I'll give a shot at the new, longer version of the Junior Questionnaire.
Are you a very recently approved member of neogaf?
Not VERY recently... but I was approved last winter.
What country are you posting from and what's your current age.
USA, Beast Coast, 18.
At what age did you get into Halo and with which game.
Oh god.... umm... like 11-12. I played Halo 2 splitscreen multiplayer at his house when Halo 2 came out. Locally. No XBL. Never played Halo 1 at that time until we downloaded Halo Trial. Got into this halo clan called A27 (check name) and we moved up to a cracked version of Custom Edition (dun ban me frankie) and I downloaded the campaign and played it. Blew me away how good it was. Flood scared me shitless though. When you first encounter combat forms and they started hitting me in the back. Heart stopped for a minute. Then I basically lived at my friends house playing Halo 2. We beat the entire campaign co-op during a sleepover. Went from falling in love with a game to falling in love with a universe after Halo 2. When he got Xbox Live I like legitimately almost lived in his house. Then on December 2006 I got my 360, LIVE, and my first game... Halo 2. I got an Xbox game for a 360. The rest is history.
For how long have you been reading HaloGAF?
hmm... technically like 3-4 years. I first found out about the site a little after Halo 3 launched. It was actually from Blinding too

. He started posting links to neogaf posts where Sketch or some other Bungie dev would post and so I started lurking sparingly. Didn't have a paid email that I could access so I didn't bother registering. Started lurking pretty heavily around the time Reach info started leaking out. Then I registered with one EMAIL during OT 2 of Reach. Never got accepted. Registered using my ISP email I had just recovered. Accepted in 2 weeks for OT3.
What's your absolute favorite Halo campaign? And your favorite multiplayer? (you're not allowed to pick Halo: Combat Evolved for any of the two)
Halo 2. My answer would be different if you asked me gameplay wise. I just LOVE good narratives in games and Halo 2 had undoubtedly the best narrative out of all the halo games. It opened up the Universe and had interesting characters. Multiplayer also Halo 2. Might be rose tinted glasses here but when I look back from playing local splitscreen at my friends, or Halo 2 LAN at my community center (where I also had a birthday and we played LAN Halo 2 BTB...) Then having Halo 2 myself and playing for a year until Halo 3 launched... It was just so much fun. I played significantly more customs than Matchmaking so I never really ran into a lot of the bullshit the Halo 2 haters complained about.
Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
48 I think? Either Lone Wolves, Team Slayer, or Doubles. Had 45+ in all of these. Got my 45 in Lone Wolves first.
AR or BR?
BR. I find people that liked AR starts in Halo 3 to be messed in the head.
Absolute favorite multiplayer map from Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and 3 (just one from each).
Blood Gulch, Headlong, The Pit
Least hated Reach mp map.
Boardwalk or Powerhouse probably. If they nerfed nades and removed bullshit weapons from Countdown I would have picked Countdown and Zealot.
Do you prefer BTB or MLG? (pre-Reach era)
BTB. Thank god you said Pre-Reach
Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Multiplayer is far more diverse, fun, and rewarding for me.
Games completed on solo Legendary.
Halo CE, Halo 2 (trial and error with those damn snipers) Halo 3, ODST, Reach.
Are you EazyB? Mike DongBlain?
I am not EazyB, but Mike Dongblain is in each and every one of us.
What are some of your favorite Campaign missions
CE: Halo, Silent Cartographer, AotCR, Two Betrayals
Halo 2: Outskirts/Metropolis. Delta Halo/Regret. Arbiter/Heretic, Quarantine Zone.
Halo 3: The Ark, The Covenant
ODST: Mombasa Streets
Reach: Long Night of Solace and Tip of the Spear.
Favorite Reach playlists.
Arena, Squad Slayer, Team Objective, Premium Battle
Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes).
Opinion on reticule bloom.
Get the out of my Haloz. Good for auto weapons IF BURST FIRING WAS EFFECTIVE. Creates to much inconsistencies and random luck.
Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you usually end up picking.
Not a fan at all.
Sprint: Rushing melee, running away, makes CQC weapons OP.
Evade: Too fast on spartans. Running away. Cross map jumping. CQC weapons OP.
Camo: Annoying but the snipers are the worst offenders.
Armor Lock: I'm still demanding the name of the employee who thought of it and all the employees who approved it. It, and ANYTHING like it shouldn't be in ANY game. EVER. One of the most WTF decisions bungie has ever made.
Hologram: Don't mind it. Kinda funny.
Jetpack: Stop breaking maps.
I pretty much almost always sprint. Classic movement settings are much more enjoyable though.
Why are you a Halo fan?
The universe, the gameplay, the community.
Favorite Halogaffer, and least favorite (besides Dax). (optional)
Favorite: Wu, Hitmonchan, Tunavi, kylej, juices, hell pretty much all of you.
Least Favorite: Hirednoobs, stephen, fyrewullf. I don't hate them or anything. You guys have good posts but I find myself disagreeing with most of what you say. It's not really least favorite as it is least compatible.
Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, some of us would enjoy reading it. (optional)
I'd like to consider myself a well-rounded Halo player. I love BTB (pre-Reach, but Reach BTB can be tolerable with a fun party) I love silly customs and action sack. I love Arena, MLG, and cleansing/donging. I love talking and speculating about the Halo Universe and campaign.
I've always loved Halo machinima though. RvB, sodaGoD's Halo 2 awesomness, the Halo 3 Matchmaking series.
I recently made a machinima for the Halofest contest and if you like it you could toss me a vote!
/shameless plug. But seriously.