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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It


Havok said:
This is only very tangentially related to your post, but it's something I've been meaning to complain about for a while, and here's an opportunity. Commendations as a whole are supremely flawed, from the tiered system to the laughable payout for most of the time invested (ex: 270 Campaign missions completed nets you a total of 400 credits per grade, for a final payout of 2000 credits, with negligible commendation score added per game). Neat idea, terrible execution. Further gradation would help; as it is, I think a lot of people forget about the system entirely because the ranks are spread so far apart. It's something that was obviously implemented as a response to Call of Duty style progression rewards, but the difference is that those don't require 5-8 thousand actions to remind you of your progress.
Yeah. The payouts and the span between them are sometimes incredible.

To hit Onyx in automatic weapon kills in Firefight, you need 20,000 of them. 10,000 is Gold. The payout for the last 10,000 is 2,000 cR.
stephen08 said:
Keep in mind that when they were originally talked about pre-beta the concept was to tailor the pay-off so that initially people try all facets of the game but grinding them is too tedious to be worth it. That means (theoretically) that someone who hit Onyx with Automatic weapons just really loves using those weapons.

In that respect it's been semi-successful I think.
I can see that, but I still think the spans are too large, and the payouts too small. I really like playing campaign, but 400 cR for hitting Gold in that Commendation is token, at best.


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah. The payouts and the span between them are sometimes incredible.

To hit Onyx in automatic weapon kills in Firefight, you need 20,000 of them. 10,000 is Gold. The payout for the last 10,000 is 2,000 cR.

Keep in mind that when they were originally talked about pre-beta the concept was to tailor the pay-off so that initially people try all facets of the game but grinding them is too tedious to be worth it. That means (theoretically) that someone who hit Onyx with Automatic weapons just really loves using those weapons.

In that respect it's been semi-successful I think.


Tashi0106 said:
Good games to those that tried out today. I'll make first cuts after I play with everyone

I want in on this. Been playing a lot of Halo 3 lately so I should be good to go.
That Pit remake 2 pages ago looks great, we definitely gotta try it in customs soon.

Also just got my Razer Onza TE. What kind of control setups are the Onza users here using? I've got Recon setup with the LMFB as Jump and RMFB as Melee. That way I can carry over Bumper Jumper setups into other FPS' without getting confused with the actual bumpers since those actions will always be on the MFBs.

I tried to use 10 sensitivity with the sticks tightened up which seemed to work well enough except that turning in vehicles becomes unmanageably slow. So I went back to 4 and sticks tightened to about the same as the standard MS controller.


My primary dislike for the Commendations is basically how they constructed for getting kills, i.e. Sprees, vehicular, heavy weaponry, etc. But in the mean time, ignored the skirmish/objective based gameplay of it. It really stagnates the Team Objective, and others Invasion, BTB, Mutli-Team, etc. where most CTF, Assault, King, and Oddball games get played. What's the sense in going after the objective if you're not credited with it (even team base) in the overall score? Even so, you can win a CTF game on Anchor 9 in 3 minutes, only rack up 4-5 kills, but get measly points. You won, but you get squat because you didn't get enough kills and the game was too short.

That's silly.

I would welcome back ranks just because of that. But that would only work in execution if they could work around the alt accounts, which plagued Halo 3's ranking system like death. And no locking ranks BS, that was, like Reach's lack of flag and bomb contributions, downright foolish.


lol, I got the multikill gold commendation the other day and I think it was the first MP related pop up I had seen in about 2-3 months, really pointless.
Striker said:
My primary dislike for the Commendations is basically how they constructed for getting kills, i.e. Sprees, vehicular, heavy weaponry, etc. But in the mean time, ignored the skirmish/objective based gameplay of it. It really stagnates the Team Objective, and others Invasion, BTB, Mutli-Team, etc. where most CTF, Assault, King, and Oddball games get played. What's the sense in going after the objective if you're not credited with it (even team base) in the overall score? Even so, you can win a CTF game on Anchor 9 in 3 minutes, only rack up 4-5 kills, but get measly points. You won, but you get squat because you didn't get enough kills and the game was too short.

