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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It

ManBearPanda said:
It seems he's speaking more specifically to the fiction in Halo, and that casual fans who don't have any real interest in the fiction past the Chief.
That makes me nervous.

That was the rationale used for "Halo 3."
PsychoRaven said:
Exactly. The interactive bits are one of the things i do think make Halo multiplayer interesting. I also agree don't limit the maps to being set in the game only. Also don't try and put them into the campaign. Go back to the way they're done in Halo 1,2,&3. Make great multiplayer maps and set them in the universe. I don't care where in the Halo universe they are either.

Now firefight maps I can see those coming out of campaign but don't design campaign around firefight maps either. I can think of several spots in Halo, Halo 2, and 3 that would have made great firefight maps and it wasn't intentional.

Speaking of that I really really hope that we could get a firefight map or two as DLC for Anniversary. I know we're getting one but I can think of at least 3 spots that would have made awesome firefight maps. I'd kill to play firefight on them too. So if there is going to be future DLC for it Include a firefight map or two.

WOAH. I just figured out how to make firefight more interesting. Make a firefight map with interactivity. Imagine this, a map like the police headquarters map from ODST, but split by a bridge that extends, sometimes you might need to get to the other side because you are getting overrun, so you extend the bridge, but you have to get across quick... just a thought.

I also just realized we wont have any grunts :(


Neo Member
Hitmonchan107 said:
That makes me nervous.

That was the rationale used for "Halo 3."

I would've been right there with you had this been back during the lead up to Halo 3, but after Halo 3, I was completely turned off by the fiction. As long as the mechanics are sound, MC and Cortana could be time-travelling space cops for all I care, heh
I know I'm late to the party but:


Halo CE > 2 > 3 > Reach

Halo 3 just has bad netcode and equipment was terrible (not as bad as armor lock though)

Halo 3 had plenty of good maps:
The Pit
Blackout (bad lockout, good map)
Cold Storage
Foundry (Ons and Amp)

plus some decent ones like Avalanche and Ghost Town.

PS yes i know host advantage on LAN is still awful on Halo CE and Halo 2


I totally don't want the BR back. If this happens I will be sad. I do not want a burst fire weapon, it was not fun to me. I'm sure I'll like/accept whatever they come up with but god, please god make it hitscan.
I actually would like bloom to stay, just tweaked to be more consistent and further reward those who use it well and punish those who don't. Then, keep the DMR or have a similar primary rifle.

I also do not want ranks back. I would like tighter trueskill and maybe background ranks, but I don't want them shown. Boosting aside, the belittling and general assholery of higher ranks to lower is not acceptable to me. Halo/Xbox has enough hate and I think ranks leads to more.


wwm0nkey said:
Matchmaking would die.

There is a reason it was taken out of Halo 3 lol

Yea cause Bungie was too damn stubborn to give the fans what we wanted in regards to this. It's by far the one huge complaint I've had with all the Halo games online wise.
PsychoRaven said:
Yea cause Bungie was too damn stubborn to give the fans what we wanted in regards to this. It's by far the one huge complaint I've had with all the Halo games online wise.
A split player base does not bode well for MM. thus customs games browsers do not exist.


LOL, Watching the Instinct stream and Pistola just said one of the funniest things I have ever heard about Forge maps. They are playing the new maps that MLG decided were better than Warlock and Bomb gametypes and he goes on to say, "These maps were made by babies, like they just put building blocks in their mouths and then spit them out, and this is what we get to play on."


Devin Olsen said:
A split player base does not bode well for MM. thus customs games browsers do not exist.

Plus custom games with randoms sounds like a not great idea. I can only imagine all the trolling that could be done.

I haven't played GAF customs, but aside from playing with friends or internet friends, I don't see the appeal of customs. I honestly think a custom games browser would not work well and most would not use it.

Update (07/11/2011):

- After receiving a tip from a reliable source (who will remain unnamed) I searched for other sites registered on 9/20/2010 and discovered FutureWarCult.com.

The name was also registered as .net and .org versions on the same day, which matches the pattern established by the registration of SevenSeraphs.com and DeadOrbit.com.
This leads me to believe that “FWC” means “Future War Cult”.

My source suggested that “FWC” might actually stand for “Future War Council” and would fill a vaguely similar role to Halo’s “ONI”, but there is currently no registration for FutureWarCouncil.com to support that claim.

I also fixed a few grammar errors and added a paragraph regarding the "massively awesome multiplayer game" fiasco after David Aldridge's joke at GDC.

Like I said, no huge revelations but at least we now know what FWC stands for (I think).


