I always thought the brute chieftains were badass and fun to fight in close quarters. The jump-pack brutes didn't look it but they were fun. Shooting their packs and watching them blast across the map still makes me smile.Truant said:The brute weapons and vehicles are cool, I just have a problem with the Brutes themselves. I like what they represent in the story, but they're just not cool to look at or to fight.
Truant said:Fuck brutes. They're the worst thing to happen to Halo. Boring, bland, ugh.
Elites 4 lyfe.
Whoever did the art for Halo Wars sure has an obsession with massive, club-like arms. Possibly a gorilla fetish.gibonez said:Whoever did the art for Halo Wars also had a nice depiction of the Grunts.
Flipyap said:Whoever did the art for Halo Wars sure has an obsession with massive, club-like arms. Possibly a gorilla fetish.
WuselDusel said:Looks like its Halo Wars art vs. Bungie Halo art now :lol
It's a better complaint than grass detail spritesRamirez said:Complaining about mountain shapes...really?
Agreed. Those Elite knights were terrible, everything else was amazing imho. Hopefully Reach will feature different type of Elites and not just color variations.WickedLaharl said:i much prefer bungies bright and colorful elites to the drab medieval ones that were in halo wars.
Scullibundo said:You know what? I want Bungie to add something to hijacking already. Was a great mechanic in HALO 2 and nothing about it changed in HALO 3.
Scullibundo said:Yeah I don't mean animations, but they definitely added the stun. I'd like the option to be able to hang to the side/front or whatever of the vehicle and press another button to boot them out of it or jump back off or hell - put a sticky on and then press that other button to jump back off. Let me use my gun whilst hanging onto the side so I can take a driver and gunner out if they don't get out first.
Ajemsuhgao said:So...you want hijacking to turn into some sort of QTE? No thank you.
Scullibundo said:No, not QTE at all. Basically once you hold RB or whatever, you've attached yourself, hanging on with one hand - imagine like hopping onto the back of a mongoose whilst somebody else is driving. You can then aim and fire or aim and grenade. Then I would imagine you could press melee to eject the driver or RB again to hop off. Just like on a mongoose.
I would do that.Ajemsuhgao said:Imagine how many people wouldn't even bother finishing off the person they boarded. It'd be like getting into the turret of an enemy Warthog. 99% of the time people do that, they're just being dicks.
user_nat said:I would do that.
I love boarding the back of a tank in Halo 3 and for some reason the driver is unable to get out. So much fun, even better with camo.
Transport warthog? What's that?Frenck said:A nifty addition to the boarding mechanic would be the ability to hang on to friendly vehicles![]()
It's easy math, you've got four co-op players but your Warthog only has three seats so one of your co-op buddies hangs from the driver's side. In a more extreme case another two players could hang on to the Warthog, one from the passengers side and another one hangs from the back of the Warthog. Wait, I've got an even better idea. A seventh player could balance on the turret!
When they were first announced that's what I thought they would be; a more aggressive styled hunter-type encounter. Instead Bungie, for one reason or another, thought it would be a good idea to replace the most iconic enemy in Halo with these things. It's not that they're not fun to fight, it's more along the lines of them just not being a good replacement for elites. Was just a poor decision IMO.gibonez said:Brutes could have been cool, not as the main enemy but sorta as a sub mini boss type enemy.
I agree 100%. I hated how they were depicted in Halo Wars. Made them seem like brutish monsters.WickedLaharl said:i much prefer bungies bright and colorful elites to the drab medieval ones that were in halo wars.
That was a horrible addition, IMO. It is extremely annoying to not be able to move, especially right after you lost your vehicle. I never saw a problem with how hijacking was done in Halo 2, and I still don't see the reason for gimping someone who was just boarded in Halo 3. Anything that removed control from the player should be discouraged. It's a really annoying game play mechanic. That goes for being unable to exit the tanks when they're boarded as well.Ajemsuhgao said:Well actually, they made it so you get stunned when you're knocked out of a vehicle now. That wasn't in Halo 2 if I remember correctly.
Frenck said:A nifty addition to the boarding mechanic would be the ability to hang on to friendly vehicles![]()
It's easy math, you've got four co-op players but your Warthog only has three seats so one of your co-op buddies hangs from the driver's side. In a more extreme case another two players could hang on to the Warthog, one from the passengers side and another one hangs from the back of the Warthog. Wait, I've got an even better idea. A seventh player could balance on the turret!
