacier, so you should be able to put a big dent in that commendation.
I highly recommend grabbing the Ghost on Beachhead and doing some Sunday Driving. It's one of my favorite things to do in Firefight.
I believe the grenade launcher works for the commendation, but I'm not terribly certain. It would be really stupid if it didn't.
GhaleonEB said:What's funny is I've been tracking Challenge payouts - thinking of writing an article about Challenges - and the average payout had gone up for each month. But they just cratered in January, with this week's Weekly (2500 cR) and very low Daily payouts. The per-instance reward dropped a lot as well. It's almost as if the payout cycle reset.
Nope, that's right.
:lolAlienshogun said:
enzo_gt said::lol
Shogun BEEN taking heat in the OT. Dunno why people make it personal, but I miss the smilies. They sucked ass, but they grew on me as a part of GAF.
Look what you've done, etc.
Cuban Legend said:This is why i never post in NPD Threads.
Alienshogun said:They are still going on? Where? In the original thread the cries for my head stopped relatively quick.
If anything it's simply Evillore overreacting.
Cuban Legend said:NPD Threads are chuck full of people who can and will turn on one of your posts for stupid 'gaming side personal reasons' (bias), no matter how logical or inoffensive it is in reality.
Less stress in my life, Yes Please.
BTW, Shogun, you playing BC2 on 360 recently, amirite?
bobs99 ... said:I think I saw the odd post here and there calling you an idiot, but I havent seen anything too hateful.
Dont worry, if anything happens you can always armour lock.
A grenade launcher that doesn't count for grenade kills. Yeah, that's stupid.ShinAmano said:The nade launcher I believe counts for 'Get Loud' not 'Pull the Pin'. I could be wrong though.
Fingers crossed that it can still see the light of day in Matchmaking, even in a temporary playlist. I'd love to hear feedback on a grand scale like that.Hypertrooper said:Don't cry little boy. Your map will be always played by us if you want it
Highest record for me was 55 splatters before getting assploded. I have yet to come close to that.Squall ASF said:Yeah, I'll have to run around those maps and check them out. I didn't even notice the third turret on Glacier, I figured there was one but didn't find it. I'll remedy that. No wonder I didn't find the one on Courtyard ha I pretty much have my set spots on where I somewhat camp in score attack so it's not too surprising I missed some of these. Thanks. Forgot about the ghost at beach. How long do you last in a gruntpoc match before getting naded? As others have said, the nade launcher only counts towards heavy weapons kills, not grenades.
Cuban Legend said:I was asking what platform you played on because I think you should get in on the PC version of BC2 son.
Dani, Sai_Kun and even Diabolical Bagel have played with me and the various PC Master Race bros as we meetup on the GAF Mumble Server usually every night.
no wai, 360 for lyfe.Cuban Legend said:I was asking what platform you played on because I think you should get in on the PC version of BC2 son.
Dani, Sai_Kun and even Diabolical Bagel have played with me and the various PC Master Race bros as we meetup on the GAF Mumble Server usually every night.
MIMIC said:I just got the "Destroy a vehicle in armor lock" achievement....without being in armor lock AND without destroying a vehicle![]()
I was going for this particular achievement so I DID have armor lock selected. I activated it, came out of it, and got assassinated. Some idiot from the other team came along while I was being assassinated, smashed us both with the hammer (killing me and his teammate) and BAM. Achievement unlocked. wtf
There aren't even any vehicles on the map we played.
Reminds me, I need to get that one. Might work on it tonight just to get it out of the way.MIMIC said:I just got the "Destroy a vehicle in armor lock" achievement....without being in armor lock AND without destroying a vehicle![]()
I was going for this particular achievement so I DID have armor lock selected. I activated it, came out of it, and got assassinated. Some idiot from the other team came along while I was being assassinated, smashed us both with the hammer (killing me and his teammate) and BAM. Achievement unlocked. wtf
There aren't even any vehicles on the map we played.
My favorite unlock was the one for completing The Package on Legendary with the Scorpion intact. I did so the first time through, and it didn't unlock. On my second attempt, the achievement unlocked just as the Scorpion exploded and I died.
Might have something to do with most of the challenges this week being so awful.Kuroyume said:Could someone on here post the challanges when they go up? Couple of the guys on here stopped doing that for some reaosn.
Also you can just get them from HBO now if this is because of proxiesBarrow Roll said:Might have something to do with most of the challenges this week being so awful.
Dani said:If we hunt down some of the winning maps, I'd say they make awesome Customs fodder tomorrow.
urk said:Added the links to the bwu.
Isn't that was urk was talking about? Community Cartographers? I know some Gaf members are in the group.Pete Rock said:Any word on what's next in terms of the submission process going forward? I thought they had some fancy map crunching tools in the works, but I must be mistaken, and there's no analogous group to replace Atlas.
Hey You said:Isn't that was urk was talking about? Community Cartographers? I know some Gaf members are in the group.
It seems that you will have to join/be apart of their communities to even get a chance at your map being in MM.
Better start joining a bunch of websites and kissing some asses
urk said:If there are gaffers in the group, and you are posting on the gaf, know what, never mind.
xxjuicesxx said:"I have been informed that there is a disease, and that it would greatly benefit you to catch it."
That said Firefight Arcade is still toast on Tuesday.
GhaleonEB said:noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo