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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It


Has anyone heard anything about the 2nd round of Swag Bags? Mine still says shipping soon, with no word after this long it doesn't look good :/


xxjuicesxx said:
Halo 3 had worse
-Main weapon
I'll take the bloom with hitscan over the BR that had 1. undefined leading for shots, even on ONSLAUGHT a small ass map, thats not how bullets fucking work, bullets go really really fucking fast. 2. It had RANDOM bullet spread too, Read that word I made all caps, RANDOM! Why the fuck would I want randomness in the MAIN gun I use? I'm a skilled player and when I shoot shit right I want it to work, and the DMR does that, in SWAT if I wait and get that headshot in,yes, I might die but I will trade kills if I nail that headshot, and thats important to me because I like being rewarded for doing the right thing, not MAYBE being rewarded for doing the right thing like random bullet spread does.

The reason for bullet spread is to limit the kill distance between players. The DMR has twice the range and twice the ammo capacity of the BR. Thing is, it's very hard to build maps around that kind of range; nearly every BTB map in the series would play like crap if the DMR were in the game (this is why I'm highly dubious of the remake maps in CEA working). In Halo 3, great shootouts took place across the center of Standoff. in Reach, those same shootouts take place across Hemhorrage. It renders them boring (as nothing is involved but gunplay) and frustrating (as we're pinged from all directions by tiny specks in the distance). I'll take the fixed firing cadance and closer, more interesting combat. I never found myself cursing bullet spread in Halo 3; if my shots were off i knew I was out of range.

My dream Halo game has Reach's netcode and hitscan weapons with the capabilities of the Halo 3 BR.


xxjuicesxx said:
Halo 3 had worse
-Main weapon
I'll take the bloom with hitscan over the BR that had 1. undefined leading for shots, even on ONSLAUGHT a small ass map, thats not how bullets fucking work, bullets go really really fucking fast. 2. It had RANDOM bullet spread too, Read that word I made all caps, RANDOM! Why the fuck would I want randomness in the MAIN gun I use? I'm a skilled player and when I shoot shit right I want it to work, and the DMR does that, in SWAT if I wait and get that headshot in,yes, I might die but I will trade kills if I nail that headshot, and thats important to me because I like being rewarded for doing the right thing, not MAYBE being rewarded for doing the right thing like random bullet spread does.
-Terrible playlist management
I'll take Jeremiah over Shishka anyday even though Jeremiah isn't even that great! The maps for 3 might be slightly better than Halo Reach BUT the playlist management was so bad I didn't really have a goto playlist where every map I like. Hell Ghost Town SWAT had an overshield on it for awhile because Shishka overlooked that. WTF is that!? Also see Grifball > Living Dead > Grifball > Living Dead. Constant reuse of the same fucking double exp playlists when there were SO MANY good ideas. Instagib! Like in UT.
- The Maps!
Seriously think back to the H3 thread, people bitched about H2's maps being better than H3's maps because they were, H3 didn't have GREAT maps at all, think Rats Nest, Epitaph! (even though I like that one) Isolation, Construct is a love it or hate it, and Snowbound with the fuckin SHIELD DOORS! and camping with shotgun below! cmon guys that shit sucked so hard. In Reach I can go into Squad Slayer and I'm guaranteed to like most of the maps (Powerhouse, Zealot, and Countdown almost come up everytime, I also don't mind Unanchored either)
- Framerate, the frame rate was terrible in H3, Reach's while bad on certain maps is generally much smoother.
Of course the basics too, theater, graphics, forge, are all obviously improved upon. I also feel Reach's campaign was better than H3's.

H2 still has the best MP and got me hooked on Halo to begin with.

Reach is good , its fun getting on with a group of us here, going into Squad Slayer making sure we get the DMR gametypes and just donging on kids for hours. You can hate armor lock and a whole bunch of shit, well stay out of those fucking playlists then! Go into something else! there's a lot of playlists.

Also Trounce I sent a F/R, I usually just check stats and it seems like you're fucking good, you can probably run some Squad Slayer or something with us.
I disagree with most of that. Specially the BR and maps parts. Oh well, I'll just wait and see how Halo 4 turns out and hope for the best. 343 will build a mp game around what the community wants and if they follow the "reach model better" line of thinking (because that's a majority of the vocal supporters want) I'll sadly have to stick to coop and singleplayer games moving forward because there's nothing else I find nearly as engaging as Halo 2 or 3 out there.


