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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


squidhands said:
7.5 hour surgery, and the surgeons ended up not being able to use the robot for the whole thing. I have close to a 20", j-shaped scar on my right side under my arm and my back, and I'm slowly being weened off the incredibly awesome hospital drugs. If all goes well I might even be released from the hospital today.

I had plenty of time to catch up on the last 11 pages, lol. Videogame therapy shall be commencing soon.

Life is precious, glad you came though okay.


Dani said:
And so is life.

Enjoy the hospital meds while you can, Squid. Best part of the recovery process.

Yup both are indeed and go so well together. Also why do I sense the newness has worn off and now the complaining about the changes will commence?


Dani said:
And so is life. =P

Enjoy the hospital meds while you can, Squid. Best part of the recovery process.
Dammit. Though that was an amusing typo given the context.

Just came off two mind-numbingly intense and long weeks at work. I'm sitting here just feeling shell shocked, my entire body is sore from all the stress of the past week (working until midnight Thursday night, then at it again early Friday was the cherry on top). Ug.
GhaleonEB said:
Dammit. Though that was an amusing typo given the context.

Just came off two mind-numbingly intense and long weeks at work. I'm sitting here just feeling shell shocked, my entire body is sore from all the stress of the past week (working until midnight Thursday night, then at it again early Friday was the cherry on top). Ug.
Judging from Twitter, getting Deus Ex seems to have done more harm than good. :p


Neo Member
Delta 15t said:
Well yeah, I just thought there was a little spread even without the bloom. I'm fine with it. I was just wondering for my own piece of mind.
I've only played the TU for like 10 minutes, but one of the minor flaws is that bloom doesn't only just affect the randomness of the shots, but it also has an effect in the auto-aim and bullet magnetism as well. As FyreWulff pointed out earlier, the Needle Rifle with 0% bloom can land a headshot even if you are aiming at the chest. The Pistol also somewhat has this same advantage.


Dax01 said:
Judging from Twitter, getting Deus Ex seems to have done more harm than good. :p
It's been my emotional salve during the past two weeks. Kept me up late, but kept me sane. It's very tough to go through a truly brutal week at work and look back and feel empty about it all; stuff that didn't get done, or done well, and know there's even more to come the following week. Piling up heaps of dozing cops in a ventilation duct was the only satisfaction I'd get all day. Half the days over the past two weeks I'd get home as or after the kids were getting in bed.

I haven't even tried the TU game type. Mostly because I know how it plays, and in customs how utterly I'll get destroyed. I'll probably knock off the Campaign and then Firefight Challenges today (last two for the weekly, woo) and then stick to my second Deus Ex run until the Beta hopper goes live.
I've always thought of it this way:

- Spread: The cone created by a 3-round burst. The direction of each bullet in the burst is determined by the direction of the other two bullets in that same burst. If a target is within a certain range all 3 shots will hit. Outside of that range at least one of those shots will definitely miss.

- Bloom: The error caused by shooting a single-round weapon quickly. The direction of each bullet is not impacted at all by the direction of your previous shots (only by the rate at which you're firing). If a target is within a certain range all of your shots will hit. Outside of that range there is an increased chance they will miss, but there is still the possibility all of them could hit (since your aim can adjust between each shot).


cory021 said:
I've only played the TU for like 10 minutes, but one of the minor flaws is that bloom doesn't only just affect the randomness of the shots, but it also has an effect in the auto-aim and bullet magnetism as well. As FyreWulff pointed out earlier, the Needle Rifle with 0% bloom can land a headshot even if you are aiming at the chest. The Pistol also somewhat has this same advantage.
I actually think the NR sucks in the TU, I dont think I was killed or got any kills with it while playing pretty much all day yesterday. Yeah it has auto aim but unless the guy with the DMR is blind and cant aim in your general direction you are kind of screwed when using the DMR.

The pistol is awesome as an on map pickup though, love it.
Gabotron ES said:
Frankie, if you are listening: Halo 4 Invasion, two teams of 8 players, elites (4 players) and humans(4 players) v.s brutes (8 players). DO EET!

Frankie, if you are listening: Halo 4, no Invasion, don't do it!

bobs99 said:
Sure many of them can be sorted with game settings and options, but when Zero Bloom is in matchmaking what are the odds of the gametype also being modified?

I thought that was the entire point of the beta hoppers? To listen to community feedback from the forums (and in-game data) and adjust the gametypes accordingly. It's a given that there will be a no bloom playlist (Frankie confirmed it in a post here a few weeks ago), so I should think that the other factors, like shield recharge rate and movement speed/jump height, would be subject to change in the November hoppers depending on the feedback.

