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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It

Dani said:
Right, out of curiosity and to cross check some issues with the wider HaloGAF population, I'd like to ask HaloGAF a question or two.

Could you guys list the top five issues you have with your favourite playlist/gametype?

In addition, explain why it is an issue and offer a possible, realistic solution.

I'm working on a list of the most common issues across various playlists and would appreciate your contributions. =)

An example or three would be;

1. The Drop Shield is easily abused across the Team Objective playlist.

Remove the Drop Shield. Doing so would prevent Bubble chains and Bubble abuse and restore the flow of gameplay.

2.The Banshees on Breakpoint (any gametype) lead to rampant spawn killing and are easily abusable.
Replacing the Banshees with Falcons would remove the abuse taking place whilst still keeping air support.

3.Slayer games in the Defiant playlist force AR starts on players.
AR starts on Tempest and Highlands, both relatively big maps, leads to players being abuse after spawning by players with longer range weapons. Changing Slayer games back to DMR or Nerfle starts would restore the balance.

Ok, very late with this reply but I thought it was necessary to represent team snipers, it being my favourite playlist and all.

Team Snipers

1. Guest's are to the severe detriment of the quality of match played (more so than most other playlists)

Team Snipers is by its very nature, a hardcore gametype. Guest's generally are quite unfamiliar with Halo and so nobody can blame them when they go quite negative in your common or garden team slayer or action sack game. In snipers they get decimated the majority of the time. It was already galling enough to lose snipes as a ranked playlist; allowing up to three guests to play a gametype that requires more skill than most was an insult to the integrity of the playlist.

I challenge anyone to beat this truskill (tm) moment - http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=600885576&player=The Henery

I have countless other examples of this happening in the playlist.
Solution: Cut guests from the playlist or at least to one per box.

2. The absence of the radar in snipers makes it less skillful

This will probably be controversial but I urge you to consider it. First principles - what is team snipers in and of itself? Or more pertinently, what is it not? It is not backsmacking your opponent, sniping is quite the antithesis of that. And yet, with no radar, it is not uncommon to be on a killing frenzy, heading towards a perfection, nobody can snipe you with that straf... but oh, what is this, i've been assassinated by someone who was lucky enough to spawn behind me...... lame

The radar allows all ranges of sniping to shine. In the scenario listed above instead of getting assassinated cheaply, I see the opponent approach on radar, turn around, and we have a good, wholesome, traditional no-scope battle- a scenario more fitting for a playlist focusing on the sniper.

The radar also adds a sort of meta-strategy to the game. You cannot see the radar when you are scoped - yet, it is beneficial to remain scoped for range and added magnetism. The trade off for seeing your radar is remaining un-scoped, thus making shots significantly more difficult.

3. Hemorrhage is an imbalanced (and boring to play) map

This is the same for all playlists so I don't think I need to go into too much detail here. Bottom line is: Red team spawn is hugely advantageous.

Me saying the map is boring is personal conjecture, however, it certainly could do with being slightly shortened in forge - as it stands it is too conducive to players sitting in one spot, behind a rock, for minutes at a time and the map is so large you literally have to scope twice to see them - it leads to tedious gameplay.

Overall, it's still a great playlist. The third point is more a personal preference but the first and second points, I feel, would legitimately improve the playlist for everyone.


Striker said:
Well, at least Jeremiah was kind enough to reply to me.
Hopefully detailed out in the near future, and not gimp things like Assault as he did for BTB.

Excellent, i was hoping that TO would be the next playlist to get a major update.

If they remove drop shields and headhunter, reduce the weightings for stockpile and increase them for all other flag and bomb gametypes, i would definately play in that playlist a LOT more.
Here are some screenshots from my adventure through The Ark on foot.

Two screenshots from previous runs.


While I was walking, I found another weapon "cache" in front of the crashed Longsword I didn't know was there. There was a sniper rifle and a BR. I grabbed the sniper and used it to take out the Grunts in the turrets up ahead and the Brutes in that huge bowl area near the Forerunner wall.


Had to board a Ghost at one point because it was the only way I could defeat it effectively.

Almost to the designated landing zone. Fighting my way through. Got splattered by a Grunt in a Ghost at one point. Tricky little bastards.


I died several time trying to figure out the best way to take out all the Brutes, the turret, the Grunts in Ghosts, and the Wraith, which were all guarding the anti-air Wraiths – the real objective. One particular death stood out. There I was, staring down the Wraith through a Bubbleshield, when the Wraith decides to swerve around a splatter me. Jerk.