PsychoRaven said:
Yea cause Bungie was too damn stubborn to give the fans what we wanted in regards to this. It's by far the one huge complaint I've had with all the Halo games online wise.

Stubborn? From what I remember hearing, they busted their butts trying to get it to work in both 2 and 3, and it didn't work out.

I don't even know how you'd get that crap to work in Reach though. The engine doesn't even know what the current gametype is anymore, it can only communicate the name string and the time remaining and highest score when you look at player details.

Do you search by Gametype Objects? You can't search for CTF, because "CTF" is no longer a concept the engine has. You could search for "Flags", but then you'd also get Speedpile, Territories, Speedflag, Stockpile, 3 Flag and Chess. Do you search for "Bombs" ? Now you're going to get both Assault and Hot Potato games.
FyreWulff said:
Stubborn? From what I remember hearing, they busted their butts trying to get it to work in both 2 and 3, and it didn't work out.

I don't even know how you'd get that crap to work in Reach though. The engine doesn't even know what the current gametype is anymore, it can only communicate the name string and the time remaining and highest score when you look at player details.

How hard is it to make a damn server list?

I'm not actually saying I want a custom game browser though, I like MM.


A27_StarWolf said:
WOAH. I just figured out how to make firefight more interesting. Make a firefight map with interactivity. Imagine this, a map like the police headquarters map from ODST, but split by a bridge that extends, sometimes you might need to get to the other side because you are getting overrun, so you extend the bridge, but you have to get across quick... just a thought.

I also just realized we wont have any grunts :(
A few thoughts on making Firefight better.

In Reach, only one squad out of six each wave attacks at a time. Instead of one squad attacking at a time, scale the number attacking to the number of players. One for a lone player, two for two players, three for three, four for four. Reach is a shooting gallery because the enemy is passive; ODST was a survival mode because they swarmed toward the players.

Return to limited ammo racks. This is made harder by the use of load outs, since so many weapons can be in play. I would set the ammo rack so that it had finite resources each round, like lives, either shared or pooled (a custom option that could be adjusted). So the rack could be used say, 10 times per round, or set it so everone gets three uses per round. Better yet, just do away with ammor racks entirely, and scatter spare weapons and ammo around the maps, as with a Multiplayer map. That would spread the maps out a bit more.

I like the sleeping Grunts at the start of Corvette, and and made me wish the maps started out differently. Instead of starting empty, they start heavily populated and reinforced, and we had to take that territory over. Imagine if Unearthed started with the entire facility crawling with Covenant, and we started out on the far side with in the little hut in the corner, and had to slowly take it over. And then, defend it from new waves. You could build out unique scenarios for each map.

Moar vehicles, with the options to configure the number and which ones appear. On or off, and luck determining the number, is far too limiting.

Include elments like turrets and Banshees. If Glacier had been set up the same way as it was in campaign, where we could use the stationary guns and hijack Banshees, it would be awesome.


The Real Napsta said:
How hard is it to make a damn server list?

I'm not actually saying I want a custom game browser though, I like MM.

It's easy to make a server list, it's a lot of work to make an useful lobby list.

Like I said, the best opportunity for list browsing would have been Halo 2. It had the least amount of variables that could change the game. 3 would have been possible but you could still be in for surprises. Reach is damn near impossible and it'd just turn into Halo 2 Vista:


Where people exploit the listing browser and use it as a fucking spam billboard for their website.


FyreWulff said:
Where people exploit the listing browser and use it as a fucking spam billboard for their website.
That wouldn't happen on XBL if everyone had to use a Gold account to have a custom listed.


Neo Member
Stripper13 said:
Interactive Maps/switches/doors - it's a gimmick through and through. It was a gimmick in UT/Quake and would be a gimmick in Halo. Keep the focus on the combat and weapon/map control.
I'd like to see switches in BTB maps. Keep them out of the 4v4 (High Ground), but I think they work well in BTB (Long Shore). Imagine a map with a controllable shield bridge on a BTB map. It could have a minute cool down timer, but it would make for some crazy objective games. Imagine taking a Warthog with the Flag carrier across the shield bridge, and then deactivating it to stop any pursuers.

No Battle Rifle - I want a bloomless DMR for Halo 4. I know it sounds simple, but a single shot rifle is far more appealing and rewarding (IMO) than the 3 burst battle rifle. Don't get me wrong - the battle rifle was amazing - but I'd like to see a new take on the precision rifles for the next Halo game. Returning to the battle rifle would be nice, but not in the least bit exciting.
What if there were 3 levels of precision weapons: Magnum/ BR/ DMR. The Magnum is essentially the same as it is now, the BR is similar to H2 and H3, but with slightly reduced range, and the DMR changed to dominate at longer range.

