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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


drawer by drawer
Letters said:
Plywood. :lol

Oh yeah, didn't notice the avatar.


Tashi0106 said:
Maps and gametype changes have been happening for years and years, it's something we're very used to.

Yes, but that doesn't change that putting in no-bloom is on the same level. It gets rid of a inherently random game mechanic and in turn makes the game more consistent then it is in it's vanilla state, and most competitive leagues and games drive for consistency because it then in turn allows for a larger skill gap and a more competitive nature. Just because it isn't a change that has been happening for years and years doesn't necessarily mean that it shouldn't have happened.

I can't remember a change this big coming to the pro circuit in the middle of the season.

Halo 2 BR Spread patch got put in in the middle of a season, in fact almost the same thing that has happened with no-bloom happened back then (the patch came out close to an event, they polled the pros to see if they wanted it to be put in at the event, I believe the results were a landslide in favor of applying the patch, and then they didn't until the event after.) Not only that, but Starcraft 2 patches get applied regardless of how close to an event they come out, including a few that have had some big gameplay changes.

An actual game mechanic change. I guess it would be more like changing the baseball bat in the post season.

I really don't think there's really any comparison to real sports that holds any merits. The reality is that no-bloom would've been a mechanic change that would have only made the game more consistent (as in it wouldn't have given anyone an unfair advantage, everyone would've been on the same playing field just like with bloom and the better teams would've shined,) and would've most definitely improved viewership and competitor numbers. The teams were at Orlando were almost as low as the number of teams that showed up to MLG Toronto, which isn't good for them business wise, and I guarantee you that if they had put in no-bloom for Nats, that there would've been a drastic increase in both viewership numbers and teams, aka a smart business decision. But instead they decide to go with "league consistency" that only a small percentage of the players guaranteed to play for the big money wanted (I think the final poll numbers were 40 to 26 in favor of no-bloom.)

They may have gotten the majority of votes but it wasn't a landslide. If it was near unanimous then I would understand why they would want to change it.

Given MLG's past history upon implementing changes like this, I don't think they would have even if the voting was unanimous. The way I see things is like this, MLG is your competitive league, and there's a change available that will make one of your games more competitive that both their pro players and community wants, regardless of if it's nationals or not, and the viewership and competition numbers last event were less then stellar, shouldn't league consistency goes out the window and the change be implemented so that your community will be happy and so viewership and competition numbers increase?
Got this today :-D :

Girlfriend raised a good point as soon as we started reading it:
Where the hell are Vergil & any Engineers? How the hell were they cut? Full page on Skirmishers, but none on Engineers?


343i Lead Esports Producer
If you look at it from a strictly business POV, yea it's a dumb move. Just because there are so many fans who want no bloom. Also the idea that the game with bloom is much better and how its a mystery that people still want bloom annoys me. It's not so cut and dry. If you want my unanimous support for no bloom, drop the firing rate of the DMR.
I'll take bleed-through and a little bit of sloppiness over that defunct shield system that was in place before. I've gotten used to not looking for the shield flash. Zero-bloom + Bleed-through is one of the few reasons i'm still playing.


Tashi0106 said:
If you look at it from a strictly business POV, yea it's a dumb move. Just because there are so many fans who want no bloom.

And that's what it comes back to, MLG being a business first. They aren't getting the funds from Reach in its current state to warrant the payouts at events, so a decision like this with a game that is quite obviously dying in the MLG community is most definitely going to have a negative effect upon that, which isn't a good thing with the Gears community pushing for Gears 3 to be put in.

Also the idea that the game with bloom is much better and how its a mystery that people still want bloom annoys me. It's not so cut and dry. If you want my unanimous support for no bloom, drop the firing rate of the DMR.

Nononono, I understand why people prefer bloom and I don't feel that no-bloom is much-better then bloom, just that it's common knowledge that the key to competitive games is consistency, and while bloom isn't completely random it's random enough to negate the consistency that no-bloom provides. I personally don't dislike bloom on LAN as much as I do on Live, but that doesn't change the fact that no-bloom provides the consistency that a large chunk of the MLG community has been asking for and has positives that outweigh the negatives. With the removal of bloom, you are losing whatever skill gap there was in regards to knowing how to time your shots, but you're also adding to the skill gap by making it more important to know how to strafe, to have better team communication, position, and chemistry, etc. etc, things that were very important in previous games.
MrBig said:
There was a lot of Engineer art already released.
You could say that about most of the species, so don't see how that argument holds.
A lot of the art here is available in the other books and online, assembled really nicely.
Zeouterlimits said:
Got this today :-D :

Girlfriend raised a good point as soon as we started reading it:
Where the hell are Vergil & any Engineers? How the hell were they cut? Full page on Skirmishers, but none on Engineers?

