Hitmonchan107 said:
My computers at school have Final Cut Pro, and I wanted to try my hand at making a montage.
If the clips are 1GB, how does Juices send them to you?
So you want to make one of my montages?
Ok, that sounds like fun. Here's how it'll work...
I play the game and get the clips (GET SHIT ON NOOB!)
Juices captures the clips (OMG HD SO HAWT)
Juices sends them to you (WETRANSFER.COM IS THE BEST!)
You make the montage (OMG THE PRESSURE!!)
You send the montage to me (GIMME DAT)
I upload it to youtube (ENJOY!)
It's kind of hectic. Like, the night before the montage was due, I got the 2nd Overkill. It had to get captured and sent to me. Also the download times at WeTransfer are pretty slow. It takes me 2 hours to download a .5 gb RAR file. Maybe your College internet is super fast though.
There will be no montage this coming week since I'll be away for the weekend and I don't want to put out another minitage. So starting next Wednesday I'm going to play and gather clips and juices will just forward them to you. The montage will need to get to me by Wednesday April 27th. Unless you want to do the montage at a later date.
Feel free to PM me anything about this.