GhaleonEB said:
The reason for bullet spread is to limit the kill distance between players. The DMR has twice the range and twice the ammo capacity of the BR. Thing is, it's very hard to build maps around that kind of range; nearly every BTB map in the series would play like crap if the DMR were in the game (this is why I'm highly dubious of the remake maps in CEA working). In Halo 3, great shootouts took place across the center of Standoff. in Reach, those same shootouts take place across Hemhorrage. It renders them boring (as nothing is involved but gunplay) and frustrating (as we're pinged from all directions by tiny specks in the distance). I'll take the fixed firing cadance and closer, more interesting combat. I never found myself cursing bullet spread in Halo 3; if my shots were off i knew I was out of range.

My dream Halo game has Reach's netcode and hitscan weapons with the capabilities of the Halo 3 BR.

I hope 343 is adding new tweakable values in their Title Update so they can tweak the DMR to feel like a BR.

For example, I think if they would reduce the zoom on the DMR from 3X to 2X and make it a four shot weapon (3 to the body, 1 to the head), then it would feel very much like a BR.

Well, except for bloom. Maybe they can put in fixed firing cadance and remove bloom as a tweakable setting. Please? Please?


One subject that somewhat goes under the water a bit is gametypes. Bungie incorporated new gametypes to play over XBL in each new Halo game they released. Here's what basically it boils down to:

Halo 2 - Multi-Bomb, Neutral Bomb, 1-Bomb, Low Ball, 3 Plot Territories, Swat
Halo 3 - VIP, One Side VIP, Infection, Grifball
Halo Reach - Headhunter, Stockpile, Hot Potato, Invasion

Since Halo 3, these gametypes like VIP, Headhunter, Stockpile, etc. were shoved down our throat from the beginning. None of them were truly fun to play outside the gimmicky side stuff for custom gams (Living Dead, Grifball). VIP, Headhunter and Hot Potato are three of the worst gametype additions in Halo. And they were crammed down our throats in the respective playlists. It wouldn't have mattered to me much if they were actually good, like Halo 2 Assault, or playing Low Ball (everybody on the team had to have 30 secs. of carry time) or 3 Plots.

The Assault and CTF versions in Halo 3 also took a serious nose dive in team base work and fun factor. It's been slightly improved in Halo Reach, but we still see the usual junk from time to time.

I'm hoping the guys in 343 look at what fans across here, Bnet, Waypoint, and other Halo forums have reacted to when implementing new gametypes in Halo 4. Even if we get the usual classic stuff like 2-flag, 2-bomb (arming, planting - NO INSTANT ARM), Neutral Assault, 1-flag, 1-bomb, 3 Plots, KotH, and Oddball, you know what? I'll be damn happy.
GhaleonEB said:
The reason for bullet spread is to limit the kill distance between players. The DMR has twice the range and twice the ammo capacity of the BR. Thing is, it's very hard to build maps around that kind of range; nearly every BTB map in the series would play like crap if the DMR were in the game (this is why I'm highly dubious of the remake maps in CEA working). In Halo 3, great shootouts took place across the center of Standoff. in Reach, those same shootouts take place across Hemhorrage. It renders them boring (as nothing is involved but gunplay) and frustrating (as we're pinged from all directions by tiny specks in the distance). I'll take the fixed firing cadance and closer, more interesting combat. I never found myself cursing bullet spread in Halo 3; if my shots were off i knew I was out of range.

My dream Halo game has Reach's netcode and hitscan weapons with the capabilities of the Halo 3 BR.

Yea the problem was the fact that the spread effected the BR too much up close in H3. When really up close every single bullet should have hit the head because the muzzle velocity on a weapon like the BR would be so high in regards to not only the distance between players but even to the overall size of the maps...

As for a DMR. Its solely intended to produce fast accurate shots at long ranges short of a Sniper Rifle but longer than a normal Rifle. It does exactly what its intended to do, yes it makes BTB play "different" but its not not fun. Why is nothing but gunplay being involved so bad? This is HALO, and its BTB jump in a vehicle if you want, I'm sure there's probably a bunch lieing around (unfortunately)

Thats for a realistic argument, but my main reason is I simply just don't like randomness in my gameplay regardless of how it "plays" as I see Halo more of a competitive sport than a game. I just want fair results, if I nail a headshot I want to know I'm going to get the kill and with hitscan of the DMR I'm seeing that more than I would have with the random BR (is 2 bullets enough or did 2 miss and only 1 hit and I don't get the kill, who knows because its RANDOM! YAY!)dealing with the outcomes because I just want to make kids feel bad about how they aren't as smart and skilled as me. :)


Would it be too much to ask for flag juggling and Halo 2 flag physics being implemented in the TU. I never got the hate against flag juggling. Did people really whine that much about the announcer? Please...

