Shake Appeal
Damnable junk gun,
you hold no sway over me;
I press Y on spawn.
(Pistol K/D: 3.06.)
you hold no sway over me;
I press Y on spawn.

(Pistol K/D: 3.06.)
A27_StarWolf said:I think it also says a lot about the people playing.
For new page, post your AR k/d, genuinely curious.Plywood said:Oh AR of mine
Kill when I lack aiming ability
Enshrine me in your gilded bullets
So that I may best my opponent
Wielders of precision
Spread, spread, spread
Like scattered seed across the fields
Cut, cut, cut
Like diamonds with our own dust
Wield, wield, wield
Spartans at war
Thrill, thrill, thrill
Evade, Jetpack, Armor Lock, nevermore
Without skill, without practice, without trying
Kill them all
Just make me winner before The Fall
The pro pipe feels so inconsistent to me, I've blown it up at peoples faces and it would kill them, do the same thing when they're one shot and they live, same with under them and next to them. Only works with me when it wants to. >_>Ramirez said:AR kills is 1275/1216, I personally find it easier to just spray with the rest of the tards in pistol/AR start matches. The pistol bloom is the most frustrating thing in the game for me. Cannot wait for TO to go all DMR starts...
Curious, does anyone have a better ratio with the nade launcher: 751/86 (8.73) The thing needs to be on more maps so I can bump it up into my top 3 weapons.![]()
Ryaaan14 said:Starting to sound strangely reminiscent of Halo 3 before they started adding BR starts.
AR has never really been a go-to for me, but I think it's funny it has received such a stigma from people who understand Halo mechanics.
Thermite said:
You know, I never thought of actually firing it dead on at the player I always tried to get it at there side. smhRamirez said:Yea, I've had instances like that Ply, the thing has to be a direct hit pretty much, I wouldn't change it for anything though, it's such a more skilled weapon than it was in the beta.
Except if someone gets killed by an AR, they made a poor choice to counter the attack. If you're using a pistol against an AR and die, you are obviously using the pistol ineffectively. If you are using an AR against another AR and constantly losing, you need to aim better or have better timing.Ramirez said:No one likes being killed by someone who had to do as little as possible to achieve the kill, aside from rockets, it's the worst way too die in the game. The beta balance between the pistol/AR was really good, but of course they had to go and mess with it.
Yea, I've had instances like that Ply, the thing has to be a direct hit pretty much, I wouldn't change it for anything though, it's such a more skilled weapon than it was in the beta. said:Except if someone gets killed by an AR, they made a poor choice to counter the attack. If you're using a pistol against an AR and die, you are obviously using the pistol ineffectively. If you are using an AR against another AR and constantly losing, you need to aim better or have better timing.
Regardless of whatever balance the beta had, the way things are now is the way things are. I'm probably going to take some heat for saying this, but I just get annoyed when I hear people make claims about balance issues that have been tested to a ridiculous extent.
So if the AR is just so-damn-good-it's-so-unfair, then why don't the hardcores just start using the fucking thing?Booshka said:
Seriously though, the gun is a joke.
It's not a fun gun to shoot, it's bottom of the barrel Halo.Ryaaan14 said:So if the AR is just so-damn-good-it's-so-unfair, then why don't the hardcores just start using the fucking thing?
So what makes a gun fun to shoot? It being able to kill dudes? The sound it makes? The pretty lights? It's ability to kill at short, medium, and long ranges?Booshka said:It's not a fun gun to shoot, it's bottom of the barrel Halo.
I have 116/28 (4.14).Ramirez said:Curious, does anyone have a better ratio with the nade launcher: 751/86 (8.73) The thing needs to be on more maps so I can bump it up into my top 3 weapons.![]()
I don't know, I think it would be skilled if it was just consistent. For that alone I'd take the Beta Pro PipeRamirez said:No one likes being killed by someone who had to do as little as possible to achieve the kill, aside from rockets, it's the worst way too die in the game. The beta balance between the pistol/AR was really good, but of course they had to go and mess with it.
Yea, I've had instances like that Ply, the thing has to be a direct hit pretty much, I wouldn't change it for anything though, it's such a more skilled weapon than it was in the beta.