Ajemsuhgao said:My friends and I were talking about this before Halo 3 came out. We all agreed it would end up slowing things down. Right now if you get boarded, there's a short moment of panic/complaining, and then it's right back into fighting. Imagine how many people wouldn't even bother finishing off the person they boarded. It'd be like getting into the turret of an enemy Warthog. 99% of the time people do that, they're just being dicks.
On a semi-related note:
I can't wait to see Ghosts in Reach. They looked great in Halo 3. And even better in some parts of ODST.
I also can't wait to see Jackal shields. Really random thing to want, but the lighting effects are probably amazing.
Scullibundo said:But that is the boarders' perogative. There is nothing stopping the driver from getting out and killing the boarder if he wants to hang there - making himself vunerable. I don't understand the problem you have with it.
In Halo 3, no.Gui_PT said:Can you leave a vehicle while you're being boarded?
user_nat said:In Halo 3, no.
But if they made the hanging on thing a bigger part of the game, they would have to let the driver get out.
Scullibundo said:But that is the boarders' perogative. There is nothing stopping the driver from getting out and killing the boarder if he wants to hang there - making himself vunerable. I don't understand the problem you have with it.
Gui_PT said:That's what I thought.
I hate the fact that you get stunned once you're boarded. I mean, a grenade can explode right under your feet and you can walk around fine. But if you're kicked or punched, you're so stunned you can't even walk?
I know it's related to gameplay, but it's annoying. Maybe you could walk around just perfectly after being boarded but, you couldn't re-board the vehicle for like.. 2 seconds after that.
The effect would be about the same. The difference is that being boarded wouldn't end with your death 90% of the times
bobs99 ... said:If you've been boarded its only fair you get killed to be totally honest.
When I use a Banshee now and am playing with randoms I try and be really greedy and also get the laser (Just so it doesnt spawn while im bansheeing again) - A nice side effect of that is if I ever get boarded the person that stole my banshee gets lasered straight away :lol
Ajemsuhgao said:It slows things down. Instead of being instantly knocked out of the vehicle where you'd put right back into action after the very short stun period, you're have to get out, face the person, and start shooting. And if this was happening with what you said(the boarder being able to fire while hanging on), then he could shoot and kill the driver or passenger before he even exits the vehicle.
Gui_PT said:Especially if it happened due of lag or when I hit a guy at full speed with a ghost and he doesn't die because the "vehicle hit detection" doesn't really work sometimes
This needs to be implemented. Also, I should be able to exit a tank if I'm being boarded from behind. (Unless someone is about to rip me from my vehicle seat, I should be able to jump out.)Gui_PT said:That's what I thought.
I hate the fact that you get stunned once you're boarded. I mean, a grenade can explode right under your feet and you can walk around fine. But if you're kicked or punched, you're so stunned you can't even walk?
I know it's related to gameplay, but it's annoying. Maybe you could walk around just perfectly after being boarded but, you couldn't re-board the vehicle for like.. 2 seconds after that.
The effect would be about the same. The difference is that being boarded wouldn't end with your death 90% of the times
All that shows is how slow and not agile the Elites are. Total opposite of what they should be.gibonez said:
He looks like something out of Michael Bay's shitty Transformers movies. Elites should be quick, cunning, and ruthless. That's why they should be feared; not because they took a bunch of 'roids and wear sharp and stabby-looking clothes.gibonez said:![]()
Tell me that is not cooler than the elites in game. Broad shoulders and the extra weight suits the arbiter.
Oh man, that was (and will probably again be) really bad.GhaleonEB said:Beta. Beta.
I have a feeling that like the Halo 3 beta, the really painful wait is going to be from when the Beta ends until Reach ships. Good lord that was withdraw.![]()
Gui_PT said:
Letters said:Oh man, that was (and will probably again be) really bad.
That was incredible back then.
BerserkerBarage said:Excuse me if I'm LTTP with this, but I didn't see it on the past 2 pages.
I spy with my little eye what appears to be the Reach BR. But the bigger question is why is the BR's iron sight in the way of it's optic sight?
Falagard said:
Honestly? When I look at him, all I see isgibonez said:![]()
The elite on the right is so epic. Looks menacing, vicious and above all scary.
gibonez said:Brutes could have been cool, not as the main enemy but sorta as a sub mini boss type enemy.
The Halo wars Brutes are also pretty amazing much better than the Brutes in Halo3.
That looks so generic and boring and uninteresting.gibonez said:![]()
Tell me that is not cooler than the elites in game. Broad shoulders and the extra weight suits the arbiter.