But I got my revenge. Got him with a turret. Take that!


Forward Unto Dawn lands. Reinforcements! See, the thing about fighting on foot on The Ark is that you have a small army of AI fighting alongside and helping you. I think this is one of only two levels (the other being The Covenant) in any Halo game in which you have the opportunity to have that much assistance when fighting on foot. They helped me take down a Hunter quite easily.

Continuing on. The AI and I march back to the Forerunner wall that surrounds the Cartographer. We're a pretty effective team.


We're coming for you. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

The battle in front of the Forerunner wall. The AI is helping me out by taking out the Choppers at the bottom. I focus on the Wraiths at the top.

We're now through the Forerunner wall. I'm going to have to take on the Scarab eventually. "Yeesh! That thing's huge!"


Taking on Brute Choppers. "Betcha can't stick it."

Got you!

The AI and I are pretty formidable. I do die a couple of times, but overall, we do eventually break through the Covenant defense. I concentrate on one Wraith while the tanks go after another. Go team!

(Same deal here).

Finally, the Scarab battle. I died several times trying to take it out, but I eventually got it. Used the FRG and aimed at his legs, but the difficult part was finding a safe way to blast his legs and get back into cover before he could take me out with the Scarab gun. You know, there is probably nothing more satisfying in Halo than dropping a bubble shield right before a Scarab shoots at you with its main gun.

And that's it! Sorry for the long post, but I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventure. The Ark on foot is probably my favorite so far. It's just too cool to see the AI helping you out.
Dax those pics are making we want to go back and play the Ark and the Covenant again, those missions back to back are amazing. Also thee henery I agree 100% No Radar actually makes people camp more in snipes I find simply because they are too scared to make a push without knowing whats around them. I know most people say No radar is more competative but I really think radar on would be better in Snipers.

There also shouldnt be a pistol in Snipers at all.
bobs99 ... said:
Dax those pics are making we want to go back and play the Ark and the Covenant again, those missions back to back are amazing. Also thee henery I agree 100% No Radar actually makes people camp more in snipes I find simply because they are too scared to make a push without knowing whats around them. I know most people say No radar is more competative but I really think its better in Snipers.

There also shouldnt be a pistol in Snipers at all.

Absolutely agree that the pistol should be removed.

It's funny, after seeing those pics i'm actually curious about playing it on legendary, with a load of skulls on and not using the tank. Could be a little challenge for a rainy day.
So what did you guys think of Tempest2?

If I can shift some of the spawns over half man cannon, and half turret base, I think it will play better.


AI wasn't perfect in Halo 3, but it was damn fun most of the time. I love going through the Ark, and getting on the back of a Mongoose with a Rocket and Sniper. So much fun.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
A27_StarWolf said:
for emphasis

Pointless. The changes made were completely irrelevant. Tempest is a good map but your version is horrid.

The bridge in the middle and removing the man cannons? Pointless. It takes away the flow from the mad and adds nothing back. The turret bases or whatever again pointless. No impact on gameplay or none that I noticed in any significant way.

All of the rest of the additions are superficial fluff and detract from the map.

And stop being pushy with your map.


A27_StarWolf said:
for emphasis
I liked opening up the side tunnels for the vehicles, I never understood why it was closed off in default Tempest.

I do prefer the man cannons to the bridge, though. I get what you were doing, and it was interesting having more play space, but the middle is by default so open that taking the man cannons out make movement more difficult.

The side turrets didn't have a big impact on how the map played, though you punked me nicely when I was trying to flush you off that one. I like the idea of having the tunnel side not have those kind of defenses, since it's supposed to be the sneaky route. Perhaps down on the lower side, by the waterfall, would be a better place for a secondary station. There's more open space there and it might fill in that area and give it a better purpose.

Was a fun game.
Dani said:
Pointless. The changes made were completely irrelevant. Tempest is a good map but your version is horrid.

The bridge in the middle and removing the man cannons? Pointless. It takes away the flow from the mad and adds nothing back. The turret bases or whatever again pointless. No impact on gameplay or none that I noticed in any significant way.

All of the rest of the additions are superficial fluff and detract from the map.

And stop being pushy with your map.

I did not think it was that big a deal to ask. Thank you for your barely teetering on the edge of dick-ness criticism.

