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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

A27_StarWolf said:
I know that feel bro

I miss playing with all of you :/
What sucks is I've been sick as a dog all week, but I can't ask off of work because I'm the only one who can do my job.

Is the Tokyo Game Show today? I wonder when we'll get the Halo news.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Hitmonchan107 said:
What sucks is that I've been sick as a dog all week, but I can't ask off of work because I'm the only one who can do my job.

Is the Tokyo Game Show today? I wonder when we'll get the Halo news.

Should be getting some Halo info soon.

Tunavi said:
played squad with Booshka. Asylum was picked. I hate that damn map. then:

jetpackers everywhere.

and bloom was pissing me off, couldn't hit their heads as they rained nades from above me. rage quit.

threw my xbox out the window and broke my reach disk
Booshka said:
Tunavi, myself and a friend of mine go into Squad Slayer. This game comes up.

Tunavi rage quit about half way through. Sends me this message.

Tunavi 9/7/2011
"sorry man, teamkillers, loadouts, jetpack heros, accidentally thought your friend was the teamkiller, grenades. couldn't take it."

So I send him a message calling him TunaviX.

Excuse me for sucking ass with computers, otherwise I would have put the image of the message in my post.

That's awesome. Tunavi is a scrub after all.

Installing Windows 8 dev build right now. HYPE!

So are we getting Halo news tomorrow?


Did they change the Arena formula this season? Won 23 out of 28 games and got rated in 70% Silver. Lol.

I also think there should be a Race playlist added to this game.


PNut said:
Did they change the Arena formula this season? Won 23 out of 28 games and got rated in 70% Silver. Lol.

I also think there should be a Race playlist added to this game.
That's probably because it's not a large amount of games.
Fyrewolf I agree with almost nothing that you post on here, or any of your ideas.

I do however applaud how dedicated you are to them, and how you present them.

Besides, you were mentioned in a Sparkcast, you must be doing something right.


Happy birthday reach. Just watched my first game again. Invasion Slayer on Spire. We lost by 1 kill at the very last second. Lots of suicides falling off of spire from everyone in the game lol.


Booshka said:
FyreWulff calling the BR and CE Pistol power weapons in that article lol.

Yeah I didn't care for that part or the end when he said he'd be vetoing the classic version of HeH with pistols. Whatever.


senador said:
Yeah I didn't care for that part or the end when he said he'd be vetoing the classic version of HeH with pistols. Whatever.
I don't care about his preferences for MM, especially for Reach and how the 3 shot Pistol is just going to get forced in there for nostalgia's sake, and as an attempt to appease people like myself who are pissed there is no CE MP. It doesn't interest me to play with a 3 shot pistol in Reach gameplay, that is just a band-aid over the bigger issues with Reach.

His opinion that HeH would play better without Pistol starts in CE is awful, but it is FyreWulff, so I will just laugh it off and move on.


Yup its literally been exactly 1 year since I started the reach campaign. 1 in the morning. running through it again now


senador said:
Interesting write-up. I had no idea Longshore was a spiritual successor to Hang 'em High.

Make sure to post here when you put more parts up.
It originally started as Hang'em High geometry, and was modified from there.

I've been drinking from a firehose of pain at work the past few days, so I have only been able to skim the past few pages. But my brief thoughts on the casual/hardcore stuff I saw earlier.

The way Halo appeals to the hardcore and the casual is in large part defined by players ability to customize the game to their liking, and the extent to which the playlist manager caters to those audiences with the playlists. What's important in Halo 4 is that the core game be excellent. From that excellent core the suite of options will enable disparate audiences to find their niche in it, as they have in the series to date.

I think Reach made two mistakes. The first was to layer on too much complexity to the core game mechanics. Player inertia, fall damage (don't forget to crouch), health that recharges partly and also needs health packs, weapon bloom, armor abilities, the new shield system....I feel like the core of what made Halo so excellent is suffocating a bit. And that's before unwise alterations such as vehicle health (more so that bloom, that system is the single most egregious alteration to the core Halo game to this player, as it is ruinous to BTB, near and dear to my heart).

