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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It


You know, I would really like to try Halo: Reach with this....


damn this cost $150 though :/
Steelyuhas said:

What are you a 16 year old girl? Go drinking. Heavily.

c wat i needz there?!

When I drink I do so to enjoy what I'm drinking. Not big on getting drunk. And my family history is Irish/Scottish/English as well.

Hitmonchan107 said:
Where have we seen it? If we have, then I have nothing new.

I never noticed it before Hitmonchan, so its new for both of us :p
A27_StarWolf said:
When I drink I do so to enjoy what I'm drinking. Not big on getting drunk. And my family history is Irish/Scottish/English as well.

Who says you can't enjoy your drinks when you get drunk?


NullPointer said:
Edit: Oh and GhaleonEB, did you ever write up your Reach review/manifesto? Or did I just miss it? Been busy as hell so this thread is hard to keep up with.
About 75% done. I'm pushing through the Challenges article first, since that's more time sensitive (I'm doing Challenges through the end of April so it's got a shelf life). That should be published on Monday or Tuesday next week, followed shortly by the review. This week and last I've been gathering up media to support the text (such as this, from the vehicle section).

Basically three parts: combat sandbox analysis, mission design analysis and how the combat sandbox impacts it, and then a small section on the story telling (I'm least kind to that part).


wwm0nkey said:
You can play 360 games with KB+M perfectly with no faults. So basically KB+M+ auto Aim...which means instant rape XD
I would think magnetism would throw you off with M+KB. That setup would probably make the PC Master Race ill.


xxjuicesxx said:
Ughh because Trueskill hardly works? I won 80% of my arena games. Its just a shitty playlist anyways, I really don't find it fun or competitive even for that matter. MLG is much more competitive. Now that they fixed Arena to be decided based only on win/loss, I don't even understand why MLG isn't the official Arena playlist.

A win percentage isn't good evidence of TrueSkill not functioning because what matters is who you are winning against and who you are losing against.

xxjuicesxx said:
I also want to know what skill I am in different playlists not one (Arena) or a few.

It also was like 4 games and like 10 days or something and then reset after a month. That was hard on me I only had time to play on the weekend cause I was working hard the early months of Reach (still am kinda) Do the math 4 weeks in a month 2 days off a week thats 8 days of weekends in a month...Plus Arena is so team dependent you have to make sure you have friends on or else randoms will screw you out of your real rating, because yea you can be good but you can't take on a real team 3v4 or worse when your randoms suck or decide to quit (which is practically every game these days)...and thats not always happening your friends got shit to do.

That's just not true. In the beta and the early days of Reach it was 4 days of 3 games played within the season. This was changed a while ago to be 3 days of 4 games minimum. Even with a month long season 3 days of 4 games is not a lot.

xxjuicesxx said:
I like the numbers because I go make my rank on my own time over time. If I want to grind for a bit I can but I can also sit on it and go do me. After all its just a game, it needs to be liberal with its demands. The new Arena learned this fact, except it was ruined already by low player count and frankly its just a bad playlist with frequent changes gave it no prestige...first seasons had armor lock and terrible things until season 3? No DMR's...ugh. Furthermore its ruined because you can get an onyx after what 26 games now or something? big deal! that proves nothing. 1-50 took at least 40 games if you weren't being boosted and sometimes a LOT more as you could see your player development if you ever chased it. I'd rather have had to play a lot in a long time than play a little in a long time. They need to just remove the time cap forever and update your rank constantly to show you where you are playing.

Are you really saying you prefer the Arena to the 1-50 Halo has had?

It's not so much that I prefer Arena but rather I was constantly annoyed with the behavior the old system brought about. IF I were the type to really care about rank then I think I would prefer Arena simply because the rank is an actual percentile position within the community. Having a number system never really gave you an indication of where you stood relative to other players in the community. It also only allowed people to increase their overall skill which was what was visible and thus could never go down. At that point it loses meaning.

xxjuicesxx said:
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/default.aspx?player=stephen087 Is that you? You're a Eclipse? Damn. You seem good too which is awesome.