That's silly.

I would welcome back ranks just because of that. But that would only work in execution if they could work around the alt accounts, which plagued Halo 3's ranking system like death. And no locking ranks BS, that was, like Reach's lack of flag and bomb contributions, downright foolish.

I blame that more on the fact that a rule set for an objective gametype is not tailored towards an individual map in matchmaking. Flag games should almost never be a 3 minute game, but thanks to the fact that gametypes are just a general rule set without the individual map in mind results in that happening regularly. (Zealot flag is about 3 minutes TOPS!)


Ugh, what did they do to Paridiso? Played the remixed version in BTB, had no idea where all the new weapon spawns were. Guy grabs Banshee on the other team and gets 50 kills with it. Normally I'd grab a sniper to take it down, but no idea where they put it. And we were constantly spawning out in the open for the Banshee to get us /rage

4 Forge maps in a row /cry
ncsuDuncan said:
Is anyone overburdened with render minutes?

It's a 3:06 clip showing my first pass at fixing the verticality of Boneyard. I'd like to render it just to see what people think of the new geometry/gadgets I've added.

I call it Bone Patch. Haven't touched weapon placement or spawns yet. Also ignore the random Mongoose, I was using a DMR gametype that wasn't from BTB. This version of Bone Patch is intended for Slayer gametypes, I have another version I'm working on for CTF with different grav lift placements.

If no one has extra minutes that's fine. I've been meaning to upgrade to Bungie Pro eventually anyways.


As for the lack of ranking system, can anybody honestly say that it's improved player behaviour that much? At least before the majority of your team actually cared whether they won or not. Now I see too much afking for credits, foul bk's that truskill should never subject to their teammates, and guests breezing around on mongeese like a 17 year old with his first moped.

Halo 3 and Reach may have both used truskill but after the laissez faire, unranked piss about fest that Reach can be, I think it's clear that it was the number next to your name that really motivated people to ensure the games were played out to their full serious potential. Truskill may have made the match but it was the rank number that made sure you tried to live up to its estimation of you - it was the motivation to do well. I don't think truskill functions correctly without that incentive.


343i Lead Esports Producer
PNut said:
I want in on this. Been playing a lot of Halo 3 lately so I should be good to go.

Sure thing.

I don't have to go into work today so I'll have a lot of time on my hands. Try outs will continue today :)
Ramirez said:
lol, I got the multikill gold commendation the other day and I think it was the first MP related pop up I had seen in about 2-3 months, really pointless.

What'd you get for it a whole 2500 credits?

They really didn't think certain parts of the credit system through...where you can spend a thousand games getting a commendation up and it pays out as much as a single game. I mean its a pretty complex system so I understand while they were adjusting certain things they eventually forgot to adjust others to keep ratios about the same and whatnot. But c'mon.

I say this because I recently just got my AR up to bronze? commendation! (I felt dirty)

Tashi what do tryouts consist of? I dunno shit about MLG anymore I'd have to go lookup everything.
kylej said:
tryouts wtf

you need two teams of 4 right

devin olsen
captain blood

whichever 8 of those 10 can show up on game day will represent GAF.
I would gladly play, but unfortunately I am stuck up at work until the 31st.

Good luck though <3
The 1-50 structure in Halo 3 created two main problems: (from what I can tell)
1. People creating new accounts to try a "fresh" start on the race to 50.
2. Players de-ranking on purpose to get matched with less-skilled opponents.

I'm having a hard time brainstorming solutions to Problem 2, aside from idle detection, quit bans, and win-based credit bonuses. It's hard to determine if a player is de-ranking on purpose or if they really do suck now.

