EazyB said:Update on my thoughts so far (new stuff in bold). It'll be interesting to see how they change with more info being released and time with the beta. Was really hoping for some more in depth gameplay description from the edge article but having read it, it's more in line with the GI article than I wanted. Hopefully they'll get into some of the nitty-gritty on the podcast next week.
- Focus on natural environments and ambient life.
- "... darker tone overall... not going for that desaturated modern war movie vibe."
- More huge battles
- Lighting looks great. Is it fully realtime though? Will my forge maps have proper lighting?
- Return of the hitscan! FINALLY. Come play against US players from across the Atlantic and you'll understand why.
- New LOD and "imposter" system.
- Campaign starts at the beginning of the invasion. The possibility of an amazing covie reveal scenario.
- DMR. Sounds like a cool guy. On a related note, it sounds exactly like the CE pistol, so the magnum in reach must be different in some way - I hope it won't be a shitty throw away weapon like it is in Halo 3.
- Seems like they added a little more depth to the melee combat. Still hope they don't force use to use predominately CQC weapons and incredibly high rates of melee like in Halo 3. I've said this before countless times, H3's melee is overpowered and oversimplified. Halo used to be a thinking man's game even for melee combat!
- Stealth. Although using the camo ability, running, and hiding until it recharges sounds boring as hell. Hopefully that's not a viable way of getting through such levels on legendary.
- LWG customization. Hopefully they'll go all out with it in MP (visual permutaion, performance ones I'm not to sure of). Visual I have no problem with, but performance I'm waiting for more info.
- No elites in MP. Frees up the elite models to be huge and badass once more. FINALLY!
- Customized character carries over multiple game modes.
- Grades and credits, depending on what they are exactly, could really add some more replayability to the campaign/co-op.
- Is the DMR a replacement for the BR? Is so, why,? If not, ignore the following: Halo has always lacked a healthy variety of mid-range weapons thus causing simpler people to complain that some weapons get used to often. Halo 3's mid-range palette consisted of the BR and the carbine. There's no need to take out the BR when Reach (so far) has only the carbine (assumed), DMR, and the needle rifle. Which lead to my next concern. Can't wait to see how Bungie'll have sorted them out during the Beta, and hope I won't have to bitch too much :lol
- The needle rifle. I really hope it has no homing abilities whatsoever. The range of the homing Halo 3 needlers is bad enough as it is. 3 shots to detonate? Those better be 3 headshots to detonate or 6 regular shots or this thing better have an incredibly slow rate of fire. In what way is the gun a "headshot" weapon?
- Armor abilities. "There was a problem with equipment in earlier games. You would pick a piece up, you really wouldn't understand what it was, and then you'd use it and waste it." Totally! I have the same problems with grenades, I pick it up, and then being the dumbass I am, I'd use it and waste it. Give me regenerating grenades please. I realize there are reasons beyond these, but that quote just came off as dumb as the whole "Not enough disc space for the BR" thing. Anyways, I really don't know what I'd think of this sort of thing if it were implemented the same way in MP. "Used as often as grenades"? :/
- "Improved radar". Although I prefer having no radar, I can stomach Halo 3's because there's still some ambiguity to it. Now with height reporting it's become a super radar that'll reduce the need for real environmental awareness and team communication. Sure it may be off for a handful of gametypes but most playlists will include this super radar if Halo 3 is any indication. What's next, just putting waypoints over everyone's head? Wait & see.. and worry a lot..
- Increasing the co-op teleport distance. I'd put this in the good/great section but knowing Bungie there'll be enough invisible walls to negate any exploration that would've been worthwhile.
- Skirmishers don't sound like a worthwhile replacement for brutes. Why aren't brutes included as well as the weapons and vehicles they used? Spike grenades are confirmed to be gone and we'd lose the spikers, hammers, and bobsleds - who cares (but they could've been improved to add to the sandbox). We'd lose the brute shot and the brute chopper though which were both served fantastic roles in the sandbox. Their swiftness could make them fun to headshot though. There's no way they'll look good but they could be fun to fight. Brute sandbox could stay for MP, I'm waiting to see if we'll get a Skirmisher sandbox :lol
- Seems like they're still trying to force the AR down our throats. Hopefully it'll have a tighter spread, much slower fire rate, and headshot give the play an actual advantage in order to evolve it past spray, pray, beatdown. It depends on how the MP is set up but I don't want to have to spawn with a fully-auto sprayer. I also don't want to be aiming the DRM and landing headshot only to have someone outgun me at midrange because they were spraying madly with the AR. I hope to nothing I won't be seeing this in Reach (H3 AR gunplay).
- Return of VISR. They're overhauling the lighting system of the game only to thrown in a vision mode that outlines everything with hard edges and masks the dark atmosphere. Encountering an elite in a dark room by passing a flashlight past them was the epitome of fear. Didn't like it all that much in ODST but I especially don't want it in Reach. Return of the H1 NV would have been WIN, this is just meh..
Fucking thing sucks:
- Return of the health bar/packs. "Encourage exploration?" More like annoy the shit out of players who'd rather just keep having fun instead of wander around first. If you want to encourage exploration, how about getting rid of all those damn invisible walls. When I was exporing shit in CE it was because I knew if I tried hard enough I could get somewhere unexpected and potentially awesome, not so much because I wanted to stop that annoying beep noise. I hope to god that shit doesn't make it over to MP. I like that they're extending the time it takes for shields to recharge though. Yay for return of healthpacks. Don't let your shields go out if you don't want to pick 'em up :lol
- Seriously, there better be choppers in this fucking game. There will be hell to pay if I can drive some lame as truck around but not the chopper. Vehicle combat without the chopper in the sandbox is boring as hell. Don't care much more Choppers, maybe they'll be in MP for you. Brute sandbox DLC for 1200 MSP on launch day :lol
- The assassination mechanic. Is the spectacular animation really necessary. Is it going to be like assassin's creed where all the enemies stop shooting at me so I can complete this animation in peace or will I just get mowed down as my character finishes this elaborate animation? Context sensitive combat sucks. The moment I fail to complete start the animation because the AI switched from unaware to aware without my knowledge I'll hate it forever. They're really putting this shit in MP? "allows the player to shit-talk their opponent?" Give me a break. Alright for SP, but keep that shit away from MP.
My added thoughts underlined.
To whoever was concerned about the new radar, this is good for FFAs. I've asked for a while for half of team games to be radarless (see this thread I posted nearly two years ago in the Optimatch forum)
me in April 2008 said:Gametypes
Slayer is regular Slayer just like it is now, except with Magnum as a secondary so that you spawn with a headshot capable weapon as well, just not as versatile as a BR. That way instead of having to resort to the AR+Melee at spawn you'd have the option to go for the headshot after having lowered the shields with the AR or a frag. Just to bring some variety to the current deafult Slayer games.
As for Slayer Pro, it's my take on Slayer BRs. You'd still spawn with a BR, but with an SMG secondary (you can't have the AR in every gametype, and the SMG needs its love. Just because it sucked in H2 doesn't mean we shouldn't use it in H3). It'd also have no radar. And before someone tells me "you already have MLG for that"
MLG: BR start / no radar / MLG gametypes = 110 speed / 110% damage / 90% shield regen / MLG maps
Slayer Pro BR/SMG start / no radar / Bungie gametypes = 100% speed / 100% damage / 100% shield regen / Bungie maps
No gametype (IIRC) has no radar in MM except for MLG. Why should regular TSlayer be 100% radar?
GRU, rehost your *images* NOW!
edit: My fix for the Laser: you can only charge while the reticule is Red. Thoughts?