GhaleonEB said:
I liked opening up the side tunnels for the vehicles, I never understood why it was closed off in default Tempest.

I do prefer the man cannons to the bridge, though. I get what you were doing, and it was interesting having more play space, but the middle is by default so open that taking the man cannons out make movement more difficult.

The side turrets didn't have a big impact on how the map played, though you punked me nicely when I was trying to flush you off that one. I like the idea of having the tunnel side not have those kind of defenses, since it's supposed to be the sneaky route. Perhaps down on the lower side, by the waterfall, would be a better place for a secondary station. There's more open space there and it might fill in that area and give it a better purpose.

Was a fun game.

Yeah I was hoping the bridge would play better than it did. Never hurts to try new things.

I think I am going to take you up on your advice and put some sort of turret on the other side, it will be a smaller base I'm thinking.


For the record I'm always open to criticism, but try to make it constructive. Halo GAF customs are the only place where I can actually test any maps, since I have never, at all, experienced enough population to test larger maps during forge GAF customs.

No one, almost at all spoke up when I suggested we try my map. So say something next time.


A27_StarWolf said:
Not like tempest ever comes up anyways right :p
That map, just that map is the one I would absolutely LOVE to show up in standard MM.

Oh also guys since there is no E3 reveal of Bungie's new game....anyone predicting a July 7th reveal?
343's bsangel has added more incentive to play in the tournament.

The winning tournament community members will each win one of two XBLA games (“Full House Poker” or “Dishwasher: Vampire Smile,”) a Green Spartan Avatar Armor code, a Halo Flood Pet Avatar Prop and both a red and a blue Avatar Helmet.

The six random winners of the $10 DLC prize will also win a randomly selected Halo Games on Demand code ("Halo 3," "Halo Wars" or "Halo: Reach.")

Thanks, angel!
wwm0nkey said:
That map, just that map is the one I would absolutely LOVE to show up in standard MM.

Oh also guys since there is no E3 reveal of Bungie's new game....anyone predicting a July 7th reveal?

Not a chance IMO. H3 and Reach were each announced at E3 the year before they came out. Bungie's new game is huge I assume, so I doubt it will be released any earlier than 3 years after Reach dropped. That means its probably safe to assume we are looking at an announcement sometime next year, not this year.


Steelyuhas said:
Not a chance IMO. H3 and Reach were each announced at E3 the year before they came out. Bungie's new game is huge I assume, so I doubt it will be released any earlier than 3 years after Reach dropped. That means its probably safe to assume we are looking at an announcement sometime next year, not this year.
I really cant wait to see Bungie's next project either way :D
Steelyuhas said:
Not a chance IMO. H3 and Reach were each announced at E3 the year before they came out. Bungie's new game is huge I assume, so I doubt it will be released any earlier than 3 years after Reach dropped. That means its probably safe to assume we are looking at an announcement sometime next year, not this year.
Do you know that they're working now for Activision? Activision didn't announce their games often at E3. (Call Of Duty 6 were announced at the GDC). Maybe we can expect an announcement at the GamesCom. Activision has always a big booth there.
Would love to get in on this tournament/custom bonanza. When it was being discussed before I wasn't sure i'd be able to make it but it just so happens to fall on the night of the champions league final!!!11 Seriously May 28th has the makings of a very awesome night. I realise I don't post here that often (too much lurking) but if there's a space, count me in.


thee henery said:
Absolutely agree that the pistol should be removed.
Team Snipers is at its finest in this form:

- Radar OFF
- Human Sniper Rifle/Covenant counterpart (in this case, I'm not sure a Focus Rifle is applicable)
- No Unlimited Ammo

So that would eliminate the Pistol from secondary and unlimited ammo off, which is the key reason for camping.

Halo 2's Team Snipers playlist struck gold because of, not just the top-notch map design, but how it had no radar, Sniper Rifle/Beam Rifle, and limited ammo which enforced movement.
thee henery said:
Would love to get in on this tournament/custom bonanza. When it was being discussed before I wasn't sure i'd be able to make it but it just so happens to fall on the night of the champions league final!!!11 Seriously May 28th has the makings of a very awesome night. I realise I don't post here that often (too much lurking) but if there's a space, count me in.

Barca or Man u? Sadly I get the feeling Barca is just too strong. :(

Out of interest has anyone hit a super jackpot? I played a bunch of Action Sack yesterday* but never hit it. It seems like the odds of getting it are really low.