Flag tossing and juggling was one of the most interesting, balanced and fun elements in flag games.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Would it be too much to ask for flag juggling and Halo 2 flag physics being implemented in the TU. I never got the hate against flag juggling. Did people really whine that much about the announcer? Please...

Flag tossing and juggling was one of the most interesting, balanced and fun elements in flag games.

You can already flag juggle in Classic and MLG. Halo 2 flag physics allowed you to throw the flag too far IMO.


LunaticPuma said:
I just hope Halo 4 has a beta like Gears. Reach's beta didn't feel like a true beta considering how close it was to launch.

Reach and Gears of War 3 have almost the exact same time period between end of beta and release of game:

Gears of War 3 (May 15th - September 20th)
Halo: Reach (May 17th - September 14th)


A27 Tawpgun said:
Would it be too much to ask for flag juggling and Halo 2 flag physics being implemented in the TU. I never got the hate against flag juggling. Did people really whine that much about the announcer? Please...

Flag tossing and juggling was one of the most interesting, balanced and fun elements in flag games.

Yes, that was highly annoying. It turned me off of flag games. At the time (Halo 3), I didn't know it made you move faster and thought I was just being trolled. I don't care if it comes back but the announcer would need to be fixed.

LunaticPuma said:
I just hope Halo 4 has a beta like Gears. Reach's beta didn't feel like a true beta considering how close it was to launch.

I hope, since Halo 4 will be 343s first full game with multiplayer as a studio, that they have a real beta further out from the release of the game. Reach Beta was mainly to test net code and they stated this many times. I think 343 will need to have us hit everything, and react based on it. I'm talking maps too, if they need new doors, windows, walls, walls removed, etc, make it happen after the beta.

Also Hire Juices™.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Would it be too much to ask for flag juggling and Halo 2 flag physics being implemented in the TU. I never got the hate against flag juggling. Did people really whine that much about the announcer? Please...

Flag tossing and juggling was one of the most interesting, balanced and fun elements in flag games.

There is no hate. I swear before Reach I never read a single post complaining about flag juggling. Now the announcer, yes, but that is easily dealt with. Bungie removed juggling when there was practically no demand for it.

It's the same with Multi Team. Who was calling for four teams of three instead of the five teams of two? The only complaint I heard was that five teams of two was too much and it should be reduced to four teams of two. Sometimes I honestly think they changed the party sizes to accomodate the roiling bucket of disease that is rocket hog race (which is an extremely niche gametype and yet appears EVERY second voting round). I still enjoy Multi Team but I preferred it before.


Multi-team was four teams of three in Halo 2. Then again, that's when the playlist for Multi-team was actually playable and fun. CTF Classic, Neutral Bomb, and Neutral Flag with those four teams and in maps like Warlock and Foundation, it worked great. Even since Multi-team has been gross.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
thee henery said:
There is no hate. I swear before Reach I never read a single post complaining about flag juggling. .

Um. Yeah. OK. I don't care about it either way (it's balanced in that both teams can do it), but there were squillions of complaints about both the fact and the announcer repetition it caused.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Um. Yeah. OK. I don't care about it either way (it's balanced in that both teams can do it), but there were squillions of complaints about both the fact and the announcer repetition it caused.
The announcer was dumb sure, but to completely remove it? Meh. It gives the flag carrier something to focus on besides just SLOWLY walking across the entire map.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Um. Yeah. OK. I don't care about it either way (it's balanced in that both teams can do it), but there were squillions of complaints about both the fact and the announcer repetition it caused.

True story. I remember reading about a year or so ago on GAF how they hated both the mechanic and announcer. I always argued for the mechanic, not that it matters.
thee henery said:
There is no hate. I swear before Reach I never read a single post complaining about flag juggling. Now the announcer, yes, but that is easily dealt with. Bungie removed juggling when there was practically no demand for it.