The only thing I can think of is what I'll call "Hidden Rank vs. Time-locked Visual Rank."
Say you're a 45 and you decide you want to de-rank to 20 and dong on some noobs. You purposely lose 10 games in a row and drop to 40. But you keep losing games and you're still at 40. Your Visual Rank, the one you see in the game can only go up 10 points or down 5 points within a week. Only Bungie (or whatever developer) can see your Hidden Rank, which has no such limit. So if you lose 20 games in a row you'll still see a 40, but Bungie will see you as a 30.

After the time limit (a week) passes, your VR automatically adjusts to be closer to your HR (so it would jump down to 35.)

A person with a VR of 40 and a HR of 30 would have to win 20 games before his Visual Rank would increase to 41 (because his HR would take 20 games to increase to 41.)

*Note that I'm simplifying rank changes to win/lose ~2 games per rank.

This solution also could fix Problem 1. New gamertags could race to 50, but it would take 5 weeks. The first week (assuming they are good and win a lot) would end with the gamertag having a VR of 10. Their HR might very well be a 30+ already, but after another week the VR would only jump to 20.

Matchmaking would use whichever Rank is higher in determining skill level (in addition to the secret Trueskill™ algorithms) so that de-rankers at HR 30 and VR 40 would still get matched with 40s for a week, but new gamertags at VR 10 and HR 30 would get matched with other 30s.
I just don't like the transgressions of the few top percent of dbags in a small percentage of games (relative to total games and population) to influence design decisions that impact everyone, in every game.
Account Attempt #4 said:
The way the competition is structured(losing team choses game type) this could be a reality. :-\

Indeed, it could! And if the "pros" lose because AR Slayer was picked they have every right to chose Slayer DMRs the next match and return the favor...

This isn't an MLG tournament. It's a community tournament and is supposed to be accessible to the entire community. Even the players that prefer ARs. Allowing the losers to pick the next match's gametype is a compromise/middle ground between allowing Grifball and forcing DMRs on Countdown every time (aka Fox on Final Destination, no items).

Hopefully the Customs List will attract the more casual players. :)

minasodaboy said:
I just don't like the transgressions of the few top percent of dbags in a small percentage of games (relative to total games and population) to influence design decisions that impact everyone, in every game.
Ideally you can design the system in a way that prevents/punishes dbags while the normal players don't even realize there is a punishment system. I think the ranking system I outlined above would accomplish that, as most players would normally only gain or lose a couple levels within a week. Maybe only implement the restrictions once you hit level 25 or something.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Account Attempt #4 said:
The way the competition is structured(losing team choses game type) this could be a reality. :-\

That's fine. HaloGAF will gather all of the DMR's and spawn kill. Enjoy your AR starts noobs


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i hit two 6,000 credit jackpots last night playing squad slayer. just getting back into playing after a small break, is this normal?


Tunavi said:
Today I was on probation (because I didn't want to play Dino blasters or To the Death 3 times in a row)
So I just played a game of Invasion on Spire against a team of professional spawn killers.

They were on offense first and they were flawless. They controlled every area of the map, every weapon, vehicle. I saw one guy hide next to the banshee and actually wait for my teammate to hop in so he could immediately skyjack him.

This team had a falcon and banshee above our spawns, a sniper porched up at the end of the map, and rockets/Fuel rod gun. They waited until every objective timer was almost done before they seamlessly activated the next phase.

I worked my ass off for a few great kills with the Plasma Launcher during the second phase. I took out their falcon in mid-air after being forced to jump off the edge of the Spire by two other enemies following me. I grabbed the Plasma launcher again and took out the banshee twice. All three times I got killjoys.

It got to sudden death and this team waited with the Core right outside of the capture point until the time was down to 1 second, where he walked it right in.

Then I was just one of three left when it was our turn to be on on offense. Without a spawn bro to help me, four of them literally sat at my spawn point killing me over and over until I finally decided to quit.

"You have been temporarily banned from matchmaking for quitting too many games."