Letters said:![]()
The problem would be getting other gaffers to show up.
Ramirez said:AR kills is 1275/1216, I personally find it easier to just spray with the rest of the tards in pistol/AR start matches. The pistol bloom is the most frustrating thing in the game for me. Cannot wait for TO to go all DMR starts...
Curious, does anyone have a better ratio with the nade launcher: 751/86 (8.73) The thing needs to be on more maps so I can bump it up into my top 3 weapons.![]()
One word: class. I avoid using the AR because it's a cheap PoS. I get no satisfaction from mowing people down (Call of Duty style) with the AR. An overpowered automatic weapon goes against Halo's tried and true hierarchy of weapon strengths. Pray and spray weapons have never been as effective as precision weapons in any previous Halo game, and I don't think they should be unless Halo wants to become just like every other FPS game around. That's my opinion.Ryaaan14 said:So if the AR is just so-damn-good-it's-so-unfair, then why don't the hardcores just start using the fucking thing?
Ryaaan14 said:So what makes a gun fun to shoot? It being able to kill dudes? The sound it makes? The pretty lights? It's ability to kill at short, medium, and long ranges?
Well you bring up a valid point. A lot of people feel like just because a certain weapon doesn't exercise a certain amount of skill automatically makes it frowned upon to use in the game.Deputy Moonman said:One word: class. I avoid using the AR because it's a cheap PoS. I get no satisfaction from mowing people down (Call of Duty style) with the AR. An overpowered automatic weapon goes against Halo's tried and true hierarchy of weapon strengths. Pray and spray weapons have never been as effective as precision weapons in any previous Halo game, and I don't think they should be unless Halo wants to become just like every other FPS game around. That's my opinion.
I'm not going to say that this is wrong necessarily, but to me, this is why 'skill' needs such a better definition. Skill in Halo, for me, is about arming yourself and your team appropriately so that you can handle different situations. Making sure that at least one person has an anti-vehicle weapon and that they're the person who knows how to use it, keeping a long and close-range weapon on-hand and switching to them when you're anticipating that weapon to be most useful (ie, if you're looking down a corridor and about to have a DMR battle, I could just go for the risky but 'honourable' route and out-DMR him, or I could take the much safer guaranteed kill by dropping a grenade as he closes in, ducking round the corner and switching to the AR, and popping back out and firing for a second just as the grenade blows).Deputy Moonman said:I still think that a player's skill with a precision weapon should be more important than having to have the right counter weapon for every weapon within the game. That's what makes Halo such a great game for competition. Games don't come down to chance and having the right counter weapon. They come down to pure player ability. That's what I've always liked about Halo, anyway.
Hypertrooper said:Yo, my AR K/D is 1.00.
Btw. have you seen the Headhunter motion comic? Part 1 is nice, but Part 2 is freakin' awesome! Much action and Spartans-III.
Really? Invasion doesn't requires cooperation. Except the last wave. In the first two phases, you just need a good player, who are good at killing or at throwing grenades. It doesn't need great cooperation. Btw. to join the BTB All-star list, you just needed to play 5 Invasion games. You could just idle the whole time. So yeah great cooperation as you called it.Crucio said:a team oriented playlist that truly requires great cooperation, for the qualifying..
It's not the same, durr. If people don't like something about the game or don't enjoy it, there's other alternatives. The population is approaching close to 800,000 so obviously not everybody hates it.Ryaaan14 said:Uh, why don't you guys still play Halo 3 customs then?
Hopped on Halo 3 a couple weeks ago and it felt great. A little variety is healthy.
According to the page on Bnet, they list All Stars having similar gametypes and map combos as the regular BTB playlsit. I don't understand that. Why not make it unique?I can understand the hate from those who get shitty games in BTB All stars but it certainly does help to enter the playlist as a team.
I like Reach just fine, but I like many things about Halo 3. Just as I did Halo 2 with Halo 3, and CE with Halo 2. It's just nice to take a break and go back from time to time. I'm surprised GAF hasn't gone back to Halo 3 as much (together). It could be pretty healthy actually.Striker said:It's not the same, durr. If people don't like something about the game or don't enjoy it, there's other alternatives. The population is approaching close to 800,000 so obviously not everybody hates it.