The Assault Rifle/Magnum would be the default secondary weapon in 4v4, with BRs or DMRs on the map; not both (think Spike grenades vs plasma in H3). 4v4 Pro would have BR/AR with DMRs on the map.

In BTB, the starting weapons would be the BR/AR, with DMRs on the map. You wouldn't be able to ping players from across the map like in Hemorrhage with your starting weapon, but you still spawn with a rifle that you can defend yourself with.
Maps, maps, maps - spend your resources making a complex forgeworld (smaller scale?) with many environments, pieces, features, decorations and gimmicks/shield-doors/grav-lifts etc. The new community maps are one of the things I love about Reach - bring it back without the boring aesthetic theme, and show the community how it's done, with some high quality remakes and new maps.
I'vehad this crazy idea that's similar to yours. What if every map was a sort of mini Forge World? The first map that comes to mind is Longshore. You have the entire BTB in front of you like normal, but then you can go into forge and inside one of the towers is a remake of Countdown. Not forged, but built in the same playspace. Every map could actually be 2-3 maps in one. If Halo 4 came with just 7 of these multi-playspaces, there would actually be about 17 maps at launch.

Also, why can't Firefight be played on multiplayer maps? it seems kind of silly building maps specifically for one gamemode. There are a few multiplayer maps that would work well for FF, and vice versa.


Booshka said:
That wouldn't happen on XBL if everyone had to have a Gold account to have a custom listed.

Gold is cheaper than the costs that guy is paying to have all those servers hosted. The last hosting provider I looked up when I was going to rent a H2V server was 120$/month. Spamdorks are going to be all over any actually popular Halo release's browser list.


FyreWulff said:
Gold is cheaper than the costs that guy is paying to have all those servers hosted. The last hosting provider I looked up when I was going to rent a H2V server was 120$/month
I'm not talking about Dedicated servers, just Custom's Browsing for P2P connections.
Stripper13 said:
Button Combo's - the worst Halo suggestion I have ever seen. It should never return to Halo in any form. I was pretty good at BXR/easy-Combo's in H2 - but it was a glitch, and totally unnecessary. Having it as a toggle/playlist feature would split the population and fuck with balance. It was a cool thing to learn and abuse in Halo 2 - but it needs to stay there.
Amen. The day button combos come back and become a necessity to be competitively viable, that's the day I stop playing Halo. They take skill and all, but that's not the game I want to play. Keep that fighting game shit out of my Halo, k thnx.


Speaking of upgrading FF:

Gears 3 Horde Mode sounds pretty nice... and Im not a big Gears player.

- Buildable defenses/fortification
- In-game cash allows you to purchase upgrades/weapons/ammo/vehicles (silverback)
- Boss battles (with multiple boss types)
- Swappable cash/ammo to other players
- Mini-missions within waves (that affect the game unlike Reach's challenges)

I know you guys have seen this video before.. just figured it was relevant to the discussion.

I can't imagine what Forge could do with this type of customization in a Halo game.

One day...
Ken said:
Remove unlimited ammo caches and add weapon racks with limited ammo.
Yep. I'd even rather that standard weapons were dropped from Pelicans rather than having boxes at fixed locations. Wherever the ammo is defines a radius that you don't want to wander too far beyond. Mix up where the equipment is and you'll have more movement throughout the map.

Homeboyd said:
Speaking of upgrading FF:
- Boss battles (with multiple boss types)
This is another good one. Hunters and Zealots usually pull this duty, but come we never got to see and more of those huge beasts (Guta?). An assault with multiple vehicles would also work.


The Real Napsta said:
I have made my peace with shit like Narrows and Construct in the past.

That said, underlying Midship as Halo 3 map is a kick in the balls.

wwm0nkey said:
Matchmaking would die.

There is a reason it was taken out of Halo 3 lol
So custom game browsers are bad for MM, but 20+ playlists aren't?
Homeboyd said:
Speaking of upgrading FF:

Gears 3 Horde Mode sounds pretty nice... and Im not a big Gears player.

- Buildable defenses/fortification
- In-game cash allows you to purchase upgrades/weapons/ammo/vehicles (silverback)
- Boss battles (with multiple boss types)
- Swappable cash/ammo to other players
- Mini-missions within waves (that affect the game unlike Reach's challenges)

I know you guys have seen this video before.. just figured it was relevant to the discussion.

I can't imagine what Forge could do with this type of customization in a Halo game.