I feel your pain. I had two games in a row last night in BTB against a full team of spawn campers. Both were Assault on Hemorrhage and both opposing teams were stacked. The second had 2 Forerunners and 2 Reclaimers. Both games, the opposing team purposely refused to score their bomb, choosing instead to camp my base. And both times, some one on the other team was abusing the Sniper/Revenant auto aim glitch. On a related note, how the hell did that ever make it into the game, and how is it still not fixed? At least get rid of the Revenant on Hemorrhage.
ncsuDuncan said:
Indeed, it could! And if the "pros" lose because AR Slayer was picked they have every right to chose Slayer DMRs the next match and return the favor...

This isn't an MLG tournament. It's a community tournament and is supposed to be accessible to the entire community. Even the players that prefer ARs. Allowing the losers to pick the next match's gametype is a compromise/middle ground between allowing Grifball and forcing DMRs on Countdown every time (aka Fox on Final Destination, no items).

Hopefully the Customs List will attract the more casual players. :)

Ideally you can design the system in a way that prevents/punishes dbags while the normal players don't even realize there is a punishment system. I think the ranking system I outlined above would accomplish that, as most players would normally only gain or lose a couple levels within a week. Maybe only implement the restrictions once you hit level 25 or something.

So then we might need a team with... hmmmmmmm a banshee super star? :D


ncsuDuncan said:
Ranking restructure concept

I think fundamentally though the problem is that people don't like having what they perceive to be a low rank and feel compelled to change it. I'm all for competition but I think the average player doesn't. I would say I am a fairly decent player and I really don't care about rank and just prefer matches to be close.

I think the current progression system is fine considering the Arena still exists for people who want an absolute Trueskill ranking system but next to nobody plays it. Now Arena used to have some very valid issues but those have all largely been resolved.

Also we should keep in mind that second accounts were only one of the issues associated with the old ranking system. Another prominent one that comes to mind is the elitism that took place over these ranks.
stephen08 said:
I think fundamentally though the problem is that people don't like having what they perceive to be a low rank and feel compelled to change it. I'm all for competition but I think the average player doesn't. I would say I am a fairly decent player and I really don't care about rank and just prefer matches to be close.

I think the current progression system is fine considering the Arena still exists for people who want an absolute Trueskill ranking system but next to nobody plays it. Now Arena used to have some very valid issues but those have all largely been resolved.

Also we should keep in mind that second accounts were only one of the issues associated with the old ranking system. Another prominent one that comes to mind is the elitism that took place over these ranks.

Well I think the next game (or hypothetical game, whatever) should have Playlist Options that you can set individually for each playlist.


Team Slayer:
- DLC Search Restrictions: ON
(Only match me with people that share my level of DLC. Defualt is ON for Team Slayer.)
- Display Rank: ON
(Warning: Setting this to OFF will hide your rank from everyone, but also prevent you from seeing other player's ranks in this playlist. Default is ON for Team Slayer.)

Action Sack:
- DLC Search Restrictions: OFF (Default is OFF for Action Sack)
- Display Rank: OFF (Default is OFF for Action Sack)

So people that don't care about their rank in a particular playlist
(or are embarassed by it)
don't have to see anyone's rank. But the players that want to feel that elitism can see it and brag about it all they want.

Note: I'm saying that EVERY playlist should have the option to be 1) Ranked and 2) DLC Required. Even if there aren't very many DLC map variants suitable for the playlist yet. And these options should be left up to the individual players on a per playlist basis.
stephen08 said:
I think the current progression system is fine considering the Arena still exists for people who want an absolute Trueskill ranking system but next to nobody plays it. Now Arena used to have some very valid issues but those have all largely been resolved.
Resetting divisions.
Division not displayed in other playlists.

There is little incentive to play Arena if your hard earned Onyx just goes away after 3 months even if you play consistently well enough to keep it. Having it decrease by way of poor play is one thing, just resetting it constantly like a Ladder system just turns people away.

