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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


The Real Napsta said:
You are okay with the online pass? WTF?

You have already made your point that you think buying a game used because they added an insignificant feature, to spite MS, that you already wanted before you knew of the feature is not an overreaction.
If I had a problem with online pass, I wouldnt buy games that used it, or I'd buy them use and not use th online. But I understand why it exists and I buy new anyway. I dont like this but will still vote for its existense with my money. That doesnt mean I can't fathom why someone would be upset ebough to buy it used. It's not about the fact that they can't have the library, it's that they dont support the bullshit business decision for which it was made. Overreaction? For you yes. For others no.


drawer by drawer
reggie said:
Not trying to start trouble, but does anyone really care for Reach anymore? I know this thread isn't really about Reach anymore, but with all the games already released, and ones soon to be released, will anybody be playing this after December? If you look at the population the game is dying a pretty quick death, which is suprising for a Halo game.

My time multiplayer time is split between this, Gears 3, and Halo 3. I'm finishing up Pillar of Autumn on Legendary right now for the Achievement, and I just picked up ODST yesterday. While I dislike some of the things in Reach, I'll probably still play it until 4 comes out.


Ok. Having had time to think about it I'll put my 2 cents in without the anger I had before.

Here is my problems. As mentioned it was said that it would be a neat little feature that wasn't anything real important.

Here is what would have been ok. Maybe a way to navigate the terminals you find with it. Or even like they are with allowing you to reload and throw grenades. That would have been totally fine.

Instead of that you get a feature that could easily be accomplished with a single button press. This feature adds things that the hardcore fans will like and find useful. So you're locking fans out of a feature that again can be easily accomplished with a single button press just to push Kinect sales.

That is my problem with it. I remember reading about that mode in IS it Forza 4 where you can view the warthog and other vehicles. This is almost like that. They allow both Kinect and controller users to experience this content. With HCEA they aren't.

Now you have to ask yourself why is this? Why alienate a segment of your fans when you can make both groups happy? The only reason that comes to mind is to try and push sales of the Kinect. That's my problem with it. It comes off as nothing but a cash grab.

Now like him I'm rethinking my purchase. I haven't decided yet. By buying it new I'm saying It's ok to lock a feature away just for a cash grab. I don't think that's ok. So I have a tough choice. Either way I've now lost some respect for 343i. I really don't know if that can ever be gained back either way. That sucks too.

That said feel free to tell me how stupid I am because I'm sure some will. That's ok. Everyone is entitled to their opinion too.


Some good points made while I was typing this mess of thoughts. IT really does feel like a worse version of an online pass. Except this one will cost you 150 dollars instead of 10 bucks.
senador said:
Kinda sorta but not really.

Every 360 can do Live out of the box. The vast majority cannot do Kinect out of the box. Live cannot be mapped to a button but the CEA Kinect features could be. Live is a different beast involving network support, content, etc. Its not really the same as the CEA Kinect feature at all.
But you still have to shell out $50 to get access to certain features, just like you have to shell out $150 to access certain features for Kinect.

As I said, it's really not that offensive. This exclusive feature is nothing really; not something you can't look up on the internet.
Dax01 said:
Huh? Well, online co-op for one. Multiplayer, certain achievements.

CEA having a walled-off feature linking Kinect is the same as having portions of multiplayer walled-off cause you don't have XBL.
Online co-op is a no brainer but you have splitscreen which is essentially the same thing. What achievements are walled off? What game modes can you play on XBL that you can't play at all.
Ken said:
Doesn't business affect what happens to game mechanics?
Not necessarily. In this instance, seemingly.

reggie said:
Not trying to start trouble, but does anyone really care for Reach anymore? I know this thread isn't really about Reach anymore, but with all the games already released, and ones soon to be released, will anybody be playing this after December? If you look at the population the game is dying a pretty quick death, which is suprising for a Halo game.
Over 500,000 players in the last 24 hours and the game is dying a quick death if you look at the population?
I certainly have my fair share of problems with Reach, find it quite flawed, but your posts in particular frustrate me with your gross exagurations.

Got to disagree on the offensiveness Dax, making it Kinect only is offensive, considering the functionality of the feature in question.


PsychoRaven said:
IT really does feel like a worse version of an online pass.

Being locked out of a model viewer is leagues better than having an online pass in CEA preventing players with used copies from accessing the Anniversary maps or online co-op.