It's the same with Multi Team. Who was calling for four teams of three instead of the five teams of two? The only complaint I heard was that five teams of two was too much and it should be reduced to four teams of two. Sometimes I honestly think they changed the party sizes to accomodate the roiling bucket of disease that is rocket hog race (which is an extremely niche gametype and yet appears EVERY second voting round). I still enjoy Multi Team but I preferred it before.
there was a ton of hate, especially among the 40-and-below population on bnet.

also, who still plays this game on a regular basis? I need people to play with so I don't get terrible randoms and quitters all the time.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Um. Yeah. OK. I don't care about it either way (it's balanced in that both teams can do it), but there were squillions of complaints about both the fact and the announcer repetition it caused.

What kind of Microsoft doublespeak is this? We have always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Um. Yeah. OK. I don't care about it either way (it's balanced in that both teams can do it), but there were squillions of complaints about both the fact and the announcer repetition it caused.

For obvious reasons, you read more forum posts than I do :)

I genuinely don't remember any complaints about it. It adds another layer of depth, stealth over dexterity blah blah blah, we've heard the arguments. Personally, I haven't enjoyed flag anywhere near as much as I did in the previous Halo's because of the removal of flag juggling.

It's funny, I was considering, unlike many, I love Reach provided I stay in my favoured playlists. The majority of those that dislike Reach cite inclusions such as bloom, no-bleed through etc. The things that vex me most about Reach are the exclusions; the absence of party mode in Theatre, the abolition of the 1-50 ranking system and the aforementioned flag juggling.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Out of curiosity, which unveiling is HaloGAF more excited for - Bungie's new IP or Halo 4?

while i have no doubt bungie's next title will be a big budget, fully featured, AAA title, and that i'll love it dearly, i'm not so sure that it will be a classic in the sense that halo has been. ten years later, i still love playing this game, and am more excited for the unveiling of halo 4. also, unlike most (?), i feel pretty strongly that the series has gotten better with each incarnation in both single player and multiplayer. i do admit though, that there have been a few missteps and staleness has crept in, so i think i'm most excited for the fact that 343i is taking over to introduce fresh ideas.
A27 Tawpgun said:
The sawed off was a bit annoying... But it got a nerf. The most broken gun was the damn retro. Hipfiring that thing turned it into a death beam of bullets. It was far to powerful and thankfully got a nerf as well.

As for the maps, those issues got addressed as well. The entire geometry of some maps are changing. I wish Bungie could have done the same with sword base or the Boneyard base. Spawning has been addressed as well. It was a successful BETA. The most important thing that came out of it was a fantastic netcode, dedicated servers, and a perfect gnasher, which is Gears' BR: The go to gun.

Almost all gears players love where 3 is going. Its the perfect sequel MP wise. No gimmicks, just refinement of what makes it awesome. I hope this is the direction Halo 4 goes.
I absolutely abhorred the MP of previous Gears, but the Beta for 3 was a lot of fun. Very cool to hear about the maps undergoing changes; really wish Bungie would have been able to take that approach with Reach. Sword Base would have benefited greatly if the lift room was destroyed, leaving that whole upper area open.


thee henery said:
Who was calling for four teams of three instead of the five teams of two? The only complaint I heard was that five teams of two was too much and it should be reduced to four teams of two. Sometimes I honestly think they changed the party sizes to accomodate the roiling bucket of disease that is rocket hog race (which is an extremely niche gametype and yet appears EVERY second voting round). I still enjoy Multi Team but I preferred it before.

I was calling for four teams of three rather than two teams of four. Teams of 5 just make the spawns absolutely brutal. There's not really any place that a person could spawn on some maps, pinnacle being an example, that would be safe or that isn't directly behind other players for an easy assassination. It still happens with four teams but you can at least spawn safely, for the most part, with four teams of 3.
op_ivy said:
Out of curiosity, which unveiling is HaloGAF more excited for - Bungie's new IP or Halo 4?
That's like asking me if I'm more excited for The Hobbit or The Dark Knight Rises. I'm sure they will both be amazing, I don't need to pick a favorite.
The Hobbit
Major Williams said:
The announcer was dumb sure, but to completely remove it? Meh. It gives the flag carrier something to focus on besides just SLOWLY walking across the entire map.
Would normal movement speed for the flag carrier (like Halo CE) be preferable to flag juggling? I think one of the major reasons I stopped enjoying those gametypes post-CE are because of impediments like that and being unable to drive vehicles as a carrier.

I know it promotes teamwork in the game mechanics like that, but I mostly play randoms, and I think Xbox Live is well known at this point for being a wasteland of terrible people unless you're playing in groups. So I never really had fun with anything that wasn't a Slayer-variant after CE. Unless I was playing with a group I knew.


