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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

Okay. I don't think I'll be doing it L.D. Package again anytime soon. Towards the end, when a lot of enemy AI was attacking the base, the framerate took a nosedive and I got pretty sick. Got through it though.


Dax01 said:
Okay. I don't think I'll be doing it L.D. Package again anytime soon. Towards the end, when a lot of enemy AI was attacking the base, the framerate took a nosedive and I got pretty sick. Got through it though.
Wow, really that bad? I don't remember getting such bad FR but I usually grab a vehicle in the end battle and kill most things pretty quick before it gets too crowed.


Hydranockz said:
The first shot did, but often that wouldn't kill (or would it).

I thought the multiplayer evade was based off of previous games where elites dive out of the way. This nonsense of shooting once, connecting, shooting straight after and missing because the elite has power-sidestepped away is silly for me.

If the enemy has no shields and one bullet pings them in the head the be deeeaaaaddd.

I didn't like BR spread in Halo 3, but it didn't bother me as much as bloom. It was non-hitscan that was the problem. You could paint someones body with 3 shots and get the 4th headshot consistently because the first bullet hit in the center.

And elites still dive. But they've always juked. Makes them fun to fight. If I were to change one thing though is I would make the higher elite classes shields be able to resist an plasma pistol overcharge. If you have a P pistol Elites are pansies.
Crucio said:
Wow, really that bad? I don't remember getting such bad FR but I usually grab a vehicle in the end battle and kill most things pretty quick before it gets too crowed.
It's really hard to grab a vehicle with Thunderstorm, Tilt, Tough Luck, and Mythic. Another AI would grab it before I did, I'd be gun down before I could do anything, or I'd be forced to destroy it. Banshees weren't that much help.


Dax01 said:
Bloom is quite vexing in campaign when you have mythic, tilt, thunderstorm, and tough luck on. You gotta make sure your first shot counts or you're going to get burned. You want to be as accurate as that first shot you take, but you can't. It gets really annoying with skirmishers.

Tilt makes using human bullet-based weapons near useless against shielded enemies.

Under Tilt you want to strip shields first with Covenant plasma weapons then switch to a human weapon to finish them off.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Crucio said:


Not me.
FyreWulff said:
Tilt makes using human bullet-based weapons near useless against shielded enemies.

Under Tilt you want to strip shields first with Covenant plasma weapons then switch to a human weapon to finish them off.
But mythic makes it really freakin' hard to get their shields down with plasma weapons. It takes like three or four charged bursts from the PP to take down an Elite Ultra.
Dani said:
Okay, Dani, this is the second time you posted that without telling us where it's from. Where is it from? Come on. I have know idea what you're talking about. It annoys me for you to post something like that without any context. I want to know what you're talking about.


Dax01 said:
But mythic makes it really freakin' hard to get their shields down with plasma weapons. It takes like three or four charged bursts from the PP to take down an Elite Ultra.

Okay, Dani, this is the second time you posted that without telling us where it's from. Where is it from? Come on. None of know what you're talking about. It annoys me for you to post something like that without any context. I want to know what you're talking about.
Waste of ammo. Pepper them. It's much harder but if you can get to them it works better.


Blue Ninja said:
This. Completely this.

If it's not this, I'll be genuinely surprised.
To elaborate, the general cadence of Halo 4 I'm anticipating is:

A couple of missions after crashing, with just the Chief and Cortana exploring this vast, mysterious installation they crashed on. After working our way forward with resistance from the installation's automated defenses (or occupants), we start to unravel what the ship/planet thing is, where it's heading and what it's preparing to do, and determine that we need to find a communications array and warn/get help from the UNSC on Earth. A while later, our backs to the wall, the UNSC arrives and we collectively engage in larger scale battles toward the finale.

Or, more likely, probably not. But that's the general arc I took away from the concept art trailer.

Dani, you tease. Teasing only inspires backlash. :p


Dax01 said:
But mythic makes it really freakin' hard to get their shields down with plasma weapons. It takes like three or four charged bursts from the PP to take down an Elite Ultra.

don't use charged shots, use single shots. uses a lot less ammo.