The second mistake was not including the right custom options, to enable us to peel back some of the complexity added. You can see 343 starting to do that with bloom modifications, specific weapon damage settings (for the Magnum, at any rate) and the restoration of the old shield system.

I am choosing to take much solace in those decisions, because I think they point to how they are thinking about Halo 4.

A ways after Halo 3 came out, Bungie rolled out a modified XP system for it, in which a per-playlist rank was added. The way that rank was achieved was not based on skill, but games played. It created a schism, the player rank and the playlist rank, one skill based and one based on time invested. It was the primordial precursor to the Reach investment system, were 'rank' was split off to the Arena, and time invested was promoted above all.

By similar token, I'm choosing to read the tea leaves in what 343 has chosen to address. In modifying armor lock, they are restoring a measure of fairness to the ability, and speeding up something that slows the gameplay down. In adding back shield damage bleed they are restoring a core tenant of Halo gameplay. In reducing bloom's effects they are edging back toward a less cumbersome core combat mechanic. I am hopeful that these things point to the kind of core experience they are building with Halo 4, and we will see that philosophy writ large across the game once again.


GhaleonEB said:
I think Reach made two mistakes. The first was to layer on too much complexity to the core game mechanics. Player inertia, fall damage (don't forget to crouch), health that recharges partly and also needs health packs, weapon bloom, armor abilities, the new shield system....I feel like the core of what made Halo so excellent is suffocating a bit. And that's before unwise alterations such as vehicle health (more so that bloom, that system is the single most egregious alteration to the core Halo game to this player, as it is ruinous to BTB, near and dear to my heart).

What specifically do you mean about the inertia added to player movement? It reduced both depth and complexity.
About the TGS news: It's already 4pm in Japan. Maybe we will get stuff in 39minutes? It will be 9am on Mainland Europe, 8am at Great Britain and 12am at the West Coast of America. Perfect time.

Perfect it's the Cortana code I have. Who wants it?


Hypertrooper said:
About the TGS news: It's already 4pm in Japan. Maybe we will get stuff in 39minutes? It will be 9am on Mainland Europe, 8am at Great Britain and 12am at the West Coast of America. Perfect time.

Perfect it's the Cortana code I have. Who wants it?

Me!! :D
I agree that you have to really be careful about distinguishing what makes a player hardcore and what makes a player casual. But Reach completely took out the ability for any precision weapon to be a deep weapon. Instead, everything is a struggle against bloom and mastering the ability to pace shots, which is not Halo.

A lot of people like the idea of map control with power weapons, but I've always hated that approach. In Halo2 we saw the start of this change where a team of halfway competent players with power weapons could rip apart the other team. This wasn't possible in Combat Evolved. But in Reach, the issue is out of control. I can't defend myself against anything because the lesser weapons suck and the addition of bloom only makes everything suck more.

To get out of sticky situations, combat demands firing shots faster. And this was a really important element with all previous Halo games. This ability to get out of sticky situations is what set Halo apart from CoD and all other console first person shooters.

I'm sick of dying to teams of grouped up players. I'm sick of dying to power weapons. Because there is no defense for either. I cringe every time people talk about BK cleansings. Essentially, all that means is that you're exploiting the massive flaws/shortcomings of Reach where a grouped up team has an exponential advantage over random players. And it's blind arrogance for anyone to think otherwise.

The other team in this game set up shop with the power weapons, didn't move for 3/4 of the game, and didn't even have to try very hard to rip my team a new one. What pisses me off is that they weren't even that good. But Bungie has created a monster of a game that allows for complete desolation of randoms. And this is due to the massive disparity in the weaker regular weapons shit on by bloom versus the quick and too efficient power weapons. Teams don't have to try. They only have to sit in one place and gloat over all the BK's they've cleansed. It's horse shit.