*-Dont judge me. :p - I wanted to try out the new gametypes anyway, I just needed an incentive lol.
bobs99 ... said:
Barca or Man u? Sadly I get the feeling Barca is just too strong. :(

Barca has the stronger side but from what i've seen from them the last few seasons in the cl, whenever they look like *gasp* they might lose, they get an inexplicable decision from the referee. They're also the darling club of uefa and Sepp Blatter. Really want United to smash four past them, I admire the genius of Messi et al but they are despicable divers who bring the game into disrepute.

@ striker

I too miss the beam rifle, it was my favourite weapon in Halo 3, it really added the potential to 'go off' when paired with the unsc sniper and sped up the gameplay.

I disagree with the no radar though. Yes, in an ideal world, no radar is more competitive but that only functions as it should when you have a to4, with mics, who know all of the callouts. As described previously the playlist is littered with guests and bk's. It's not ranked, so there is no incentive for people to callout and campers don't last long when you can see where they're sniping from. Like I said, without a radar, you end up getting backsmacked by the chump who spawned behind you.


bobs99 ... said:
Out of interest has anyone hit a super jackpot? I played a bunch of Action Sack yesterday* but never hit it. It seems like the odds of getting it are really low.

I played 5 games of Action Sack yesterday and got it. I'm hoping for the same today because most of the gametypes are rubbish!


thee henery said:
Aren't you European? For shame

Looking forward to the package laso run. Didn't think i'd enjoy them but they've been a revelation so far, some real heroic moments occur.

I am, but this is America, so I speak american!

Btw, off topic, but does anyone know how many GB the Gears 3 Beta is? I'm running low on HDD free space =\
Gui_PT said:
I am, but this is America, so I speak american!

Btw, off topic, but does anyone know how many GB the Gears 3 Beta is? I'm running low on HDD free space =\

I can't say for sure but I recall only downloading 500MB or so.
Gui_PT said:
I am, but this is America, so I speak american!

Btw, off topic, but does anyone know how many GB the Gears 3 Beta is? I'm running low on HDD free space =\

Im sure the beta ends today or tomorrow so hurry up and get some games in! On my xbox it says 507 Megabytes which just does not seem right somehow.


randomlyrossy said:
I can't say for sure but I recall only downloading 500MB or so.

bobs99 ... said:
Im sure the beta ends today or tomorrow so hurry up and get some games in! On my xbox it says 507 Megabytes which just does not seem right somehow.

Thank you. I just haven't had time to play. At all.

So I'll try to get a few games going this last day. If anyone's interested in joining, let me know.


Gui_PT said:
Thank you. I just haven't had time to play. At all.

So I'll try to get a few games going this last day. If anyone's interested in joining, let me know.
The Title Update was separate from the game and is 2GB
:lol playing the game just when there's a few hours left


MrBig said:
The Title Update was separate from the game and is 2GB
:lol playing the game just when there's a few hours left

Eh, not enough free space for that =\

And excuuuuuuuse meeeeee for having stuff to do now!


Gui_PT said:
Eh, not enough free space for that =\

And excuuuuuuuse meeeeee for having stuff to do now!
Don't worry you're not missing much. Pretty much the same cycle as CoD. Same gameplay as the original with a few more things on top. It's a shame, since I played Gears 1 back before H3 came out more than almost any other game.


MrBig said:
Don't worry you're not missing much. Pretty much the same cycle as CoD. Same gameplay as the original with a few more things on top. It's a shame, since I played Gears 1 back before H3 came out more than almost any other game.

This post is almost as ignorant as the people who said the same stuff about Halo 3 compared to past titles.
MrBig said:
Don't worry you're not missing much. Pretty much the same cycle as Halo. Same gameplay as the original with a few more things on top. It's a shame, since I played Halo 3 back before CoD came out more than almost any other game.
Not that you're saying this (nor am I trying to say anything good or bad about Reach), but it's funny how easily this sentence could be changed around in a different world.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

EDIT: @Ramirez, exactly.
minasodaboy said:
Not that you're saying this (nor am I trying to say anything good or bad about Reach), but it's funny how easily this sentence could be changed around in a different world.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Better to please the hardcore fans than please the casual crowd who wouldn't know any better anyway and would move on to the next AAA title anyway in my opinion.
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