The Henery
Playing BF3
I miss the clarity from Halo already.
I miss the clarity from Halo already.
One of my problems with Battlefield: Bad Company. Had trouble figuring out where I was getting shot from.thee henery said:Playing BF3
I miss the clarity from Halo already.
thee henery said:Playing BF3
I miss the clarity from Halo already.
There's a secret formula Halo has always had... they're after it.thee henery said:I miss the clarity from Halo already.
Dax01 said:One of my problems with Battlefield: Bad Company. Had trouble figuring out where I was getting shot from.
Dax01 said:One of my problems with Battlefield: Bad Company. Had trouble figuring out where I was getting shot from.
thee henery said:This is also my main problem with the game thus far.
Also the graphics are...disappointing compared with the promo videos.
ElzarTheBam said:Visually that is correct, but sound wise, man oh man, you can easily IMO deduce where you are being shot from just from the sound design.
oddworld18 said:Yeah, playing with a surround sound setup in BF3 is pretty eye-opening (ear-opening?). I feel like it's much more noticeable than Halo's surround sound - but then again, I'm mostly used to playing Halo in stereo.
(OT: has anyone run into sound problems with the BF3 beta on xbox? environment sound will sometimes cut out on respawn for up to like 30 seconds it's the strangest thing ever...)
PC gaming master race? What is this, the Team Fortress 2 thread?darthbob said:lol consoles
PC gaming master race right here
darthbob said:lol consoles
PC gaming master race right here
GhaleonEB said:I think the votes for Forge maps are often the community's way of expressing their desire for new maps. The anemic initial shipping set in Reach combined with the way DLC maps don't show up mean players in that playlist are probably tired of the original maps, and vote for the Forge World ones for the sake of variety. I can't say I blame them.
I hope - and am expecting - that the the iteration on the Forge tools 343 is building will include visual variety, especially after Forge World. It really is held back by a tedious palette. Really, I just want a tool set as good as Reach but enabling us to make nice looking maps with better performance. Those two aspects really cut out a lot of potential from under Reach's Forge.
Dax01 said:I've had the Halo 4 desktop background for awhile now, and the missing comma in "Wake up John" is really starting to bug me.
Remember, folks, commas save lives:
1. "Let's eat Grandpa!"
2. "Let's eat, Grandpa!"
ncsuDuncan said:I don't think changing it to "Wake, up John" is going to fix anything.
Halo ad campaigns have been just fine without commas:
"Combat, Evolved."
"Earth Will Never Be, the Same."
"Finish, the Fight."
"We are, ODST."
"Remember, Reach."
The emphasis is different? But hey, it made some phrases sound like shitty action movie dialog.Deadly Cyclone said:What the hell have you done to the English language and commas!?
Yeah, although it doesn't help that it was the Forge maps coming up with Slayer DMRs and the the regular maps mostly just AR starts lol, considering the weeklyGhaleonEB said:I think the votes for Forge maps are often the community's way of expressing their desire for new maps. The anemic initial shipping set in Reach combined with the way DLC maps don't show up mean players in that playlist are probably tired of the original maps, and vote for the Forge World ones for the sake of variety. I can't say I blame them.
The lack of comma in the Halo 4 wallpaper bugs me too, and is the reason I never used it. It just reads wrong that way.ncsuDuncan said:I don't think changing it to "Wake, up John" is going to fix anything.
Halo ad campaigns have been just fine without commas:
"Combat, Evolved."
"Earth Will Never Be, the Same."
"Finish, the Fight."
"We are, ODST."
"Remember, Reach."
GhaleonEB said:Your comma additions read better if you imagine Yoda speaking them.
Mojo said:Yeah, although it doesn't help that it was the Forge maps coming up with Slayer DMRs and the the regular maps mostly just AR starts lol, considering the weekly
Hopefully the CEA playlist is managed well.
NSQuote said:PC gaming master race? What is this, the Team Fortress 2 thread?
You guys don't want to become like the Team Fortress 2 thread.
I never learned, proper grammer, or speling.Deadly Cyclone said:What the hell have you done to the English language and commas!?
I have to disagree.wwm0nkey said:120% does not feel like ice skating
I am disappoint. Sounds like Kingdom, which is my favorite Reach map, lol. It's definitely more open, but has enough cover to avoid being a sitting duck. Less power weapons too. It's unfortunate that your team got trapped, because the flow on the map is really nice otherwise.Mojo said:What happened to Team Slayer? I hadn't played it since early this year, 90% of the games were terrible Forge maps and people were voting for them. There's this one map that has these 4 big columns and the other team got us spawn trapped into one side and you could hardly move. As soon as you pop your head out to one side or the other, ping ping ping from the DMR, like 1 metre of cover, ugh
Shelving Reach for the moment, going to try BF3
plz no forge maps in matchmaking for Halo 4
Wake up John. Do it. You know you want to, go ahead. Wake him up.GhaleonEB said:The lack of comma in the Halo 4 wallpaper bugs me too, and is the reason I never used it. It just reads wrong that way.