I don't necessarily want a game designed for MLG players only, but I do want a game where I have the ability to defend myself against the "elite" BK cleansers.


orznge said:
What specifically do you mean about the inertia added to player movement? It reduced both depth and complexity.
It fits with the pattern of adding things to aspects of the gameplay that didn't need to be added to. It's another layer - inertia - that was not there before. You can over-laden the game mechanics while having a reductive effect on the gameplay.

I agree that its impact on gameplay is to reduce depth. I hate this term, but it narrows the skill gap by mitigating the effects of strafing and enabling easier grenade kills. My point was that inertia was an unneeded element layered onto the core gameplay, and that core suffers for it. The whole suffocating thing.


Booshka said:
His opinion that HeH would play better without Pistol starts in CE is awful, but it is FyreWulff, so I will just laugh it off and move on.

I re-read what I wrote and I don't believe I ever said this. The pistol is the only viable weapon in CE HeH because it's a giant wide open bowl of death. It did start with it by default after all, and was the only map that we didn't really bother using custom settings to eliminate the pistol from. We were just playing Halo 1 LAN over the last weekend actually and Hang Em was everyone's first selection and had fun pistoling each other to death, and then had just as much fun (if not even more) playing Battle Creek with Plasma Pistol starts right afterwards. Hang Em doesn't even really have much of a weapon selection in the first place. It really was the wild west map of Halo 1. Kill or be killed. I just pointing what I felt was a fair criticism that the map was one-dimensional sandbox wise. It was still fun.

Now add in instant-travel bullets, Reach's reliable netcode, autoaim, bullet magnetism and teamshooting, and playing Halo 1 Pistol mode in Reach on that map sounds about as much fun as I had with the gametype on Ridgeline (ie none at all).

In Reach, you're going to be seeing 4-man teamshooting, with a 3SK weapon, means a team can hole up and essentially instantly kill you as soon as you make a move. I saw teams do this consistently at Halofest, where'd they just hang near the middle of Ridgeline and instant-kill any Elite that dared to come over a hill off their spawn.

Which makes me real interested on what they're doing with the 'modern' Forge variant of Hang Em that will ship with CE:A. I'd much rather play it with vanilla DMR starts only in matchmaking than Halo 1 Pistol starts in the Reach engine. If H1P mode stays in Team Classic like it should, then I don't need to worry about it coming up.


GhaleonEB said:
It fits with the pattern of adding things to aspects of the gameplay that didn't need to be added to. It's another layer - inertia - that was not there before. You can over-laden the game mechanics while also have a reductive effect on the gameplay.

I agree that its impact on gameplay is to reduce depth. I hate this term, but it narrows the skill gap by mitigating the effects of strafing and enabling easier grenade kills. My point was that inertia was an unneeded element layers onto the core gameplay, and that core suffers for it.

Okay cool we are on the same page. I think the best way for us to describe it is that basically every single addition to Reach that was touted as a "new cool thing" ended up being a filter through which the minuscule skill differential in the previous two games was diluted.


FyreWulff said:
I re-read what I wrote and I don't believe I ever said this. The pistol is the only viable weapon in CE HeH because it's a giant wide open bowl of death. It did start with it by default after all, and was the only map that we didn't really bother using custom settings to eliminate the pistol from. We were just playing Halo 1 LAN over the last weekend actually and Hang Em was everyone's first selection and had fun pistoling each other to death, and then had just as much fun (if not even more) playing Battle Creek with Plasma Pistol starts right afterwards.

not only are you immensely wrong but I laughed in real life at the thought of you having a Halo-themed cult of personality with people who subscribe to your bizarre pedantry and obedience to masturbatory developer intent about how the heroic space man's weapons should be used as opposed to the actual mechanical traits of the design


orznge said:
not only are you immensely wrong but I laughed in real life at the thought of you having a Halo-themed cult of personality with people who subscribe to your bizarre pedantry and obedience to masturbatory developer intent about how the heroic space man's weapons should be used as opposed to the actual mechanical traits of the design


So many things strange with your post, there.