Man you guys must be easily annoyed if the announcer bothered you. If anything he acted like an alarm.

I agree that if they could, they should fix the announcer somehow. But flag juggling should be brought back for all flags across the board. The choice of sneaking it out or revealing your position and going for speed was an amazing unintentional, balanced mechanic and it made it more fun. Halo 1 and 2 flag physics allowed you to pass the flag effectively up levels and stuff.

The quick caps on Midship by passing the flag up top were amazing.
Rickenslacker said:
Would normal movement speed for the flag carrier (like Halo CE) be preferable to flag juggling? I think one of the major reasons I stopped enjoying those gametypes post-CE are because of impediments like that and being unable to drive vehicles as a carrier.

I know it promotes teamwork in the game mechanics like that, but I mostly play randoms, and I think Xbox Live is well known at this point for being a wasteland of terrible people unless you're playing in groups. So I never really had fun with anything that wasn't a Slayer-variant after CE. Unless I was playing with a group I knew.
no, because then there's no choice. you can sneak across the map, but you'll go slow, or you can run fast and everyone knows where you are.


op_ivy said:
Out of curiosity, which unveiling is HaloGAF more excited for - Bungie's new IP or Halo 4?
Analogy time.

James Cameron is my favorite film director, and Terminator 1 and 2 are among my favorite films. I've never seen the subsequent two movies in the series. The reason being, nothing I saw or read about them made me want to see them. The reason I love T1 and T2 because of the way they were made, not the title. I'm a Cameron fan, not a Terminator fan. So I approach his next endeavor with frothing desire, not the next Terminator film.

So to with Bungie. Halo made me a Bungie fan, not a Halo fan. So I'm in line day 0 for whatever Bungie is cooking up, and I approach the next Halo with cautious optimism; it's from a new team that's never done a game together before. If it looks good, I'll get it. If not, I'll move on.

(Believe it or not, I'm not currently sold on CEA. The strength of the Firefight map and the depth of the TU changes and how they affect the classic maps will seal it for me; otherwise, I'll be blissfully playing Skyrim.)


A27 Tawpgun said:
The quick caps on Midship by passing the flag up top were amazing.
Midship flag tossing to the top-mid and Beaver Creek's flag tossing to the top of the bases were sublime. Also worked in tossing the flag outside the windows in Beaver Creek.
runboli said:
haha, well I come from the MLG forums and I'm just wondering if there's any hardcore Reach gamers here. It seems like NeoGAF has a better, more mature, community, so it fits me, cause I don't have much time to play anymore.
I used to be a big time MLG'er... I've since then had to focus more on work/real life but I do still enjoy the competive side of Halo.

Mainly though I want to say that Senses Fail owns.

edit: oh dear sweet lord, my first double post. :(

my apologies HaloGAF
Why can't franchises just get along?

I'll always love Batman, no matter what. But I do LOVE ME some Nolan, too. I'll buy movie tickets regardless and want to see them just the same.

thezerofire said:
lol wrong thread?
It's an analogy. If you agree with the sentiments, it's the same for a video game studio vs franchise.
Major Williams said:
Why can't franchises just get along?

I'll always love Batman, no matter what. But I do LOVE ME some Nolan, too. I'll buy movie tickets regardless and want to see them just the same.
lol wrong thread?

edit: ah nevermind. it didn't catch me as an analogy


OuterWorldVoice said:
Um. Yeah. OK. I don't care about it either way (it's balanced in that both teams can do it), but there were squillions of complaints about both the fact and the announcer repetition it caused.

Anyone who complained about that is an ASS

It's funny. They complain about it yet hardly anyone plays in objective and they hardly ever pick anything other than slayer in the other playlists.


KidA Seven said:
True story. I remember reading about a year or so ago on GAF how they hated both the mechanic and announcer. I always argued for the mechanic, not that it matters.

There were one or two guys on here who wouldn't shut the hell up about it. Somehow they represent all of GAF now.

So frustrating... 343 bring it back and just give these babies an option to mute the announcer. Flag games now pale in comparison to what they were when you could pull and move the flag out really fast like in the old games.

Where were these whiners back in the Halo 2 days?

op_ivy said:
Out of curiosity, which unveiling is HaloGAF more excited for - Bungie's new IP or Halo 4?]

Halo 4.

I have hardly any interest in whatever Bungie is doing. Will of course read up on it when they reveal the game and also check out the trailers and beta if possible but I don't think anything they've released outside of Halo 2 has been special. If it's not an FPS or TPS I just can't see how I'll care. I have no interest in MMORPGs. Also would love to see them do something that's not futurisitc.