I'll give a bit of feedback now. Default Reach movement speed is utterly incompatible with no bloom. It needs to be 110% in mm at least. I'm sure they'll do that anyway though.


A27_StarWolf said:
I'm sure most of you think I'm an awful person for this, but I'd love to try a game to 100 of ZBS on Highlands.
I did too, but one person didn't have the maps yesterday and default Highlands is terrible.

Also, aren't you excited for 85%? I thought you were excited for 85%. No, I know you are excited for 85%. Everyone, Starwolf can't wait for 85%.
Karl2177 said:
I did too, but one person didn't have the maps yesterday and default Highlands is terrible.

Also, aren't you excited for 85%? I thought you were excited for 85%. No, I know you are excited for 85%. Everyone, Starwolf can't wait for 85%.



Let's not go crazy with the comments of not wanting the bullets to go straight through the middle ok?? They might take it seriously and we might be raging and weeping once again come the Halo 4 beta. The problem lies in that the DMR's reticule is not designed for no-bloom, it's too tiny and it helps aim too much over mid and long distances. Also the uncapped ROF and the zoom. Halo 2 BR is the base they should start off their Halo 4 rifle, then just tweak a bit how it works across long distances. For Reach's DMR in the meantime, they need to find a way to introduce bloom on the DMR only while zoomed, would make sense to lose a bit precision when firing fast while looking through a scope.
Letters said:
Let's not go crazy with the comments of not wanting the bullets to go straight through the middle ok?? They might take it seriously and we might be raging and weeping once again come the Halo 4 beta. The problem lies in that the DMR's reticule is not designed for no-bloom, it's too tiny and it helps aim too much over mid and long distances. Also the uncapped ROF and the zoom. Halo 2 BR is the base they should start off their Halo 4 rifle, then just tweak a bit how it works across long distances. For Reach's DMR in the meantime, they need to find a way to introduce bloom on the DMR only while zoomed, would make sense to lose a bit precision when firing fast while looking through a scope.

The thing I really liked about the BR, is I always knew when to pull the trigger next due to the burst.
PsychoRaven said:
Yup both are indeed and go so well together. Also why do I sense the newness has worn off and now the complaining about the changes will commence?
I can't wait to start complaining about something other than the six tubes I had sticking out of me. My biggest problem when I get home is whether to finish Deus Ex, play some Reach customs, Gears 3, Portal 2, or Space Marines. My days will be very full.
We know they can (and have) altered the rof on the pistol. Have they ruled out putting a rof cap on the dmr? All the signals seem to be pointing to different variables of bloom as a way to balance the weapon :(


A27_StarWolf said:
The spread never bothered me either, maybe I just didn't know better then.
It never bothered me either. I never felt cheated by it; if my shots weren't all landing, I didn't curse the gun, I thought, "I need to get closer". And the guys I was shooting at were in the same situation.


I will always prefer a single shot weapon, be it a Rifle or Pistol, I prefer that. I have noticed that I am not constantly spamming at the fastest RoF on Zero Bloom, I am still timing my shots to when I am aiming at the target. When the movement speed and jump height are upped a bit, it makes it more challenging to aim. So, if you were just shooting as fast as possible all the time and the player has good evasive maneuvers with strafing and jumping, then you will miss some of your shots, and be forced to reload quicker.

I am still shooting pretty quickly of course, but almost never at the max rate of fire, because I can't physically aim at them as quickly as I am firing. If someone is walking in a straight line or standing still, then yes, they will get melted by spam. But, if you are doing that, the bigger problem is that you are playing poorly or stupid, not that you got destroyed by spam. I noticed myself lining up shots then firing in Rifle duels, not constantly shooting as fast as possible and trying to aim at them in the process, that is usually too hard and feels unnatural.

I didn't see anyone else in the games I played shooting as fast as possible in these scenarios either. Most players naturally don't fire until their shot is on the enemy, and if that enemy is moving and jumping, the RoF will be slower than maximum.


squidhands said:
I can't wait to start complaining about something other than the six tubes I had sticking out of me. My biggest problem when I get home is whether to finish Deus Ex, play some Reach customs, Gears 3, Portal 2, or Space Marines. My days will be very full.

I'd say Portal 2 for sure. That game really was amazing.
A27_StarWolf said:
I'm sure most of you think I'm an awful person for this, but I'd love to try a game to 100 of ZBS on Highlands.

We did a game of 50 on Hemo the other day, it was terrible. Super turtle mode.