And good players want bragging rights so that little Onyx symbol should most definitely be always proudly displayed next to your name. Who the fuck cares if someone has to dig through your service record to find out what division you were in for the last however many seasons? It would also be a visual indicator of what kind of competition you're up against instead of just having faith that true skill is doing it's job (it's not).

Motion tracker on will also be hotly debated as not having a place in a so called competitive playlist.

And why Slayer only? Objective needs some competitive loving. But lumping Objective gametypes in the playlist would upset those that want Slayer, making an Arena Objective playlist would further dilute playlist population. It's a flawed system and 1-50 honestly works better.
Would anyone be able to buy a Friday pass for me? I'll be able to pay you back in a few weeks, but both of my jobs have been messing around with my paychecks.

I know it's a crazy request, but PAX is down to 400 Friday passes. I'm afraid I won't be able to buy one in time.

Edit: Thank you so much, Duncan!!
ncsuDuncan said:
Well I think the next game (or hypothetical game, whatever) should have Playlist Options that you can set individually for each playlist.


Team Slayer:
- DLC Search Restrictions: ON
(Only match me with people that share my level of DLC. Defualt is ON for Team Slayer.)
- Display Rank: ON
(Warning: Setting this to OFF will hide your rank from everyone, but also prevent you from seeing other player's ranks in this playlist. Default is ON for Team Slayer.)

Action Sack:
- DLC Search Restrictions: OFF (Default is OFF for Action Sack)
- Display Rank: OFF (Default is OFF for Action Sack)

So people that don't care about their rank in a particular playlist
(or are embarassed by it)
don't have to see anyone's rank. But the players that want to feel that elitism can see it and brag about it all they want.

Note: I'm saying that EVERY playlist should have the option to be 1) Ranked and 2) DLC Required. Even if there aren't very many DLC map variants suitable for the playlist yet. And these options should be left up to the individual players on a per playlist basis.

Although I don't give two shits about visible rank, I really wish that Bungie had included DLC as a search restriction alongside the ones that are currently there (skill, connection, language). DLC is a search criteria in Reach's matchmaking so I'm not sure why the player is not able to emphasis it like they can with the other search criteria.

I would happily wait longer for games if it meant that I would actually get to play on maps that I paid for.

LA Noire is here, lol at every playing Halo again!
Booshka said:

Amazing Reach Jump video, lot of cool combos with Evade and the concussion rifle.
Awesome. Thanks for posting! Film making as well as jumps are both well done. I love dat slide-jumping.
... now, which ones can be pulled off in matchmaking? The Boneyard ceiling beams seem doable, actually. Very creative niche of the Halo community, these trickers & jumpers. I'm always fascinated by their work.
so if i wanted to roll into team objective with some gaffers to get that stupid You Ate All the Chips achievement (score all 4 stockpile flags in one scoring round), would people be interested?

i'm on now, send me a message (or just a party invite i guess :p) gt:eek:ddworld18
Good games earlier with everyone. Sorry for my poor performance, I'm trying to adapt to a new control setup since I got my Onza but it's hard to break muscle memory.



Havok said:
Wait, so they bring back Doubles Attack (which I was really looking forward to, it was great fun earlier this year)...but only on one map?

For fuck's sake, Bungie...
You mean there aren't other maps to go along with Unearthed? It's literally just Unearthed? SMH.
Havok said:
Wait, so they bring back Doubles Attack (which I was really looking forward to, it was great fun earlier this year)...but only on one map?

For fuck's sake, Bungie...
I love Unearthed. I veto until it comes up if I'm playing score attack. I'll take doubles attack on it with a smile... BUT! Why did this not happen back when Defiant launched?

I hope they'll bring doubles attack back into the fold proper, with tweaks (making it last longer with a bit more variety) and on all the available maps. If you crave your vehicle play in Firefight, you most likely won't have too good a time playing Unearthed over and over.
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