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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It

Hey You

The Real Napsta said:
So I played 32 games in the Bungie Day playlist. I got 1 game on a new map, my last game, on Tempest.

Did anyone else play on new maps in that playlist?
I played one game on Anchor 9.

It would have been nice if Noble DLC was required.

Edit: Only 13 steaktaculars I got in the playlist.


Hypertrooper said:
Really? I ain't believing that shit until I get a full announcement.
Well that leak from the fired contractor was 100% accurate with the name so i am pretty much also going to believe the stuff that guy said until the full announcement, but it will no shock to me if the guy was right.
wwm0nkey said:
Well that leak from the fired contractor was 100% accurate with the name so i am pretty much also going to believe the stuff that guy said until the full announcement, but it will no shock to me if the guy was right.

....what stuff.
Homeboyd said:
Maybe we'll hear something from France soon... ;)
Shall we take bets? :^)

Urk, that was a beautiful piece. Bungie made the right choice when they asked you to join the team.

Now I can't wait for the ViDoc.

Edit: "O Brave New Worlds"? Who's the Shakespeare fan at Bungie? That's the second reference to the bard I've seen in the last two months or so.

O, wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in't!


Notice the moon in the top right corner? There was a moon in the "Destiny Awaits" photo from "ODST." We might be looking at Destiny.

Or my geographical understanding of Earth is terrible.


wwm0nkey said:
Oh we pretty much know Destiny an MMO at this point, but I dont think it will be a MMO in the tradition sense of the word.

We don't really know at all. :/

I mean, there's theories and some evidence, but until they say, I don't think we can know its an MMO.

Hypertrooper said:
We're having a double win situation right now. We will get awesome Halo games made by 343i and a completely new universe created by Bungie. I'm excited to play both titles. I'm just hoping that Bungie's new game won't be a MMO.
Even if it is a MMO, I'll try it

Agreed, on both! What if Bungie creates another game series that as captivating and addicting (or more) as Halo? Man, it'll be hard to juggle both games.

I'm not worried about it being an MMO. I can't see it being like WoW. I see something similar to Halo, but persistent in some form. Maybe ongoing battles and areas of a world to save, but they never "end". Maybe you join the battles, but you don't start matches ala Halo. I dunno.
wwm0nkey said:
Well that leak from the fired contractor was 100% accurate with the name so i am pretty much also going to believe the stuff that guy said until the full announcement, but it will no shock to me if the guy was right.
what leak? ah that one


thezerofire said:
what leak?
The contractor said it was called Detiny before we found the trademark and logo and he said it was a MMO.

Those are the only 2 things we know, nothing major like plot or ect where ever talked about.


Hitmonchan107 said:
Shall we take bets? :^)

Urk, that was a beautiful piece. Bungie made the right choice when they asked you to join the team.

Now I can't wait for the ViDoc.

Edit: "O Brave New Worlds"? Who's the Shakespeare fan at Bungie? That's the second reference to the bard I've seen in the last two months or so.


Notice the moon in the top right corner? There was a moon in the "Destiny Awaits" photo from "ODST." We might be looking at Destiny.

Or my geographical understanding of Earth is terrible.

No joke on Urk. I was saddened when Frankie left, and Luke helped fill the void. I didn't instantly like Urk's style, but now I love....get this....even more than Frankles (<3).

That banner has a new but familiar art style to it as well. Damn you Bungie and your hints.

I just watched New Beginnings again. Man, Bungie is so awesome. This line of thinking is how I feel about work and creating things. They really are 1 of a kind.
wwm0nkey said:
The contractor said it was called Detiny before we found the trademark and logo and he said it was a MMO.

Those are the only 2 things we know, nothing major like plot or ect where ever talked about.
tbh. He could found the trademark and logo before us.
When Urk became the community guy, it was like a new wellspring of joy on Bungie.net. There were new stories every day, and the weekly update ran like clockwork. I'm not looking forward to more quiet, secluded times.