He has 3 haha.kylej said:I think Devin Olsen wins this battle with like 2 AR kills.
Hypertrooper said:Really? Invasion doesn't requires cooperation. Except the last wave. In the first two phases, you just need a good player, who are good at killing or at throwing grenades. It doesn't need great cooperation. Btw. to join the BTB All-star list, you just needed to play 5 Invasion games. You could just idle the whole time. So yeah great cooperation as you called it.
This just shows people have different ideas of fun in Halo games. Spamming nades and ARing is what I consider the most annoying aspect of the game. Put in armor abilities into the mix and its rage worthy.Willeth said:I'm not going to say that this is wrong necessarily, but to me, this is why 'skill' needs such a better definition. Skill in Halo, for me, is about arming yourself and your team appropriately so that you can handle different situations. Making sure that at least one person has an anti-vehicle weapon and that they're the person who knows how to use it, keeping a long and close-range weapon on-hand and switching to them when you're anticipating that weapon to be most useful (ie, if you're looking down a corridor and about to have a DMR battle, I could just go for the risky but 'honourable' route and out-DMR him, or I could take the much safer guaranteed kill by dropping a grenade as he closes in, ducking round the corner and switching to the AR, and popping back out and firing for a second just as the grenade blows).
The mental game of Halo, where you're each trying to out-think each other, dodging around cover and anticipating each other's movements is why I fell in love with the game and what feels more awesome than any precision play.
Ramirez said:I think it says a lot about this game when customs were dead in the water a couple moths after they started, heh. Halo 3 customs were epic, even with its problems.
Ryaaan14 said:Well you bring up a valid point. A lot of people feel like just because a certain weapon doesn't exercise a certain amount of skill automatically makes it frowned upon to use in the game.
It's one thing if people want to criticize a game's mechanics in a professional tier, but as far as playing the game as a normal player would, spare the hyperbole. If a weapon is easy to use in it's situational niche, then so be it. Excuse the analogy, but it would be like criticizing someone for driving their car to work as opposed to riding a bicycle which requires more skill, but is not as practical.
I can concede that this board is definitely apart from the forum users, or the silent majority that is playing on Xbox Live, but it really shocks me that some of you can't come to terms with this.
Willeth said:The mental game of Halo, where you're each trying to out-think each other, dodging around cover and anticipating each other's movements is why I fell in love with the game and what feels more awesome than any precision play.
Difference between Halo 3 AR spawns and Halo Reach AR spawns is they gave you a secondary weapon. The Pistol, even with its rather harsh bloom, is still a viable weapon. In fact it's my highest TOD in Objective. I didn't mind non-DMR starts in some maps. But for Hemorrage, it was needed. Instead of fixing that, it got removed. Kind of like instead of fixing Backwash (aka removing the Camo), it got removed. Instead of fixing the Mauler, it basically got removed.A27 Tawpgun said:The thing I HATE about AR starts though is how useless you feel upon spawn. Some people try and make it sound like that's skillful, that you have to find better weapons like people did in games like Quake, DOOM, Unreal.... the difference is in those games you move at like 200 mph. You can get to those weapons AND you can dodge enemy fire effectively.
In Halo, especially Reach, you are a slug. If you don't have a weapon to defend yourself with you are screwed. I remember AR starts on Narrows. Enemy team gets BR's and top control and you can't do shit. I remember objective with AR starts. Not being able to do anything once the flag carrier was more than 20 yards away.
A27 Tawpgun said:AR starts in Reach is better than H3 yes, but it's still terrible. I have almost no fun on AR starts. I just want my beta magnum back. I LOVED using that thing.
They made some pretty major changes to the style sheet on the 23rd - you need to force-reload it to see the page properly.equil said:Anyone now why the bungie home page looks like this in chrome?
But the same cooperation you need in every other Halo gametype. You can't win the slayer match against 4 if you are alone. Except they are noobs. etc.equil said:1 person cant take out an entire defending team while on offense, so yes there is a bit of cooperation needed in invasion.