Yeah that's me.


^^Good games guys.

Fuck jetpacks.

Also, here's a cool clip from Tashi's Tryouts.

Flag Push
Such a great game until I singlehandedly killed our chance of coming back to tie...
wwm0nkey said:
You can play 360 games with KB+M perfectly with no faults. So basically KB+M+ auto Aim...which means instant rape XD

That actually sounds pretty shitty. I can understand why you would want it if you just cant get to grips with the controller but using it to rape people would be akin to using auto aim. You would be doing well, but there wouldnt be much satisfaction behind it. I really hope that thing doesnt sell well.

Woah at the low payouts for dailys recently. Ghaleons graph is going to take a nosedive today lol.

Also Tashi, just for fun you should do the next judging session on Halo 3. :p
Played a nice game of CTF on Trident yesterday, then quit out of the Banshee-rape-fest on Utopie (how is it an improvement over Paradiso again?). Went into the FF playlist and proceeded to get a 3,000 jackpot on my first game of Rocketfight. Ha.


squidhands said:
Played a nice game of CTF on Trident yesterday, then quit out of the Banshee-rape-fest on Utopie (how is it an improvement over Paradiso again?). Went into the FF playlist and proceeded to get a 3,000 jackpot on my first game of Rocketfight. Ha.
It's probably the most feasible variation of a map that can be built on that "island", or should we say, mountain. They limited the amount of vehicles, which is good because the dual Scorpion and Banshee dominated infantry. The Sniper is neutral, which is, again, a positive. There is a soft kill zone on the rock area in the mountain, allowing only infantry to access the area above on the outer pathways. The teleporters allow quick escape for CTF. With a DMR starts and just one Banshee, it should never dominate that map unless your team is simply outmatched in skill level. I'm not saying it's a great map, but it's helluva lot better than Paradiso.

It's another blunder they made with Forge World, and I mean by creating a mountain with grass surrounding it in an ocean. You know, instead of an island, like they were actually calling it. Why not a fairly flat, elongated island similarly built like Relic? That would've been fantastic, but alas...
Striker said:
It's probably the most feasible variation of a map that can be built on that "island", or should we say, mountain. They limited the amount of vehicles, which is good because the dual Scorpion and Banshee dominated infantry. The Sniper is neutral, which is, again, a positive. There is a soft kill zone on the rock area in the mountain, allowing only infantry to access the area above on the outer pathways. The teleporters allow quick escape for CTF. With a DMR starts and just one Banshee, it should never dominate that map unless your team is simply outmatched in skill level. I'm not saying it's a great map, but it's helluva lot better than Paradiso.

It's another blunder they made with Forge World, and I mean by creating a mountain with grass surrounding it in an ocean. You know, instead of an island, like they were actually calling it. Why not a fairly flat, elongated island similarly built like Relic? That would've been fantastic, but alas...
That was probably the case, and it didn't help that three people on my team quit almost immediately. It was a bad way to get acquainted with the map for sure. I would have killed to have a Relic-like space for a map. I really can't express my disappointment with Forge World enough. It's literally quashed my desire to forge, which I did more than anything else in Halo 3. [/saltynerdtears]
GhaleonEB said:
Destiny, eh? Neato. Nice catch with the logo. Might be worth a thread on the gaming side.
Thanks. :^)

I am still really, really iffy about posting threads on GAF.

Could someone else do it for me? I'd appreciate it.


Striker said:
They limited the amount of vehicles, which is good because the dual Scorpion and Banshee dominated infantry. The Sniper is neutral, which is, again, a positive. There is a soft kill zone on the rock area in the mountain, allowing only infantry to access the area above on the outer pathways.
Where does the sniper spawn now? Maybe it wasn't the best, but I still preferred how it was before. Scorpions could be taken out fairly easily before, banshees too. If I had a bad team, at least I could rely on using the sniper at our spawn to take a banshee out. What happened the other day when I played the new version was our whole team spawning outside in the same spots, no one getting enough time to DMR it, awful spawn points. Other times I'd get to the top of the mountain to get a clear shot of the banshee no matter where it was on the map, but you can't even do that now.