Still, the fact that we're getting new Halo games and new Bungie games has the potential to be a tremendous blessing to the gaming world.

kylej said:
Holy shit a Halo Community Veteran quoted my post. Dreams do come true.
I wouldn't call myself a veteran. Your sarcasm is of a non-scathing variety.

The Real Napsta said:
One definition of "rape" is: any violation or abuse: the rape of justice

Wouldn't that apply to it's use in a gaming situation?
That's not really a definition, but a figurative use, and no, it still wouldn't apply. Players in a game willingly submit themselves to win and lose, the only way you'd abuse them is by flag-holding or something, and I don't think you'd want to brag about that.


This last BWU almost brought a tear to my eye...

Thank you Bungie for all of the great memories with Halo. I have made life long friends within the game and community because of you guys...

Hey You

LosDaddie said:
Is there any way to check your credits on b.net? I know I hit the 30,777 cR jackpot once last night, but it might have been twice.
You can check out your progress to your next rank in your service record, but I'm pretty sure you can't check how much you've earned from a game or anything like that.
Hey You said:
You can check out your progress to your next rank in your service record, but I'm pretty sure you can't check how much you've earned from a game or anything like that.
I wonder if someone could write a cR tracking application that used the API. Every time a new game got pushed, it would record the current cR balance, then you would have the cR payout per game.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Damn that write up got me so pumped for the next Bungie game. I hope it's amazing and I really love it.

See you starside


Hypertrooper said:
This made me a bit weepy. An enormous swath of my gaming memories are tied to Halo, and it's odd to see the the people I've come to associate with it move on, while Halo continues. Halo made me a Bungie fan, and so it is with that mix of nostalgia and excitement that I anticipate what they're doing next. Ten years of memories gone by. Thanks for all the good times, Bungie. Here's to ten years of new ones.


Hitmonchan107 said:

Notice the moon in the top right corner? There was a moon in the "Destiny Awaits" photo from "ODST." We might be looking at Destiny.

Or my geographical understanding of Earth is terrible.
I noticed that also. I still think Destiny is a planet, and the ODST sign was literal - it's waiting.
GhaleonEB said:
This made me a bit weepy. An enormous swath of my gaming memories are tied to Halo, and it's odd to see the the people I've come to associate with it move on, while Halo continues. Halo made me a Bungie fan, and so it is with that mix of nostalgia and excitement that I anticipate what they're doing next. I can't wait.

That's a quote from my XBL bio.
MrBig said:
Is there a PC version of the Marathons? I'd like to run through them, as I never have.
I'm actually going to try and play through every Bungie game in chronological order. I don't know what kind of work that's going to entail, though (maybe I'll have to buy an old Mac, lol).


You know if it wasn't for Bungie and Halo, I don't think I would have been so big into games as I am today.

The only games I played before Halo where Megaman and Banjo Kazooie.

I actually remember my first time ever playing Halo CE like it was yesterday. I was with my father for his basket ball stuff but all the members where having a LAN party and playing Halo CE and they let me hop in, 4v4 CTF on Hang Em High :)

After that I went right a head and bought a Xbox and Halo CE (got Steel Battalion too) with my Birthday cash. Then not too long after I started to hear about E3 and my first E3 viewing happened to be the E3 where they announced Halo 2. Needless to say I was pumped. When Halo 2 came out that was a instant buy and I actually won a strategy guide from Game Crazy for winning the FFA tourny they had. I actually never had Xbox Live for the first year or so of actually owning Halo 2 yet I played it every single day either single player or MP with my cousins or friends. Then after a year my parents finally decided to get good internet connection and with in hours I had my gamertag (still the same as today) set up and was ready to go. Then I discovered the wonder of Xbox Live. I met quite a few awesome friends on my first day, 2 of which I still talk to daily, tried to make a few Halo videos (warthog jumps and ect) and played the ever loving crap out of BTB.

I could go on and on about Halo 2 and Xbox live and Halo in general but I think I will stop now lol

Bungie thank you for making me a very happy gamer over these past few years. :)


MrBig said:
Is there a PC version of the Marathons? I'd like to run through them, as I never have.