Also there are some eating shots in no-bloom but that's a host/latency issue that will be a factor so long as there aren't dedicated servers. However, at least for me, host advantage can be overcome a lot more easily on no bloom. Strafe better, play smarter, play as a team better, two people shooting down on one person will take them out. I just got cranky late last night because I was tired. No bloom reach is a consistently faster game that requires more energy from me than bloom tastic Reach, and looking back I was doing some dumb shit that you can get away with in a bloom game but not a "no bloom" setting.

I think that's the biggest issue with how most people are playing anyway. There were so many situations you could pull stupid shit because you know "oh I can AA out of this" or the pace of the bloom DMR means you can just walk away from certain situations. In no bloom reach, two people encounter each other, someone is dying 99% of the time, your mistakes get punished. That to me is why I think it's much better and reminiscent of high competitive play from previous games.

Booshka said:
I will always prefer a single shot weapon, be it a Rifle or Pistol, I prefer that. I have noticed that I am not constantly spamming at the fastest RoF on Zero Bloom, I am still timing my shots to when I am aiming at the target. When the movement speed and jump height are upped a bit, it makes it more challenging to aim. So, if you were just shooting as fast as possible all the time and the player has good evasive maneuvers with strafing and jumping, then you will miss some of your shots, and be forced to reload quicker.

I am still shooting pretty quickly of course, but almost never at the max rate of fire, because I can't physically aim at them as quickly as I am firing. If someone is walking in a straight line or standing still, then yes, they will get melted by spam. But, if you are doing that, the bigger problem is that you are playing poorly or stupid, not that you got destroyed by spam. I noticed myself lining up shots then firing in Rifle duels, not constantly shooting as fast as possible and trying to aim at them in the process, that is usually too hard and feels unnatural.

I didn't see anyone else in the games I played shooting as fast as possible in these scenarios either. Most players naturally don't fire until their shot is on the enemy, and if that enemy is moving and jumping, the RoF will be slower than maximum.

Heh you played me on tired mode. I can spam pretty damn fast. Was doing so in previous games. Also I take advantage of that headshot bleedthrough a lot.

Homeboyd said:
That still comes on tv?! Awesome.

If you have nicktoons it comes on late at night.


going to boot up and let my box idle while doing laundry. Have to leave at 4 for a co-workers birthday party. if people want to dong for a bit send me a message and I'll probably be around
wwm0nkey said:
Ok so are the settings we had on yesterday going to be the default for Zero Bloom customs?

Which ones? The 120/125/150 with reduction on explosion damage? I think so. I won't be on for a couple hours, if you have it do me a favor Monkey and rename it to GAF CC or something. I have a bunch of Zero Bloom DMR playlists. gettin' confusin'.


squidhands said:
7.5 hour surgery, and the surgeons ended up not being able to use the robot for the whole thing. I have close to a 20", j-shaped scar on my right side under my arm and my back, and I'm slowly being weened off the incredibly awesome hospital drugs. If all goes well I might even be released from the hospital today.

I had plenty of time to catch up on the last 11 pages, lol. Videogame therapy shall be commencing soon.
Glad to hear it went well!


Just put Classic somewhere on the name. Those are the exact same Classic settings (120/125/150/110dr) everyone's been using since the first day.


Neo Member
Devolution said:
We did a game of 50 on Hemo the other day, it was terrible. Super turtle mode.

Also there are some eating shots in no-bloom but that's a host/latency issue that will be a factor so long as there aren't dedicated servers. However, at least for me, host advantage can be overcome a lot more easily on no bloom. Strafe better, play smarter, play as a team better, two people shooting down on one person will take them out. I just got cranky late last night because I was tired. No bloom reach is a consistently faster game that requires more energy from me than bloom tastic Reach, and looking back I was doing some dumb shit that you can get away with in a bloom game but not a "no bloom" setting.

I think that's the biggest issue with how most people are playing anyway. There were so many situations you could pull stupid shit because you know "oh I can AA out of this" or the pace of the bloom DMR means you can just walk away from certain situations. In no bloom reach, two people encounter each other, someone is dying 99% of the time, your mistakes get punished. That to me is why I think it's much better and reminiscent of high competitive play from previous games.
I'm still kind of curious how a Pistol/AR starts with DMRs and NRs on the map would work for BTB. The Pistol is still quite the powerful weapon and could still somewhat effectively cross-map on Hemorrhage. Plus, the pistol isn't as powerful against vehicles as the DMR is, so turtling could be countered effectively with vehicles.
squidhands said:
I can't wait to start complaining about something other than the six tubes I had sticking out of me. My biggest problem when I get home is whether to finish Deus Ex, play some Reach customs, Gears 3, Portal 2, or Space Marines. My days will be very full.
Boy! Portal 2. PORTAL 2.
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