Hitmonchan107 said:
As long as there's no monthly fee I'll be interested in their new project
In my imaginary version of Reach, the Banshee would be tested with the following tweaks:

- Maneuvers (barrel roll, somersault) now use Boost energy. The total amount of Boost energy has been increased by 20% to compensate. Four maneuvers will deplete a full bar. Recharge rate has not been altered.

- The Banshee Bomb (Fuel Rod Cannon) cooldown has been doubled. You might actually see pilots using the plasma cannons against infantry now (saving the bomb for vehicles.)

- DMR and Sniper damage against Banshees has been reduced to 80% of its current level (to compensate for the reduced availability of maneuvers).

- A warning tone will sound when a rocket is locked onto the Banshee. The warning will also sound when a Spartan Laser target laser is aimed in the general direction of the Banshee. The pilot can not distinguish the two and the tone does not give any indication of the timing for the rocket impact or laser burst.

GhaleonEB said:
Destiny, eh? Neato. Nice catch with the logo. Might be worth a thread on the gaming side.
DestinyGAF.... hmm, doesn't have that same ring to it that HaloGAF does.

I wonder if I can go register destiny.bungie.org before Louis Wu... :p

Gotta race to the tattoo parlor and be the first diehard fan with the Destiny logo inked on my forehead.
Tha Robbertster said:
Interesting, I thought Bungie said there new project wouldn't be an MMO but I'm not sure about that. If the setting is right, I'll might buy this.

No they just said that they weren't saying it was one when a Bungie employee made a joke when giving a presentation that everyone took to mean that Bungie's next game was an MMO. They never said it wouldn't be one though.

Louis Wu

ncsuDuncan said:
I wonder if I can go register destiny.bungie.org before Louis Wu... :p

You can't register subdomains. They're controlled by the main domain registration.

(Unfortunately, destiny.org is registered, and will be for another 6 years (though it's not actually used right now).)


ok BUNGLE wtf... How long does probation last. I got an information message, just a minute ago, after my system updated, saying I quit to many games. I did 2 days ago. 5 games in 7. I finally for the first time ever. Got a 15 minutes MM ban. No big deal. After that I played like 13 games in a row, to get the challenge yesterday, I didn't quit anymore that night. :/
neoism said:
ok BUNGLE wtf... How long does probation last. I got an information message, just a minute ago, after my system updated, saying I quit to many games. I did 2 days ago. 5 games in 7. I finally for the first time ever. Got a 15 minutes MM ban. No big deal. After that I played like 13 games in a row, to get the challenge yesterday, I didn't quit anymore that night. :/

What? I have a hard time understanding your post, but if you quit 6 games within a few days I think a 15 minute ban is appropriate.

If anything I think Reach's quitter punishment is not severe enough. Players that quit at the beginning of a 4v4 match are ruining a roughly 10-minute game for 7 other people. I think 15 minutes is a small price to pay for causing 70 combined minutes of frustration.

I'd guess that I've quit about 5 multiplayer matches since launch. So that may make me biased against quitters, but I think:

- If you quit a game you shouldn't be allowed back into Matchmaking until that game is over.

- If your team has 2 players less than the enemy team the game should give you three options:
A) vote to surrender
B) vote to even teams
C) continue with uneven teams

If option A is picked, the game ends in a tie but gives the enemy team the same number of credits as if they had won.
If option B is picked, the game chooses one player on the other team and switches his color (selection is based on party size and trueskill, so it tries to even the skill of what is left without breaking up parties/guests). The points that player scored for his original team remain with that team and the player now has two entries in the post-game carnage report.

But hopefully steeper quit punishments would reduce the number of uneven games.


So if those Destiny rumors are true (probably are with all the current evidence) that means 2 things

1.Bungie MMO! AWESOME!
2.Bungie really did lay off a lot of people :(
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