One day...
I completely forgot about Horde mode. Holy shit.

I just mentally pre-ordered "Gears 3." Is this real life?


Hitmonchan107 said:
I completely forgot about Horde mode. Holy shit.

I just mentally pre-ordered "Gears 3." Is this real life?

Nah, Horde and Campaign are basically the only two playable modes in Gears. The multiplayer has always been a trainwreck since 1 which from my playing of the beta, doesn't seem to have changed much.

I pretty much exclusively play Horde in 2, and I'm actually planning on never even touching multiplayer in 3. Horde and Beast all day errday
Hitmonchan107 said:
I completely forgot about Horde mode. Holy shit.

I just mentally pre-ordered "Gears 3." Is this real life?
Oh yeah. And its completely insane.

And here's one for my personal wishlist for Halo 4. Don't focus all of the post-release support purely on multiplayer. Reach, ODST and whatever games are to come could use new campaign missions, solo and co-op challenges, and wholly new firefight modes. Give us background story episodes for some of the characters or backstory behind some of the missions.

This whole map pack 1,2,3 thing is just a worn model already and its only led to fewer good maps at release.


Striker said:
So custom game browsers are bad for MM, but 20+ playlists aren't?
Hey I do not disagree with you at all but I thought it was Bungie's stance that it would divide the MP up way too much. Not that I agree with that.


PNut said:
Sorry for going off-topic but I need some advice from HaloGAF. PM's are welcome.

I've been gaming on a 27" Sony Trinitron since Halo 2 and it finally bit the dust. About a year ago I purchased a 32" Vizio 720p unit and the input lag was so terrible I took it back the same day.

Can anyone recommend me a HD TV 32" or less that has zero input lag? I mean zero. When I push the RB button I want it to instantly melee.


That's odd, my Vizio 32" really doesn't have any input lag, but man the 47" I bought recently was brutal, it was like playing FF in MP. :|

Wait, Reach maps are good, you guys want a server list, etc. etc. Terrible night for HaloGAF.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ramirez said:
That's odd, my Vizio 32" really doesn't have any input lag, but man the 47" I bought recently was brutal, it was like playing FF in MP. :|

Wait, Reach maps are good, you guys want a server list, etc. etc. Terrible night for HaloGAF.
It's because the pixels are bigger. That kind of lag is called raster-jumbonium. The game has to draw much larger squares, or 'pixels' the larger the TV is. Think of it like an etchasketch - the video game computer chip can draw a small etchasketch picture easily, or a magna doodle (sprite) game trivially. However, the massive square 'pixels' on your vizio require extra horsepower, or 'CPUs' to be rendered, which is a scientific term for drawing.


OuterWorldVoice said:
It's because the pixels are bigger. That kind of lag is called raster-jumbonium. The game has to draw much larger squares, or 'pixels' the larger the TV is. Think of it like an etchasketch - the video game computer chip can draw a small etchasketch picture easily, or a magna doodle (sprite) game trivially. However, the massive square 'pixels' on your vizio require extra horsepower, or 'CPUs' to be rendered, which is a scientific term for drawing.

I did a quick Google search of that, and it linked me to a Carnegie-Mellon site, so it must be legit.


Seriously, if people want something, why do you insist that "splitting the population" is horrible for the community? People play certain things because they like certain things and dislike others.

For instance, I hate SWAT, Snipers, and Grifball. They have their own playlists. Why would I want to be matched up with people looking to play Swat? Oh right, and it actually was like that for the first few months of release (SWAT/Snipers in Team Slayer and it was truly unbearable).

I would mainly play Halo 4 matchmaking. However, if I could hop onto Halo 4, find a crazy custom gametype (where KD/rank/EXP doesn't matter) I would. People who want to for mindless fun will play customs.

Oh and the EXP/leveling up/reward factors will keep matchmaking alive. If you think that people would never play matchmaking again, you're wrong. People play this game for credits/ranking up. I don't know why, but they do. Most people would feel that going into customs would be "worthless" because you wouldn't rank up or be rewarded. That way the people who want to simply have mindless fun will populate the custom server browser


OuterWorldVoice said:
It's because the pixels are bigger. That kind of lag is called raster-jumbonium. The game has to draw much larger squares, or 'pixels' the larger the TV is. Think of it like an etchasketch - the video game computer chip can draw a small etchasketch picture easily, or a magna doodle (sprite) game trivially. However, the massive square 'pixels' on your vizio require extra horsepower, or 'CPUs' to be rendered, which is a scientific term for drawing.

Get your facts straight, sprites are bit blitted not rendered.
I chuckled
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