343 of course hasn't released anything but they keep promising that they are listening to the fans so perhaps we'll finally get a sequel to Halo 2.


Major Williams said:
Why can't franchises just get along?

I'll always love Batman, no matter what. But I do LOVE ME some Nolan, too. I'll buy movie tickets regardless and want to see them just the same.
I like Batman too, but that doesn't mean I went to see Batman and Robin in theaters when it came out. If it looked good, I would have. But boy did it not.
GhaleonEB said:
I like Batman too, but that doesn't mean I went to see Batman and Robin in theaters when it came out. If it looked good, I would have. But boy did it not.
I know we're going in and out of analogies here, but I loved Halo Wars from it's inception
pun intended
. I would dare say I liked it more than ODST in many ways.

It's like I've always said - Bungie has set up some great universes, but fails sometimes on the delivery of dialogue. However, Halo Wars was entertaining and set up quite well from a story perspective. I know that's not 343, but it was signed off by 343I.


Steelyuhas said:
Shouldn't matter because Spartans should never be able to use Evade.

Also, where is mah steak Bungie!?

Does anyone still have that gif of the spartan flying across Asylum with evade? It was posted on here a while back. 343 just needs to look at that. WIPE EVADE OUT OF HALO REACH



Striker said:
Multi-team was four teams of three in Halo 2. Then again, that's when the playlist for Multi-team was actually playable and fun. CTF Classic, Neutral Bomb, and Neutral Flag with those four teams and in maps like Warlock and Foundation, it worked great. Even since Multi-team has been gross.

I liked Multi Team in Halo 3. It felt pretty competitive and I had a lot of fun going in with a buddy. At launch of Reach Multi Team was just a cluster. It was like Rumble Pit but with a teammate. Instead of taking it to teams of 3, I wish they would have dropped a team. I never go in there anymore, and when I do, everyone votes for Rocket Hogs or whatever it is. :(

thezerofire said:
there was a ton of hate, especially among the 40-and-below population on bnet.

also, who still plays this game on a regular basis? I need people to play with so I don't get terrible randoms and quitters all the time.

Hey dude. Many nights I play around 5-8 PCT (I am in UT) with friends, or alone around 10pm PCT for a couple hours. Your welcome to join/invite me, or hit up GAF since I read almost all the time. That is if you don't mind playing with me.

op_ivy said:
Out of curiosity, which unveiling is HaloGAF more excited for - Bungie's new IP or Halo 4?

Both? I am a Bungie fan, so I'm really looking forward to what they have. I think with knowing what they know now and what they've learned from Halo, plus the larger studio and the focus they have been giving it before starting on it will really pay off. I'm stoked.

Also, Halo 4 because its Halo, and its being made by people that are passionate about it. Its their first game though, so I'm cautious. Like I've said before, everyone wants something different out of Halo. They've got a tough order to fill.


Major Williams said:
I know we're going in and out of analogies here, but I loved Halo Wars from it's inception
pun intended
. I would dare say I liked it more than ODST in many ways.

It's like I've always said - Bungie has set up some great universes, but fails sometimes on the delivery of dialogue. However, Halo Wars was entertaining and set up quite well from a story perspective. I know that's not 343, but it was signed off by 343I.
Perhaps I'm not being clear here, but I'm talking about quality versus brand name. If Halo 4 looks good, I'm there day 0. (Likewise, if CEA gets a feature set I want, I'm there.)

I didn't get Halo Wars not out of some bias against non-Bungie Halo games, but rather because I don't like RTS games. I thought the demo was very good, but it was a very good demo of a game in a genre I have not played in 15 years because I don't like the category. The Halo brand doesn't sway me to play a genre I don't like, and it won't sway me to play a game that doesn't look very good. This in no way pre-judges 343's work, which sincerely hope is superb.
senador said:
Hey dude. Many nights I play around 5-8 PCT (I am in UT) with friends, or alone around 10pm PCT for a couple hours. Your welcome to join/invite me, or hit up GAF since I read almost all the time. That is if you don't mind playing with me.
bungie vs. the world was tons of fun, of course I don't mind. I'll let you know


thezerofire said:
bungie vs. the world was tons of fun, of course I don't mind. I'll let you know

Your K/D is much higher so I wasn't sure. (though when we played together we did well)

Others should add me too: SenadorKooch
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