Giant Bomb finally uploaded the archives of their Big Live Live Show Live 2 on their site and YouTube.

I recall someone mentioning this, but they had a professional prop maker from Volpin Props and there's a demo of him painting a Brute Spiker at the beginning of this video. Pretty cool.



FyreWulff said:
Which makes me real interested on what they're doing with the 'modern' Forge variant of Hang Em that will ship with CE:A. I'd much rather play it with vanilla DMR starts only in matchmaking than Halo 1 Pistol starts in the Reach engine. If H1P mode stays in Team Classic like it should, then I don't need to worry about it coming up.

Dude, they've already said like a million times the CEA Pistol game type will be separate from your beloved Reach playlists. They also have said the Halo Fest game types were extreme to showcase what they could do and how certain things will play. Others have also called you out on this fact. Why do you keep going back to these things? I don't get it.


senador said:
Dude, they've already said like a million times the CEA Pistol game type will be separate from your beloved Reach playlists.

I'm aware of this.

They also have said the Halo Fest game types were extreme to showcase what they could do and how certain things will play.

Also aware of this, but it mostly applies to the DMR and Nerfle. The pistol has to be a 3SK or it's not the Halo 1 pistol. The same situations apply. Bloom or lack of bloom doesn't even apply to that. The fact that it kills in 3 shots now and will kill in 3 shots at retail is what I'm talking about.

Ken said:
Giant Bomb finally uploaded the archives of their Big Live Live Show Live 2 on their site and YouTube.

I recall someone mentioning this, but they had a professional prop maker from Volpin Props and there's a demo of him painting a Brute Spiker at the beginning of this video. Pretty cool.


They had the Brute Spiker in one of the glass cases at Halo Fest from the Believe shorts. Holy crap that thing is huge at actual human scale in person (relative to how small it seems in the game itself)

Hypertrooper said:
8hours till the bomb drop. So hyped!

Headlong headlong headlong headlong headlong headlong headlong plz


NeoGAF's smiling token!
orznge said:
not only are you immensely wrong but I laughed in real life at the thought of you having a Halo-themed cult of personality with people who subscribe to your bizarre pedantry and obedience to masturbatory developer intent about how the heroic space man's weapons should be used as opposed to the actual mechanical traits of the design
The gaiety derived from your post exceeded my self-control tolerances, good sir! You are to be applauded for your efforts!



FyreWulff said:
I'm aware of this.

Also aware of this, but it mostly applies to the DMR and Nerfle. The pistol has to be a 3SK or it's not the Halo 1 pistol. The same situations apply. Bloom or lack of bloom doesn't even apply to that. The fact that it kills in 3 shots now and will kill in 3 shots at retail is what I'm talking about.

If you are aware of both, I do not understand why you keep bringing it up with such disdain.


FyreWulff said:
Also aware of this, but it mostly applies to the DMR and Nerfle. The pistol has to be a 3SK or it's not the Halo 1 pistol. The same situations apply. Bloom or lack of bloom doesn't even apply to that. The fact that it kills in 3 shots now and will kill in 3 shots at retail is what I'm talking about.

actually it is hitscan in CEA so by definition it is not the CE pistol unless the only metric you are using to judge that is "is this weapon capable of killing a player in 3 shots"


but I mean high five to the 343 devs for putting a strong weapon in a post-CE Halo game since this is literally the first time a new Halo game has made an individual player more dangerous
Zeouterlimits said:
Those Hat sketches are all kinds of amazing.

Kinda want..
As long as the pinwheel hat isn't a new version of the jetpack, lol.
Tunavi said:
Im going to sleep. I hope I wake to the glorious headlong gameplay we have been waiting for
It's going to be a Halo4 statue of the Master Chief using armor lock that comes with Halo 4 preorders :-/
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