DLC bro.


Blinding said:
:lol No, not really. Getting rid of bloom is on the same level of changing the map and gametypes, which has happened 6 times now.

Not just bloom has changed, the gametype also has bleedthrough turned on. That's going to require more testing, something they shouldn't waste time doing in the middle of a championship.

Dax01 said:
The more you play ZB, the harder it is to go back to bloom and not be frustrated by it.

I don't, but then again I actually remember not to mash the right trigger like I'm playing the torture minigame in Metal Gear Solid.


FyreWulff said:
Not just bloom has changed, the gametype also has bleedthrough turned on. That's going to require more testing, something they shouldn't waste time doing in the middle of a championship.

They've been testing no-bloom since the single ZB Slayer gametype was released, which is longer then any previous in-season gametype changes. Had it been implemented, there's a little less then a month to get use to no-bloom and bleed through. All the pros that I've personally talked to about the title update changes has said that it has made the game more enjoyable to them, which in turn means they're more likely to spend more time getting use to the changes, so I don't think a lack of testing or time was a factor.


Dearest Bad Kids,

Uncle Kyle is now online. I'll see if I can wrangle juices up. Please join us for a wonderful night of sportsmanship, friendship, and personal growth as we extend the olive branch to all who come before us in matchmaking.

My gamertag is jelyk

Thank you and god bless.


Blinding said:
They've been testing no-bloom since the single ZB Slayer gametype was released, which is longer then any previous in-season gametype changes. Had it been implemented, there's a little less then a month to get use to no-bloom and bleed through. All the pros that I've personally talked to about the title update changes has said that it has made the game more enjoyable to them, which in turn means they're more likely to spend more time getting use to the changes, so I don't think a lack of testing or time was a factor.

That's their personal opinion, I think I'd rather leave the event planning to the event planners though.


FyreWulff said:
That's their personal opinion, I think I'd rather leave the event planning to the event planners though.

A majority of the "event planners" themselves have said that they prefer no-bloom over bloom, including the lead gametype tester (Killa KC.) :l

Louis Wu

Bummer. Bad Daily ("Your Daily Dose") changed on the web, but not in-game. Start Menu Challenge list still says Your Daily Dose... and a game with 3 Double Kills didn't get me the challenge on either Bungie.net or Halo Waypoint. No biggie - it's only 2k - but I guess quick swaps aren't as easy as they might seem. :(
Louis Wu said:
Bummer. Bad Daily ("Your Daily Dose") changed on the web, but not in-game. Start Menu Challenge list still says Your Daily Dose... and a game with 3 Double Kills didn't get me the challenge on either Bungie.net or Halo Waypoint. No biggie - it's only 2k - but I guess quick swaps aren't as easy as they might seem. :(

Didn't the last glitched challenge require restarting Reach to update it?

Louis Wu

Photolysis said:
Didn't the last glitched challenge require restarting Reach to update it?

DOH! You're right. Double bummer - now I gotta do it again! :)

Edit: rofl, got it (and the weekly) in my first game after restarting Reach. 38k game... not bad!


Tashi0106 said:
No way, Reachs is much better. And the shields popping and making that sound is huge.

Seriously? It was so easy to tell someone was weak in 3, this has more to do with finding someone in the aftermath of another fight. If I saw his shields lit up with the lights, I knew whether to avoid him or take him on. Reach is pretty poor when it comes to that specific, for me anyways.

I see I'm in the minority on this one though, so I'll bow out.
Nice work Cyclone! I should try my hand at pumpkin carving some time.

Completely OT: but I just saw Inception for the first time just now. It's almost 5am :lol SO MUCH SENSE! :p
For those that care, be careful with this weekly. I played quite a bit tonight and when I finally got it, I hit the credit cap and only got ~12,000/30,000.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Did a Halo pumpkin in preparation for Anniversary. I suck at pumpkins, what do you think? :p


I think bloom gametypes are pretty terrible, and it's a mystery to me why anyone would want to keep bloom, but i agree that the finals should have bloom. The whole season had bloom, finish the season this way and then change it. \

There is also the health pack glitch that I am sure they are considering.

EDIT: Has anyone at 343 even acknowledged the health pack glitch?


I was just telling someone about the toilet paper story from MLG and realized how embarrassed that makes me feel. What a stupid fucking reaction.


omg.kittens said:
turn that frown upside down. here's a humorous picture.

I laughed more than I probably should have. I'm finding that pic, printing it out, and taping it on all soda fountains with iced tea.
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