GhaleonEB said:
To elaborate, the general cadence of Halo 4 I'm anticipating is:

A couple of missions after crashing, with just the Chief and Cortana exploring this vast, mysterious installation they crashed on. After working our way forward with resistance from the installation's automated defenses (or occupants), we start to unravel what the ship/planet thing is, where it's heading and what it's preparing to do, and determine that we need to find a communications array and warn/get help from the UNSC on Earth. A while later, our backs to the wall, the UNSC arrives and we collectively engage in larger scale battles toward the finale.

Or, more likely, probably not. But that's the general arc I took away from the concept art trailer.

Dani, you tease. Teasing only inspires backlash. :p
I want.

But at the same time it would be cool to see no UNSC. At least for the first game. Keep that sense of mystery and exploration of a new environment intact.

But then again, they could 2-disc it and give us a meatier campaign.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
Dax01 said:
Okay, Dani, this is the second time you posted that without telling us where it's from. Where is it from? Come on. I have know idea what you're talking about. It annoys me for you to post something like that without any context. I want to know what you're talking about.
Eh 343i posts a lot more annoying teases.

Note: Nothing against 343i, they're teasing does work.
I think it would be amazing if the scale of the battles ramped up quickly (relatively, not necessarily at the beginning of the game or anything). Maybe even within the span of one to two levels. Like, some massive forerunner enemy is encroaching and a situation similar to the end of The Storm happens where the Frigates come and have no effect, and it's ultimately Chief coming in and killing everything because of his forerunner armor/access/whatever. It'd be a nice throwback to the original game--the only difference is the rise in scale/power levels/etc.
Plywood said:
Eh 343i posts a lot more annoying teases.

Note: Nothing against 343i, they're teasing does work.
It's the lack of context that's bothering me, not the tease itself. Is it a FUD exclusive? Is it a video we've all seen and he's just snapping stills from it? I don't get it. Usually if 343i wants to tease us, they make a press release or announce they're going to show us a video.

Edit: It's annoying me as much as it's getting me interested.
A27 Tawpgun said:
I want.

But at the same time it would be cool to see no UNSC. At least for the first game. Keep that sense of mystery and exploration of a new environment intact.

But then again, they could 2-disc it and give us a meatier campaign.


I would say that FPS's on the Xbox have never been on two discs, and likely won't, but BF3 is going to be two discs so who knows.

I still doubt it though


Dani said:
Maybe I should just stop for now then...


OK, no more. =)
Its definitely spelling Forward Unto Dawn, including spaces. I say Halo 4 teaser, someone or something is accessing a "Forward Unto Dawn" database?


GhaleonEB said:
To elaborate, the general cadence of Halo 4 I'm anticipating is:

Oooh, oh, my version; Cortana has gone rampant after months of being adrift with plenty of time to think things over (AIs tend to go rampant if you don't give them shit to keep them occupied). Having previously interfaced with forerunner technology, she remotely triggers the Unknown Forerunner Planet's defense systems and wakes John from cryosleep, intending to use his neural network as a lifeboat to get her down to the planet so she can essentially become the planet. The entire first half of the game is just getting from the Forward's crashsite to a central access point, with the planetary defense systems behind you every step of the way.

Once you're at the access point, you get to take a breath before you realize Cortana has gone bye-bye and is now unleashing the entire Forerunner planet at you. Chief picks up the planet's previous AI as a guide, a meek little thing that's completely exhausted from eons of managing an entire dead planet and being beaten into submission by Cortana. With his help, John tries to escape the planet any way he can and the game picks right back up to break-neck escape pacing. Game ends as Chief and the new AI get off the planet, Cortana ominously warning that the AI cannot be trusted, and both John and Cortana realizing that the next move is obvious; Earth. John's smaller ship will arrive first, but Planet Cortana won't be far behind.

Her insane plan; return to Earth, activate the Artifact and return to the Ark and the only being who could ever be considered her equal; the Flood Gravemind. Halo 5 takes place on the Forerunner planet (now orbiting Earth) in an attempt to slow Cortana down, on Earth and beneath the Artifact, and ends back on the Ark. Cortana is (obviously) the villain, having passed into the anger phase of rampancy with an entire planet of forerunner technology at her dispense.

