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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It

Kuroyume said:
I like Stockpile with the exception of Stockpile on Highlands since that map is way too big. Stockpile is pretty fun on Swordbase and Powerhouse even with the bottom spawn team having an advantage in the latter map.

Headhunter is terrible. It's just way too random. I guess you could say camping the scoring points would be a good strategy or perhaps using jetpack like I did in a game earlier, but they're not perfect strategies. I dislike everything about it. I hate random elements in gaming.

Well, the only strategy in FFA Headhunter is deciding whether or take the skulls you have back to the pool, or to keep trying to collect until you have the instant-win.

In Team Headhunter, there's a bit more strategy to it. Playing customs, what usually happens is that the teams divide into groups of about 3, and one of the guys is the designated 'collector'. Basically treat him like a VIP, make sure he stays alive and out of the line-of-fire. He collects the skulls whenever possible.

Other team strategies include breaking the team into two groups, one bent on killing enemies only and not worried about bringing skulls back. They're just there to prevent the other team from collecting skulls. The other group is concerned with collecting skulls and only engaging with enemies in self defense. And within that second group, maybe there's one guy going for the instant-win number, and the rest are all protectors.

It's fun. Silly, sure, but fun.


In team headhunter you're better off letting people kill your teammates from long range and then picking their skull up, this is especially true in BTB. Stockpile is just a gametype of who can grief the other teams capture spot better, they're both terrible gametypes.
Stockpile, Team Headhunter, and Crazy King are only fit for a garbage playlist like Action Sack. The problem they all share is that they rely on random (flag respawns, skull destinations, territories) which cripple any sense of competition and strategy.
Lake Minnetonka said:
Stockpile, Team Headhunter, and Crazy King are only fit for a garbage playlist like Action Sack. The problem they all share is that they rely on random (flag respawns, skull destinations, territories) which cripple any sense of competition and strategy.

I never said that they should be included in a tournament.

I think it's possible to have fun with a bit of randomness in the game. I mean, you can't be in a super-serious mindset if you're going to enjoy them.
The Antitype said:
I never said that they should be included in a tournament.

I think it's possible to have fun with a bit of randomness in the game. I mean, you can't be in a super-serious mindset if you're going to enjoy them.
There's enough randomness in Reach without random gametypes.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ramirez said:
Yea, so basically I just get gangbanged for 70 extra bucks if I buy 6 individual passes, oh well. It's not possible that they will "sell out" of PAX tickets is it? I can't actually make my plans until after the 10th, heh.

6 passes?
Lake Minnetonka said:
There's enough randomness in Reach without random gametypes.

That's a great mindset for serious competitive play. If I were setting a tournament, that's definitely how I would think about it.

But when I'm just jumping into some ranked or social matchmaking with buddies, I'm just concerned about having fun. There's enough of a consistent baseline with weapon choice and skill, map memorization, vehicle usage. Adding some elements that aren't perfectly competitive doesn't kill the experience for players like me.
The Antitype said:
That's a great mindset for serious competitive play. If I were setting a tournament, that's definitely how I would think about it.

But when I'm just jumping into some ranked or social matchmaking with buddies, I'm just concerned about having fun. There's enough of a consistent baseline with weapon choice and skill, map memorization, vehicle usage. Adding some elements that aren't perfectly competitive doesn't kill the experience for players like me.

I agree with the above (a bit of chaos can be interesting), but im personally not a fan of headhunter and stockpile, they just aren't very fun. :p
bobs99 ... said:
I agree with the above (a bit of chaos can be interesting), but im personally not a fan of headhunter and stockpile, they just aren't very fun. :p

Well, fun is subjective. I think those modes are great when you have a party of friends to play with. Not so much when you're stuck with randoms though. :p


The Antitype said:
Well, fun is subjective. I think those modes are great when you have a party of friends to play with. Not so much when you're stuck with randoms though. :p

Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything in Reach that can be fun with randoms.
Gui_PT said:
Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything in Reach that can be fun with randoms.

Meh, most of the base Slayer modes are pretty decent with randoms. Obviously a tight-knit team will dismantle a group of randoms, but if the whole game is just a pool of randoms, it generally works out pretty well.

Invasion also hasn't proven too bad, cause the mode is so directed. Everybody knows what the next objective is and how to go about it. Again, a tight-knit group will always win out, but a room full of randoms still works.
Dani said:
Go in with a proper team and get some sweet Bomb and Flag games going. That playlist is actually good again with the new community maps, Bomb games and lack of Stockpile/Headhunter poop.
Well then invite me next time you got a party going!

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
The Antitype said:
Well, fun is subjective. I think those modes are great when you have a party of friends to play with. Not so much when you're stuck with randoms though. :p

I've never had a fun game of Hot Potato, Crazy King, Headhunter or Stockpile with or without friends.

I don't have fun with randomness. Fiesta Slayer and Bloom are brilliant examples of randomness sucking too.
Dani said:
I've never had a fun game of Hot Potato, Crazy King, Headhunter or Stockpile with or without friends.

I don't have fun with randomness. Fiesta Slayer and Bloom are brilliant examples of randomness sucking too.


Maybe it's just different strokes for different folks.

I never felt pissed off that the flags in stockpile dropped in the other team's favor. I just played and laughed and cheered during close-calls either way.