Really, if you aren't spending hours looking at the Spartan/Elite models in Reach's model viewer right now, you aren't going to care much for the model viewer in CEA.

Dax01 said:
As I said, it's really not that offensive. This exclusive feature is nothing really; not something you can't look up on the internet.



Dax01 said:
But you still have to shell out $50 to get access to certain features, just like you have to shell out $150 to access certain features for Kinect.

As I said, it's really not that offensive. This exclusive feature is nothing really; not something you can't look up on the internet.
You are thinking about it too basically I think. Many of thr features of games that need Live rely on it. This feature does not need thr Kinect to do what it does.

I'm OK with missing out on content if the content really needed the hardware to do what it does but this one doesn't. If it was some motion based gameplay feature that's make sense and I'd be ok with not having it because I knew it needed the Kinect. All this does though is block users out instead of enhancing an experience.

This just makes me bothered. I hate the motion gameplay crap on these consoles. They just do nothing for me. The first game I'm excited about that uses it is Skyward Sword and that's because the entire gameplay is based around it and really thought about instead of a gimmicky afterthought (at least IMO).


senador said:
You are thinking about it too basically I think. Many of thr features of games that need Live rely on it. This feature does not need thr Kinect to do what it does.

I'm OK with missing out on content if the content really needed the hardware to do what it does but this one doesn't. If it was some motion based gameplay feature that's make sense and I'd be ok with not having it because I knew it needed the Kinect. All this does though is block users out instead of enhancing an experience.

This just makes me bothered. I hate the motion gameplay crap on these consoles. They just do nothing for me. The first game I'm excited about that uses it is Skyward Sword and that's because the entire gameplay is based around it and really thought about instead of a gimmicky afterthought (at least IMO).

I absolutely agree on every single point you mentioned. The Library sounds like something I'd love but it's not worth buying a Kinect for.
Dax01 said:
As I said, it's really not that offensive. This exclusive feature is nothing really; not something you can't look up on the internet.
People stream MM, you can read the campaign on wiki..... I fail to see your point. :p
senador said:
You are thinking about it too basically I think. Many of thr features of games that need Live rely on it. This feature does not need thr Kinect to do what it does.
I don't think I am thinking about it too basically. You have a point that you wouldn't need to Kinect to do this analyze thing, but the end result is still the same: You have to shell out extra money beyond the price of the physical game to get the complete experience.
Hydranockz said:
People stream MM, you can read the campaign on wiki..... I fail to see your point. :p
Who needs the campaign when you can read Hindsights?
Dax01 said:
I don't think I am thinking about it too basically. You have a point that you wouldn't need to Kinect to do this analyze thing, but the end result is still the same: You have to shell out extra money beyond the price of the physical game to get the complete experience.

Who needs the campaign when you can read Hindsights?
Exactly, so it's better to be able to experience it yourself.


Hydranockz said:
Exactly, so it's better to be able to experience it yourself.

Rotating a character model around and reading a paragraph of text isn't something that is absolutely needed to be experienced first-hand to enjoy though. It's a small extra that no one will really care about a few days after release.

Hydranockz said:
Like I said earlier, I could care less about this feature. Why can't I simply so all that on a controller? It's needlessly exclusive.

Because they want a Kinect in your household, and what better way then to associate Kinect with one of the most well known franchises on the Xbox.
Ken said:
Rotating a character model around and reading a paragraph of text isn't something that is absolutely needed to be experienced first-hand to enjoy CEA though. It's a small extra that no one will really care about a few days after release.
Like I said earlier, I could care less about this feature. Why can't I simply so all that on a controller? It's needlessly exclusive.
reggie said:
500,000 means nothing. What really matters is the playlists and what populations they're bringing. If you look you'll see the numbers are falling.
So you mean certain playlists are dying (not new), not the entire game?
Ken said:
Because they want a Kinect in your household, and what better way then to associate Kinect with one of the most well known franchises on the Xbox.
I'm not sure what you're not getting here. We know this. That isn't a good enough reason.
reggie said:
The playlists are the game.
Kind of twisting my words, I said "certain" playlists e.g. Team Classic, Objective. While others are not diminishing on such a scale.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Hydranockz said:
Like I said earlier, I could care less about this feature. Why can't I simply so all that on a controller? It's needlessly exclusive.