Halo 6 is all on the Ark, which is entirely corrupted by the Gravemind; he is now essentially one with the entire installation and is slowly steering it back towards the Milky Way. In this evolved state he rejects Cortana as a lesser being, which triggers her next phase of rampancy; Jealousy. Cortana and the Chief, despite being at odds with each other, both have the same objective; fuck the Grave-Ark up beyond all repair. Working closely with the Chief again towards a common goal brings about the last stage of rampancy, Stability. They head towards the strip-mined moon at the center of the Ark and attempt to destabilize its orbit so it will spin out of control and destroy the Ark. They succeed, but manage to survive the planetoid's destructive path through the installation; the game ends with both trapped together on the habitable planet, having saved the galaxy with no hope of rescue or escape. It is implied they lived out the rest of their lives in peace.

Legendary ending: the meek little AI that previously ran the Forerunner Planet, supposedly destroyed during the events of Halo 5, is back on his planet and exhibiting signs of an unknown level of rampancy (since he's essentially older than any other AI in existence, no one could have ever seen it before); Godhood. He intends to wipe the slate clean with the remaining rings and build the universe according to his own designs. No idea who will save the day in Halo 7, though...

Mwahaha, yes, it sucks, and you just read all of it... =p


NeoGAF's smiling token!
GhaleonEB said:
To elaborate, the general cadence of Halo 4 I'm anticipating is:

A couple of missions after crashing, with just the Chief and Cortana exploring this vast, mysterious installation they crashed on. After working our way forward with resistance from the installation's automated defenses (or occupants), we start to unravel what the ship/planet thing is, where it's heading and what it's preparing to do, and determine that we need to find a communications array and warn/get help from the UNSC on Earth. A while later, our backs to the wall, the UNSC arrives and we collectively engage in larger scale battles toward the finale.
I hope not, I want Chief and Cortana, no UNSC bogged down BS. Just explore these two characters and the surrounding environment. Is that too much to ask, some isolation and growth out of these two?


343i Lead Esports Producer
You're not hyping me up Dani. I won't fall for this trick!

It better be worth it or HaloGAF is going to burn you forevereverveververvevereverevererer


Whatever it is, its only 6 seconds long. It just looks like a video intro bit. My guess is someone made a new video intro for FUD videos.


Winter Contingency | Success | 15 Minutes

ONI | Success | 29 Minutes

Nightfall | Success | 32 Minutes

Tip of the Spear | Success | 24 Minutes

Long Night of Solace | Success | 35 Minutes

Exodus | Fail | 37 Minutes

Long Night of Solace is pretty much the definition of a level being more than the sum of its parts. The beach section and Corvette interior are brief to the point of being perfunctory, essentially homages to Halo 1. The dogfighting sequence is a fun novelty, though it feels like Firefight in space, what with the wave based combat. But as a complete mission, it's satisfying to romp through and grand in scope.

Exodus is a great mission, loaded with problems. Brain-dead NPC AI, and we're killed if they get in the way. Marines who are less than helpful. A rail ride that while effective on the story level is downright boring now. But it's got a lot of great midrange combat, a superb section winding our way toward a landing platform in need of clearing (the entire jetpack sequence) and is well paced.

And then there's my death. I got to the very end, the Beachhead area, and was taking pains to sneak around the far left side to the first AA gun without ever being seen by the Wraiths or even other enemies. I pull it off. And as I'm hitting the button for the AA missiles, I get nailed by a Wraith mortar by one perched on the far side of the map, by the second AA gun. It didn't see me, I was never in its line of sight, it's just cheap physic AI, the likes of which Halo is known for not featuring. Just unfair bullshit; the AI in Reach remains utterly disappointing.


Wraiths are known cheaters since ODST, they not only gave them the longer range (I guess to sell them more as mortar tanks) but also taught them how to lead shots.

A psychic wraith is what did me in on my run during my Bungie Day marathon. I ran past the two wraiths on Sword Base, was setting up to attack and switch on the AA gun, and one of the wraiths from the Target Designator encounter killed me across the island, over the cliffs.


Nice, Dani!
Also, met Awesome Barlow yesterday which brings my GAF encounters to 1 for 3.