Hypertrooper said:

Trying to Be Brave™ and not cry. Oh well, I can wait for a year or so. I'm sure for guys who have been around for many many years (Wu, b.org guys) this'll be easier than the wait for Halo, but just as, or even more exciting than that.
CruelLEGACEY just picked up on something I never noticed:

Per Audacia Ad Astra was written by the poet Vergil. Vergil was also the name of the AI that oversaw the city of New Mombasa in ODST. Hmmm.

Probably very old news.

Edit: I'm sad that HBO has two competing customs groups on the same night every week, and we can hardly gather up enough people to hold our own every other week.


Hitmonchan107 said:
CruelLEGACEY just picked up on something I never noticed:

Probably very old news.
I'm starting to go through New Mombasa again looking for hints like these. I wonder how much they threw into Reach as well.


wwm0nkey said:
You know if it wasn't for Bungie and Halo, I don't think I would have been so big into games as I am today.

I don't even think I'd be playing games right now if it weren't for Halo. As much as I dislike Reach, I buy other games and I'm reminded why I don't bother most of the time. Shoddy netcodes, no party systems, no matchmaking, etc. etc. Pretty embarrassing how far ahead their stuff is compared to almost every other game on consoles, CoD being the only one that even comes close...
Ramirez said:
I don't even think I'd be playing games right now if it weren't for Halo. As much as I dislike Reach, I buy other games and I'm reminded why I don't bother most of the time. Shoddy netcodes, no party systems, no matchmaking, etc. etc. Pretty embarrassing how far ahead their stuff is compared to almost every other game on consoles, CoD being the only one that even comes close...
I was super impressed with "Gears of War 3." My real-life friends can tell you: I swore off the "Gears" series after the second one. Glitches, shoddy matchmaking, subpar story -- I was tired of getting duped into buying those games only to be disappointed.

But I had an absolute blast with the "Gears 3" beta. Quite possibly a more consistent, enjoyable level of fun than I've experienced with "Reach."
This is a forum full of Halo players that seem to never want to play halo... As I've said several times already, I am on now if anyone wants to join me


343i Lead Esports Producer
Devin Olsen said:
This is a forum full of Halo players that seem to never want to play halo... As I've said several times already, I am on now if anyone wants to join me
:lol sorry, I was playing MLG with an old teammate when you first asked.


Devin Olsen said:
This is a forum full of Halo players that seem to never want to play halo... As I've said several times already, I am on now if anyone wants to join me

I'll definitely be on in about an hour and a half - I'll hit you up then.

@ Hitmonchan and TJ Ram - the Gears 3 beta was outstanding. I absolutely loathed Gears 1 and Gears 2, but the promise of the improved netcode in general, plus addition of "dedicated servers" and multiple changes to AR's made it play so much faster with skill winning more than connection. It was VERY refreshing for me as like TJ Ram, other shooters today hold a fleeting interest for me compared to Halo... even with Reach's issues.


Gears 3 was awesome when the servers were up, when they were down I got pretty shoddy matches, not as bad as 2, but not as smooth as Reach. I'd love for 4 to have dedi's, I doubt it though, I think the only reason Gears got them is because of how pathetic the netcode was in the other 2 games.


So now that the divorce is offical let me be the first to say.

OMG 343I You're playlists suck. Fix them. I want every load out with Armor lock and every starting weapon to be the plasma pistol. And dear god can you be any more slow updating them. I mean god you are offically in charge now and not a single play list update in the past 16 hours. OMG.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
PsychoRaven said:
So now that the divorce is offical let me be the first to say.

OMG 343I You're playlists suck. Fix them. I want every load out with Armor lock and every starting weapon to be the plasma pistol. And dear god can you be any more slow updating them. I mean god you are offically in charge now and not a single play list update in the past 16 hours. OMG.

Dual wielding plasma pistols.

Hold me.


Who do I have to blow around here to get dedicated servers for Halo 4? Reach on host is a completely different (and far less frustrating) game than playing off some idiot's torrent-riddled connection. So so so so so so so tired of P2P. It's 2011, y'all. Let me buy Xbox Live Vermilion and get away from all the screaming 12 year olds and garbage connections.
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