It's not needlessly exclusive. It's meant to be a selling point for those who are both interestd in CEA and either have Kinect or want Kinect. These features are subtle while bridging the gap between a Kinect owner and a CEA owner.

Microsoft can allow these things to happen (and they're going to continue to do so so let your Halo 4 Kinect feature exclusive frustration out right now) and I'll have nothing against them or the feature itself.

Kinect is not the reason I fell in love with Halo: CE, let alone the Halo franchise (for many obvious reasons) and Microsoft/343i are not infringing on those reasons whatsoever.


Zeouterlimits said:
I'm not sure what you're not getting here. We know this. That isn't a good enough reason.

Business is a good enough reason for me to explain online passes, pre-order bonuses, on disc DLC, and decisions made to sell peripherals. If you want a good, non-business justification as to why Analyze/Model Viewer features are Kinect-exclusive, you aren't going to get one because there isn't one. If you don't like it, vote with your wallet.
Domino Theory said:
It's not needlessly exclusive. It's meant to be a selling point for those who are both interestd in CEA and either have Kinect or want Kinect. These features are subtle while bridging the gap between a Kinect owner and a CEA owner.

Microsoft can allow these things to happen (and they're going to continue to do so so let your Halo 4 Kinect feature exclusive frustration out right now) and I'll have nothing against them or the feature itself.

Kinect is not the reason I fell in love with Halo: CE, let alone the Halo franchise (for many obvious reasons) and Microsoft/343i are not infringing on those reasons whatsoever.
Why can't these features subtly bridge the gap whilst not walling off people ithout it?


Zeouterlimits said:
Are you saying I shouldn't voice my opinion on the matter?

No, of course not.

However, vehemently arguing for your position on the Kinect-exclusive features only to go out and purchase CEA on release day seems kind of pointless to me. Not assuming anything about your purchasing plans for CEA; just making an example.
Ken said:
No, of course not.

However, vehemently arguing for your position on the Kinect-exclusive features only to go out and purchase CEA on release day seems kind of pointless to me. Not assuming anything about your purchasing plans for CEA; just making an example.
That I will agree on.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Hydranockz said:
Why can't these features subtly bridge the gap whilst not walling off people ithout it?

Because of this:

It's meant to be a selling point for those who are both interestd in CEA and either have Kinect or want Kinect.

All of the Kinect-only features are aimed at the casuals (your average Kinect owner) and to teach them more about the world of Halo. Do you really care that you cannot scan your Assault Rifle to figure out what it does? You've been using the weapon for 10 years, you know exactly what it does, its function, descriptions, etc.

You want to yell out "throw grenade" when you've been pushing the left trigger for 10 years?

Like I said, all of these features are aimed at the casuals and there's nothing wrong with that, especially making them exclusive.

While you and anyone who has a problem with this are arguing about features and components that never existed within the Halo features until November 15, 2011, I'm going to be day dreaming about achievements, online co-op, terminals, and reliving the original experience that made me a Halo fan.
And day dreaming about playing Saints Row: The Third and Assassin's Creed: Revelations on the same day. :p
reggie said:
Not trying to start trouble, but does anyone really care for Reach anymore? I know this thread isn't really about Reach anymore, but with all the games already released, and ones soon to be released, will anybody be playing this after December? If you look at the population the game is dying a pretty quick death, which is suprising for a Halo game.

If the Anniversary gametypes are good and they set up a good playlist for it with CEA maps required, then yeah, I'll be playing this game regularly for a while.


reggie said:
The playlists are the game.

Sure the numbers are down but I can still find games in every playlist I enjoy. That's all that matters. Hell, I can still find pretty quick games in Halo 3.

What's your point?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Hydranockz said:
Why can't these features subtly bridge the gap whilst not walling off people ithout it?
Hydranockz said:
Like I said earlier, I could care less about this feature. Why can't I simply so all that on a controller? It's needlessly exclusive.
Because 10 years ago you didn't have Kinect.


Domino Theory said:
It's not needlessly exclusive. It's meant to be a selling point for those who are both interestd in CEA and either have Kinect or want Kinect. These features are subtle while bridging the gap between a Kinect owner and a CEA owner.

Microsoft can allow these things to happen (and they're going to continue to do so so let your Halo 4 Kinect feature exclusive frustration out right now) and I'll have nothing against them or the feature itself.