Sai bailed at Lollapalooza and Hitmonchan bailed this weekend in Gainesville. I see where my true friends are.
FyreWulff said:
Wraiths are known cheaters since ODST, they not only gave them the longer range (I guess to sell them more as mortar tanks) but also taught them how to lead shots.

A psychic wraith is what did me in on my run during my Bungie Day marathon. I ran past the two wraiths on Sword Base, was setting up to attack and switch on the AA gun, and one of the wraiths from the Target Designator encounter killed me across the island, over the cliffs.
That's why when I do Exodus on Legendary (which isn't often, believe me, but there was some challenge for it--I think it was a L.D. one--a bit ago), I ALWAYS kill the Wraiths first. ALWAYS. Kill the ghosts, drive down the side and activate the first AA gun, hop back in the hog and drive all the way to the back wraith, kill the gunner, hijack that wraith, shell the one in the middle of the area to death, and then just start going to town on all the infantry and ghosts the other Phantoms drop off. If you're lucky you can even kill some of the Chieftans while they're still inside the building or using some clever angling with the shots.


Retro said:
Oooh, oh, my version; Cortana has gone rampant after months of being adrift with plenty of time to think things over (AIs tend to go rampant if you don't give them shit to keep them occupied). Having previously interfaced with forerunner technology, she remotely triggers the Unknown Forerunner Planet's defense systems and wakes John from cryosleep, intending to use his neural network as a lifeboat to get her down to the planet so she can essentially become the planet. The entire first half of the game is just getting from the Forward's crashsite to a central access point, with the planetary defense systems behind you every step of the way.

Once you're at the access point, you get to take a breath before you realize Cortana has gone bye-bye and is now unleashing the entire Forerunner planet at you. Chief picks up the planet's previous AI as a guide, a meek little thing that's completely exhausted from eons of managing an entire dead planet and being beaten into submission by Cortana. With his help, John tries to escape the planet any way he can and the game picks right back up to break-neck escape pacing. Game ends as Chief and the new AI get off the planet, Cortana ominously warning that the AI cannot be trusted, and both John and Cortana realizing that the next move is obvious; Earth. John's smaller ship will arrive first, but Planet Cortana won't be far behind.

Her insane plan; return to Earth, activate the Artifact and return to the Ark and the only being who could ever be considered her equal; the Flood Gravemind. Halo 5 takes place on the Forerunner planet (now orbiting Earth) in an attempt to slow Cortana down, on Earth and beneath the Artifact, and ends back on the Ark. Cortana is (obviously) the villain, having passed into the anger phase of rampancy with an entire planet of forerunner technology at her dispense.

Halo 6 is all on the Ark, which is entirely corrupted by the Gravemind; he is now essentially one with the entire installation and is slowly steering it back towards the Milky Way. In this evolved state he rejects Cortana as a lesser being, which triggers her next phase of rampancy; Jealousy. Cortana and the Chief, despite being at odds with each other, both have the same objective; fuck the Grave-Ark up beyond all repair. Working closely with the Chief again towards a common goal brings about the last stage of rampancy, Stability. They head towards the strip-mined moon at the center of the Ark and attempt to destabilize its orbit so it will spin out of control and destroy the Ark. They succeed, but manage to survive the planetoid's destructive path through the installation; the game ends with both trapped together on the habitable planet, having saved the galaxy with no hope of rescue or escape. It is implied they lived out the rest of their lives in peace.

Legendary ending: the meek little AI that previously ran the Forerunner Planet, supposedly destroyed during the events of Halo 5, is back on his planet and exhibiting signs of an unknown level of rampancy (since he's essentially older than any other AI in existence, no one could have ever seen it before); Godhood. He intends to wipe the slate clean with the remaining rings and build the universe according to his own designs. No idea who will save the day in Halo 7, though...

Mwahaha, yes, it sucks, and you just read all of it... =p

For a basic outline this is pretty good.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I deciphered Dani's posts. Prepare guys, it's a megaton. Be sure to start a thread on the gaming side Dani.


Dani said:

Since Dani owns ForwardUntoDawn, 343 is using the website as a launch platform for the halo 4 ARG, which as we all know, deals with Cheif riding the FUD into the planet.

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