Its nice to want things.Roddslayer said:I'm hoping for the Noble pack to be made free
There's too much money to be made for the suits to care about the ramifications on playlist segregation. If its gonna happen, it won't be anytime soon.
Its nice to want things.Roddslayer said:I'm hoping for the Noble pack to be made free
senador said:Favorite Halofagger and least favorite. (optional)
I was lurking when Juices got back off a ban around a year ago. I remember thinking "oh no, one of these guys". He is actually one of my favorite Halogaffers now though. I think my views align with his quite a bit, and I enjoy his humor. He seemed aggressive with how he laid down his views, but I think he's lightened up. He puts out his opinions, then gets back to the game instead of just excessively whining like many here do.
I also appreciate input from Ghaleon, Dani, the TJs, nscuDuncan,Hitmonchanand many others including Dax.
My least favorite was/is AlienShogun. Man that guy...
ElzarTheBam said:Made this Wallpaper over on HBO to celebrate Bungie day, feel free to DL people! Hope you guys like it! Didn't take too long too make either.
Get it from here!
Ramirez said: Ram
I wish I had your problem, I see enough A9 & Tempest options every night to make my brain explode.
That's me screwing around in Team Doubles.squidhands said:![]()
goddamn, Dax. Why you fall so much?
I assumed they were unfortunate jet packing accidents.Dax01 said:That's me screwing around in Team Doubles.![]()
GhaleonEB said:I assumed they were unfortunate jet packing accidents.
A fine partner, you are.Dax01 said:That's me screwing around in Team Doubles.![]()
Havok said:Its nice to want things.
There's too much money to be made for the suits to care about the ramifications on playlist segregation. If its gonna happen, it won't be anytime soon.
Nah. Always do it with a friend.squidhands said:A fine partner, you are.
thezerofire said:I've played with PC350's and the sound is fantastic, and they're more comfortable than any other headset I've used.
I don't think that's Walshy's current gamertag
Steelyuhas said:Yeah it won't happen. The Legendary Map Pack still costs money, and its over three years old.
O D I N said:Thank you for my new background!Love it.
ah ok, fair enough. It didn't look like the tag he was using on the stream yesterday so I wasn't sure.dc89 said:
thezerofire said:ah ok, fair enough. It didn't look like the tag he was using on the stream yesterday so I wasn't sure.
Dani said:
Bungie stream.
Nubs.Dani said:
Bungie stream.
Not sure what Reach has to do with the guy/girl's voice, you're just as likely to encounter what you describe as the worst bit in 3.bobs99 ... said:Worse of all the first thing I hear in the post game lobby is the geekiest voice I have ever heard complaining that my team camped. Now I dont know what my teammates were doing, but I spent a decent amount of that game in they're base.
Even though my team ended up winning im bored out of my mind, anyone up for Halo 3 snipes?
Zeouterlimits said:Not sure what Reach has to do with the guy/girl's voice, you're just as likely to encounter what you describe as the worst bit in 3.
ZayneH said:So it's like the polar opposite of Tashi's streams when it comes to skill?
Not exactly practice when it's 28 to two.FourDoor said:Looks like Bungie is doing some practicing...
Damn beaten. LOL
Zeouterlimits said:Not sure what Reach has to do with the guy/girl's voice, you're just as likely to encounter what you describe as the worst bit in 3.
They're destroying in this match, 32-2.ZayneH said:So it's like the polar opposite of Tashi's streams when it comes to skill?
FourDoor said:Looked like they were up 15-1 before the stream crashed. LOL
Will you be on after about 7 PST?bobs99 ... said:Reach is horrible.
I just finished a game of snipers on Hemmorage. Why that combination exists is beyond me, sure the Sniper is a long range weapon, and sure typically sniping is about crouching behind a rock and hiding until someone pops into your line of sight, but this is a video game. Worse still its Halo, which has typically been known for having fun gameplay.
Worse of all the first thing I hear in the post game lobby is the geekiest voice I have ever heard complaining that my team camped. Now I dont know what my teammates were doing, but I spent a decent amount of that game in they're base.
Even though my team ended up winning im bored out of my mind, anyone up for Halo 3 snipes?
yeah that was itdc89 said:Yeah I think he has 2, Walshyonrbull or something![]()
thezerofire said:Will you be on after about 7 PST?
yeah that was it
5 and 45 minutesbobs99 ... said:Erm how many hours away is that? Im from the UK so im bad when it comes to timezones.
Kuroyume shut up![]()
Ramirez said:In the realm of possible and realistic requests, when 343 takes over, can you please remove the NR loadout with 2 plasmas? Either change them to frags or reduce it to one plasma. It's been a problem since launch, but I'm really tired of people not even trying to shoot me, instead running straight at me and tossing stickies.
I'm not sure what this is tied into, I'm sure it's lag, but if it's not, I really wish for the next game an animation had to happen before an action could be performed. I killed a guy on Powerhouse earlier who was crouching, and as he died a grenade shot out of his stomach, no animation, it was like he gave birth to it as he was dying, awesome.
thezerofire said:5 and 45 minutes
vhfive said:
Schmitty said:For anyone who has gotten the burn blue t shirts: are they larger or smaller fits? I'm usually a medium but sometimes a large and ordering online makes that decision impossible.
I can see why they did it (or at least what I hope their reasoning was, and not just, it's a Covie weapon, so give it stickies), that the benefit of the stickies gives the NR more of a chance vs the, at least in my opinion, better weapon, the DMR.Ramirez said:In the realm of possible and realistic requests, when 343 takes over, can you please remove the NR loadout with 2 plasmas? Either change them to frags or reduce it to one plasma. It's been a problem since launch, but I'm really tired of people not even trying to shoot me, instead running straight at me and tossing stickies.
American Apparel shirts are usually a bit smaller than the norm, and I think all but 3X and 4X are AA.Schmitty said:For anyone who has gotten the burn blue t shirts: are they larger or smaller fits? I'm usually a medium but sometimes a large and ordering online makes that decision impossible.
Don't worry, Reach matches sergeants and warrant officers with nobles and legends all the time. For example: Every time I play Objective without a full team.Hey You said:Yeah, I have a very low chance of matching up with them since they are using new gamertags and I've been playing since Launch.
Zeouterlimits said:I can see why they did it (or at least what I hope their reasoning was, and not just, it's a Covie weapon, so give it stickies), that the benefit of the stickies gives the NR more of a chance vs the, at least in my opinion, better weapon, the DMR.
But you're right. I'd remove the NR option completely.
Isn't trueskill based on playlist and not an overall rank. So shouldn't everyone have the same chance.Hey You said:Yeah, I have a very low chance of matching up with them since they are using new gamertags and I've been playing since Launch.
Ramirez said:In the realm of possible and realistic requests, when 343 takes over, can you please remove the NR loadout with 2 plasmas? Either change them to frags or reduce it to one plasma. It's been a problem since launch, but I'm really tired of people not even trying to shoot me, instead running straight at me and tossing stickies.
Schmitty said:For anyone who has gotten the burn blue t shirts: are they larger or smaller fits? I'm usually a medium but sometimes a large and ordering online makes that decision impossible.
vhfive said:Isn't trueskill based on playlist and not an overall rank. So shouldn't everyone have the same chance.
That sounds stupidly appealing to me (as in, it's a terrible idea, but I'd probably consider picking it). I do love me some stickies.Ramirez said:I really think the loadout could have no weapon, just nades and the people who do pick it, would still pick it.
Heh.Bungie's Brash Mouthpiece said:Seems some of you are pretty confident in your Halo skills. Let's make it more interesting. Two steaks for every winner. #dualwielding