Kinect is not the reason I fell in love with Halo: CE, let alone the Halo franchise (for many obvious reasons) and Microsoft/343i are not infringing on those reasons whatsoever.
No. Way. :p

It's disappointing to see what would in any other situation be a neat feature added be held back from most users as a bullet point to upsell them more hardware. There's not any way to defend it.
Domino Theory said:
While you and anyone who has a problem with this are arguing about features and components that never existed within the Halo features until November 15, 2011, I'm going to be day dreaming about achievements, online co-op, terminals, and reliving the original experience that made me a Halo fan.
And day dreaming about playing Saints Row: The Third and Assassin's Creed: Revelations on the same day. :p
We needed your post earlier. Damn. Why are you posting so late? I can't believe, when we saw the achievements last friday, everyone was so happy and couldn't wait for the game:
PsychoRaven said:
Very freaking cool. Some damn hard looking ones but they all look doable. I can't wait to get 1000/1000 on the greatest game ever.
omg.kittens said:
I'm happy about the level specific + times achievements. I want them to be hard. If I get sick of trying, I'll just stop for a few weeks and give it another go.

Edit: With the exception of
doing the Maw's warthog run with a minute left on the clock.
That's gonna suck.


And now: Not buying, I'm waiting. GAF never disappoint... =(

Edit.: I'm finally a Hero. :)


Hypertrooper said:
We needed your post earlier. Damn. Why are you posting so late? I can't believe, when we saw the achievements last friday, everyone was so happy and couldn't wait for the game:

And now: Not buying, I'm waiting. GAF never disappoint... =(

Way to not read people's posts. First off I for example never said I wasn't. I said I haven't decided. Neither did the other one quoted. They said they'd buy it used. Big difference.

And we didn't know what we know now then. So of course opinions will change. At the same time discussion about achievements really doesn't say anything about if you find a game worth it or not.
Tashi0106 said:
Can someone fill me in on this Kinect shit?
343i announced Kinect features, Kinect features are doable with the controller, people are mad 'cause it is Kinect exclusive, some people don't want to buy CEA at Day 1 or don't buy new. That's it. I think I got everything?

PsychoRaven said:
Way to not read people's posts. First off I for example never said I wasn't. I said I haven't decided. Neither did the other one quoted. They said they'd buy it used. Big difference.

And we didn't know what we know now then. So of course opinions will change. At the same time discussion about achievements really doesn't say anything about if you find a game worth it or not.
I should put the "I'm waiting" in quotation marks. Opinions change just for a little feature? I CAN find a lot more in this thread. Weeks before this thing happened. Posts, where you guys were thinking, that Anniversary is going to be your GoTY, that you can't wait. etc. Domino nailed it in his two posts about this topic.


Tashi0106 said:
Can someone fill me in on this Kinect shit?
Haven't been paying attention, but judging by the reactions and preorder cancels, Headlong is kinect exclusive.


Just completed Deus Ex HR. Fantastic experience. Thank you so much to the halogaffers who with their enormous praise pushed me into geting it.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hypertrooper said:
343i announced Kinect features, Kinect features are doable with the controller, people are mad 'cause it is Kinect exclusive, some people don't want to buy CEA at Day 1 or don't buy new. That's it. I think I got everything?
Ok so what do you get for doing these certain things with Kinect? What features?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
GhaleonEB said:

I'm not subtle when it comes to my love for Microsoft. I don't hide it (<--- gf avatar). All the MS love backlash that Dani got a few days ago should be directed at me and I'll accept them with open arms.

GhaleonEB said:
It's disappointing to see what would in any other situation be a neat feature added be held back from most users as a bullet point to upsell them more hardware. There's not any way to defend it.

Because you've been dying to say "reload" when you've been pushing X this whole time or wanting to scan your AR from the side when you could just wait for the idle animation to kick in? :)
Tashi0106 said:
Ok so what do you get for doing these certain things with Kinect? What features?
You can say "Reload" to reload your weapon, "Grenade" to throw grenades, and other stuff.
The main discussion is about the feature "Analyze". The game will change in mode, where you can choose a corpse/weapon/whatever and get information about it. (i.e. a Elite General is lying there, you say "analyze", choose the Elite General, and you will get a paragrahp with information and a 3D model) It's Kinect-only.
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