I had fun playing TS yesterday. All of the AL users were bad, and the maps I played were fun. I did come from playing Gears 2, though, so Reach felt AMAZING.xxjuicesxx said:I played Team Slayer twice yesterday. OMG Terrible. There is this map called Precipice and for the life of me I cannot figure out why its in MM.
Where do you go?Sean P. said:WHERE DID YOU GO
xxjuicesxx said:I played Team Slayer twice yesterday. OMG Terrible. There is this map called Precipice and for the life of me I cannot figure out why its in MM.
Stealth braggery exposed.Devin Olsen said:Where do you go?
I wanna know.
This started as a joke, but I am currently rocking out to this song.
In all seriousness though, I was just playing with my GF.... I didn't mean to invite you to my party. We only played a couple of games and then got off.
Letters said:no they were wrong about their choice of haircut, not about those two things
Yep, now all I have to do is message everyone on my FL and tell them not to waste their lives playing a game only to get back to playing it in a couple months.Barrow Roll said:You broke your disc in half and tossed your Xbox out the window didn't you.
The entire beta has been disappointing so far. The netcode and hit-detection are terrible and the huge recoil on the guns doesn't help. I wouldn't mind the recoil if enemies didn't eat bullets.thee henery said:Playing BF3
I miss the clarity from Halo already.
senador said:So I got the BF3 beta to try. The menus are not great IMO, but whatever. I chose Quick Match and wait a bit. I join a round and it literally and instantly says "YOUR TEAM LOST".
I absolutely do not want join in progress for Halo, ever.
There's no way to get back to the menu once you start playing? I have to dashboard to get out of playing? What the hell?
I also agree with Letters. This shit looks weird. Its hard to see people and find them, you can't tell if you are doing damage. Halo does a lot of things right, including Reach. The only thing this game has going for it is super awesome sound quality. I know its a beta, but it has to go gold soon. There's messy textures, weird lighting, low res stuffs. Its just odd.
Grr, I should just stick to Halo.
senador said:So I got the BF3 beta to try. The menus are not great IMO, but whatever. I chose Quick Match and wait a bit. I join a round and it literally and instantly says "YOUR TEAM LOST".
I absolutely do not want join in progress for Halo, ever.
There's no way to get back to the menu once you start playing? I have to dashboard to get out of playing? What the hell?
I also agree with Letters. This shit looks weird. Its hard to see people and find them, you can't tell if you are doing damage. Halo does a lot of things right, including Reach. The only thing this game has going for it is super awesome sound quality. I know its a beta, but it has to go gold soon. There's messy textures, weird lighting, low res stuffs. Its just odd.
Grr, I should just stick to Halo.
OuterWorldVoice said:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Ah. Snipes makes a perfect blade. What happened to him? He still in prison?
Deadly Cyclone said:That build is also probably a month or more old. I think it's fine, they fix the issues (most likely already have) and the game will be better than Bad Company 2, which is great because I liked BC2 a lot.
Can't really compare it to Halo. Halo is a different beast.
PsychoRaven said:Ah. Snipes makes a perfect blade. What happened to him? He still in prison?
senador said:I can compare many things about them. I don't want it to be Halo, but it could learn a thing or 2 from Halo.
If this beta came out several months ago, my attitude would be different. With less than a month to go though I am not going to put much faith in the game being much different upon release.
This was more of a demo for me. I'll try it some more and see how it goes, but for now I no longer plan to buy it.
Edit: Perhaps Battlefield just isn't my type of game. After hearing and seeing so much about BF3 and Frostbite2 it just sounded and looked incredible. Playing it didn't feel the same. I am not a fan of CoD and hoped that BF3 would be stellar, but after my short playing time I'd rather play CoD. Oh well. I guess I am just a Halo person.
A27 Tawpgun said:The entire beta has been disappointing so far. The netcode and hit-detection are terrible and the huge recoil on the guns doesn't help. I wouldn't mind the recoil if enemies didn't eat bullets.
Not to mention I can't tell who's an enemy and who isn't until they're up close. And everything is so bright and contrasty it hurts my eyes.
So far, BC2 is better. I want to see if I warm up to it, especially if I play with a team. But it doesn't help that the 3 games me and my friend played we were fucking split up.