Like I said, their just a fun, silly little break between the more serious game-types for me. I basically just turn my brain off for them and enjoy the chaos and the action. Then I turn my focus back on for the 'real' stuff, where I feel like winning or losing actually proves something (minimal, but still something).
What I quite like about Stockpile is that it is filled with those moments you rarely get in CTF. Capping the flag with a second to spare or denying the other team is really fun. That's not random :p heck, I never remembered where the hills would spawn in Halo 3. I just adapted once they spawned. Same with the capture points in headhunter

I think both modes, like many others, need tweaking. Ultimately the mood is right as is, imo, so I don't think Dani and the other players who didn't enjoy it should ever expect more out of those modes.


Alright Halogaf. I'm soloing New Alexandria LASO. Need to attack the hospital.

wat do. You think I can take it on by myself? Starwolf and I got stuck but it didn't help that campaign netcode was pooping on me.

We just kept running out of usefull ammo.


A27 Tawpgun said:
Alright Halogaf. I'm soloing New Alexandria LASO. Need to attack the hospital.

wat do. You think I can take it on by myself? Starwolf and I got stuck but it didn't help that campaign netcode was pooping on me.

We just kept running out of usefull ammo.
Look up the LASO speed guide. You can get a banshee and skip that whole part.


God help me. The rangers retreated. Kill the concussion elite. Now I'm trying to work my way up, killing the bunched up rangers.
Striker said:
Say you love the BR with random spread, and lovable gametypes like VIP on Sandtrap. You'll be adored.

Hahaha. The only times I ever played VIP on Sandtrap was with a full party of great players, so it was always just utter domination. So I really can't comment. ;P



Didn't really like that LASO at all.

Package should be fun but goddamn near impossible during the glacier hold out. So many elites....


Dani said:
I've never had a fun game of Hot Potato, Crazy King, Headhunter or Stockpile with or without friends.

I don't have fun with randomness. Fiesta Slayer and Bloom are brilliant examples of randomness sucking too.
You never had a fun game of headhunter or stockpile? It's a video game bro your taking it to seriously. You shoot people and pick up skulls- how's that not fun? To each his own I guess. I Hate Swat but I'v had fun while playing it...


Did the New Alexandria LASO solo on my daughter's account, since she was glitched out of it on our run with Dax. Looks like I did save/quit 13 times, which wasn't nearly as many as I thought I'd do. I just played it straight, didn't use the Banshee glitch. The big bottleneck is of course the Spec Ops Elites in the hospital, but I lucked out and got that jammer as the 3rd one, so I could stock up on Nerfles. That let me tear through every single Brute without issue, so the ending was the only hard part.

I used a method on the right corner of the bridge, where I can duck just out of their firing line, then pop up to strip the shields off one and go for the headshot. The ability to re-trigger a checkpoint after every kill is what makes it do-able.

I just skipped the Ultra at the end, dropping a shield on the stairwell and getting around the corner. He just stood and shouted, then took a pot shot here and there as I skedaddled up to safety. Ending turret sequence went off without a hitch. In total, about an hour and a half.

I told my daughter, when she gets older and ever questions her father's unconditional love of her, she can look back on that LASO run as an illustration of it.
Lazslo said:
You never had a fun game of headhunter or stockpile? It's a video game bro your taking it to seriously. You shoot people and pick up skulls- how's that not fun? To each his own I guess. I Hate Swat but I'v had fun while playing it...

I agree that headhunter is a terrible gametype. I had my fill of it in the beta.


Hitmonchan107 said:
I've been watching videos on it for the past few hours. It looks interesting, but I'd like to try it before I buy it.

Any word on a demo?
Are you home from college and now your NAT is closed?
Tunavi said:
Are you home from college and now your NAT is closed?
I was at my girlfriend's house after the wedding. I'm home now.

I might not be able to play tonight. Tomorrow, I have to work from 8 a.m. until 1 a.m.

We we we so excited.


Ramirez said:
Are any of you guys picking up Brink on Tuesday?
I was looking forward to it, but the more I watched of it ... it's just not for me. The head-bob in that game is stupid. :/
Imported the Limited Edition steelcase version from Europe. :D

Enemy Territory and Quake Wars were both spectacular, can't wait for Brink.

It's going to take over from Crysis 2...which took over from Blops among my friends.

BTW, Crysis 2? Fun when the connection works.


Had a couple of very good games in FF Limited. Strangely enough, the first was when a very annoying kid was notified he was going to be muted by everyone else in the party for being annoying. His response was to suicide to drain all of the lives.

We took that as a challenge, and decided collectively not to die. We kept going, and at the start of each Round, the dude would suicide away to take the rest of the lives. I imagine he got kind of pissed after a while, because late in Round 3 he snagged a Ghost that was laying around and tried to go on splatter runs to kill us. I overcharged and then stuck his Ghost, bursting him out of it as from a peanut shell. One guy on our team had un-muted him to listen to his rage, and I could hear the screaming from through his mic. It nourished me.

W made it to the boss round of the final Round. We would have finished up had I not spent forever and a day on an epic freaking Last Man Standing run. At the beginning of the Elite/Hunter/Grunt wave in Round 3 we get the drop pod of Concussion Rifle-toting Brutes, which kill everyone (who hasn't suicided).

Probably my highlight of the week, if not year. It helped that I had two spotters.

We party up and play again, and get matched with the same shithead on Unearthed for a second time in a row. This time he merely idles, but I hang out near the spawn room and prevent him from dying, and we finish the entire Set.

It was an odd experience, with one player from either end of the spectrum - one very good player, and one complete jerk. But I felt like we beat him, and had two great games to boot. Landing the 3,000 cR jackpot at the end of the second game was icing on the cake.
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